View Full Version : Criss Angel: First man to "catch" a bullet. BS!!!

10-22-13, 22:39
Just wondering if anybody else wasted an hour of their life tonight watching the "amazing magician" catch a bullet in his hand on Spike?

It was a total let down! He went out with some LEO's from Vegas and had them shoot his hand. All of the hype leading up to the shot and constant dramatic comments like "I'm about to be the 1st man in the world to catch a bullet and live" " many have died trying this" blah blah blah

The amazing feat of catching a bullet is the fact that its virtually impossible and that is the reason this clown has his own show and millions of dollars: because he performs acts that are regarded as impossible or amazing.

This stunt was neither. They simply outfitted his hand with a ballistic (bullet proof) glove and had the LEO shoot into his palm. Essentially the glove acted as most ballistic material does and absorbed the impact while flattening out and trapping the bullet. The bullet literally stuck into the glove and then moments later his hand closed on top of it.

Anybody with a little nerve could have pulled this off. I watched a few of Criss Angels older show called "Mind Freak" and I was impressed a few times. After viewing 3 episodes tonight of his new show I can see its going to be a big disappointment.

Sorry for the rant but I'm curious to hear others thoughts.

Would be great if some of the LEO's who were present might be members and chime in.

10-22-13, 22:55
Shit! I've done one better than that, been shot in the hand and still have frags of lead in it to prove it, granted wasn't a pistol round(Shotgun pellets) but still I did it with no damn glove and I didn't hype it. I guess that makes me some bad ass illusionist catching lead in my hand. :rolleyes:

Personally unless he is going to catch it in his teeth I am not impressed.

10-22-13, 23:14
Personally unless he is going to catch it in his teeth I am not impressed.

That was a common gimmick of a previous retard, Aaron Banks, who had somebody do it at his "Oriental World of Self Defense" show back in the 70s. Basically the guy had a mini bullet trap he held in his teeth and they fired a low powered .22 rifle and he just stood there.

10-22-13, 23:36
I used to be a Magician :) still am I guess but did it for corporate gigs like when Toyota would show up to Maui I would perform :)

good money but a lot of magicians now are not my thing ? and sadly has kinda made some stuff seem stupid to me :(

the start of stupid was david blaine ! did a lot of things he did but they ruined it by showing out takes of things that the people did not see ! like the floating thing we used to do in front of people ! and other things and they did not need to !

sad really but oh well :)

10-22-13, 23:36
Personally unless he is going to catch it in his teeth I am not impressed.

Penn & Teller do that.

They're a great act and very supportive of freedom. They're key note speakers at SHOT I think. Penn is at least, Teller doesn't talk much.

10-22-13, 23:58
And even more importantly it's all a gimmick!!! It's all prop magic. It's just a cold ringer.

That dickhead's a stain on my company's otherwise good name.

10-23-13, 00:55
That was a common gimmick of a previous retard, Aaron Banks, who had somebody do it at his "Oriental World of Self Defense" show back in the 70s. Basically the guy had a mini bullet trap he held in his teeth and they fired a low powered .22 rifle and he just stood there.

Saw it on "That's Incredible" along with Yogi Kudu getting himself into a small box

10-23-13, 00:56
Wait till some little kid trys this, this tricks been around forever,and its a trick.. did you see the mythbusters when they tryed to catch an arrow,not a trick but a slow arrow and it took a lot of attempts to get one. catching a bullet and just plain old getting shot in the hand are two different things...lol

10-23-13, 02:03
Wait till some little kid trys this, this tricks been around forever,and its a trick.. did you see the mythbusters when they tryed to catch an arrow,not a trick but a slow arrow and it took a lot of attempts to get one. catching a bullet and just plain old getting shot in the hand are two different things...lol

As with most martial arts demonstrations, about 90% of the time it's fake, a trick or simply not nearly as impressive or difficult as it sounds.

But there was a time, before things were fully commercialized, back in the 1960s when there were a couple guys who could block, evade and on occasion catch an arrow fired from a standard Japanese long bow. While not traveling as fast as arrows from a compound bow, it was still no easy feat. The other big difference is back then the archer used to aim at the individual where as today the archer almost always aims to the side of the individual.

But those days are pretty much gone and it's just side shows today.

10-23-13, 07:38
I forgot to mention that they put him in front of ballistic glass and had Only his hand peeking out the side. he dressed in full body armor and a facemask as well as his entire arm Armored. There was basically zero risk of anything happening to him which doesn't make for a good show.

It was shot from an AR 15 but earlier in the episode they said it was a 9 mm. So, I believe it was a 9mm AR.

One dramatic comment that really got me was when they were getting ready to pull this stunt one of his producers said that they had only practice this stunt inside and that because they were now outside everything is much more difficult because "wind and atmosphere dynamics" are in play and will affect the trajectory of the round.
Are you kidding me? You're shooting a rifle being aimed with a visible laser dot that's on a lead sled into a hand about 10 yards away!!! :confused:

Used to be that risk=reward in the stunt business but this guy is risking nothing but yet reaping the rewards.

In the previous episode he walked on a beam about 30 feet off the ground and was blind folded. The beam was fairly wide and it didn't look that difficult even to me except that about midway there was a 3 foot gap he had to step over. They built the whole episode up making you anticipate the beam walk. They had him practicing with Olympic gymnasts and the whole 9 yards. Finally, about 50 minutes into the show he finally makes his attempt in front of a crowd about 30 feet off the ground. Low n behold he's freaking harnessed in!!! Again, no risk besides a little embarrassment.

10-23-13, 07:44
Wait till some little kid trys this, this tricks been around forever,and its a trick.. did you see the mythbusters when they tryed to catch an arrow,not a trick but a slow arrow and it took a lot of attempts to get one. catching a bullet and just plain old getting shot in the hand are two different things...lol


10-23-13, 07:52

10-23-13, 12:30
I forgot to mention that they put him in front of ballistic glass and had Only his hand peeking out the side. he dressed in full body armor and a facemask as well as his entire arm Armored. There was basically zero risk of anything happening to him which doesn't make for a good show.

One dramatic comment that really got me was when they were getting ready to pull this stunt one of his producers said that they had only practice this stunt inside and that because they were now outside everything is much more difficult because "wind and atmosphere dynamics" are in play and will affect the trajectory of the round.
Are you kidding me? You're shooting a rifle being aimed with a visible laser dot that's on a lead sled into a hand about 10 yards away!!! :confused:

First part, it's all for TV. It's designed to make you think that what your seeing is actually happening. It's supposed to make you think that something has the potential of going wrong, that somebody is actually shooting at him. Guess what, he's not actually getting shot. He's a MAGICIAN. Everything he does is a TRICK. He even builds it up beforehand like he's ACTUALLY going to catch a bullet and that it's a scientific study into whether or not the physics involved will allow someone to get shot in the hand. You have to remember though, IT'S ALL A TRICK, PERPETUATED BY AN ILLUSIONIST.

The second part is exactly the same as the first. It's designed to make you think that someone is actually going to shoot this douchecanoe in the hand. Again, nobody is going to do a damn thing, it's all an illusion, designed to make you think that you know what's going on.

Judging by the fact that people are talking about thinks like, "gimme a break outside atmosphere WTFBBQ" instead of the fact that it's all a trick, it clearly worked. You guys are arguing about how it's not magic to shoot someone in the hand, completely believing that he is, in fact, getting shot in the hand.

Bullet Catch wiki article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullet_catch)

Let's go all Occam's Razor for a second. Do you really believe that someone as worth as much as he is (to the insurance company, Cirque Du Soleil, his own company, his own checking account, etc.) with as much to lose not only in terms of his life but future earnings, his show, hell, even his own pride knowing he sucks as a magician, that he would do a trick that would potentially kill him or end his career?

Or, do you believe that a guy who's built his entire career as an ILLUSIONIST, based on trickery and sleight-of-hand, is doing another MAGIC trick?

C'mon guys, I thought we were all smarter than this around these parts.

10-23-13, 12:33
Oh, and you wanna see some good magicians that aren't all prop magic and uninspired stunt work, check out "Fool Us" with Penn & Teller on youtube. They've got a ton of excellent magicians, sleight-of-hand artists, and all the rest that really are masters of their craft and do something incredible illusions. Some of them suck and are pretty apparent, but some of them really are excellent magicians.

And Piff the Magic Dragon is funny as hell.

Doc Safari
10-23-13, 13:32
Criss Angel has been known to take advantage of the camera's limitations to make his tricks more spectacular.

For example, the trick where he supposedly walks in mid-air between buildings is just a case of the camera not showing the crane, and the line that holds Angel in mid-air is hard to see on camera from a distance. If you watched the trick "in person" you'd think it was the stupidest thing you'd ever witnessed, the crane and suspension line being obvious and all.

I watched a video debunking several of his tricks. Although some were clever and qualify as "real" sleight of hand or illusionism, many were just lazy camera tricks.

10-23-13, 13:49
I'd say Chris Angel and his 'magic' (said with jazz hands) are gay, retarded shit...but that would be an insult to homosexuals, mentally challenged people and poop everywhere putting this emo asshat on the same level when, clearly, he is several floors below.

Personally, I find 'Dangerman: The Incredible Mr. Goodwin' to be much more entertaining and far more believable despite my strong sense of skepticism.

10-23-13, 13:53

Knew that was coming.


10-23-13, 15:29
everything in magic is about angles :)

I still prefer really good sleight of hand :) not gaffs to do the trick for you :) and then wrap showmanship around it ?

10-23-13, 15:42
everything in magic is about angles :)

I still prefer really good sleight of hand :) not gaffs to do the trick for you :) and then wrap showmanship around it ?

I had a substitute teacher one day way back in elementary school that knew Harry Houdini. He spent the whole class talking about him. One of the few classes that had my undivided attention.

10-23-13, 15:46
Does anybody remember this?


10-23-13, 17:54
I like to watch his escapes and I still don't know how he did the quarter thing on the street corner!

10-23-13, 18:21
First part, it's all for TV. It's designed to make you think that what your seeing is actually happening. It's supposed to make you think that something has the potential of going wrong, that somebody is actually shooting at him. Guess what, he's not actually getting shot. He's a MAGICIAN. Everything he does is a TRICK. He even builds it up beforehand like he's ACTUALLY going to catch a bullet and that it's a scientific study into whether or not the physics involved will allow someone to get shot in the hand. You have to remember though, IT'S ALL A TRICK, PERPETUATED BY AN ILLUSIONIST.

The second part is exactly the same as the first. It's designed to make you think that someone is actually going to shoot this douchecanoe in the hand. Again, nobody is going to do a damn thing, it's all an illusion, designed to make you think that you know what's going on.

Judging by the fact that people are talking about thinks like, "gimme a break outside atmosphere WTFBBQ" instead of the fact that it's all a trick, it clearly worked. You guys are arguing about how it's not magic to shoot someone in the hand, completely believing that he is, in fact, getting shot in the hand.

Bullet Catch wiki article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullet_catch)

Let's go all Occam's Razor for a second. Do you really believe that someone as worth as much as he is (to the insurance company, Cirque Du Soleil, his own company, his own checking account, etc.) with as much to lose not only in terms of his life but future earnings, his show, hell, even his own pride knowing he sucks as a magician, that he would do a trick that would potentially kill him or end his career?

Or, do you believe that a guy who's built his entire career as an ILLUSIONIST, based on trickery and sleight-of-hand, is doing another MAGIC trick?

C'mon guys, I thought we were all smarter than this around these parts.

I knew that all the all the ballistic glass and ridiculous comments (about wind etc) were only to intensify the the drama and capture audiences attention but I thought he at least got shot in the armored hand since it would be so easy to do.

I guess I was under the impression that they wouldn't lie that badly by having fake LEO's come out and actually shoot him.

If your saying he didnt even take a shot then that's news to me. Not all disagreeing with you I'm just surprised they can be that dishonest.

If he's seriously just using camera (photoshop) editing tricks then he is a pathetic POS. I realize the audience could always be paid props but I guess I had more faith in them than that. You literally can't believe anything you see anymore