View Full Version : Saudis to 'shift away from US' over Syria, Iran: Source

10-22-13, 12:01
This is big news for the petro dollar.


10-22-13, 12:10
The Saudis have threatened to replace the USD with the Yuan for a very long time....it took big media a while to listen.

Many years ago, the Russians and Chinese also agreed to not use the USD in oil exchanges between those two countries. That news also barely made the rounds.

At some point, the USD will lost it's reserve currency status as far as oil buying is concerned. It is GOING to happen.

Scary times ARE coming but every time you mention this...others just marginalize the messenger with "tinfoil hat" comments.


10-22-13, 18:20
I bet the Federal reserve bankstas are upset!.

10-22-13, 19:44
Here is something I wish our dipshits in charge would tell the Saudis and the other Gulf Nations. Handle Syria and all the other ME problems on your own. Why the hell are we (USA) always the one to get our hands dirty. We do their bidding and it comes back to bite us in the ass.

Next time a ME dictator/ruler pops off and stirs up the shit. Tell those sand suckers to fix their own damn problems.

10-22-13, 19:57
Buy gold, silver, ammo and guns.

10-22-13, 20:00
Buy gold, silver, ammo and guns.

Powder, primers, bullets and food!


10-22-13, 20:08
Powder, primers, bullets and food!


I like to buy those too :)

10-22-13, 21:38
Here is something I wish our dipshits in charge would tell the Saudis and the other Gulf Nations. Handle Syria and all the other ME problems on your own. Why the hell are we (USA) always the one to get our hands dirty. We do their bidding and it comes back to bite us in the ass.

Next time a ME dictator/ruler pops off and stirs up the shit. Tell those sand suckers to fix their own damn problems.

Absolutely... let them kill each other. Phoque the Middle east, and everything else outside our boarders.

10-22-13, 23:36
Unfortunately we (our elected dumb phuxx) are too stupid to cut off the M.E because we won't be able to sell cool shit to them and we afraid that they will screw us on the oil thing. Oh, that's right they are already.

Just like the 1.6 billion to Pakistan simply because we are afraid they will let some nukes go missing.

10-23-13, 01:11
Here is something I wish our dipshits in charge would tell the Saudis and the other Gulf Nations. Handle Syria and all the other ME problems on your own. Why the hell are we (USA) always the one to get our hands dirty. We do their bidding and it comes back to bite us in the ass.

Next time a ME dictator/ruler pops off and stirs up the shit. Tell those sand suckers to fix their own damn problems.

But the Petro Dollar allows our politicians to spend 50% more than tax revenues, year after year. We've watered down our currency 90% since 1973 (Petro Dollar) and the rest of the world has to suck them up if they want to buy oil.

If we quit playing Wahhabi Mercenary for Hire, then OPEC quits trading oil for only US$, and our economy has to float the dollar on the open market (read: astronomical interest rates to hold this TP with cartoon characters=DOOM).

Our politicians will tell OPEC to Shove It! the day they want to quit wild ass spending. NEVER HAPPEN. We have traitors and whores in Congress and the WH.

10-23-13, 10:25
Just saw this, not sure if it has been posted or not.


Saudi Arabia severs diplomatic ties with US over response to conflict in Syria

10-23-13, 10:47
So the Saudis wanted us to go in and help keep Assad in power, instead of allowing the rebels backed by the Muslim Brotherhood take over?

Ugh...this is why we should drill and refine HERE and leave all these people alone. Next to nothing good comes from dealing with these people.


10-23-13, 10:53
Just saw this, not sure if it has been posted or not.


Saudi Arabia severs diplomatic ties with US over response to conflict in Syria

That article really lays it out, and shows who has been calling the shots, and has been behind most ME conflicts: Saudis. If we don't bust the heads of whoever they want, and they feel they can get someone like China (who now buys more of their oil than the US) to send in military force more easily than working with us...end of Petro Dollar.

So far this is just one minister in the govt, not the King. But if the Saudis actually back out of the oil-for-guns Petro Dollar than our politicians are going to have a humungous crap load of near worthless treasuries dumped back into the market, and the consequences of their reckless free-wheeling spending will become apparent. This would be SHTF Day.

10-23-13, 11:44
That article really lays it out, and shows who has been calling the shots, and has been behind most ME conflicts: Saudis. If we don't bust the heads of whoever they want, and they feel they can get someone like China (who now buys more of their oil than the US) to send in military force more easily than working with us...end of Petro Dollar.

So far this is just one minister in the govt, not the King. But if the Saudis actually back out of the oil-for-guns Petro Dollar than our politicians are going to have a humungous crap load of near worthless treasuries dumped back into the market, and the consequences of their reckless free-wheeling spending will become apparent. This would be SHTF Day.

Don't forget all of those dollars rushing back to the US resulting in hyperinflation.

Saudi Arabia is like #3 behind Mexico and Canada for oil.

10-23-13, 13:59
I think this is appropriate to this thread. De-crowning the dollar, and the collapse ahead. (http://www.cnbc.com/id/101133131)

The gradual erosion of the U.S. dollar's status as the world's reserve currency has been greatly hastened of late. This is due not only to the perpetual gridlock in D.C., but also our government's inability to articulate a strategy to deal with the $126 trillion of unfunded liabilities.

Our addictions to debt and cheap money have finally caused our major international creditors to call for an end to dollar hegemony and to push for a "de-Americanized" world.

China, the largest U.S. creditor with $1.28 trillion in Treasury bonds, recently put out a commentary through the state-run Xinhua news agency stating that, "Such alarming days when the destinies of others are in the hands of a hypocritical nation have to be terminated.".....

Since there appears to be no political solution in site it would benefit investors to take steps now to protect their portfolios from the de-crowning of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.

Crow Hunter
10-23-13, 14:55
I think this is appropriate to this thread. De-crowning the dollar, and the collapse ahead. (http://www.cnbc.com/id/101133131)

The only catch with this theory is where else is there to park money other than the US Treasury Bond?

No other nation on Earth has the GDP/tax base to support the $ demand for debt instruments.

Even all Europe combined doesn't have enough. Neither Russia nor China has a developed enough legal system/economy to support such a thing.

Maybe if Europe gets is stuff together and stops spending such a huge amount while increasing their economic output, they might have enough standing the the world to do it but not until they create a single European banking system and a single Euro denominated debt instrument. Germany and England and France are the only ones that might be able to support that but they aren't going to want to share bonds with Greece or Portugal because they will be forced to pay back the whole amount while only getting a portion of the benefits.

I wouldn't invest in Chinese or Russian debt instruments with the expectation that I would have a 100% guarantee of getting a fixed rate and getting my principal back.

That is why we are the reserve currency for the world, you know when you buy a US bond you will get your coupon rate and your principal back at the end of the term. Not because we are the petrol currency.

If anything, petrol is the world currency and it is used to buy investment grade bonds.;)

10-24-13, 05:25
So the Saudis wanted us to go in and help keep Assad in power, instead of allowing the rebels backed by the Muslim Brotherhood take over?

Ugh...this is why we should drill and refine HERE and leave all these people alone. Next to nothing good comes from dealing with these people.


No, the Wahhabist Saudis wished for us to overthrow Saddam Hussein, Khaddafi, Assad, Lebanon and Iran and replace them all with crazy assed Wahhabbist leadership with Sharia Law.

The Saudis can blow Satan if you ask me. The previous presidents/administrations sold America's soul embracing these SOBs.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

10-24-13, 06:26
The only catch with this theory is where else is there to park money other than the US Treasury Bond?

No other nation on Earth has the GDP/tax base to support the $ demand for debt instruments.

Even all Europe combined doesn't have enough. Neither Russia nor China has a developed enough legal system/economy to support such a thing.

Maybe if Europe gets is stuff together and stops spending such a huge amount while increasing their economic output, they might have enough standing the the world to do it but not until they create a single European banking system and a single Euro denominated debt instrument. Germany and England and France are the only ones that might be able to support that but they aren't going to want to share bonds with Greece or Portugal because they will be forced to pay back the whole amount while only getting a portion of the benefits.

I wouldn't invest in Chinese or Russian debt instruments with the expectation that I would have a 100% guarantee of getting a fixed rate and getting my principal back.

That is why we are the reserve currency for the world, you know when you buy a US bond you will get your coupon rate and your principal back at the end of the term. Not because we are the petrol currency.

If anything, petrol is the world currency and it is used to buy investment grade bonds.;)

Our savior for now. BRICs are making some headway but until their middle classes have the purchasing power of ours, there's no one to buy Chinas stuff. The Affirdable :rolleyes: Care Act will redirect discretionary spending of of our middle class though.

10-24-13, 10:44
The ACA will help accelerate the end of the once thriving middle class in America.

Was this maybe their goal all along?


10-24-13, 10:54
The ACA will help accelerate the end of the once thriving middle class in America.

Was this maybe their goal all along?


Can't be because then all the crazy people on the fringe of reality who have been saying this right along will have been right and we can't allow such a thing to happen.

10-24-13, 10:58
Well that is why I failed to see the merit in those saying that what Ted Cruz did hurt the GOP or the defunding idea was going to hurt our cause.

BS....the media and left are going to make them look bad no matter what. They will also make it appear that whatever bad happens with the ACA is not their fault.

Haven't you noticed that NOTHING that goes on during Obama's reign is his fault? That he is always portrayed as some distant figure, looking at every fiasco from the outside?

It will be a cold day in hell when the Democrats get the blame for anything that goes wrong.


10-24-13, 15:40
It's all about building a proposed natural gas pipeline through Syria from S.A. into europe, which would cut russia's strangle hold as the primary source of natural gas there, and compete with the Arab pipeline, cutting out those regional providers, going in the same direction...north, through syria, to turkey and into europe. We didn't kick ass for S.A. so now they can't compete in natural gas flowing to europe in two directions, hence the butthurt.

10-24-13, 15:55
My phones being dumb at present but for those interested there is a good article on drudge discussing this very topic.

10-24-13, 16:47
It's all about building a proposed natural gas pipeline through Syria from S.A. into europe, which would cut russia's strangle hold as the primary source of natural gas there, and compete with the Arab pipeline, cutting out those regional providers, going in the same direction...north, through syria, to turkey and into europe. We didn't kick ass for S.A. so now they can't compete in natural gas flowing to europe in two directions, hence the butthurt.

Precisely. The Saudis want it, and they want us to kick in the doors and shoot them in the face so they don't have to leave the comfort of their palaces.