View Full Version : Gray State, Battlefield America!!!

10-05-13, 20:22
Is this our near future?


10-05-13, 20:55

10-05-13, 21:32
Rick thinks so..


10-06-13, 02:11
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever . . .” ― George Orwell, 1984.

10-06-13, 06:14
Maybe after another 50 to 100 years of social decay it maybe a necessity when the welfare state grows to such numbers that the system can no longer support them. This welfare class (Lets be honest its a generational lifestyle for many) IMHO will be the biggest single threat since the "system" has continued to spoiled them with free cell phones, cable/internet, food, cash, medical care, housing with paid utilities.

Now just imagine shutting all that down suddenly to the 50+ million folks who are receiving these services today, now double or triple that number in the future as are economy crumbles, jobs disappear and the nanny state no longer has the means to support this class.

I will be dead and buried from old age by the time society finally falls off the cliff but I truly worry about my children and my future grand kids who are going to have to survive in this type of world.

10-06-13, 06:52
Maybe after another 50 to 100 years of social decay it maybe a necessity when the welfare state grows to such numbers that the system can no longer support them. This welfare class (Lets be honest its a generational lifestyle for many) IMHO will be the biggest single threat since the "system" has continued to spoiled them with free cell phones, cable/internet, food, cash, medical care, housing with paid utilities.

Now just imagine shutting all that down suddenly to the 50+ million folks who are receiving these services today, now double or triple that number in the future as are economy crumbles, jobs disappear and the nanny state no longer has the means to support this class.

I will be dead and buried from old age by the time society finally falls off the cliff but I truly worry about my children and my future grand kids who are going to have to survive in this type of world.

While I agree with everything in your post, I believe a economic collapse will happen much sooner. Think about it, The fed is spending $85b a month buying T-bills to support Wall St which is now addicted like a crackhead. Stop the QE, and the stock market collaspes. The country is $16-17 Trillion in debt, unfunded liabilities are estimated to be somewhere between $90 to as high as 200 trillion on top of that, (nobody really knows) and we print millions of dollars every week out of thin air, that, in reality are worth nothing, as they are backed by nothing but bullshit.. Add it all up, and it's pretty clear this can't go on much longer. Fiat currencys have two things in common, 1. Fiat currencys go back as far as the Romans, and they have ALL FAILED. 2. Usually, (but not always) they fail within 50 yrs. The U.S. dollar went fiat in 1971, when Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, The dollar being on the gold standard, was the only thing that kept gov't spending in check, after all, you couldn't spend more than what you had backing the dollar, With the gold standard removed, They (U.S. Gov't) could spend all they wanted, and if they fell short, no problem, we'll just fire up the printing press.

10-06-13, 09:08
I agree that an economic collapse is in the near future. I do not think you will have a state like shown in the preview. I would imagine that there would be more anarchy then overpowering government. Long term future though, it does seem that this is the path that we are on though.

10-06-13, 15:15
I would put all my Money on it is in the works now and we are getting closer to it every day. Most people are to asleep or watching TV to notice.
We are being pooped all over by our gooberment and most of the people who have taken an oath to uphold and protect our constitution are not doing squat to protect it. The rest don't care a tiny% do.

10-06-13, 15:48
Is this our near future?


Define "near"?
In the next 2-6 years? Meh, probably not. People still busy :lazy2:
Beyond, who can say?
The tag line for the movie- "the 2nd american revolution may not be remembered"- maybe it should be changed to "may not ever happen". We're just going to keep sliding into the black pit with maybe a few 'flashes in the pan' along the way, but it's a one way train going to fast to get off. No that I'm hankerin' for an all out shooting war, but you get what I'm saying.

Now as far as an active police state in the near future? What near future? We're already in it- all it has left to do is be allowed to get more obvious and heavy handed, at the behest of the "safety and security" obsessed public of course. For your safety! Comply or die!:secret:

As far as the movie goes- I hope they finish it up and actually do a good job with it- I'm looking foward to it. They just need to be careful how they do certain things or it will be to tinfoily and unbelievable.

10-06-13, 15:54
Shouldn't this be called Obamas America?

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10-06-13, 17:35
I've been following Gray State for a while now. I doubt it will ever be shown in theatres or available for purchase. Even if this film had the funding, the left wing govt/media won't allow something as serious as this to taint their efforts at keeping the masses sedated with America's Got Talent, Kardashians, and hundreds of other mind numbing bullshit programs.

10-06-13, 18:47
Started thinking that this thing could get traction if it were titled Deus Ex: Gray State. And then realized exactly what this is....

It's Illuminati propaganda. They're trying to get people to rise up against the Majestic 12. And it's MJ-12 that's controlling both parties. And behind the militarization of FEMA.

Or maybe it's Templar propaganda, ditto-ditto Illuminati, MJ-12, &c.

I've played this game. Every side is controlled by a shadow group seeking to gain total control. Every side. The "Truthers", Tea Party, Green Party, &c. are controlled by the Illuminati. The government by MJ-12. And the Templars are operating in the background through various criminal and terrorist organizations after being co-opted by MJ-12 - looking for openings to strike at MJ-12 and the Illuminati and retake their position in charge of the New World Order.


The real true truth is that Osama bin Laden was a Templar operative. And the strikes against the World Trade Center were really a diversion for the main attack against the MJ-12's computer server housed at the Pentagon and crashing the aircraft carrying high level Illuminati officials into a farm field in Pennsylvania. Thereby weakening both parties. But as it turned out, MJ-12 had the WTC rigged to collapse in the event of a critical breach, due to the value of the information stored there, unbeknownst to either the Templars or Illuminati, which could have compromised all of MJ-12's on-going operations, had the proof been able to get out into the open.