View Full Version : White House knew you couldn't keep your plan as they were spewing you could.

10-29-13, 11:48

"The White House does not dispute that many in the individual market will lose their current coverage, but argues they will be offered better coverage in its place, and that many will get tax subsidies that would offset any increased costs."

If this doesn't wake up the sheeple at large, nothing will.

Edit: change the title to make sense.

Mauser KAR98K
10-29-13, 11:52
Can we impeach him now? He knowingly lied to us.

10-29-13, 12:03
Unfortunately, Obama could hold a live press conference, pull his mask off revealing himself as the son of Satan, and many of his current followers would STILL sing his praises...

10-29-13, 12:34
Unfortunately, Obama could hold a live press conference, pull his mask off revealing himself as the son of Satan, and many of his current followers would STILL sing his praises...

If anything, some people would like him more.

10-29-13, 12:59
Buyer's remorse - day late and trillions short... :o


Captain Zero HAS an... 'explanation,' though. :rolleyes:


10-29-13, 13:10
Folks, the solution is simple. We have the wrong agency in charge of Obamacare. The Medicaid section of HHS was never going to be able to handle the task. We should move to immediately transfer all Obamacare implementation and management to the NSA.

No one will have to waste hours in a failed attempt to sign up for Obamacare. The NSA already has all the necessary information to correctly apply the program for everyone. Furthermore, this will eliminate fraud and waste in the health care system. When someone files a false claim or attempts to seek unnecessary treatment, the NSA will flag that communication and issue a denial.

Flawless... :D

10-29-13, 13:35
This is all standard data from the Liar in Chief Obama.

10-29-13, 14:57
And just think many of us were saying this all along....

Throw them all out.

As for Obama for such a egomaniacal (sp) and micromanaging zealot he and by extension his admin is the fact that there are still people who believe he doesn't know anything about anything important or whats going on is way beyond laughable.

Idk, maybe he's just so well insulated by Jarrett that his perceptions of reality are distorted beyond measure.

10-29-13, 15:11
Surprise, surprise...


10-29-13, 15:22
Surprise, surprise...


I saw that a few days ago and I love it. Out of the supposed 16 companies vetted to perform such work they got the no bid contract to do so. Ha. The corruption is astounding.

10-29-13, 15:46
I remember when Clinton was running the first time. They were touting some new health plan on the news and bragging about the cost.

I looked at my wife, and she said that it was like half again what the cost would be for her plan at her full time job.

Ever since,
every plan I have seen for giving everyone the same benefits that gainfully employed people, people in the military, etc. pay for or earn,
it is the same thing.

You can magically give everyone A's in school, praise for playing a sport, etc. without taking away everyone else's A's, wins, etc.

For some reason, they think they can magically give everyone the same house, medical care, and stuff that other people pay for- and that money not coming from somewhere.

I have never figured out why they can't understand that the love, A's, validation, and encouragement they gave Sally Scumbag cost nothing-

but that when Sally Scumbag is trashing her Section 8 housing, selling her food stamps for drug money, rotting her teeth away smoking meth, calls an ambulance because here teeth hurt, gets taken to the ER, gets treated, and also finds out she needs prenatal care-

that her housing, food stamps, medical care, meds, professional's time, ambulance gas, the ultrasound machine, etc. all actually cost money that has to come from somewhere.

A lot of people think the grasshoppers deserve and have a right to the ant's food.

Ed L.
10-29-13, 17:41
For some reason, they think they can magically give everyone the same house, medical care, and stuff that other people pay for- and that money not coming from somewhere.

The above line is simple and great at the same time.

10-29-13, 23:32
Because anyone who thought about what they were doing would have known this years ago. Only the idiots who actually listen to Obama didn't think this would happen.

10-30-13, 10:38
How many of you refuse to sign up?

Me, for one.

Mauser KAR98K
10-30-13, 10:56
How many of you refuse to sign up?

Me, for one.

Me. Will never be part of it.

10-30-13, 11:21
Our leaders have replaced what worked with what sounded good.


...that usually works out well, doesn't it?


10-30-13, 11:53
Our leaders have replaced what worked with what sounded good.


...that usually works out well, doesn't it?


No, it never sounded good from the start.

Maybe that's just me.

10-30-13, 12:11
Considering his plan is to destroy the private health care market and coerce everyone into single payer (govt) socialized medicine ("Think about who controls your meds before you vote, mister!"), I would say he is hugely successful.

For the US citizen, this is going to be very bad. I dearly hope that as millions more get current policies canceled and forced into much more expensive policies and care, while Congress exempts themselves AND their staff, that the outrage will boil over. hopefully Congress will be forced to accept the same ACA policies as the rest of us and THEN we would see radical fixes overnight. As long as the WH and Congress are exempt we will get the Big Screw.

10-30-13, 12:11
How many of you refuse to sign up?

Me, for one.

I for one want health insurance so I'm not going to not get it out of spite.

10-30-13, 15:45
This thing is only going to get worse as time goes on.

Some here were blasting Ted Cruz for his filibuster and other antics, saying this distracted us from the Obamacare roll out. Well...I think the effects of the roll-out will be going on for a very, very long time.

Wait until the insurance companies start getting OUT of the healthcare end of the insurance industry. There is no law stating they HAVE to stay in that business...you know.

Fun times are a coming!


10-30-13, 15:52
So you get more, but you have to pay the extra costs.

Sounds like an awesome deal to me. Kinda like how I can buy one cheap hammer for $14 but then Obama tells me it's not a good enough hammer and I get a better one but it will cost $35.

Never mind that I probably had the $14 hammer in the first place because it was all I could afford.

The good news is everyone who comes in to buy a Springfield XD will now be told they have to buy an HK but it's alright because it's better.

I love that people in their 50s or older (baby boomers) are being required to buy a plan that includes valuable upgrades like maternity care.


Just remember Pelosi telling everyone we have to pass it to see what's in it. Well now you know. It's that same mandatory tax on US citizens we all knew it was when it was first suggested.

And it's not even health care reform. Nobody is going to get "better care", they will now get DMV quality care in many cases. Nobody is getting cheaper rates, in some cases people are paying 400% more because their budget plans don't qualify.

Nothing changes for the FSA, they get free health care just as before with medicare/medicaid because they are on welfare.

Nothing changes for those with employer provided health care, in most cases.

Wanna know who gets screwed? Those who have crap jobs, no jobs or are self employed. I cannot afford any of the "reformed" health care plans that means I will pay a tax penalty of $325 for not having health care. That money will come from money that would normally go to prescriptions and doctor visits. So in a very real sense Obama just made my health care situation worse.

I'll need to talk to my accountant and see if the penalty is a deductible business expense.

10-30-13, 16:04
Wanna know who gets screwed? Those who have crap jobs, no jobs or are self employed. I cannot afford any of the "reformed" health care plans that means I will pay a tax penalty of $325 for not having health care. That money will come from money that would normally go to prescriptions and doctor visits. So in a very real sense Obama just made my health care situation worse.

I'll need to talk to my accountant and see if the penalty is a deductible business expense.

Subsidies. You will get subsidies covering it all!

10-30-13, 16:22
This thing is only going to get worse as time goes on.

Some here were blasting Ted Cruz for his filibuster and other antics, saying this distracted us from the Obamacare roll out. Well...I think the effects of the roll-out will be going on for a very, very long time.

Wait until the insurance companies start getting OUT of the healthcare end of the insurance industry. There is no law stating they HAVE to stay in that business...you know.

Fun times are a coming!


They'll just go bankrupt. I should probably start looking for a new job now.

10-30-13, 16:23
So you get more, but you have to pay the extra costs.

Sounds like an awesome deal to me. Kinda like how I can buy one cheap hammer for $14 but then Obama tells me it's not a good enough hammer and I get a better one but it will cost $35.

Never mind that I probably had the $14 hammer in the first place because it was all I could afford.

The good news is everyone who comes in to buy a Springfield XD will now be told they have to buy an HK but it's alright because it's better.

I love that people in their 50s or older (baby boomers) are being required to buy a plan that includes valuable upgrades like maternity care.


Just remember Pelosi telling everyone we have to pass it to see what's in it. Well now you know. It's that same mandatory tax on US citizens we all knew it was when it was first suggested.

And it's not even health care reform. Nobody is going to get "better care", they will now get DMV quality care in many cases. Nobody is getting cheaper rates, in some cases people are paying 400% more because their budget plans don't qualify.

Nothing changes for the FSA, they get free health care just as before with medicare/medicaid because they are on welfare.

Nothing changes for those with employer provided health care, in most cases.

Wanna know who gets screwed? Those who have crap jobs, no jobs or are self employed. I cannot afford any of the "reformed" health care plans that means I will pay a tax penalty of $325 for not having health care. That money will come from money that would normally go to prescriptions and doctor visits. So in a very real sense Obama just made my health care situation worse.

I'll need to talk to my accountant and see if the penalty is a deductible business expense.

It's always the middle class stuck holding the bag, or what's left of us.

10-30-13, 16:58
Subsidies. You will get subsidies covering it all!

If anyone is curious about how badly they are going to get screwed you can find out here.


I can expect to pay about $6,724 per year for health insurance, which I can't afford. But I "could" qualify for a 24% subsidy (note that is not a guarantee) which means after I pay the above I "might" get $1,597 back.

And keep in mind the above only covers 70% of medical expenses and you still have co pays and deductibles.

It's actually cheaper for me to pay my doctor out of pocket at a private pay rate and get prescriptions with the discount plan I have.

So basically, Obamacare is more expensive and essentially provides nothing to me but dubious coverage. As I can't afford the coverage, I'll end up paying the tax penalty and just see the doctor less often.

10-30-13, 17:50
If anyone is curious about how badly they are going to get screwed you can find out here.


I can expect to pay about $6,724 per year for health insurance, which I can't afford. But I "could" qualify for a 24% subsidy (note that is not a guarantee) which means after I pay the above I "might" get $1,597 back.

And keep in mind the above only covers 70% of medical expenses and you still have co pays and deductibles.

It's actually cheaper for me to pay my doctor out of pocket at a private pay rate and get prescriptions with the discount plan I have.

So basically, Obamacare is more expensive and essentially provides nothing to me but dubious coverage. As I can't afford the coverage, I'll end up paying the tax penalty and just see the doctor less often.

In general, employees who are offered insurance through work are not eligible for subsidized exchange coverage, so long as their insurance meets specified requirements. You would only be eligible for subsidized exchange coverage if your income is between 1 and 4 times the federal poverty level and you would have to pay more than 9.5% of your household income for your own coverage through the insurance offered by your employer.

In other words, I don't get a subsidy because I get employer sponsored health insurance.

Mauser KAR98K
10-30-13, 18:51
My mom just found out her insurance per 2 weeks went from $75 to $140. but she gets free maternity care though she is 58 and recently widowed.

Thanks Obama. You're a real pal.:(

10-30-13, 20:04
Maybe were looking at this wrong. Maybe they do just want to slowly kill us all off.

10-30-13, 20:17
How many of you refuse to sign up?

Me, for one.

Let the Kenyan/Indonesian/British/national come and GET me... :mad:

10-30-13, 23:32
How many of you refuse to sign up?

Me, for one.

Won't matter. If you don't sign up you will be hit with a tax penalty that will be deducted from any income tax refund.

Expect it to be $325 or 1% of your yearly income. That is money you will be fined in exchange for nothing.

10-30-13, 23:33
Let the Kenyan/Indonesian/British/national come and GET me... :mad:

They already have your money in the form of Federal Withholding. They will just keep the tax penalty.

10-31-13, 02:42
Well, given my currently projected income for 2014, 1% penalty would be roughly $83. probably closer to $71. though lol. Then again, I will be a returning vet, so 5 years of free health care thru the VA, not sure if disability rating will have any impact on the whole shebang.

So yeah, less than $100 bucks in fines or $180 minimum per month in premiums. . . that's a tough call. :rolleyes:

10-31-13, 04:37
Won't matter. If you don't sign up you will be hit with a tax penalty that will be deducted from any income tax refund.

Expect it to be $325 or 1% of your yearly income. That is money you will be fined in exchange for nothing.

They already have your money in the form of Federal Withholding. They will just keep the tax penalty.

I was talking about this with a health care provider today. I have not been able to verify it as fact, but I was told that they missed a loophole in the law and can only take the tax penalty out of your tax return; they cannot require you to pay in. So all you need to do is set your withholding exemptions higher than they should be so not enough taxes are withheld. This will prevent you from getting a tax return and require you to pay in come tax time, but I was told it will basically exempt you from the penalty because they will not be able to deduct it. Has anyone heard of this? Can anyone verify it?

10-31-13, 04:47
I am so saddened to hear that the beloved leader and his minions lied to us. I thought we were only being lied to about Fast and Furious, NSA, Tea Party targeting, Benghazi (more info is coming out daily) et al.. Now I find out our beloved healthcare scheme is also nothing but lies. :suicide2:

10-31-13, 06:03
The surprising part is that the media is covering it and sweeping it under the rug like they have with everything else.

10-31-13, 10:03
My mom just found out her insurance per 2 weeks went from $75 to $140. but she gets free maternity care though she is 58 and recently widowed.

Thanks Obama. You're a real pal.:(

You know, I can see this as a gate way to get rid of self pay day care. If the insurance only covers 15 days per month of child care, get dad to do it, mom to do it, or dad/grand parent or some combination of the above. If they refuse say "I paid for the damn service, now you give it to me you f*cks!"

10-31-13, 10:12
They've been lying this entire time: http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/10/31/obama-officials-in-2010-93-million-americans-will-be-unable-to-keep-their-health-plans-under-obamacare/

10-31-13, 11:01
My medical insurance agent is getting out of the business. He doesn't know what he's going to do, but whatever he decides, he told me would have nothing related to healthcare.

My family doctor is getting out of business. He just got his MBA and is going to start an entirely new business that has nothing to do with healthcare.

And if you think the wait to see your current M.D. is a long one, wait til the deadbeats who'll sign up in droves start clogging up the clinics and hospitals. Yeah buddy, socialized medicine is akin to third world medicine and it's coming our way.

I'm not signing up out of spite, but for many other reasons, such as no security on confidential information, demanding I give them confidential information with no expectation of privacy and on and on...

My wife and I will simply not have health insurance. We'll pay as we go.

I don't expect we'll be alone in this regard...

10-31-13, 11:01
Why are we not hanging people yet?

At the very least not one of these SOBs should EVER be able to win reelection ever again...

Anyone else feel like we're in the Titanic as a nation?

10-31-13, 11:19
Anyone else feel like we're in the Titanic as a nation?

Actually, I would use the SS E. A. Bryan as an example.

10-31-13, 11:19
It's still not his fault.

Obama blames 'bad apple' insurers for dropped coverage

10-31-13, 11:36
Obama follows the dictates of Saul David Alinsky, another so called "community organizer" which is just another name for a socialist.

Alinsky said lie, lie, lie, to achieve your goals.

"If you like your doctor, you'll keep your doctor. Period."

"If you like your health plan, you'll keep your health plan. Period."

Alinsky would be proud!

10-31-13, 16:30
Deadbeats who have never paid for anything anyway will not start doing so with Ocare. As a group, these folks are non-compliant and will continue to visit emergency rooms for routine care. Guys who don't quite fall into this category and can't and won't pay their bills ain't going to shell out funds for insurance either. When millions violate the same law, enforcing the law is impossible.

Why will we see very expensive insurance plans where affordable ones were promised? When insurerers are forced to cover those with catastrophic illness and pre-existing conditions, premiums can only rise. It's been predicted that high risk enrollees may comprise such a large number that they won't be offset by the number of healthy members who do enroll. The system will tilt like a pin ball machine.

Insurance companies and health care institutions certainly don't intend to absorb costs. We may see the straw that broke consumers' backs, and the guy in the street may say screw it. Somebody's got to pay, and some of us never have.