View Full Version : Gothic Serpent (Black Hawk Down)

10-03-13, 08:23
http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/9814/4iy7.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/41/4iy7.png/)

William B.
10-03-13, 08:37
Thank you for this important reminder.

10-03-13, 08:45
Thanks as well Voodoo for keeping us reminded of that day. Hard to believe it has been 20 years.


10-03-13, 09:12
RIP to all the Warriors who have passed.

lethal dose
10-03-13, 09:18
VDC, thank you for the reminder. Very sobering, indeed. Let us also remember these words from George Orwell:

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

10-03-13, 09:57
Thanks for posting this.

Somalia just needs to get wiped off the map as far as I'm concerned.

10-03-13, 11:34
Never forget.

10-03-13, 12:07
Never forget.

I will also never forget. Miss the old avatar often, probably should have left it in place.

10-03-13, 13:10
I will also never forget. Miss the old avatar often, probably should have left it in place.

Here you go friend:


and photo of one of the crash sites:


Gutshot John
10-03-13, 13:58
Some video of Jeff Struecker and Keni Thomas returning to Mogadishu.

Return to Mogadishu (http://www.realcleardefense.com/video/2013/10/02/black_hawk_down_return_to_mogadishu.html)

10-03-13, 14:46
I feel fortunate to have met a couple of the guys from that day.

10-03-13, 15:20
Sincerest thanks to you Sam.

Also great clip Gutshot John. Thanks for posting.

10-03-13, 15:35
Some video of Jeff Struecker and Keni Thomas returning to Mogadishu.

Return to Mogadishu (http://www.realcleardefense.com/video/2013/10/02/black_hawk_down_return_to_mogadishu.html)

Thanks for the link.

10-03-13, 15:54
Warriors. Patriots. Heroes.

10-03-13, 15:58
For those they haven't heard about it, MSG Paul Howe did a documentary for Panteao Productions.

The Battle of the Black Sea (http://www.panteaoproductions.com/products/battle-black-sea)

10-03-13, 16:07
Paul Howe explaining some fine points of the M4 carbine to us in a class near Atlanta, GA. I think it was around 2004 or 2005. Had to take a cell phone picture of the printed paper. I lost the original.


10-03-13, 17:01
RIP Warriors.

10-03-13, 17:19
Hard to believe it has been 20 years.

Still angry about that shit.

VIP3R 237
10-03-13, 18:47
I was 7 when it happened. I remember watching some of the news on tv in the aftermath but not specifics. RIP.

Still angry about that shit.

Same here. I have a hard time getting through the movie without getting mad.

10-03-13, 18:54
I wish there were some words I could say to express my gratitude. And anger.


10-03-13, 19:46
Saw a promo clip for a segment featuring an interview with Norm Hooten and previously unreleased DOD film footage to be broadcast on 60 Minutes this coming Sunday night: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_162-57605976/never-before-seen-military-footage-of-black-hawk-down/

10-03-13, 20:24

Very much looking forward to that CBS special. Thanks!


10-03-13, 20:33
If you like RCS on Facebook, they're uploading pictures from the Airborne and Special Operations Museum outside of Ft. Bragg some exhibits of the battle. So far they have a HMMWV door and Super 6-1's rotor.

VIP3R 237
10-03-13, 20:42
If you like RCS on Facebook, they're uploading pictures from the Airborne and Special Operations Museum outside of Ft. Bragg some exhibits of the battle. So far they have a HMMWV door and Super 6-1's rotor.

I was just looking at that. The door is riddled with gunfire.

10-03-13, 21:55
I wish there were some words I could say to express my gratitude. And anger.


Probably nothing angers me more than this.


In 1985 we rescued an entire generation from starvation (an effort that began in 1983). Within 8 years most of those children shown on TV urging support for famine relief from 83-85 we be of fighting age by 1993. A 10 year old in 1984 would be 19 years old for the UN food relief effort that led to Gothic Serpent.

So in a very real sense, the people we saved in 83-85 were the ones killing our men who were there to try and rescue barbarians from themselves.

If there was any justice in the world, in 1991 all of those recording artists should have been sent to Somalia as "peacekeepers." I'd rather lose a bunch of r&b artists than the members of the military we lost that day.

Maybe if we turned on the news in in 1993 and they were dragging the lifeless bodies of Diana Ross and Michael Jackson through the streets of Mogadishu and cheering, people would finally get it and stop trying to help people who willingly engage in a form of tribalism so savage that they chop the arms off of children because it's cheaper than a bullet.

10-04-13, 01:21
RIP Warriors. Those dudes fought against some insurmountable odds and didn't ****ing flinch. True courage.

10-04-13, 01:40
RIP Warriors. Those dudes fought against some insurmountable odds and didn't ****ing flinch. True courage.

160 guys, 12 vehicles and 19 aircraft took on a city with a population near one million and a fighting force of 4,000-6,000 and suffered 18 killed, 73 wounded and 1 captured while the home team armed to the teeth with technicals on every block and the ability to barricade the home field took losses in the 1,500-3,000 range.

Keep in mind that was mostly due to ammo supply limitations. The worst thing about the entire UN debacle is we didn't formally declare war on Somalia and go back in the next day and make each and every one of those ****ers pay in blood.

10-04-13, 07:10
The worst thing about the entire UN debacle is we didn't formally declare war on Somalia and go back in the next day and make each and every one of those ****ers pay in blood.

Truer words were never spoken.

10-04-13, 09:13

RIP brothers.

10-04-13, 09:54
60 Minutes will do an episode this Sunday.

They have actual color footage on their web site now of the start of the battle.

10-04-13, 09:58
That would have required a spine in the White House to make that happen. If there had been, they would have had AC-130s and armor to begin with. RIP to all of the Warriors who fought and died there.

Big A
10-06-13, 18:49
Bump to remind everyone about the segment on 60 minutes tonight.

10-06-13, 21:05
The 60 Minutes segment was good.

Heavy Metal
10-06-13, 21:46
Do they put those segments up on their site or youtube?

10-06-13, 21:56
Do they put those segments up on their site or youtube?

here ya go....


10-07-13, 06:11
The 60 Minutes segment was good.

I wish they would have done the entire 60 Minutes on the raid. Chilling video and audio...

I am glad they got the parts of Super 6-1 out of there and back home where they belong.

10-07-13, 07:30
I am glad they got the parts of Super 6-1 out of there and back home where they belong.

It matters.

And it still matters, even to those of us who weren't there.

10-07-13, 08:33
Even my wife who doesn't know much about the whole story said, "It matters".

Big A
10-07-13, 10:29
I was wondering why that well to do couple that was behind the effort to remove the wreckage of Super 61 was living in Mogadishu?

Why in the hell would anyone want to live in that anus of a city?

10-07-13, 11:03
I was wondering why that well to do couple that was behind the effort to remove the wreckage of Super 61 was living in Mogadishu?

Why in the hell would anyone want to live in that anus of a city?

They run a security business, apparently there's a need for bodyguards. Those guys with the AKs that were guarding the TV crews were their people.

10-07-13, 15:50
I was wondering why that well to do couple that was behind the effort to remove the wreckage of Super 61 was living in Mogadishu?

Why in the hell would anyone want to live in that anus of a city?

And if I heard it correctly that well to do couple spent a good portion of their life savings having that wreckage removed, placed in a container, and shipped. I have a feeling they had to pay off a considerable amount of people to be able to dig it up without causing a major situation.

10-07-13, 15:54
The museum is about 90 minutes from me; I try to go once a year or so with my sons. I am looking forward to going again to see the BHD exhibit.

10-07-13, 17:12
And if I heard it correctly that well to do couple spent a good portion of their life savings having that wreckage removed, placed in a container, and shipped. I have a feeling they had to pay off a considerable amount of people to be able to dig it up without causing a major situation.

Yes they had to pay off the different clans in that area to dig it up and remove it. They had planned on building a road over it.