View Full Version : 3 Gun Gear Of Mesa AZ

10-08-13, 11:01
Hey guys,,just wondering if any of you have purchased items with this outfit/website in the past. http://3gungear.corecommerce.com/ I put a order in the 20th of Sept. and nothing yet,,they have not charged my CC,,but its been almost a month and nothing ! :( I have called repeatedly,,sent multiple emails,,left messages,,etc,,nothing in response !! I'm not out anything,,but they had stuff I would like,,I guess I could look other places,,just frustrating I guess !! Anyone live close,,LOL,,are there different Phone Numbers that anyone knows of,,etc !! Thanks for any info.

10-08-13, 11:35
You might want to read the home page announcement again. I think it spells out part of the issue.

10-08-13, 12:03
You might want to read the home page announcement again. I think it spells out part of the issue.

Yes,,Sir,,I read that,my post stated I orderd the 20th of Sept. ;) I also ordered before that was even up on there website,,plus it dose say: "Online Ordering Is Available". Regardless of what it says,,they should at least answer there phone/email/return messages. Its not the end of the world,,,its just that some of my buddies have ordered from them in the past and all was GTG,,I guess its just my luck,,LOL

10-09-13, 05:35
He's been operating his business like that for years. There's always a reason he is way behind. It wouldn't surprise me at all if your order took 3 months to never. Several years ago, I ordered a couple of shotgun speed loader pouches from him three months before MGM Ironman. A week before the match he told me he would bring them to Idaho as he was going to be there. I corner him at registration and he tells me that his "shop manager" forgot to pack them. The funny thing is he forgot to pack mine but just happened to have a couple for a marque shooter who showed up at the match unexpectedly. Did I forget to mention that he charged my card when I placed my order? Unless he is making something you just can't live without, I wouldn't give the guy a dirty dime.

10-09-13, 09:29
Yup! I ordered from him too and it took for ever to charge and ship. But he delivered a month or two later.

He makes good stuff, but not on your time line. ;)

10-10-13, 07:03
Thanks guys for the info/update !!! I figured something was up with the place,,LOL !!! I have tried calling "every" day.:( Maybe I'll get lucky one of these times ! Yea,,he does have some good stuff,,nothing ya can't get someplace else I guess if ya looked around,,but ya see something,,ya like it so ya order it,,it just stinks that it takes forever to get it !! I'll keep hoping,,LOL,,but will be looking other places also. Thanks again. :)

10-10-13, 11:55
I have used them before. I called and placed my order through the owner directly. He is not tech savvy from what I could tell. Knowing this, I would only place phone orders. Total time from placing the order to having it arrive was about 5 days. This was a year ago. I would order from them again.