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10-21-13, 00:05
Scout Leaders Destroy 170 Million-Year-Old Rock in State Park to ‘Save Lives’ (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/10/18/scout-leaders-destroy-170-million-year-old-rock-formation-in-state-park-to-save-lives/)

Bad enough they did their "hold my beer" moment on youtube and in front of one of their kids, even worse is the fact that they are scoutmasters who should have known better and worst is them trying to suggest they did it for safety reasons.

A truly safety conscious scoutmaster would have simply informed their kid of the inherent risk associated with these ancient formations and taught them to admire from a distance.

Instead we got this.


10-21-13, 02:39
Yep. guy is a leech.

He is suing someone for "terrible injuries" from a car accident.

No doubt the "Safety" issue is just a CYA story.

10-21-13, 02:46
Guy is a hero if you ask me. Nature could've hurt someone, glad he destroyed it before it fell in another 100k years.

10-21-13, 02:49
Felony charges. That ought to put some starch in his shorts. Truly sad seeing that rock tumble from its perch.

10-21-13, 06:19
Deserves jail time plus maximum public service, and banned from scouting forever.

10-21-13, 06:30
Deserves jail time plus maximum public service, and banned from scouting forever.

Yep, these are my thoughts as well. He exemplifies the worst traits of an American outdoors person. His mentality is what has ruined so many good things all over this country. It made me sick to hear he was affiliated with the scouts and thus teaching a whole new generation of kids that his behavior is acceptable, and Nature is just a playground for us to **** with.

10-21-13, 07:25
To think a man should go to jail or even face civil or criminal charges for pushing over a rock is insanity.
This same nanny state mentality demands gun control, carbon taxes and large soda bans.

10-21-13, 07:34
While numb nuts sits in jail on felony charges, he should be paying for the restoration project to have the rock put back.
Good thing they didn't take a trip to Stonehenge.

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10-21-13, 07:43
Some people are just hogs. Nothing they can really do about it. They can't help themselves, it is just the way some people are made.....

10-21-13, 07:49
To think a man should go to jail or even face civil or criminal charges for pushing over a rock is insanity.
This same nanny state mentality demands gun control, carbon taxes and large soda bans.

+1. Fine him if you want for restoration costs because he was a retard for posting this to YouTube and got caught, but more then that is ridiculous.

JBecker 72
10-21-13, 07:56
First let me say that he is an idiot and probably shouldn't be a scout master. However this hardly seems like the type of offense that warrants a felony charge. Fine him and give him community service or something but don't throw the guy in jail.

10-21-13, 07:57
Scout Leaders Destroy 170 Million-Year-Old Rock in State Park to ‘Save Lives’ (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/10/18/scout-leaders-destroy-170-million-year-old-rock-formation-in-state-park-to-save-lives/)

Bad enough they did their "hold my beer" moment on youtube and in front of one of their kids, even worse is the fact that they are scoutmasters who should have known better and worst is them trying to suggest they did it for safety reasons.

A truly safety conscious scoutmaster would have simply informed their kid of the inherent risk associated with these ancient formations and taught them to admire from a distance.

Instead we got this.


I saw this mouth breather on the news. It was for the children! :rolleyes:

10-21-13, 07:58
It always amazes me that people film and/or share online their stupid and many times illegal activities. LE must enjoy scanning confiscated digital cameras and the like to view idiots incriminating themselves.

10-21-13, 08:00
These guys are totally idiots, but they aren't criminals. I'll bet money they were showing off their "man strength" to their sons and thier thought process didn't go beyond, "It's just rocks." & "Hey kids, watch this!"

10-21-13, 08:07
These guys are totally idiots, but they aren't criminals.
Sorry, but IIRC it is a criminal offense to destroy or deface public property.

10-21-13, 08:12
I wonder if these assclowns are responsible for the old man on the mountain in NH falling off years ago ? After all, it was just a rock formation that could be dangerous :rolleyes:


10-21-13, 08:33
These guys are totally idiots, but they aren't criminals. I'll bet money they were showing off their "man strength" to their sons and thier thought process didn't go beyond, "It's just rocks." & "Hey kids, watch this!"

Yes they are.

JBecker 72
10-21-13, 08:40
Yes they are.

Felony worthy though?

10-21-13, 08:41
Felony worthy though?

Certainly. Knowingly destroying a monument. Filming it. Then posting it online. Fry em up.

10-21-13, 08:46
They didn't just "push a rock," they deliberately altered a distinct terrain feature aboard state-run lands. Vandalism is a crime, and it's not the sort of thing that was put in place only for the sake of creating a new class of criminal. I.e., "nanny-state."

It's also not "nanny-state" to hold people accountable for their actions.

"Well, if it's public land, and they're part of the public, so it's okay for them to do that, what's the big deal? Goo goo goo c'mon Flash...." Don't even TRY to run that kind of Silly-Straw logic.

These stupid goobers wanted to do nothing more than destroy something beautiful. Doesn't ruin my life, and probably not anybody else's, but they need to be held accountable for it in such a way as to have a large impact on their lives, else others think they can also get away with this kind of behavior, though not in excess of any other group of morons behaving the same way, but who were just barely smart enough to NOT film themselves high-fiving and LAUGHING about it.

They'd not be taking the hit for "just a rock," but for the joyful, willful, deliberate destruction of something placed into the public trust for the enjoyment of all. They don't get to make decisions for the entire rest of whomever visits that park.

Jail time? Maybe/maybe not.

A suspended-sentence conviction that gets them booted from Scouting, less able to influence youths to act as they do, and hangs from their necks for the rest of their lives? I like it, hell yeah.

Hell, were it legal, I'd jail Neckbeard because neckbeard....THAT would be nanny-state.

10-21-13, 08:55
Certainly. Knowingly destroying a monument. Filming it. Then posting it online. Fry em up.

And laughing about it while doing it.

That's what I found the most disgusting. You can almost hear the inflection in the voices of how much of a joke it was to them. "Tee hee hee, we pushed over a big rock and made it safe for people! tee hee hee"

Maybe I'm taking it wrong, but they just didn't sound like they were doing a good turn daily.

10-21-13, 09:00
JSantoro summed my thoughts up, so this post has been deleted.

10-21-13, 09:03
They didn't just "push a rock," they deliberately altered a distinct terrain feature aboard state-run lands. Vandalism is a crime, and it's not the sort of thing that was put in place only for the sake of creating a new class of criminal. I.e., "nanny-state."

It's also not "nanny-state" to hold people accountable for their actions.

"Well, if it's public land, and they're part of the public, so it's okay for them to do that, what's the big deal? Goo goo goo c'mon Flash...." Don't even TRY to run that kind of Silly-Straw logic.

These stupid goobers wanted to do nothing more than destroy something beautiful. Doesn't ruin my life, and probably not anybody else's, but they need to be held accountable for it in such a way as to have a large impact on their lives, else others think they can also get away with this kind of behavior, though not in excess of any other group of morons behaving the same way, but who were just barely smart enough to NOT film themselves high-fiving and LAUGHING about it.

They'd not be taking the hit for "just a rock," but for the joyful, willful, deliberate destruction of something placed into the public trust for the enjoyment of all. They don't get to make decisions for the entire rest of whomever visits that park.

Jail time? Maybe/maybe not.

A suspended-sentence conviction that gets them booted from Scouting, less able to influence youths to act as they do, and hangs from their necks for the rest of their lives? I like it, hell yeah.

Hell, were it legal, I'd jail Neckbeard because neckbeard....THAT would be nanny-state.

Said better then I ever could. My thoughts exactly.

10-21-13, 09:15
I would expect jail time if someone chiseled Washington's face off Rushmore even if it's because they didn't want his nose falling off & hurting someone below. I'd also expect time in the pen if someone put a cork in Old Faithful to save someone from being scalded. I hold Mother Nature's work in higher regard than man-made work. It can't be duplicated & takes millions of years to create. It's much more than just rock tipping.
I think we all know that this is as much about safety as is that jack-ass on his motorcycle was only "looking for a friend" when he brake checked that SUV. Bullshit! You got ****ed by your own YouTube video & now you're scrambling for an excuse.

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10-21-13, 09:19
BSoA's response:

UPDATE: 3:45 p.m. -- In a statement to The Huffington Post, Deron Smith, the PR director for Boy Scouts of America, emphasized the organization's focus on teaching respectable outdoor stewardship:

We are shocked and disappointed by this reprehensible behavior. For more than a century, the Boy Scouts of America has been a leader in conservation—from stewardship to sustainability. We teach our 2.6 million youth members and 1.1 million adult members, who collectively spend more than 5.5 million nights outdoors, the principles of "Leave No Trace."

These principles stress a commitment to maintaining the integrity and character of the outdoors and all living things. The isolated actions of these individuals are absolutely counter to our beliefs and what we teach. We are reviewing this matter and will take appropriate action.

10-21-13, 09:30
I'm in the JSantoro camp. They were in Goblin Valley State Park, named for the "goblin" rock formations they willfully destroyed. That ranks about the same as walking into Mammoth Cave National Park and chipping a stalactite off the roof or taking a chainsaw to one of the trees in Redwood National Park.

It's just plain ass stupid. And stupid should hurt.

10-21-13, 10:39
Judging from it's precarious perch that 200 million year old rock had at about another 100 years to live. Life in prison ought to be the appropriate punishment.

10-21-13, 12:04
As an Eagle Scout, seeing stuff like this just pisses me off. I'm with JSantoro and montanadave on this one. Idiocy should be punished, and these guys are plenty deserving of it.

10-21-13, 14:02
To think a man should go to jail or even face civil or criminal charges for pushing over a rock is insanity.
This same nanny state mentality demands gun control, carbon taxes and large soda bans.

Not sure about jail time, vandalism charges maybe if it was a National Park. Perhaps a fitting sentence is to make him put it back and he can't leave until it is just like he found it.

10-21-13, 14:07
Not sure about jail time, vandalism charges maybe if it was a National Park. Perhaps a fitting sentence is to make him put it back and he can't leave until it is just like he found it.

I can't see jail time but how about sentencing them to picking up 500 Hefty lawn bags full of trash at their local state park?

10-21-13, 14:09
BSoA's response:

UPDATE: 3:45 p.m. -- In a statement to The Huffington Post, Deron Smith, the PR director for Boy Scouts of America, emphasized the organization's focus on teaching respectable outdoor stewardship:

We are shocked and disappointed by this reprehensible behavior. For more than a century, the Boy Scouts of America has been a leader in conservation—from stewardship to sustainability. We teach our 2.6 million youth members and 1.1 million adult members, who collectively spend more than 5.5 million nights outdoors, the principles of "Leave No Trace."

These principles stress a commitment to maintaining the integrity and character of the outdoors and all living things. The isolated actions of these individuals are absolutely counter to our beliefs and what we teach. We are reviewing this matter and will take appropriate action.

I was only briefly involved in scouts, but even I could remember that one.

10-21-13, 15:00
Vandalism - is it specifically against the law to tip over these rocks - are classified as protected?

State Park - oh, you mean OUR land, not a bureaucratic fiefdom.

I am all about nature, and yes without a doubt they need to be removed from the BSA for their lack of understanding of stewardship.

That said - I am MUCH more concerned about our rights on our land. If there isn't a law - they did nothing illegal. If they did, where EXACTLY does it stop? Can I shuffle my feet? What if I disturb a pebble? Sounds funny until you understand the lock up of public lands that is going on all over the west - then again, you'd have to read Agenda 21 as well.

Good luck

10-21-13, 15:04
A felony for pushing a rock. ;)

Still think it's a good idea to use that as a basis for removing their 2nd Amendment rights?

10-21-13, 15:05
Vandalism - is it specifically against the law to tip over these rocks - are classified as protected?

State Park - oh, you mean OUR land, not a bureaucratic fiefdom.

I am all about nature, and yes without a doubt they need to be removed from the BSA for their lack of understanding of stewardship.

That said - I am MUCH more concerned about our rights on our land. If there isn't a law - they did nothing illegal. If they did, where EXACTLY does it stop? Can I shuffle my feet? What if I disturb a pebble? Sounds funny until you understand the lock up of public lands that is going on all over the west - then again, you'd have to read Agenda 21 as well.

Good luck

Preservation can be a tricky thing.

We don't want to be like Rome where their historical treasures are covered in graffiti, but at the same time we don't want it to be an infraction to walk through a spider web in a National Forest.

But in this example, there is a clear and obvious distinction between what they did and disturbing a pebble. I understand the slippery slope but these guys were just retards who thought it was the height of accomplishment to push a rock off a perch and then further proclaim their hero status for saving children.

Don Robison
10-21-13, 15:14
Besides being an idiot for this, he also has a disability claim ongoing.


...............However Taylor is now facing additional scrutiny after it was revealed that he filed a suit claiming he has he endured "great pain and suffering, disability, impairment, loss of life" stemming from a 2009 car accident, according to ABC News affiliate KTVX-TV in Salt Lake City, Utah.

According to KTVX, Taylor said in the documents he has incurred an estimated $5,000 in medical related expenses.

Alan Macdonald, who is being sued by Taylor because it was his daughter who hit Taylor's car, told KTVX that he was "highly offended" by Taylor's actions...........

10-21-13, 15:15


Good. And while I'd not see them killed, I'm not exactly brimming with sympathy over these idiots receiving death threats....

Jail time? Perhaps not, but I DO hope that these fat turds feel like they're getting beaten to death with feathers for a month or three, especially the "disabled" ambulance-chasing POS.

Having no class isn't a crime, but it's sure as hell not a superlative, especially when it takes the form of deliberately choosing to not uphold ideals to which you agreed to abide.

10-21-13, 15:44
That said - I am MUCH more concerned about our rights on our land. If there isn't a law - they did nothing illegal. If they did, where EXACTLY does it stop? Can I shuffle my feet? What if I disturb a pebble?
Yes, where exactly does it stop - vandalism of public lands, that is. You can't just do whatever you want in a state or national park. There are rules and there are laws. Surely you are able to differentiate between a wanton act of destruction of a 170 million year old rock formation and inadvertently disturbing a pebble.

10-21-13, 15:51
Preservation can be a tricky thing.

We don't want to be like Rome where their historical treasures are covered in graffiti, but at the same time we don't want it to be an infraction to walk through a spider web in a National Forest.

But in this example, there is a clear and obvious distinction between what they did and disturbing a pebble. I understand the slippery slope but these guys were just retards who thought it was the height of accomplishment to push a rock off a perch and then further proclaim their hero status for saving children.

That is not an answer.

There is either a bright line or it is bureaucrat's call. That means the rule of man, not the rule of law.

Don't get me wrong - they were wrong to do what they did. However there is a difference between being a dipshit and doing something that is illegal.

The subject is deeply personal to me as I have already watched Klinton sign into law the Cascade Siskiyou Monument (87,000 acres, once very accessible - locked up / turned into a roadless area / removed cattle grazing rights / curtailed private property rights within the monument area / mining rights / water right / access / etc / etc); and now they are proposing the 600,000 Siskiyou Crest Monument.

If one is not familiar with the coming battle over water - probably ought to.

If one has not read Agenda 21 - probably ought to do that as well.

From a land use perspective the idea is to concentrate (herd) people into large areas. Also if you are involved in land use in your community and wonder why the planning rules are so goofy - written to ensure 'sustainability', 'social equity', but really seem to strip away your rights as a land owner - it is likely because your community is part of ICLEI or the International Council for Local Environmental Initiative. It was ICLEI that wrote the land use section of Agenda 21.

Click here to see if your community or portions of your state are a part of ICLEI http://downtowncary.org/member-list-iclei-local-governments-for-sustainability-usa/

For those that are looking for a summary on Agenda 21 - http://americanpolicy.org/agenda21/

However I suggest you take the time to read the entire document (it is a lot more than just land use) http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf

Lastly - take a look at this map to understand where this is all going


10-21-13, 15:54
I'm not sure about the able felony thing as I don't think vandalism ranks up that high, so I'd plead them to a misdemeanor were I prosecuting the case.

They do need to be punished for their actions. Parks are OUR land not theirs, not mine and a not yours. Making unilateral decisions is a no-no. If he didn't want his kids harmed by the deadly rock formation he should parent them to not go near them rather than destroy something. I guess by his mentality we should all break out the concrete mixers and fill up the Grand Canyon so no little kids whose idiot parents allow them to walk the rim alone don't fall in.

Here is a clue. World proof your child as you see fit instead of child proofing the world. Works much better.

Hope the scouts grow a pair and boot their asses as their actions were 100% contrary to the leave no trace philosophy of the scouts.

10-21-13, 15:59
Yes, where exactly does it stop - vandalism of public lands, that is. You can't just do whatever you want in a state or national park. There are rules and there are laws. Surely you are able to differentiate between a wanton act of destruction of a 170 million year old rock formation and inadvertently disturbing a pebble.

It's no big deal. If each member here tipped over a rock, there is no more Goblin Valley State Park. If we each cut down a Redwood, there's no more Redwood Nat'l Park. It's only rock tipping or tree felling. :rolleyes:
It's pretty easy to figure out where to draw the line. You don't vandalize any park... much less a 170 million year old state park.

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10-21-13, 17:25
That is not an answer.

Of course it's an answer.

The answer was hard and fast definitions, while ideal, are not always simple to arrive at.

This is compounded by the situation that we shouldn't need laws that say "don't piss on cars in the parking lot" but at the same time we need to address people who are so ****ing ignorant they require a law to stop them from pissing on cars in the parking lot.

I wish we lived in a society where we need about two dozen laws for the big stuff and everyone else was a normal, decent and well raised individual who doesn't need a law to know right from wrong when it comes to the other stuff.

But like somebody said earlier, sadly there are people who just don't know better or don't care and go through life imposing themselves on everyone else and constantly ****ing with everything for their own amusement. I just wish they'd confine themselves to pulling that crap at Lion Country Safari.

And don't misunderstand me, I don't think anyone really needs to be jailed or lose their rights over vandalism of this level. But they damn sure need to be set straight and it should cost them enough in fines and public scorn that they remember to not be a giant dickhead every day of their life.

Suwannee Tim
10-21-13, 20:18
To think a man should go to jail or even face civil or criminal charges for pushing over a rock is insanity.
This same nanny state mentality demands gun control, carbon taxes and large soda bans.

The park he was in is state property and the rules against damage are well known. If it were private property and the owner did not care it would be different. I am an outdoorsman and I see every outing the destruction wrought by man. Example: the St Johns river is likely to be decimated by an introduced suckermouth cat fish, the hypostomus plecostomus. That devastation will affect many other species including the much beloved manatees. This is not a nanny state mentality. It is almost universally supported common sense conservation. That you cannot tell the difference between conservation and nanny statism is dismaying.

Suwannee Tim
10-21-13, 20:23
Do we have to wait a whole month to propose a new "Retard of the Month" or can we have a new one every couple or three days?

How about this guy? (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/10/21/a-68-year-old-man-with-parkinsons-and-a-shotgun-does-what-you-might-do-if-you-found-a-22-year-old-in-bed-with-your-wife-2/)

If I was in bed with some dude's wife and he urged me to leave I would leave.

10-21-13, 20:30
Do we have to wait a whole month to propose a new "Retard of the Month" or can we have a new one every couple or three days?

How about this guy? (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/10/21/a-68-year-old-man-with-parkinsons-and-a-shotgun-does-what-you-might-do-if-you-found-a-22-year-old-in-bed-with-your-wife-2/)

If I was in bed with some dude's wife and he urged me to leave I would leave.

WTF?! 22 & 63...icky :confused:

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Don Robison
10-21-13, 20:35
Looks like the BSA cut them loose.


SALT LAKE CITY Two Utah men have been stripped of their positions as Boy Scout leaders after they posted a video of themselves purposely toppling an ancient rock formation in a state park.

A northern Utah Boy Scouts council announced Monday that the men involved in the Oct. 11 event at Goblin Valley State Park have been removed from their posts. The news release doesn't name the men, but Glenn Taylor and Dave Hall have taken responsibility for what happened.............

Suwannee Tim
10-21-13, 20:37
WTF?! 22 & 63...icky :confused:

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I want to see a pic of the wife. :)

10-21-13, 20:50
I want to see a pic of the wife. :)

Cougar, perhaps?

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10-22-13, 15:43
So now it's become public knowledge that weeks prior to dumping the stones this ass hat filed a disability claim for a bad back.

I really want to punch this man in the face:


Suwannee Tim
10-22-13, 19:13
People like Glenn Taylor serve a valuable purpose. Compared to Glenn Taylor even the worstest dumbass on this forum looks like a genius. :)

10-23-13, 03:39
There is vandalism and there is vandalism. Pissing on a rock, or taking a dump in a public place, is one thing. Destroying a millenia-old monument which is the very basis for the existence of the park is another thing.

I'm not sure about the able felony thing as I don't think vandalism ranks up that high, so I'd plead them to a misdemeanor were I prosecuting the case.

… and if I were the judge, I'd reject that plea and bind the case over for trial. If those miscreants were found guilty, and if such a sentence was within the law and my discretion, I'd sentence each of those morons to 10 years with 5 to serve (and if they were good boys in prison, they'd be out in 2 …)

10-23-13, 03:49
Now that I have cooled off a bit....I dont think they need to be branded as felons. With that said, they need to pay dearly, and in the only place that counts. Liens, garnished wages, and huge fines. W/out a doubt they should serve time in secure custody, no alternative programs BS. My children will never be able to enjoy the majesty and history of that one small rock formation because he made the CHOICE to take that from all future generations.