View Full Version : Who shut down the government?

10-14-13, 22:01
A brilliant column by Mr Thomas Sowell explaining why the government is currently shut down.

Thomas Sowell on just who's responsible for the government shutdown. (http://townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/2013/10/04/who-shut-down-the-government-n1716292)

10-15-13, 01:13
Yeah but the media is on the Democrats side so their argument is going to be spun as the correct one.

Just a few years ago the Democrats defunded the border fence we were supposed to get...which was passed and signed into law by a previous Congress. Didn't see the media going ape over that. It's only 'wrong' when Republicans do it, apparently.

10-15-13, 01:58
Intellectual arrogance is really the root of our evils right now and for a while. We need to clean the house of the "I know what's best for you and your going to like it" crowd and hire some ****ers who have a good bit of rational humility.

KIM, this condition is rampant in both parties.

10-15-13, 09:51
Really won't matter, the self righteous, and entitlement class of idiots along with John Q public who gets news from the alphabet networks will vote for liberals in 2014.and 2016 because they are told Republicans and Tea Party are bad evil terrorist. They love their new entitlement program Obamacare and don't want to give it up, more free shit.I think the Republicans should have let Obama care go and cost the country more debt and bankruptcy let the dems and Obama own it but, The republicans have too much infighting and are destroying themselves, while Obama is having fun. I see worst days for America ahead.

10-15-13, 10:34
Check out DU.

They are going nuts because what the media has fed them isn't corresponding to real life. I mean the entire forum is imploding.

Long time members are posting that they are seeing $800/mo premiums on the exchanges for $12,000 deductible coverage plus co pays....per person!

Then half the forum responds that they are a right wing nut job and that's impossible because he saw on MSNBC some lady's premiums went down from $300 to $75 a month. When other members reply that the member is a vetted liberal and his word is to be trusted they then blame the GOP for sabotaging the healthcare exchanges.

I can't make this shit up.

Single payer, here we come...

10-15-13, 10:42
Who MISSES the shut down govt?

That is the question.

Do you miss it? Does it have any effect on your daily life?

Probably not...so don't tell me we cannot cut out anything.


10-15-13, 11:34
I haven't noticed anything.

10-15-13, 12:03
I haven't noticed anything.

Less traffic around downtown federal buildings :D

10-15-13, 12:17
Check out DU.

They are going nuts because what the media has fed them isn't corresponding to real life. I mean the entire forum is imploding.

Long time members are posting that they are seeing $800/mo premiums on the exchanges for $12,000 deductible coverage plus co pays....per person!

Then half the forum responds that they are a right wing nut job and that's impossible because he saw on MSNBC some lady's premiums went down from $300 to $75 a month. When other members reply that the member is a vetted liberal and his word is to be trusted they then blame the GOP for sabotaging the healthcare exchanges.

I can't make this shit up.

Single payer, here we come...

I've been tempted to float over there just for the sake if seeing what is happening. But I will concede the manifestation of homicidal ideation would be inevitable so I haven't done so yet. Were there any comments made on the .mil death benefits debacle? probably not...

10-15-13, 16:14
A brilliant column by Mr Thomas Sowell explaining why the government is currently shut down.

Thomas Sowell on just who's responsible for the government shutdown. (http://townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/2013/10/04/who-shut-down-the-government-n1716292)

Won't matter. The vast majority of the population will remain committed to the belief that the Republicans did it while attempting to take away their free Obamacare.

That Congress has done virtually NOTHING about cutting spending and has only created more programs to fund, borrowed more money and now wants to raise the debt ceiling is irrelevant because most people who watch the news can't even understand these basic concepts.