View Full Version : Definition of "disgraceful"

05-01-08, 14:31

"It's just a piece of cloth," (http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/04/sick-maine-university-lays-down-us.html) says University of Maine provost.

Did I miss this being discussed already?

05-01-08, 14:42
i believe i learned in boyscouts flags should not touch the ground or be made into things like shirts. a flag is a flag. why couldnt they put these all over the walls instead?

05-01-08, 14:43

"It's just a piece of cloth," (http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/04/sick-maine-university-lays-down-us.html) says University of Maine provost.

Did I miss this being discussed already?

I am at a loss for words:mad: . Although there is a student in the background that is walking around the flag.


05-01-08, 14:54
Fox now has a story up.

At least it is encouraging that 95% of the students did not walk on them. I think this fat big is just pissed off that she can’t get laid.

RAM Engineer
05-01-08, 16:32
Lightfighter had a thread on this a few weeks ago with many well-thought-out opinions.

I was under the impression that this wasn't an art project, but a sociology project.

05-01-08, 17:52
that hurts to watch.

05-01-08, 17:54
effing hippies!:mad:

05-01-08, 18:10

"It's just a piece of cloth," (http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/04/sick-maine-university-lays-down-us.html) says University of Maine provost.

Did I miss this being discussed already?

No....that's nothing.

A student at a local unversity put a flag in a urinal as an "art" piece.

05-01-08, 18:15
pull that school's funding, or burn it to the ground.

05-01-08, 18:18
Yea read something about this couple days back, very well might have been in lightfighter. Also can't remember if it was art, sociology or art that turned into sociology. Wee bit pissed about it when I read it, why, Oh WHY can't I be there when these things happen. I'd give a weeks pay to have been able to provide lumpy there with some remedial flag training. Love to give the female student that set it up a good tongue lashing too, and I don't mean the good kind.

05-01-08, 20:17
Sick liberalism.

05-01-08, 21:02
pull that school's funding, or burn it to the ground.

Amen Bro, my thoughts exactly! The only other acceptable display of the flag is being wrapped around a very sexy woman!

05-01-08, 21:57
My opinion may be jaded by my experience at the University of Colorado and living in the college town of Boulder, but what surprises me about this story is not the artist's actions, but those of the other students: 95% of them actually walked around the flags! Rather than being upset by this story, it actually made me smile...

05-01-08, 22:48
My opinion may be jaded by my experience at the University of Colorado and living in the college town of Boulder, but what surprises me about this story is not the artist's actions, but those of the other students: 95% of them actually walked around the flags! Rather than being upset by this story, it actually made me smile...

It makes me wonder where the ROTC battalion was.....

where they should have been was in there folding those flags, collecting the little ones, and then seeing that they were properly disposed of...

05-01-08, 22:50
It makes me wonder where the ROTC battalion was.....

where they should have been was in there folding those flags, collecting the little ones, and then seeing that they were properly disposed of...

If it was approved by the school, there is likely nothing they could do without legal and/or academic repercussions from the student herself or the university.

05-01-08, 23:00
pull that school's funding, or burn it to the ground.

Sure, let's pull the funding because they disrespected the flag, not because the funding is in violation of the Constitution.

05-02-08, 02:47
Why not just enforce the law.




Sec. 700. Desecration of the flag of the United States;

(a)(1) Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles,
burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of
the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not
more than one year, or both.
(2) This subsection does not prohibit any conduct consisting of the
disposal of a flag when it has become worn or soiled.
(b) As used in this section, the term ``flag of the United States''
means any flag of the United States, or any part thereof, made of any
substance, of any size, in a form that is commonly displayed.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed as indicating an
intent on the part of Congress to deprive any State, territory,
possession, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico of jurisdiction over any
offense over which it would have jurisdiction in the absence of this
(d)(1) An appeal may be taken directly to the Supreme Court of the
United States from any interlocutory or final judgment, decree, or order
issued by a United States district court ruling upon the
constitutionality of subsection (a).
(2) The Supreme Court shall, if it has not previously ruled on the
question, accept jurisdiction over the appeal and advance on the docket
and expedite to the greatest extent possible.

05-02-08, 03:24
That law was written to retest what is already a closed issue. The Supreme Court has ruled in the past, and will rule again, that desecration of the flag is permissible.

05-02-08, 07:39
pull that school's funding, or burn it to the ground.

+1. good call. It isa amazing how people can warp & twist things. It's not disrespectful it's art, it's not sick it's a study. I remember something that my dad told me when I was getting picked on a lot in school. He said "son sometimes just standing up to people is enough but sometimes you have to beat the beat the hell out of a man to get that mans respect." The reason I bring it up is if no one is prepared to do anything about it do not be suprised when it not only continues, but gets worse

05-02-08, 08:40
I guess if the SCOTUS doesn't want to deal with desecration of the flag, then my "Things I Will Harm You For" rules apply:




Sec. 002. ****ing with the flag of the United States;

(a)(1) Whoever shall lay their unappreciative hands on the flag of the United States, including but not limitted to: burning, laying on the ground, vomiting, ripping, shredding, blending, shooting, skeeting, or looking at with contempt, shall be struck about the head and neck with a closed fist, extendable baton, or both.
(2) This does not prohibit the respectful disposal of the flag once it becomes soiled or worn, but they should probably watch their backs, just in case.
(b) As used in this section, the term "Flag of the United States" applies to pretty much any item that contains red, white, and blue, and no other colors, provided that the colors are not assembled into the French flag.
(c) Nothing in this section should be construed to prevent the harming of deserving persons. Should the flag of the United States be soiled or perforated in any way during the commencement of an ass-beating, the harming individual shall make pennance by self-inflicting a sharp blow to the groin.
(d) An appeal will result in a raised eyebrow moments before a blow to the face with a tack-hammer.

05-02-08, 09:20
(a)(1) Whoever shall lay their unappreciative hands on the flag of the United States, including but not limitted to: burning, laying on the ground, vomiting, ripping, shredding, blending, shooting, skeeting, or looking at with contempt, shall be struck about the head and neck with a closed fist, extendable baton, or both.

F2S for President!

05-02-08, 12:49
I guess if the SCOTUS doesn't want to deal with desecration of the flag, then my "Things I Will Harm You For" rules apply:




Sec. 002. ****ing with the flag of the United States;

(a)(1) Whoever shall lay their unappreciative hands on the flag of the United States, including but not limitted to: burning, laying on the ground, vomiting, ripping, shredding, blending, shooting, skeeting, or looking at with contempt, shall be struck about the head and neck with a closed fist, extendable baton, or both.
(2) This does not prohibit the respectful disposal of the flag once it becomes soiled or worn, but they should probably watch their backs, just in case.
(b) As used in this section, the term "Flag of the United States" applies to pretty much any item that contains red, white, and blue, and no other colors, provided that the colors are not assembled into the French flag.
(c) Nothing in this section should be construed to prevent the harming of deserving persons. Should the flag of the United States be soiled or perforated in any way during the commencement of an ass-beating, the harming individual shall make pennance by self-inflicting a sharp blow to the groin.
(d) An appeal will result in a raised eyebrow moments before a blow to the face with a tack-hammer.

sounds like good rules to live by

Wayne Dobbs
05-02-08, 13:21
I believe it's a spoken word section of a Trace Adkins song that comes to mind when I see this crap: "....I'll exercise my right to give you a good ole' country ass whoopin'...".

I saw an American flag that was torn and flying from a single grommet last week in front of one our local school district's facilities and called the Superintendant's office and complained. They immediately went and struck the colors and replaced them with new ones the next business day. I was upset about the sight and happy with the fix.

I would be happy to go and vigorously "fix" the individual who disrespects the flag and all of us who have served her and sacrificed for her.

05-02-08, 14:27
I guess if the SCOTUS doesn't want to deal with desecration of the flag, then my "Things I Will Harm You For" rules apply:




Sec. 002. ****ing with the flag of the United States;

(a)(1) Whoever shall lay their unappreciative hands on the flag of the United States, including but not limitted to: burning, laying on the ground, vomiting, ripping, shredding, blending, shooting, skeeting, or looking at with contempt, shall be struck about the head and neck with a closed fist, extendable baton, or both.
(2) This does not prohibit the respectful disposal of the flag once it becomes soiled or worn, but they should probably watch their backs, just in case.
(b) As used in this section, the term "Flag of the United States" applies to pretty much any item that contains red, white, and blue, and no other colors, provided that the colors are not assembled into the French flag.
(c) Nothing in this section should be construed to prevent the harming of deserving persons. Should the flag of the United States be soiled or perforated in any way during the commencement of an ass-beating, the harming individual shall make pennance by self-inflicting a sharp blow to the groin.
(d) An appeal will result in a raised eyebrow moments before a blow to the face with a tack-hammer.

F2S for President and Supreme Court Justice!

Ed L.
05-02-08, 16:28
I wonder how those free expression/open minded people who set up this art/sociology project would feel if it were a picture of Obama/Hillary/Martin Luther King used as a doormat.

I guarantee you the person behind it would be suspended or expelled.

Oscar 319
05-02-08, 20:31
I guess if the SCOTUS doesn't want to deal with desecration of the flag, then my "Things I Will Harm You For" rules apply:




Sec. 002. ****ing with the flag of the United States;

(a)(1) Whoever shall lay their unappreciative hands on the flag of the United States, including but not limitted to: burning, laying on the ground, vomiting, ripping, shredding, blending, shooting, skeeting, or looking at with contempt, shall be struck about the head and neck with a closed fist, extendable baton, or both.
(2) This does not prohibit the respectful disposal of the flag once it becomes soiled or worn, but they should probably watch their b
acks, just in case.
(b) As used in this section, the term "Flag of the United States" applies to pretty much any item that contains red, white, and blue, and no other colors, provided that the colors are not assembled into the French flag.
(c) Nothing in this section should be construed to prevent the harming of deserving persons. Should the flag of the United States be soiled or perforated in any way during the commencement of an ass-beating, the harming individual shall make pennance by self-inflicting a sharp blow to the groin.
(d) An appeal will result in a raised eyebrow moments before a blow to the face with a tack-hammer.

F2S + Team America, World Police. "America, **** YEAH!"

Glad someone else said it, I'd have been better off not seeing, and I pray I never have to defend the right of these pansey ass liberal hippy dope smoking pieces of human shit...ever!

05-03-08, 08:14
My opinion may be jaded by my experience at the University of Colorado and living in the college town of Boulder, but what surprises me about this story is not the artist's actions, but those of the other students: 95% of them actually walked around the flags! Rather than being upset by this story, it actually made me smile...

That's how I looked at it, too. 95% is a decent number and exceeded my expectations.

Gutshot John
05-03-08, 08:51
Actually 95% is pretty encouraging... An "A" actually. :cool:

I don't know if many schools would do as well.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it...

Then I'll beat you senseless on principle. :D

05-03-08, 16:23
I served this country, USA, CPT (Ret.), for the 95% that did-the-right-thing!

I also served for the 5% who didn't...

-- x --

I'm really at-a-loss for such blatant disrespect.

I always did, and still do, get chills whenever the National Anthem was/is played.

-- x --

But, without both sides - we don't have Freedom.

Thanks, Thunder25

05-03-08, 17:07
pull that school's funding, or burn it to the ground.

My vote is for "All of the above" and then some!! :mad:

How anyone can consider this as "art" is beyond my comprehension!! The fat pig that did thisshould be ashamed of herself.

05-03-08, 17:58
There is a battle to win back art from the liberal, no talents that have usurped it. As the hippies die we may have a chance.


(a public school art teacher and a shooter ;)