View Full Version : Prepare - Food Stamps are not working

10-12-13, 19:58
17 States and counting. Wait for the long lines of hungry ...


J Krammes
10-12-13, 20:25
Govt. test?

10-12-13, 20:27
To see how long it takes before someone flips out?

10-12-13, 20:37
I'd be fine if that part of the government got "shut down" for a few months.

10-12-13, 20:55
They were down when I was at the store today. A few people complaining, of course their carts were completely full with steak, lobster, crablegs and junk food. They can do down forever for all I care. There are people that help though. The law should be limited to years, not years per kid. Plus generations. If your parents had it, that's it, no ebt for you.

10-12-13, 21:50
I went to grab something on my way home earlier and there was a woman there that couldn't get her card to work. Wasn't buying anything extravagant, milk & bread, but I had no idea until just now. She seemed clueless about why it wasn't working as well. Could get interesting.

10-12-13, 22:22
I see no joy in food stamps suddenly failing to process whatsoever. For every scumbag homeboy looking to abuse the system there are 20 kids who won't have dinner tonight. That would likely equate to well over one million completely innocent kids living day to day with just over nothing.

Hard to believe some can't see that.

10-12-13, 22:28
I see no joy in food stamps suddenly failing to process whatsoever. For every scumbag homeboy looking to abuse the system there are 20 kids who won't have dinner tonight. That would likely equate to well over one million completely innocent kids living day to day with just over nothing.

Hard to believe some can't see that.

My thoughts as well.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

10-12-13, 22:39
My thoughts as well.

And like you surely would I also want to see the system revamped in order to prevent abuse ASAP. But those adjustments can and hopefully will be made gradually in order to prevent catastrophic consequences. And by catastrophic you better believe I mean having to send your child to bed hungry, sad and deeply disillusioned.

Sure they'll survive but it hurts and bottom line is some families suffer genuine hardship most of us can't fathom. The abusers surely exist but must be weeded out sensibly.

10-12-13, 22:56
You watch how quick the Dems come to the table to negotiate NOW that THEIR supporters are suffering...

Still, I don't want to see anyone go hungry either.

10-12-13, 23:03
I see no joy in food stamps suddenly failing to process whatsoever. For every scumbag homeboy looking to abuse the system there are 20 kids who won't have dinner tonight. That would likely equate to well over one million completely innocent kids living day to day with just over nothing.

Hard to believe some can't see that.

Agreed. Thousands of children made no choice in this matter and will suffer because of it. We must retain SOME sort of humanity and see that innocent suffering is not a good thing. Tear the program down, make one that works, but dont simply starve the poor to death.

10-13-13, 00:24
I see no joy in food stamps suddenly failing to process whatsoever. For every scumbag homeboy looking to abuse the system there are 20 kids who won't have dinner tonight. That would likely equate to well over one million completely innocent kids living day to day with just over nothing.

Hard to believe some can't see that.

Don't have kids if you can't provide for them. As usual the kids suffer because of irresponsible parents, but how does that suddenly make me (and my tax dollars) responsible?

I wish there was a way to only help the kids and leave the irresponsible parents to fend for themselves. But since that doesn't exist, it's just a less severe equivalent of parents in famine prone parts of the third world having a dozen kids they can't possibly provide for.

10-13-13, 00:26
My thoughts as well.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

If you guys want to voluntarily contribute to such a system then please do. I see no reason for my money to be taken from me in the form of taxes to support such things when I have to go without myself.

10-13-13, 01:23
If you guys want to voluntarily contribute to such a system then please do. I see no reason for my money to be taken from me in the form of taxes to support such things when I have to go without myself.

Charity at gunpoint isn't charity, its theft.

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

10-13-13, 01:33
I too regret to see some elderly and young people lose benefits, yet I fully am aware of welfare abuses. I see no solution to the problem because such a large number of welfare recipients belong to our custodial population. That is, the government provides health care, food, housing, and sometimes money to this group, and few are escaping from it and moving up and out. Census data from the last 125 years show an inverse relationship between female educational level and number of offspring. Some say that the custodial group contain an inordinately high number of people with low cognitive ability. As a teacher(retired), I agree. In their neighborhoods, citizens have high rates of addiction, unemployment, teen pregnancy, low educational attainment, and incarceration. This population is custodial in that the federal and state governments maintain it, and it is so large that widespread civil unrest would occur if custodial care ceased.

Publicly saying such while a teacher, health inspector, or correctional employee would have cost me my job. Sending this paragraph to the local newspaper with my name attached would result in my exclusion from some circles that I move in.

10-13-13, 01:43
when I lived in Honduras and Micronesia this is a daily occurrence ?
no EBT there
yeah its tough but maybe folks who cant feed themselves should not be having kids and living on food stamps ? mean sure but the same time its more than a few abusing it

and why all of a sudden should we cry when our poverty folks are basically middle class every where else and they cant use there free EBT card to get what they want ?

yes some do have legit needs but maybe we need to just stop all EBT and go back to a simple coupon you get basic food bag of carrots bag of apples bag of potatoes some hamburger and chicken and bread and milk and not a free shopping card !

funny how we existed without it for so long now its a needed thing or we need a guilt trip !

10-13-13, 02:35
I too regret to see some elderly and young people lose benefits, yet I fully am aware of welfare abuses. I see no solution to the problem because such a large number of welfare recipients belong to our custodial population. That is, the government provides health care, food, housing, and sometimes money to this group, and few are escaping from it and moving up and out. Census data from the last 125 years show an inverse relationship between female educational level and number of offspring. Some say that the custodial group contain an inordinately high number of people with low cognitive ability. As a teacher(retired), I agree. In their neighborhoods, citizens have high rates of addiction, unemployment, teen pregnancy, low educational attainment, and incarceration. This population is custodial in that the federal and state governments maintain it, and it is so large that widespread civil unrest would occur if custodial care ceased.

Publicly saying such while a teacher, health inspector, or correctional employee would have cost me my job. Sending this paragraph to the local newspaper with my name attached would result in my exclusion from some circles that I move in.

Nobody ever said the solutions wouldn't hurt. That's the sad and unfortunate reality of the situation.

10-13-13, 03:08
when I lived in Honduras and Micronesia this is a daily occurrence ?
no EBT there
yeah its tough but maybe folks who cant feed themselves should not be having kids and living on food stamps ? mean sure but the same time its more than a few abusing it

and why all of a sudden should we cry when our poverty folks are basically middle class every where else and they cant use there free EBT card to get what they want ?

yes some do have legit needs but maybe we need to just stop all EBT and go back to a simple coupon you get basic food bag of carrots bag of apples bag of potatoes some hamburger and chicken and bread and milk and not a free shopping card !
funny how we existed without it for so long now its a needed thing or we need a guilt trip !

This is really not a bad idea. Approve basic food items that can be bought cheap and in bulk, make this start immediately. Then you can start weaning people off because it wont be enjoyable for them. I think because they are currently wards of the state we cannot abandon them, but we can slowly wean them off the government teat. Then, at that point, if you want to eat you'll need to work or starve.

10-13-13, 03:36
I see no joy in food stamps suddenly failing to process whatsoever. For every scumbag homeboy looking to abuse the system there are 20 kids who won't have dinner tonight. That would likely equate to well over one million completely innocent kids living day to day with just over nothing.

Hard to believe some can't see that.

First of all, it's one day. IF all these idiots do with their free money is buy fast food every time their kid's hungry, I can't help that. I'd love to force them to listen to Aesop's fables or something before they get their free stuff, but that would probably be called racist or something.

And alot of these kids get free breakfast, lunches and snacks at school 5 days a week; if they can't keep some staples in the cupboard to cover the 6 weekend meals, again, I can't help that.

10-13-13, 08:16
First of all, it's one day. IF all these idiots do with their free money is buy fast food every time their kid's hungry, I can't help that. I'd love to force them to listen to Aesop's fables or something before they get their free stuff, but that would probably be called racist or something.

And alot of these kids get free breakfast, lunches and snacks at school 5 days a week; if they can't keep some staples in the cupboard to cover the 6 weekend meals, again, I can't help that.
This is what many seem to forget.

Kids ARE NOT going hungry on school nights in America. That was one of, if not the, biggest issues with the Chicago Teacher union's strike. No one was saying my baby isn't getting an education. No one said my baby has to stay home while I'm at work. They were all saying that an overwhelming majority of parents rely on the schools to feed their kids. So Rahm opened up the buildings just to feed the kids even though there weren't any teachers.

10-13-13, 08:24
This is really not a bad idea. Approve basic food items that can be bought cheap and in bulk, make this start immediately. Then you can start weaning people off because it wont be enjoyable for them. I think because they are currently wards of the state we cannot abandon them, but we can slowly wean them off the government teat. Then, at that point, if you want to eat you'll need to work or starve.

Yep, Honu did hit the mark with that one. And your follow-up idea is also pretty good. There has got to be a change somehow somewhere and they sound like great places to start.

As far as those here who simply don't care at all, what can one say. Sometimes the more we interact with each other more we see how much we all have in common, but also we see how very different we can be as well. Is what it is I suppose.

At the very least spare us the "I didn't say I don't care, I'm just not willing to help" or whatever nonsense. We can all agree the system is flawed but the last thing I'll be bitching about is my tax dollars going to feed the hungry when those same dollars are are also spent on countless other truly wasteful endeavors. Personally I'd concern myself with the latter first rather that worrying or even being genuinely angry about feeding truly disadvantaged and needy.

10-13-13, 08:39
First of all, it's one day. IF all these idiots do with their free money is buy fast food every time their kid's hungry, I can't help that. I'd love to force them to listen to Aesop's fables or something before they get their free stuff, but that would probably be called racist or something.

And alot of these kids get free breakfast, lunches and snacks at school 5 days a week; if they can't keep some staples in the cupboard to cover the 6 weekend meals, again, I can't help that.

Yeah, and that's called double-dipping. They get X amount of dollars per month per kid. If Jr. is eating breakfast AND lunch at school 5 days a week then that's 10 meals a week (per kid) that ought to be deducted from the EBT amount during the school year.

10-13-13, 08:40
We should always help the truly needy.

But, if you are able bodied then you should be working.

If your only reason is you can't find a job then you go to work at the federal, state or local level in order to receive the assistance.
Sweeping streets, picking up trash, washing windows / cars, painting, janitorial, anything but sitting on your ass.

10-13-13, 08:49
We should always help the truly needy.

But, if you are able bodied then you should be working.

If your only reason is you can't find a job then you go to work at the federal, state or local level in order to receive the assistance.
Sweeping streets, picking up trash, washing windows / cars, painting, janitorial, anything but sitting on your ass.

The definition of that is where the problem lies.

The "needy" in America pale in comparison to those "needy" around the world. The poor worldwide would LOVE to be here and be considered poor. Here, if you can't keep up with the Jones's you're in "poverty".

Folks, think about some of the pics you've seen back in the 1930's during the Great Depression. Those people were POOR. Now fast-forward and compare pics of the slovenly today. Didn't see any lard-asses with 4 kids in tow 80 years ago. You cannot with any honesty tell me they are even comparable.

We need to set some VERY stringent, dare I say draconian, guidelines for how we define "poor" and "needy" in this country or it's going to eat us alive. That would include harsh felony penalties, with incarceration, for parents on assistance whose kids go hungry (kids would go with family or into an orphanage until said POS parents get out of prison).

I'm tired of this shit........

10-13-13, 09:10
Yeah, and that's called double-dipping. They get X amount of dollars per month per kid. If Jr. is eating breakfast AND lunch at school 5 days a week then that's 10 meals a week (per kid) that ought to be deducted from the EBT amount during the school year.

Do you spend this much time contemplating aid to Egypt? How about our aid to foreign nations in general, including China? Or what about the DOD spending over $100 for a replacement toilet seat? Do you have any clue about the amount of waste and fraud going on at the Pentagon?

We all agree the welfare system is broken but to be perfectly honest there really are far greater priorities that would save frugals like yourself more than cutting food stamps would.

And by the way normally kids pay for lunch at school. If they can't then their property tax dollars often subsidize, at least partially.

10-13-13, 09:19
Many recent studies have shown that few "poor" go without food and in fact the way the studies are conducted weighs heavily on the answers given.

One recent article I read showed that the majority had plenty of food in the cabinet, just not food they wanted to eat. Kind of like when you stand at your refrigerator with the door open, staring at everything and not finding that one thing that you "want".

The Heritage Foundation published data that show most persons living below the "poverty level" own color televisions (over half have two or more), cable or satellite, microwave ovens, dishwashers, cell phones, landline phones, answering machines, and almost three-quarters own a car and over 30% own two cars or more.


Why is it that people refuse to give up their guns when its "for the children". But apply "for the children" to food and life style and they willingly give up their wallets.

10-13-13, 09:21
Do you spend this much time contemplating aid to Egypt? How about our aid to foreign nations in general, including China? Or what about the DOD spending over $100 for a replacement toilet seat? Do you have any clue about the amount of waste and fraud going on at the Pentagon?

We all agree the welfare system is broken but to be perfectly honest there really are far greater priorities that would save frugals like yourself more than cutting food stamps would.

And by the way normally kids pay for lunch at school. If they can't then their property tax dollars often subsidize, at least partially.

Horsepuckey. I wasn't talking about the kids who get lunch money from Mom every morning. I'm talking about the ones whose loser parents are on "assistance" and STILL get free breakfast/lunch. Sure, it would save a little $$$, along with all those other wasteful spending cuts you mention. But I'll be honest here:It's about being remedial and strict with our freebie handouts, period. There, I said it. Crack the whip and make the "safety net" (which has become a safety HAMMOCK which is laid in) uncomfortable. Too bad....don't like it? Get off of it. We mostly seem to agree that it is a faulty system that needs to be trimmed and those on it "weaned". Good way to start that "weaning" process is to make it uncomfortable.

Whatever happened to the days when there was a certain amount of shame involved with "assistance"? There sure as hell isn't now. :(

Oh, the Dept. of Agriculture is HEAVILY involved with the school breakfast/lunch program money-wise, so federal $$$ is prevalent. i.e. money that I pay regardless of where I live (unlike property taxes).

10-13-13, 09:23
Many recent studies have shown that few "poor" go without food and in fact the way the studies are conducted weighs heavily on the answers given.

One recent article I read showed that the majority had plenty of food in the cabinet, just not food they wanted to eat. Kind of like when you stand at your refrigerator with the door open, staring at everything and not finding that one thing that you "want".

The Heritage Foundation published data that show most persons living below the "poverty level" own color televisions (over half have two or more), cable or satellite, microwave ovens, dishwashers, cell phones, landline phones, answering machines, and almost three-quarters own a car and over 30% own two cars or more.


Why is it that people refuse to give up their guns when its "for the children". But apply "for the children" to food and life style and they willingly give up their wallets.

I don't willingly give it up, I have no choice! Some here, apparently, would gladly send in a check (or would they? Hmmmm).

10-13-13, 09:32
I don't willingly give it up, I have no choice! Some here, apparently, would gladly send in a check (or would they? Hmmmm).

I use the term "willingly" in the sense that they haven't grabbed pitch forks and torches and descended on Washington. Hence my previous post... "Charity at gunpoint isn't charity, its theft."

10-13-13, 09:43
The definition of that is where the problem lies.

The "needy" in America pale in comparison to those "needy" around the world. The poor worldwide would LOVE to be here and be considered poor. Here, if you can't keep up with the Jones's you're in "poverty".

Folks, think about some of the pics you've seen back in the 1930's during the Great Depression. Those people were POOR. Now fast-forward and compare pics of the slovenly today. Didn't see any lard-asses with 4 kids in tow 80 years ago. You cannot with any honesty tell me they are even comparable.

We need to set some VERY stringent, dare I say draconian, guidelines for how we define "poor" and "needy" in this country or it's going to eat us alive. That would include harsh felony penalties, with incarceration, for parents on assistance whose kids go hungry (kids would go with family or into an orphanage until said POS parents get out of prison).

I'm tired of this shit........

Spot on.

Only problem is I don't think we have enough prisons to hold them all.

10-13-13, 09:46
Spot on.

Only problem is I don't think we have enough prisons to hold them all.

"Build it and they will come". :)

10-13-13, 09:48
Since I'm not an anarchist living on a remote mountain I accept the practical concept of taxation. Along those lines it matters to me where my tax dollars go. And along those same lines I'm far more concerned with foreign aid, Solyndra-like scenarios, the $400 million wasted on the abysmal failure known as the ACA website, government fraud and waste, etc. Genuinely hungry kids are that the very bottom of my list.

Do I want an entitlement nation? He'll no. But if you're (as is anyone doing so, no one specifically) going to spend more time slamming food stamps then the rest of the above then to some of us you'll come off as a cold blooded, selfish, short-sighted individual.

10-13-13, 09:49
I have been saying for years we should limit EBT, SNAP, WIC, etc... to only fresh(or canned or frozen) vegetables, meat, dairy, bread, etc.... No cookies, no chips, no candy, no boxed foods, no or minimal pre-prepared foods, no or minimal frozen foods, etc....

I have a good friend who is a chef that has tried to help setup cooking classes for those on some for of assistance to try to help change their eating and shopping habits. Generally people want to learn how to cook hamburger helper and shit like that, not how to cook a real meal. He got disgusted donating his time and restaurant space to see that people who showed up had little or no interest in actually learning to cook healthy foods or change their eating habits.

10-13-13, 09:53
Do you spend this much time contemplating aid to Egypt? How about our aid to foreign nations in general, including China? Or what about the DOD spending over $100 for a replacement toilet seat? Do you have any clue about the amount of waste and fraud going on at the Pentagon?

We all agree the welfare system is broken but to be perfectly honest there really are far greater priorities that would save frugals like yourself more than cutting food stamps would.

And by the way normally kids pay for lunch at school. If they can't then their property tax dollars often subsidize, at least partially.

Correct. We should get our own house in order prior to doling out foreign aid.
Think of it this way. Would anyone let their own family starve and give most or everything they had to eat to their neighbor?

I am quite certain that my property taxes, the highest percentage of which is for the school system, allows for "free" school lunches for those that can't or do not pay. I would assume that most people that take advantage of school lunches don't own much property to tax.

10-13-13, 10:17
I see no joy in food stamps suddenly failing to process whatsoever. For every scumbag homeboy looking to abuse the system there are 20 kids who won't have dinner tonight. That would likely equate to well over one million completely innocent kids living day to day with just over nothing.

Hard to believe some can't see that.

I guess their baby mamas and daddys may have to skip a couple grape Swisher Sweets and fowties so da chitlens have something to eat?

10-13-13, 11:19
You watch how quick the Dems come to the table to negotiate NOW that THEIR supporters are suffering...

Still, I don't want to see anyone go hungry either.

Why would they do that? They know the government shut down is the GOP's fault. And the GOP are the ultra-wealthy white folks who don't like giving stuff to poor people to begin with.

But on the more compassionate side.... NPR did a story on Friday with a an elderly couple living on less than $15,000 a year. Every penny they made went to utilities or rent. And the only way they could afford food was through government programs.

Link (http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/10/11/232159777/shutdown-leaves-some-seniors-worried-about-their-next-meal).

Also, semi-related: Not everybody in the Senate is still getting paid (http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2013/10/13/232926654/senate-gets-a-dose-of-scolding-with-its-daily-prayer).

10-13-13, 11:34
I have been saying for years we should limit EBT, SNAP, WIC, etc... to only fresh(or canned or frozen) vegetables, meat, dairy, bread, etc.... No cookies, no chips, no candy, no boxed foods, no or minimal pre-prepared foods, no or minimal frozen foods, etc....

That is actually the way the program works. However, it does allow you to buy "real food" like steak, lobster, and sushi. A problem is a lot of "the poor" really don't know how to cook real food (rice, beans, bread) so they eat crap. Others abuse the system to get high priced food that most working families can't afford to buy.

I went to my local grocery store. They had a sign limiting EBT to $100. So far, no riots.

10-13-13, 12:12
Here's a suggestion to assist in weaning people off the teat:

All the BS about I can't find I job can be made NULL and VOID with a little effort and development!

Require ALL social assistance recipients (EBT, Section 8, etc.), who do not have a verified (by at least 2-3 medical experts) physical disability, to perform MANDATORY public service works (trash pick-up, road service, digging ditches, etc). Similar to the depression era Works Progress Administration.

There is already an established portion of our infrastructure which can make this possible. Use the public school bus systems to provide transportation immediately after school begins and prior to school ending. This way the parents are home to send the kids off and receive them. Mandatory work 5 days a week with blocks per month set aside for job searches. Meals will be provided - think like Sheriff Joe Arapaio - plain jane balogna sandos and water - which are deducted from your "pay/EBT".

Make it such that you can only receive benefits up to what you earned - no more. We must begin to dismiss the idea that one can receive rewards for zero effort. Used to be one was driven to succeed in order to obtain a better life. Want to live off the teat? Well it's going to cost you - and SUCK.

10-13-13, 12:47
Here's a suggestion to assist in weaning people off the teat:

All the BS about I can't find I job can be made NULL and VOID with a little effort and development!

Require ALL social assistance recipients (EBT, Section 8, etc.), who do not have a verified (by at least 2-3 medical experts) physical disability, to perform MANDATORY public service works (trash pick-up, road service, digging ditches, etc). Similar to the depression era Works Progress Administration.

There is already an established portion of our infrastructure which can make this possible. Use the public school bus systems to provide transportation immediately after school begins and prior to school ending. This way the parents are home to send the kids off and receive them. Mandatory work 5 days a week with blocks per month set aside for job searches. Meals will be provided - think like Sheriff Joe Arapaio - plain jane balogna sandos and water - which are deducted from your "pay/EBT".

Make it such that you can only receive benefits up to what you earned - no more. We must begin to dismiss the idea that one can receive rewards for zero effort. Used to be one was driven to succeed in order to obtain a better life. Want to live off the teat? Well it's going to cost you - and SUCK.

That's all fine & dandy, but if your plan is executed, who will vote Democrat? :D

10-13-13, 12:47
Since I'm not an anarchist living on a remote mountain I accept the practical concept of taxation. Along those lines it matters to me where my tax dollars go. And along those same lines I'm far more concerned with foreign aid, Solyndra-like scenarios, the $400 million wasted on the abysmal failure known as the ACA website, government fraud and waste, etc. Genuinely hungry kids are that the very bottom of my list.

Do I want an entitlement nation? He'll no. But if you're (as is anyone doing so, no one specifically) going to spend more time slamming food stamps then the rest of the above then to some of us you'll come off as a cold blooded, selfish, short-sighted individual.

I'm with you 100% on that stuff you mention. I'm just also intent on making being a leech difficult, shameful, and uncomfortable. How about we spend an equal amount of time and effort on all those categories?

10-13-13, 12:57
Always hearing Michele O bomber and the media morons say kids are too fat. We have either a bunch of fat kids, liars or non thinking media watchers whose thought process don't go beyond TV news. What is it.

10-13-13, 13:30
Shit the "poor" here can use their EBT to withdraw cash and gamble in the casino. Just last night I was out playing a little blackjack and watched 5 EBT users withdraw nearly 600.00 each and lose it all over a 2 HR period. I say cut them off cull the herd. Their children's suffering is no longer my concern.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk now Free ('http://tapatalk.com/m?id=10')

10-13-13, 13:57
And by the way normally kids pay for lunch at school. If they can't then their property tax dollars often subsidize, at least partially.

Those kids in "free lunch" programs are unlikely to have property owning parents. At best they pay rent, in many cases their rent is paid through section 8 programs.

10-13-13, 14:05
Since I'm not an anarchist living on a remote mountain I accept the practical concept of taxation. Along those lines it matters to me where my tax dollars go. And along those same lines I'm far more concerned with foreign aid, Solyndra-like scenarios, the $400 million wasted on the abysmal failure known as the ACA website, government fraud and waste, etc. Genuinely hungry kids are that the very bottom of my list.

Do I want an entitlement nation? He'll no. But if you're (as is anyone doing so, no one specifically) going to spend more time slamming food stamps then the rest of the above then to some of us you'll come off as a cold blooded, selfish, short-sighted individual.

I'm against any misallocation of tax dollars forcibly taken from me. We need to end most foreign aid programs, especially where we are basically paying protection money to our enemies.

We need to stop being the income provider for families who don't work and earn a living by having children that they see as little more than benefits and then teaching them the entitlement mentality.

But nobody want to be the generation who "pays the bills" and becomes self sufficient while we pay of a national debt we have been carrying since the 1960s. Especially since we know even if we were the generation who "sucks it up" and pays it down, the next generation will just come along and see it as a credit card with no balance and start it all over again.

So we spend, borrow and raise the debt ceiling. Politician claim they are about helping the needy in this country and others in order to get votes from those stupid enough to believe they really care. The costs of helping the needed largely get gobbled up by government administration of those programs and the funds are simply borrowed along with all the other money we don't actually have for things.

The politicians who earn salaries and benefits that would make your head spin are the only winners. And they will say or do anything to secure their positions.

10-13-13, 15:19
I'm with you 100% on that stuff you mention. I'm just also intent on making being a leech difficult, shameful, and uncomfortable. How about we spend an equal amount of time and effort on all those categories?

You sir have yourself a deal. Good to find our common ground and move forward.

Of course the next logical question or statement would apply to why Washington can't do the same, but that would be too obvious. :D

10-13-13, 15:21
I would love to know how many on food stamps have a cell phone ?

would be a great thing to put on the application and anyone who can afford a cell phone would not get it :)

10-13-13, 15:27
I would love to know how many on food stamps have a cell phone ?

would be a great thing to put on the application and anyone who can afford a cell phone would not get it :)

Cell phone... Shit I've seen plenty driving newer cars with all the "ghetto garb" on their way to the liquor store all pimped out in the latest tragic fashion faux pas in history.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk now Free ('http://tapatalk.com/m?id=10')

10-13-13, 15:32
I would love to know how many on food stamps have a cell phone ?

would be a great thing to put on the application and anyone who can afford a cell phone would not get it :)

Are the Obamaphones smart-phones or flip-phones? Anyone know for sure?

10-13-13, 17:20
Make it simple. Got a Gold Grill? No EBT.

Show up in Tommy Hilfigger jacket? No EBT.

This just shows how inept the GOP is. All you do is need to find 100 cases of fraud in the EBT and just keep hammering those as you say you have to reform the system so that those in real need get help.

Start putting people in jail for fraud.

Sorry if I missed this, but is the shutdown being blamed for this? The techies to fix it on furlough or something? OR is just another failed govt computer system?

10-13-13, 17:23
Those kids in "free lunch" programs are unlikely to have property owning parents. At best they pay rent, in many cases their rent is paid through section 8 programs.

If they pay rent then their rent is obviously adjusted, or increased accordingly, for the property taxes the owner must pay. Therefore the renters themselves are essentially paying property taxes and accordingly contributing to the system. And that's if they don't own, which is an especially flawed assumption in this poor economy. In other words many, many property owners are struggling daily.

Regarding section 8, many if not most of them (the adults) are the problem, but they are far from the majority. Will agree though that this is an area in particular need of reassessment.

10-13-13, 19:24
If they pay rent then their rent is obviously adjusted, or increased accordingly, for the property taxes the owner must pay. Therefore the renters themselves are essentially paying property taxes and accordingly contributing to the system. And that's if they don't own, which is an especially flawed assumption in this poor economy. In other words many, many property owners are struggling daily.

Regarding section 8, many if not most of them (the adults) are the problem, but they are far from the majority. Will agree though that this is an area in particular need of reassessment.

Why not just lower property taxes for everyone and save everyone money? No middle-man bureaucracy to fund just to redistribute everyone's property taxes in the form of EBT, school lunches, etc.

That way I can spend more of my money on buying products that stimulate the economy and they can buy food and school lunches.

10-13-13, 19:29
If they pay rent then their rent is obviously adjusted, or increased accordingly, for the property taxes the owner must pay.

Which is exactly how corporations "pay" taxes, as I said in another thread.

The point to which you said I was "factually wrong."

Maybe I taught you something?

10-13-13, 19:38
Why not just lower property taxes for everyone and save everyone money? No middle-man bureaucracy to fund just to redistribute everyone's property taxes in the form of EBT, school lunches, etc.

That way I can spend more of my money on buying products that stimulate the economy and they can buy food and school lunches.

Why not get rid of property taxes entirely; they make us merely serfs and tenants.

Govt is a service provider, nothing more. Half the country turns it into an extension of their own imagined sense of morality when it's really nothing more than the cable company or the DMV.

Pay for play for whatever you want the government to do for you and leave me the hell out of it.

10-13-13, 19:45
Make it simple. Got a Gold Grill? No EBT.

Show up in Tommy Hilfigger jacket? No EBT.

This just shows how inept the GOP is. All you do is need to find 100 cases of fraud in the EBT and just keep hammering those as you say you have to reform the system so that those in real need get help.

Start putting people in jail for fraud.

Sorry if I missed this, but is the shutdown being blamed for this? The techies to fix it on furlough or something? OR is just another failed govt computer system?

To touch on this subject....

I had a friend that was working on a house for habitat for humanity several summers back. That was until she saw the home owners come in to inspect the new house. One pulled up in a new Escalade, the other in a new Range Rover. She walked straight off the site.

10-13-13, 19:59
riots start when the welfare checks dont buy anything, they wont bounce just not buy squat


10-13-13, 20:53
My wife just told me she heard on the local news that the free shit pipeline is flowing again.

10-13-13, 20:56
riots start when the welfare checks dont buy anything, they wont bounce just not buy squat


Those taking to twitter to complain about their own EBT ebing shutdown should be jailed. If you can afford the internet capable device plus the internet itself to post on a twitter account, you can SURELY afford potatoes, bread, rice, beans, and cabbage.

10-13-13, 21:35
To touch on this subject....

I had a friend that was working on a house for habitat for humanity several summers back. That was until she saw the home owners come in to inspect the new house. One pulled up in a new Escalade, the other in a new Range Rover. She walked straight off the site.

If she really wants a blood boil, tell her to drive by that same site today. That nice home that so many people worked so hard to build is probably now trashed.

The free shit army consumes more resources and wastes more lives than any special interest group I know.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

10-13-13, 21:37
Which is exactly how corporations "pay" taxes, as I said in another thread.

The point to which you said I was "factually wrong."

Maybe I taught you something?

Yes, what you taught me is that at times you prefer semantics instead straightforward discussion. :)

Knew exactly what you were saying and why. Believe it or not there is a better way, just be straight with people and let the rest fall into place.

10-13-13, 23:27
If they pay rent then their rent is obviously adjusted, or increased accordingly, for the property taxes the owner must pay. Therefore the renters themselves are essentially paying property taxes and accordingly contributing to the system. And that's if they don't own, which is an especially flawed assumption in this poor economy. In other words many, many property owners are struggling daily.

Regarding section 8, many if not most of them (the adults) are the problem, but they are far from the majority. Will agree though that this is an area in particular need of reassessment.

Ummm no. If you own a home you generally don't qualify for food stamps. The flawed assumption is that renters who qualify for food stamps actually pay their rent. They are notorious deadbeats and often become squatters.

10-14-13, 07:30
See the link on Drudge to the story about the Walmart stores in Louisiana that allowed people to use their EBT cards, even though the system wasn't showing limits or balances on the accounts? They cleared the store clean. As the system came back up one woman was trying to check out with $700 in groceries when she had $0.49 balance on her card.... When people heard the balances were activated again, they just left their carts full of food in the middle of the aisles.

10-14-13, 08:56
Ummm no. If you own a home you generally don't qualify for food stamps. The flawed assumption is that renters who qualify for food stamps actually pay their rent. They are notorious deadbeats and often become squatters.

You can own a home and collect welfare. While fortunately I never have by all accounts it is based on income and assets not including the home itself. If you lose your job and have no income you usually qualify unless your assets are proven abundant. Pretty simple.

As far as all who collect are squatters, hard to believe you think that's the case but whatever. All I can tell you is that while it surely happens it is not correct in the general sense. I guess the percentage of welfare recipients who are genuine squatters as opposed to behind on rent to be less than one third if that. Either way it certainly isn't close to 100%.

I know people who have been on welare. Usually a single mother who was either recently divorced, lost her job, lost their car or suffered another hardship. One I clearly remember owned a home won in a divorce, one was renting an apartment. The latter was behind here and there but was never severely delinquent or evicted.

We all know the people you're talking about and believe it or not I really, really don't like them either. But fact are facts so we may as well stick to them.

10-14-13, 09:57
The worst of them all: family living in $500k house; man has good paying job; wife runs a business from home; adult children are unemployed, live at home, and receive food stamps.

I'm not making this up either.

10-14-13, 13:47
You can own a home and collect welfare. While fortunately I never have by all accounts it is based on income and assets not including the home itself. If you lose your job and have no income you usually qualify unless your assets are proven abundant. Pretty simple.

As far as all who collect are squatters, hard to believe you think that's the case but whatever. All I can tell you is that while it surely happens it is not correct in the general sense. I guess the percentage of welfare recipients who are genuine squatters as opposed to behind on rent to be less than one third if that. Either way it certainly isn't close to 100%.

I know people who have been on welare. Usually a single mother who was either recently divorced, lost her job, lost their car or suffered another hardship. One I clearly remember owned a home won in a divorce, one was renting an apartment. The latter was behind here and there but was never severely delinquent or evicted.

We all know the people you're talking about and believe it or not I really, really don't like them either. But fact are facts so we may as well stick to them.

Things must be different in NJ.

I literally broke myself buying a house 20 years ago. It took every dollar I had. I was barely getting by and didn't always eat well. But because I owned a home I was a rich white person and didn't qualify for any kind of assistance.

10-14-13, 14:17
Things must be different in NJ.

I literally broke myself buying a house 20 years ago. It took every dollar I had. I was barely getting by and didn't always eat well. But because I owned a home I was a rich white person and didn't qualify for any kind of assistance.

To be honest it should have dawned on me that different states would likely have different regulations. But you never know, those restrictions may have been lifted there in FL by now. Guess it doesn't really matter, we can all agree the system is still a mess in need of repair.

10-14-13, 14:25
To be honest it should have dawned on me that different states would likely have different regulations. But you never know, those restrictions may have been lifted there in FL by now. Guess it doesn't really matter, we can all agree the system is still a mess in need of repair.

And just so you don't think I'm not reading you.

I know plenty of people who both have jobs to try and provide for their one child but just aren't making it because they just don't make enough. Food stamps means they actually eat.

Beyond the basic socialist model I object to, I don't have a big problem with families like this who could use a little help. I wish I qualified for a little help now and then.

But in all my experience they are a minority of the government services recipients. The vast majority, in my experience, see it as something they are due and having children which qualify as benefits is how they make a living.

10-14-13, 14:31
and today no spending limits ! so the thugs emptied the stores !

again good reason to get rid of them


10-14-13, 14:31
Food stamps are working and apparently there is now a run on groceries. So how many career welfare people are believers in the government now? Hope & Change 2012 I would imagine.


10-14-13, 14:35
Food stamps are working and apparently there is now a run on groceries. So how many career welfare people are believers in the government now? Hope & Change 2012 I would imagine.


Silly rabbit. This was all the Republicans fault when they tried to take away "free healthcare" and caused the government shut down. From this experience they will vote for whoever the Democrats offer up in 2016.

10-14-13, 15:25
Silly rabbit. This was all the Republicans fault when they tried to take away "free healthcare" and caused the government shut down. From this experience they will vote for whoever the Democrats offer up in 2016.

Agreed. History has shown time and time again individuals that make bad decisions will do so again and again.

•cue the 2008 black woman screaming Obama will make her mortgage payments•

10-14-13, 16:27
Agreed. History has shown time and time again individuals that make bad decisions will do so again and again.

•cue the 2008 black woman screaming Obama will make her mortgage payments•

It's stunning how stupid people are. They basically just supported a new "health care" tax. People in their 20s and 30s who can't afford health care and have crappy jobs will now be required to purchase health care at rates they still can't afford.

The government just took another "forever" bite out of the tax payer. Along with property taxes, income taxes and the ponzi scheme they call social security.

The only thing that won't change much is the cost of health care. But like mandatory auto insurance, the quality of the coverage will change.

10-14-13, 17:30
I'm 26 and if I had to get personal insurance it would cost me $11,500 a year. I have type 1 diabetes and have to have monthly (tri-monthly) supplies. I make $41,000 before taxes BUT because of this year and medical reason I may make $32,000 before taxes if I'm lucky. I take home $2,400 a month or $1,200 bi-weekly. If I opt out its $4,500 I pay at tax time. How in the hell is that affordable? It's not. Also take in account I buy healthier (food more expensive), have more doctor visits and have to go see Endo every three months (one week prior for blood work and then week after that for the visit for a1c). While some lazy, fat **** downing quarter pounders like his job gets shit tons of gov't assistants and abuses the system. Before anyone jumps on me, there are many different shapes of people that are abusing the system. American as a whole is unhealthy and it is freaking disgusting.

I agree the medical industry is screwed up period.

Using tapatalk

10-14-13, 17:35
Things must be different in NJ.

I literally broke myself buying a house 20 years ago. It took every dollar I had. I was barely getting by and didn't always eat well. But because I owned a home I was a rich white person and didn't qualify for any kind of assistance.

This is exactly why I'm so nervous to buy a house even when the time to buy is now. What if my pump fails ( insulin). That's 2500-8k I don't have to just dump. Granted I do keep. 13 k in a saving account at all times for " in case"

Using tapatalk

10-14-13, 19:08
I'm 26 and if I had to get personal insurance it would cost me $11,500 a year. I have type 1 diabetes and have to have monthly (tri-monthly) supplies. I make $41,000 before taxes BUT because of this year and medical reason I may make $32,000 before taxes if I'm lucky. I take home $2,400 a month or $1,200 bi-weekly. If I opt out its $4,500 I pay at tax time. How in the hell is that affordable? It's not. Also take in account I buy healthier (food more expensive), have more doctor visits and have to go see Endo every three months (one week prior for blood work and then week after that for the visit for a1c). While some lazy, fat **** downing quarter pounders like his job gets shit tons of gov't assistants and abuses the system. Before anyone jumps on me, there are many different shapes of people that are abusing the system. American as a whole is unhealthy and it is freaking disgusting.

I agree the medical industry is screwed up period.

Using tapatalk

It is NOT meant to be affordable. It is meant to make you dependent upon a crappy system. If I control your most basic, and important, Natural Right (Life) - I control your ass.

10-14-13, 21:44
This is exactly why I'm so nervous to buy a house even when the time to buy is now. What if my pump fails ( insulin). That's 2500-8k I don't have to just dump. Granted I do keep. 13 k in a saving account at all times for " in case"

Using tapatalkthis really isn't the time to buy the time to buy was about 2 years ago. Its getting very bubbly in my area. I wouldnt buy now.

10-15-13, 06:57
this really isn't the time to buy the time to buy was about 2 years ago. Its getting very bubbly in my area. I wouldnt buy now.

With the rates around here (3-3.75%) it's hard not to. There are alot of forclosed homes as well..I hate to say it like this but really cashing in on someone else misforturen.

10-15-13, 07:10
It's obvious the impoverished need to be thrown a financial bone to prevent civil war so the rest of us can live our comfortable lives on the other side of the tracks.

10-15-13, 09:35

10-15-13, 11:00
I'm 26 and if I had to get personal insurance it would cost me $11,500 a year. I have type 1 diabetes and have to have monthly (tri-monthly) supplies. I make $41,000 before taxes BUT because of this year and medical reason I may make $32,000 before taxes if I'm lucky. I take home $2,400 a month or $1,200 bi-weekly...

Using tapatalk

This is exactly why I'm so nervous to buy a house even when the time to buy is now. What if my pump fails ( insulin). That's 2500-8k I don't have to just dump. Granted I do keep. 13 k in a saving account at all times for " in case"

Using tapatalk

Trying to purchase a home would probably be a very bad idea based on the income/expenses that you report. Follow your instincts - some people are much better off renting. Perhaps you can revisit the idea down the road if your financial situation improves.

10-15-13, 11:11
See the link on Drudge to the story about the Walmart stores in Louisiana that allowed people to use their EBT cards, even though the system wasn't showing limits or balances on the accounts? They cleared the store clean. As the system came back up one woman was trying to check out with $700 in groceries when she had $0.49 balance on her card.... When people heard the balances were activated again, they just left their carts full of food in the middle of the aisles.

This is exactly why I believe a significant proportion of people on welfare are thieves. Perhaps we need the police state that has evolved around us to control the infestation.

10-15-13, 11:32
This is exactly why I believe a significant proportion of people on welfare are thieves. Perhaps we need the police state that has evolved around us to control the infestation.

The police state was meant for anybody that opposes the system. Since the leeches approve of it, they get a pass, for now, until the fundamental transformation is complete anyways.

10-15-13, 11:56
Trying to purchase a home would probably be a very bad idea based on the income/expenses that you report. Follow your instincts - some people are much better off renting. Perhaps you can revisit the idea down the road if your financial situation improves.

Since I live at home with the parents I've been able to save more money than anything. Granted it would be Fiance and I (together we make about 90-3K) as she is store manger of a bigger Petsmart. Insurance through my company is 130 per month. I've cut back alot but I really feel like we could do it. If the home needs something fix chances are I can do it or my Dad can/help.

Renting in my area is more expensive than home, granted if something happens in a apartment/etc you just call the landlord up and they fix it.

Mom is driving me nuts, while I love her she is driving me up the absolute wall:D

10-15-13, 14:42
Since I live at home with the parents I've been able to save more money than anything. Granted it would be Fiance and I (together we make about 90-3K) as she is store manger of a bigger Petsmart. Insurance through my company is 130 per month. I've cut back alot but I really feel like we could do it. If the home needs something fix chances are I can do it or my Dad can/help.

Renting in my area is more expensive than home, granted if something happens in a apartment/etc you just call the landlord up and they fix it.

Mom is driving me nuts, while I love her she is driving me up the absolute wall:D

Go for it OP. Get mortgage protection insurance, don't buy more than you can afford and make sure the bills can be paid for a while by you or your woman alone and you have nothing to worry about. I didn't start to live my life till I bought my own home.

10-15-13, 14:52
Go for it OP. Get mortgage protection insurance, don't buy more than you can afford and make sure the bills can be paid for a while by you or your woman alone and you have nothing to worry about. I didn't start to live my life till I bought my own home.

I've owned a couple homes and own my own home now.. Paid in full. But I'm thinking I need land. How much longer will we be enjoying suburban utopia of manicured lawns and HOAs?

10-15-13, 16:04
Looks like it may get worser before it gets betterer for those who rely on the ol' SNAPerdoodle...

10-15-13, 17:53
riots start when the welfare checks dont buy anything, they wont bounce just not buy squat


See the link on Drudge to the story about the Walmart stores in Louisiana that allowed people to use their EBT cards, even though the system wasn't showing limits or balances on the accounts? They cleared the store clean. As the system came back up one woman was trying to check out with $700 in groceries when she had $0.49 balance on her card.... When people heard the balances were activated again, they just left their carts full of food in the middle of the aisles.

And this gentlemen is why I purchase copious amounts of ammunition and standard capcity magazines.

Tick-tock . . . tick-tock . . . .

Food Stamp Nation: What a Modern Day Bread Line Looks Like


10-15-13, 19:58
[QUOTE=Moose-Knuckle;1771979]And this gentlemen is why I purchase copious amounts of ammunition and standard capcity magazines.

Tick-tock . . . tick-tock . . . .

I guess that is my reminder to head to my reloading bench and turn components into more freshly loaded ammo...:D

10-23-13, 18:52
Dept Homeland Security Preparing For Riots On Nov 1 2013 -You Won't Believe Why? - Cavuto (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9iHYec8eFg)

10-23-13, 20:44
Dept Homeland Security Preparing For Riots On Nov 1 2013 -You Won't Believe Why? - Cavuto (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9iHYec8eFg)

Wow. Very interesting. $36 decrease in food stamps per person is enough to spend $80,000,000 preparing for riots?

What about when its a 100% decrease? What then.

Also, he makes a good point. Slaves had food stamps from massas table.