View Full Version : Million Vet March

10-13-13, 20:37
I haven't heard how many showed up, but I watched the NBC National News to see how they covered it. It was dismissed as being a Tea Party show, and the attendance of Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz was highlighted. (the Bolded words are rage magnets for Leftists, in my experience).

The only vet they actually interviewed (a black fellow) said in his opinion Congress was to blame for the budget fight and the park closures, and not the President at all.

So, this is how the Media spins events to influence the public.

10-13-13, 21:06
Looked more like a "hundred vet march" from the pictures I saw.

10-14-13, 08:59
Does it matter how many showed up? Its the fact of what they did that is inspiring. Tore down "barrycades" and piled them up in front of the White House.

It also looks like the responding LEO traded in their Brown Shirt uniforms for UN Blue....

10-14-13, 17:11
Does it matter how many showed up? Its the fact of what they did that is inspiring. Tore down "barrycades" and piled them up in front of the White House.

It also looks like the responding LEO traded in their Brown Shirt uniforms for UN Blue....

Covered all the points.

I love that their protest opened memorials as opposed to making demands for free shit. I loved that their acts of civil disobedience were limited to cutting chains and locks and piling barricades in front of the white house and not breaking windows, shutting down businesses or otherwise destroying things.

And yeah, the LEOs I saw on NBC were being appallingly aggressive, especially considering they were facing mostly old men whose acts of protest were pretty well behaved.

It must be incredibly sad for them to see where this nation has come to considering what they knew it as and all the personal sacrifices they have made for it.

10-14-13, 22:11
Looked more like a "hundred vet march" from the pictures I saw.

You would think march organizers would have wised up by not to calling any march a "Million X" anything, because they are always dismissed by the opposition when they don't get that number, which is almost always the case.

10-14-13, 23:02
You would think march organizers would have wised up by not to calling any march a "Million X" anything, because they are always dismissed by the opposition when they don't get that number, which is almost always the case.

Even the original million man march was well short of a million. Park estimates were around 400,000 before Farrakan threatened to sue.


Also need to remember that event coincided with a "Day of Absence" which was basically a "call in to work sick" day. Pretty easy to sell that idea.