View Full Version : Question for those in Fort Collins, CO area

10-02-13, 17:41
Hello all, last week at work I lost my Benchmade Mini Griptilian. I would like to get another one and this Friday I will be going through Fort Collins or Laport on my way to get my Brotherhood for Order of the Arrow for Boy Scouts near Red Feather Lakes. Does anyone know of any stores in Fort Collins or Laport that sell Benchmades? I called REI and Jax and neither have what I want (I want one with the OD handle and neither have it). I may just buy a black one from REI but if I can find one with an OD handle I would like to get one. Thanks in advance.


10-11-13, 01:13
Never mind. I ordered a Spyderco Paramilitary 2 on Saturday from
Knife Works.


10-11-13, 04:22

although you have solved your quest, Jensens is a BM dealer. Good call on the SP PM2 though.

10-11-13, 21:28
Thanks, I hear a lot of good things about Jensens. I'll have to go there next time I go up to Walden to see my mom's family. Jensens is definetly a good alternative to JAX. JAX is a great store but they really pissed me off when they stopped selling ARs.


BTW your post last week about your PM2 is what got me looking into them. It should be here tomorrow! Thanks!