View Full Version : Books About the Congo?

10-09-13, 11:07
I read a very interesting article on the BBC website this AM about the Democratic Republic of Congo. From the author's perspective, the current political/civil unrest in the Congo is simply the continuation of a centuries-long battle over the region's natural resources. Here is the link to the article for those who might wish to read it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24396390

What struck me as I read the piece is how little I actually know or understand about the history of this region. Sure, I've read articles over the years about civil wars, corrupt leaders, genocides, and, more recently, the massive infusion of Chinese investment in the area. And I've read bits and pieces about the role of Belgium and King Leopold in the Congo's troubled history. But my knowledge and understanding of a HUGE African nation (the DR of Congo is one and a half times the size of Alaska and the second largest country on the African continent) with massive mineral deposits in a time of increased global competition for natural resources is sorely lacking.

Any members have a line on a good book or two which might serve as a primer on the Congo which might bring me up to speed?

10-10-13, 00:10
There were a couple of books about mercenaries in the Congo in the early 60's, memoirs by a guy named Mike Hoare. That would be some interesting reading for you. It was also the main early battle use of the FAL.

10-10-13, 00:24
Not sure about books, but track down some issues of Soldier of Fortune from the 1970s to early 80s and there are plenty of articles about the conflict and many first hand accounts.

It was probably the second most common topic besides Vietnam until they started covering the Russians in Afghanistan on a regular basis.

10-10-13, 00:28
There were a couple of books about mercenaries in the Congo in the early 60's, memoirs by a guy named Mike Hoare. That would be some interesting reading for you. It was also the main early battle use of the FAL.

Looks like a couple good ones.



10-10-13, 04:49
Excellent coverage of Sierra Leon situation. Good description of how British/SA mercenaries, like 20 or something total men, achieved in a few months on a shoe string budget and one aging BTR and aging Soviet helicopter what the UN forces were hard press to do with battalions and many millions of dollars.

War Dog by Al J. Venter


10-10-13, 07:25
I wrote a master's paper on the UN intervention in the Belgian Congo in the late 50s/early 60s. Now, I wrote that paper 25 years ago but if you are interested I can find it and get you the bibliography.

10-10-13, 18:44
Start out with Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'

It's a short novel written in the late 1890's.

10-10-13, 18:56
I appreciate the suggestions so far. One title which has been recommended by a couple of folks (via PM) is King Leopold's Ghost, which I have ordered. And, of course, Heart of Darkness has been mentioned more than once. I read it years ago and think it's still sitting on one of the shelves in my study. I'll have to give it another run through.

10-14-13, 20:14
King Leopold's Ghost.

Don't recall the author.

** You got it. **

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."