View Full Version : The Grand Army Of The Republic, 1 October 2013!

10-01-13, 13:15
Duty, Honor, Country.


As Sgt. Basil Plumley would say from Valhalla, "It's a good day."

Thank God for that Generation--still showing how it's done.

10-01-13, 14:58
I only just got turned on to the story. Figured somebody else'd have already posted it.

They checked their pockets for f**s to give, and came up empty.

Of course, Michelle "The Ambulatory Hairdo" Bachman, and every other political hack from either side of the aisles within a nautical mile jumped aboard for their photo-op purposes, but GOOD FOR THOSE MEN.

10-01-13, 15:04
I only just got turned on to the story. Figured somebody else'd have already posted it.

They checked their pockets for f**s to give, and came up empty.

Of course, Michelle "The Ambulatory Hairdo" Bachman, and every other political hack from either side of the aisles within a nautical mile jumped aboard for their photo-op purposes, but GOOD FOR THOSE MEN.

Exactly what I was thinking. Dudes who stared down the SS and the Japanese Empire decided that no f@#*s could be given about political grandstanding and a few metal baby gates.

The Honor Flight is an awe inspiring program. My wife's Grandpa did it last year with my father in law and can not stop talking about it. Had my Korean combat veteran grandpa lived to do it, it would have been the biggest honor of my life to be his chaperone.

10-01-13, 18:06
Congressman Bill Huizenga, of Michigan, told GulfLive.com that "this is the best civil disobedience we've seen in Washington in a while."

I'm not sure how one can even remotely call this civil disobedience, especially from one who has never seen the horrors of war like these men, these heroes of our nation have in their lives.

God bless each and every one of them and thank God they had the chance to visit the memorial that was built in their honor. Shutdown or no shutdown, we owe them that privilege.

10-01-13, 19:38
Was pretty funny story when I first heard

They checked their pockets for f**s to give, and came up empty.
:D between this and the "yarr I'm a sheepdog yarr" you are on quite a roll!

10-01-13, 21:04
My father was a WWII vet from the Pacific. It was a great pleasure to take him to see that memorial before he passed away.