View Full Version : Watch Your Six, Or Else (Jaguar vs Crocodile)

3 AE
09-26-13, 20:04
Nature is a great teacher of what happens when you don't pay attention of your surroundings.


09-26-13, 21:22
They are claimed to have the strongest teeth of the big cats.

They are certainly powerful though not nearly as agile as, say, the leopard or cougar/puma.


"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

09-26-13, 21:26
1. That's a hungry cat to take on something that is capable of making a meal out of you too.

2. Didn't know Jaguars could swim that well or were even fond of being in the water.

3. Reason #4,862 why I don't go to Africa.

09-26-13, 22:35
There is a reason cats tend to be Apex Predators in their environment.

He looked to be quite healthy and well fed so I don't think this was a desperation meal on his part. I think he just knew he was in charge and wanted a quick snack.

09-26-13, 22:38
This was in Brazil's Pantanal Wetlands.

09-26-13, 22:48
It's not a crocodile like exists in Africa nor an alligator...it's a Caiman. Still a big lizard, but not anywhere close to North American Alligator/Nile Crocodile big.

That cat was FAST.

09-26-13, 23:46
This was in Brazil's Pantanal Wetlands.

Not going there either.

Mauser KAR98K
09-27-13, 00:11
To hell with CCW, I'm rolling with a Jaguar. I'll add the 86 prey item of FSA to its list.

From the way the Jag stalked and did the kill, he's done it before.

09-27-13, 00:33
That was cool as hell, but we live with far worse up here :D

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUG8UPsgE3U Less than 30 air miles from my house Steyr :D

Big A
09-27-13, 15:00
1. That's a hungry cat to take on something that is capable of making a meal out of you too.

2. Didn't know Jaguars could swim that well or were even fond of being in the water.

3. Reason #4,862 why I don't go to Africa.

You don't have to worry about Jaguars in Africa. Just central and south America. Supposedly they're making a come back in the border states.

Jaguars were roaming the area where your house is currently when the Spanish first arrived in La Florida...

09-27-13, 21:25
They are known to eat boas and anacondas (though it would have to be extremely careful...), the Caiman as well as the piracou - up to 10 ft long catfish.

The jaguars (or "tigers" as they are called down there - el tigré) in the Pantanal are the largest - over three hundred pounds for large males.

I've played with a cub and the strength is waaay out of proportion to its size.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

09-28-13, 13:17
Awesome stuff, go Jaguar!