View Full Version : **** You Eddie Vedder

Big A
10-11-13, 07:27
Never really did care for his shitty music anyway. Only song I ever really liked was Do The Evelution off the album Yield.

Apparently he wishes bad things happen to us.


How do these idiots not understand that the 2nd ammendment is their right too and that they are free to exercise it as they see fit, including not at all?

Why people willingly want to infringe on any of their own rights is beyond me. I'm sure he'd be mad as hell if the government decided to start censoring his craptastic music.

10-11-13, 07:46
This isn't news -- "Glorified G" off of Vs. in 1993 was poking a stick at drummer Dave Abbruzzese, who was a gun owner, a fact which Vedder absolutely could not stand.

"Got a gun, fact I've got two, that's okay, man, cuz I love God..."

I've never had a problem being able to separate the individuals from the art. I don't particulary dig Rage Against The Machine's politics, either, but it doesn't keep me from enjoying their music.

Big A
10-11-13, 08:05
This isn't news -- "Glorified G" off of Vs. in 1993 was poking a stick at drummer Dave Abbruzzese, who was a gun owner, a fact which Vedder absolutely could not stand.

"Got a gun, fact I've got two, that's okay, man, cuz I love God..."

I've never had a problem being able to separate the individuals from the art. I don't particulary dig Rage Against The Machine's politics, either, but it doesn't keep me from enjoying their music.

I don't have a problem with people who don't want to own a gun. That is fine with me if someone doesn't want to take on that responibility.

Where I have a problem is when they actively try to use their postion to influence policy and the general low information public to infringe upon our rights. And I take issue with the "wish bad things happen to them" comment.

10-11-13, 08:51
Not surprised, hasn't Vedder always been one of those trendy Seattle types. Don't get me wrong I listened to "Ten" throughout middle school, 15 some-odd years ago when they were grunge. Now their just tryin to pay bills/baby-mama, don't like the "Bad things comment" though. Proof positive famous people are just as clueless as the masses, each one of our rights holds up all the others. Their cant be a 1st without the 2nd....

10-11-13, 09:01
Vedder is a douchebag, I actually liked grunge back in the day, except I showered :D
never like Pearl Jam always thought they rode on the coat tails of Sound Garden
Hes entitled to his opinion, but he crossed the line saying he almost wishes bad things on gun owners. He can take his shitty music and shove it up his patchouli smelling ass

10-11-13, 09:06
Not surprised, hasn't Vedder always been one of those trendy Seattle types.

Except he was born in the Chicago suburbs and grew up in SoCal.

10-11-13, 09:12
Dear EV,

Why in the name of all thats Spicoli cant you just STFU and stop voicing your opinion on other matters? We ONLY like you because you made cool music during our developmental youth, because we hooked up to Black because freshman chicks thought it was deep. We care not for your views on anything else and expect them to be liberal minded and utterly shi*. We all watched the Icons documentary on you and your buttbuddy Laird Hamilton and realized that your actually retarded and want to be a piece of coral. F you for turning into this, oh, and everytime I hear Jeremy, I get pissed off. I hate that song...your solo album sucks too, its too feely.

Ex-fan and big time 90's alt fan.

10-11-13, 09:20
Dear EV,

Why in the name of all thats Spicoli cant you just STFU and stop voicing your opinion on other matters? We ONLY like you because you made cool music during our developmental youth, because we hooked up to Black because freshman chicks thought it was deep. We care not for your views on anything else and expect them to be liberal minded and utterly shi*. We all watched the Icons documentary on you and your buttbuddy Laird Hamilton and realized that your actually retarded and want to be a piece of coral. F you for turning into this, oh, and everytime I hear Jeremy, I get pissed off. I hate that song...your solo album sucks too, its too feely.

Ex-fan and big time 90's alt fan.That is hilarious and sums it up quite nicely. Esp about freshman chicks digging the album Black, that was a go-to for getting under the bra.:D

10-11-13, 09:23
That is hilarious and sums it up quite nicely. Esp about freshman chicks digging the song Black, that was a go-to for getting under the bra.:D

Fixed it, Black album was Metallica...dont even get me started on that Of Wolf & Man tomfoolery.

10-11-13, 09:25
Damn your right, Vitalogy was the album.

10-11-13, 09:29
Glad I never spent a dime on that noise.

10-11-13, 10:02
never heard of him. kcco

10-11-13, 10:06
I prefer their band name in the movie "Singles"...Citizen Dick, because they are!

10-11-13, 10:26
The thing I hate most about these threads is I realize that I'm getting to be an old man.

Does Eddie play to kids these days like a 60's hippie did when I was a kid in the 80s? 20 years on and XM has a channel on you like its muzak or something.

STFU and play your guitar. I wish Kurt Cobain hadn't owned a gun and you had taken the lead snack instead.

The Black album was for pre-drinking before going out to the bars. Eric Clapton "You look wonderful tonight" was in the tape player for private after bar get togethers.

I still have the Black album in my CD changer in my SUV. My 6 year old daughter thinks "Sandman" is about that recent animated movie. She knows all the words and its hilarious to hear her sing it in her cute little voice as she plays with her dolls.

10-11-13, 10:44
Damn your right, Vitalogy was the album.

The song "Black" was on the album named "Ten".

10-11-13, 10:45
The thing I hate most about these threads is I realize that I'm getting to be an old man.

You're getting to be an old man? Shit! I can't even name a song by Pearl Jam, much less own one of their albums.

I did buy a new album a couple of days ago, however. Stephen Stills. :)

Heavy Metal
10-11-13, 10:48
I still have the Black album in my CD changer in my SUV.

CD Changer? You are behind the times man!:D

10-11-13, 10:54
I did buy a new album a couple of days ago, however. Stephen Stills. :)

That was funny...

10-11-13, 10:54
CD Changer? You are behind the times man!:D

I have an 8 track deck wired into our house intercom.. :neo: Wonder if it still works..

10-11-13, 11:01
Never really did care for his shitty music anyway. Only song I ever really liked was Do The Evelution off the album Yield.

Apparently he wishes bad things happen to us.


How do these idiots not understand that the 2nd ammendment is their right too and that they are free to exercise it as they see fit, including not at all?

Why people willingly want to infringe on any of their own rights is beyond me. I'm sure he'd be mad as hell if the government decided to start censoring his craptastic music.

Vedder is a well known A hole of a person with a trail of obnoxious behavior, so this does not surprise me in the least. Friend met him in a bar and confirmed he was an arrogant obnoxious guy. Always thought Pearl Jam was the most overrated "mega" band ever, and that was well before I heard of his behavior as a person.

10-11-13, 11:24
Could not stand that band. Totally over rated, droning voice and some damned depressing songs.

Sorry...but they suck and since this is not 1992...Vedder and PJ just don't matter anymore.


10-11-13, 11:42
Totally over rated, droning voice and some damned depressing songs.

That tortured soul act of his ... I never could stand the guy.

10-11-13, 12:04
Of that era, Chris Cornell was a much better vocalist.


10-11-13, 12:17
Grunge sucked anyways.

MJK from Tool at Gunsite

Phil from ATR

sent from mah gun,using my sights

10-11-13, 12:24
Maybe he formed his opinion when his buddy Cobain left the building.. I thought the Cobain ads in the guitar rags after that where peculiar.. 'You can't fire me, I quit." Yes, quite literally.

10-11-13, 12:46
I had to look up who Eddie Vedder was, so I'm not terribly concerned what he thinks any more than I am concerned with the opinions of millions of other people who think they are more important than others.

10-11-13, 16:04
has been that needs attention cause he was kinda a one album guy and cant vary what he does he is a one trick pony wants to get some press and love

karma most likely will catch up to him

10-11-13, 16:42
has been that needs attention cause he was kinda a one album guy and cant vary what he does he is a one trick pony wants to get some press and love

karma most likely will catch up to him

Honu, Pearl Jam has sold over 30 million albums in the U.S. (admittedly, none to me) and twice that many world-wide. Vedder's worth some $80 million.

Folks might think he's a douche and all, but I wouldn't characterize him as a "one album ... one trick pony." :)

10-11-13, 16:46
Of that era, Chris Cornell was a much better vocalist.


Absolutely true!

I could never stand Pearl Jam, and never understood why people liked them.

10-11-13, 17:11
Grunge sucked anyways.

MJK from Tool at Gunsite

Phil from ATR

sent from mah gun,using my sights

Maynard is my newest hero. Pearl Jam has some good songs that I will continue to listen to, however the majority of their songs really suck. I like their new single "Sirens" though.

As far as what Eddie Vedder thinks...who gives a shit. We invest too much into the thoughts of our celebrities.

10-11-13, 17:42
Honu, Pearl Jam has sold over 30 million albums in the U.S. (admittedly, none to me) and twice that many world-wide. Vedder's worth some $80 million.

Folks might think he's a douche and all, but I wouldn't characterize him as a "one album ... one trick pony." :)

The Vanilla Ice debut album "To the Extreme" sold 11 million copies and spent 16 weeks at #1 on the Billboard 200.

Numbers don't always mean anything.

10-11-13, 17:48
The Vanilla Ice debut album "To the Extreme" sold 11 million copies and spent 16 weeks at #1 on the Billboard 200.

Numbers don't always mean anything.

C'mon, dude. Every swingin' dick knows "Ice Ice, Baby" was da bomb. :dance3:

10-11-13, 18:14
Grunge sucked anyways.

MJK from Tool at Gunsite

Hell yeah, Ænima is in the playing in the truck now!

10-11-13, 18:24
yeah he has the same sound same feel and they sold a lot but he is a has been not been making anything new and great

at least groups like U2 kept things moving and changing he is a one trick pony he has not advanced musically at all

who cares what he is worth he is a douche hoping kids get killed !

Honu, Pearl Jam has sold over 30 million albums in the U.S. (admittedly, none to me) and twice that many world-wide. Vedder's worth some $80 million.

Folks might think he's a douche and all, but I wouldn't characterize him as a "one album ... one trick pony." :)

10-11-13, 18:25
C'mon, dude. Every swingin' dick knows "Ice Ice, Baby" was da bomb. :dance3:

See what I mean.

10-11-13, 21:20
Video of Keenan at Gunsite. He's also heavily into martial arts.


Here he is talking about his wine, but note the Gunsite hat.


10-11-13, 21:27
More Keenan...


I have a lot of respect for him sticking to his beliefs and keeping a common sense outlook on life. Definitely one of my favorite singers.

Big A
10-11-13, 22:38
As far as what Eddie Vedder thinks...who gives a shit. We invest too much into the thoughts of our celebrities.

Because he has a wide audience over various age ranges with money to contribute to anti 2A causes and vote for anti politicians. As well as his own money and celebrity that he can use against the 2A. He can influence people to believe this drivel and get them to act on it. That is why I care about what he thinks.

10-11-13, 23:09
and he is still relevant 10 yrs after grunge died why????

10-12-13, 00:49
I could never put my finger on why I always hated Pearl Jam. I liked the guitar playing most of the time, but there was something phony about the vocals always rubbed me the wrong way. As if he was trying to emote something that wasn't sincere in the least, but had put on this persona that appeared to a lot of people to be, like, deep man. Guess I chose wisely. Never bought a PJ album, but dug Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Tool, the Melvins and some of the other stuff that sounded legit to me.

Speaking of Tool.... Friend of mine (former mod here, actually) posted this the other day on FB, some of you may have already seen it. :)


10-12-13, 00:57
Because he has a wide audience over various age ranges with money to contribute to anti 2A causes and vote for anti politicians. As well as his own money and celebrity that he can use against the 2A. He can influence people to believe this drivel and get them to act on it. That is why I care about what he thinks.

So does Bloomberg, but he didn't have too much pull when we recalled two of lickspittle cronies in CO. Point being is that an informed citizenry is far more powerful that the voice of a celebrity with a bully pulpit.

ETA: I like music for what it is, USUALLY the singer's views as irrelevant to me as I enjoy the artform. I even like to wind down to some Jack Johnson, and that dude is a big liberal gun hating hippie. I try not to let my bias and views get in the way of enjoying art. Sometimes it happens, and I get sickened by certain celebs and their actions/views, but with 80 some gigs of music on shuffle its hard to be discerning.

10-12-13, 01:15
Speaking of Tool.... Friend of mine (former mod here, actually) posted this the other day on FB, some of you may have already seen it. :)


Good God . . . that was AWESOME! :eek:

10-12-13, 04:04
Good God . . . that was AWESOME! :eek:
Holy Shit!!! That made my night. I've just spent the last hour watching videos of Aaron OKeefe's student's crush rock hits one after another. Amazing kids.

10-12-13, 07:01
So does Bloomberg, but he didn't have too much pull when we recalled two of lickspittle cronies in CO. Point being is that an informed citizenry is far more powerful that the voice of a celebrity with a bully pulpit.

ETA: I like music for what it is, USUALLY the singer's views as irrelevant to me as I enjoy the artform. I even like to wind down to some Jack Johnson, and that dude is a big liberal gun hating hippie. I try not to let my bias and views get in the way of enjoying art. Sometimes it happens, and I get sickened by certain celebs and their actions/views, but with 80 some gigs of music on shuffle its hard to be discerning.

I try to boycott anti gun celebs, and institutions. If liberals say XYZ is bad they band together and boycott XYZ I think we need to do the same. Sure it might not have the same results, but on principle I'd feel better knowing my money isn't going to some anti 2A asshole like Vetter.

10-12-13, 07:06
I try to boycott anti gun celebs, and institutions. If liberals say XYZ is bad they band together and boycott XYZ I think we need to do the same. Sure it might not have the same results, but on principle I'd feel better knowing my money isn't going to some anti 2A asshole like Vetter.

I support you in your boycott, but you may be surprised to learn that most mainstream musicians and actors are anti gun leftists. You may miss out on most of pop culture (although, is that a bad thing?).

10-12-13, 07:47
I could never put my finger on why I always hated Pearl Jam. I liked the guitar playing most of the time, but there was something phony about the vocals always rubbed me the wrong way. As if he was trying to emote something that wasn't sincere in the least, but had put on this persona that appeared to a lot of people to be, like, deep man. Guess I chose wisely. Never bought a PJ album, but dug Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Tool, the Melvins and some of the other stuff that sounded legit to me.

Speaking of Tool.... Friend of mine (former mod here, actually) posted this the other day on FB, some of you may have already seen it. :)


Saw that clip posted on another forum a week or so back. Phenomenal performances. Restores my faith in kids.

10-12-13, 08:33
I never liked that oxygen thief and his view .I remember seeing him on some awards show out of his mind on drugs ranting about the government .

I was listening to my radio and the lead singer for Filter was ranting how his wife was ran off the road because she had a "ban assault weapons" bumper sticker on her car and called all gun owners "rednecks and right wing terrorist" he knew nothing of the facts and blamed the school shooting on the gun culture .

10-12-13, 09:00
I support you in your boycott, but you may be surprised to learn that most mainstream musicians and actors are anti gun leftists. You may miss out on most of pop culture (although, is that a bad thing?).
No I'm well aware that most musicians and Hollywood types are anti gun leftist not surprised , but I'm kinda odd I hate pop culture In the end it's entertainment, and if I want to be entertained I do things I like and what's important to you me and everyone
probably on here like to do, Shoot ! :)

Gutshot John
10-12-13, 09:19
For the life of me, I don't see why people get so bent out of shape over what some idiot musician thinks.

I'm so bored with this culture of being offended and wallowing in that s#!t. It used to be a liberal affliction but the right has also learned the politics of victimhood. Doesn't it get tiresome carrying around that righteous indignation all the time?

Do we always have to get all offended by a stupid remark by someone and than talk about boycotts? Nevermind useless liberals, we do this to our own, and honestly it makes gun owners look like thin skinned babies.

By definition critical thought means listening to ideas contrary to your own. Morons exist. Get over it.

10-12-13, 09:34
The Vanilla Ice debut album "To the Extreme" sold 11 million copies and spent 16 weeks at #1 on the Billboard 200.

Numbers don't always mean anything.

I wonder if the stated singer above put out a pro-gun message how many here would suddenly "remember" they are fond of his trash too.

10-12-13, 09:52
I would still think he sucks. Just because he shares the same view as I do does not give him a free pass to **** my musical spectrum up for decades. I played in a lot of bands in the late eighties/early nineties and PJ always struck me as wrong and sucked horribly.

But 30 million people can't be wrong. I guess it's just me...

10-12-13, 09:59
For the life of me, I don't see why people get so bent out of shape over what some idiot musician thinks.

I'm so bored with this culture of being offended and wallowing in that s#!t. It used to be a liberal affliction but the right has also learned the politics of victimhood. Doesn't it get tiresome carrying around that righteous indignation all the time?

Do we always have to get all offended by a stupid remark by someone and than talk about boycotts? Nevermind useless liberals, we do this to our own, and honestly it makes gun owners look like thin skinned babies.

By definition critical thought means listening to ideas contrary to your own. Morons exist. Get over it.
I mention boycott, because when the left does it, they tend to get away with it and is more effective, because the media runs with it. Not always but more often than not. This Obama pole smoker, is talking anti gun shit and implying violence against gun owners not cool.
Taking the higher ground like the Right does seldom seems to help, I'm saying we need to play dirty too at times like a boycott.

Gutshot John
10-12-13, 10:20
It has nothing to do with "higher ground" don't you have better things to do than carry around a grudge about what some asshole says? Really who cares what he thinks/says?

I look at self-proclaimed "victims" and think "loser." I'm sure most others do as well.

Boycotts demonstrate how unserious the left is (name a few that have actually worked) and I see no virtue in trying to be bigger "victims" than they are.

10-12-13, 10:44
In all fairness John I don't think he is feeling victimized by Vedder, just maybe getting more wrapped up in the fool's opinion that he should be. I have no issue with others who care hitting him in the pocket at the very least for his extremism.

10-12-13, 10:54
In all fairness John I don't think he is feeling victimized by Vedder, just maybe getting more wrapped up in the fool's opinion that he should be. I have no issue with others who care hitting him in the pocket at the very least for his extremism.

Thank You its about hitting them in the pocket !

10-12-13, 10:59
Eddie who?

10-12-13, 11:23
For the life of me, I don't see why people get so bent out of shape over what some idiot musician thinks.

I'm so bored with this culture of being offended and wallowing in that s#!t. It used to be a liberal affliction but the right has also learned the politics of victimhood. Doesn't it get tiresome carrying around that righteous indignation all the time?

Do we always have to get all offended by a stupid remark by someone and than talk about boycotts? Nevermind useless liberals, we do this to our own, and honestly it makes gun owners look like thin skinned babies.

By definition critical thought means listening to ideas contrary to your own. Morons exist. Get over it.

Yeah, that's kinda where I'm at.

While I make the effort to not fund those who work against my rights and whenever useful to counter their stated ideology. I don't stay up nights worrying about the fact that people out there are eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

10-12-13, 11:25
I wonder if the stated singer above put out a pro-gun message how many here would suddenly "remember" they are fond of his trash too.

Probably doesn't get much more pro gun than this.

Sir Mix-A-Lot - No Holds Barred (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHtSSSLn9E8)

Of course he's a little more of an independent thinker than most rappers.

10-12-13, 11:43
Saw that clip posted on another forum a week or so back. Phenomenal performances. Restores my faith in kids.

WOW is all I can say to that clip. Those kids are really talented. Restores my faith that maybe the future of music wont suck.


10-12-13, 12:09
The Vanilla Ice debut album "To the Extreme" sold 11 million copies and spent 16 weeks at #1 on the Billboard 200.

Numbers don't always mean anything.

Whatever one's opinion of Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam is NOT a one hit wonder. The album Ten is an epic timeless album and many others are also very good. Much of their more recent stuff is less than fantastic, but still they are not a one hit wonder.

10-12-13, 12:26
Whatever one's opinion of Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam is NOT a one hit wonder. The album Ten is an epic timeless album and many others are also very good. Much of their more recent stuff is less than fantastic, but still they are not a one hit wonder.

That one comes under subjective opinion. I thought they sucked from day one, always considered extremely overrated, couldn't stand Vedder's voice (and can't figure out why it didn't bother more people that he can't sing for sh*&) prior to any of his noted jerk ball personality and or anti gun positions were known.

Me, couldn't figure out for the life of me why they had any major hits at all, but I do agree they were not one hit wonders, if that makes sense. ;)

Nirvana was a far better band in terms of talent, song writing, and impact on music for decades to come from that era of music.

10-12-13, 12:36
Holy Shit!!! That made my night. I've just spent the last hour watching videos of Aaron OKeefe's student's crush rock hits one after another. Amazing kids.

Me too bro, that cover of DT's Pull Me Under was just as good as the original! I can't think of any music more difficult to cover than Tool and DT, their arraignments are so freaking layered. :cool:

Big A
10-12-13, 12:38
WOW is all I can say to that clip. Those kids are really talented. Restores my faith that maybe the future of music wont suck.


Doubt it. They won't get the industry support like Beiber and Gaga and all the other manufactured crap they produce now days.

Sadly, you really have to look for it to find this kind of stuff as it doesn't get radio play anymore.

10-12-13, 12:41
Grunge sucked anyways.

MJK from Tool at Gunsite

Phil from ATR

sent from mah gun,using my sightsAlways like Tool and Maynard. Thats awesome.

10-12-13, 12:52
Doubt it. They won't get the industry support like Beiber and Gaga and all the other manufactured crap they produce now days.

Sadly, you really have to look for it to find this kind of stuff as it doesn't get radio play anymore.

**** FM and the industry, only radio I listen too is The Savage Nation.

Rollins tells it like it is . . .
Henry Rollins: on the state of music today (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2q5L8kUOtA&list=PLuDY7rhLXQmGTTsOafhzsaP7mhyXM9Upb)

10-12-13, 17:33
**** FM and the industry, only radio I listen too is The Savage Nation.

Rollins tells it like it is . . .
Henry Rollins: on the state of music today (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2q5L8kUOtA&list=PLuDY7rhLXQmGTTsOafhzsaP7mhyXM9Upb)

Did someone say Rollins band ? well here you go :)


If it was not such a kick ass song I would say that it needs to be the song for our leaders in D.C.


10-12-13, 18:15
Never really did care for his shitty music anyway. Only song I ever really liked was Do The Evelution off the album Yield.

Apparently he wishes bad things happen to us.


How do these idiots not understand that the 2nd ammendment is their right too and that they are free to exercise it as they see fit, including not at all?

Because they are in fact idiots. Why else would a grown man who looks to be over 50 years old deliberately dress himself like an 8 year old child?
A land of ever increasing in number perpetual adolescents is not a land in which ordered liberty can ever long endure.

10-12-13, 18:54
Nirvana was a far better band in terms of talent, song writing, and impact on music for decades to come from that era of music.

Whoa! Ok, this thread has drifted but let's make a few facts know , and no offense to Will, but the comparison of talent between Pearl Jam and Nirvana lyrically and musically is anything but subjective. To put this is terms we can all understand this is like comparing Noveske to Oly Arms... If you can read music or play a guitar this is heretical. Nirvanas music is some of the easiest to play and the guitar work is amateur at best. Not to say that they arent talented by popularizing a genre or being raw...but if we are talking lyrics and music this doesn't need to go on further. McCready is light years ahead of anything Kurt could have ever done, not to mention Kurt mentioned a number of times that his lyrics meant nothing most of the time.

To say Eddie, despite his ego, or political nonsense, can't sing either makes me scratch my noggin. YouTube their unplugged session on MTV and check his range back in the day, he's no schlump.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

10-12-13, 19:41
Doubt it. They won't get the industry support like Beiber and Gaga and all the other manufactured crap they produce now days.

Sadly, you really have to look for it to find this kind of stuff as it doesn't get radio play anymore.

That's the beauty of the net which has turned the entire music industry on its head, and will continue to do so. That vid has 2 million + views. If they sold it on I tunes (and perhaps they already do) they might do well for themselves. There's all sorts of interesting models that exist and are developing that will destroy the music industry stranglehold on music and I will shed no tear for them as they have been greedy as hell since day one.

It's a whole new biz out there and music, writers, film makers, and other groups of people who have had to deal with an industry that has had a lock on them, can now do themselves and be highly successful at it.

I have a friend who was turned down by every publisher he submitted to. He's currently a top author on Amazon in the sci fi genre and is 100% self published. He was able to quit his job doing what he didn't enjoy as an IT guy and is now making a better living doing what he wants to do.

I know two dudes who have huge YT page that focuses on body building who were able to quit their jobs in construction and make far more $$$ doing that.

So and and so forth.

10-13-13, 08:22
I think the singer for Journey was found on Youtube if I remember correctly. Hell, if it was not for Youtube we would never have seen those PSY commercials in the superbowl. Gangam style :(


10-13-13, 10:14
Never really did care for his shitty music anyway.

I agree. FK him. I never understood his or PJ's mass popularity. Their music, his voice, and his lyrics were average at best. But this comes as no surprise to me. I'd bet that the majority of the music industry is anti.