View Full Version : There Are Lies, Damned Lies, And Democrats

10-30-13, 14:02

Steny Hoyer certainly is a creative man. Asked about Barack Obama's promise that everyone would be able to keep his health coverage if he liked it and the recent revelation that the Democrats knew all along that millions of Americans would lose their health plans under ObamaCare, he had an answer.
"I think the message [the promise] was accurate. It was not precise enough...[it] should have been caveated with - 'assuming you have a policy that in fact does do what the bill is designed to do,'" reports National Review.
My, that's rich.
Almost Frank Rich.
Since Hoyer's lie about a lie speaks for itself, let's just have a little fun here. Try this on for size:
Subject: "But you said that if we supported your law, no one would lose his freedom of speech!"
Leader: "My message was accurate. It just wasn't precise enough. It should have been caveated with, 'assuming you agree with me.'"
Or how about this:
Subject: "But you said that if we gave you power, no one would be killed!"
Leader: "My message was accurate. It just wasn't precise enough. It should have been caveated with, 'assuming I like you.'"
Man, I'm good at this. Hey, DNC, do I have a future?

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/10/there_are_lies_damned_lies_and_democrats.html#ixzz2jEXSKYqx
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And so it goes....

10-30-13, 14:25
And to think our founders fought a war over taxes.. we suck...

10-30-13, 14:33
In addition after speaking with a representative from Anthem (Blue Cross Blue Shield) yesterday, I was told that my policy wouldn't have changed had I ALREADY had a qualifying policy while the great Obomination was stumping.

Yet another "mis-truth."

10-30-13, 14:59

Megyn Kelly reported Monday on “The Kelly File” that an IRS regulation pushed by the Department of Health and Human Services in 2010 estimated that millions would be unable to keep their health insurance plan under the Affordable Care Act.

Thiessen told Kelly he believes the Obama administration intended for people to lose their current health insurance, despite Obama’s repeated claims that “if you like your plan, you can keep it.”

“The smoking gun is there in your hand," he said, referring to Kelly’s copy of the IRS form. "Look, they knew."

I listened as a well known conservative commentator(Chris Plante)explained that Obamacare was the greatest bait & switch scheme of the last century, which is quite erroneous in its own right.

On the contrary, bait & switch implies that superb intellectual gamesmanship was worked against the electorate, a sophisticated psych job, which is patently untrue, Obama is nothing even remotely close to such intellectual heights, he simply lied through his teeth!

10-30-13, 15:48
I believe our founders went to war over a 7-10% tax.

Right now, at least half of what we make goes to taxes AND we have this monstrosity. Oh.. and they are also spying on all of us.

Yep...we do suck!



10-30-13, 17:22
I believe our founders went to war over a 7-10% tax.

Right now, at least half of what we make goes to taxes AND we have this monstrosity. Oh.. and they are also spying on all of us.

Yep...we do suck!



Actually the Tax on tea was 3% and had been for quite some time. The real issue was that they got rid of the tax for one company, giving them an unfair advantage. So it would be more akin to the Wall Street crap they pulled.

10-30-13, 19:50
This whole mess is designed to implode in the expectation that "we" will all demand that the government do something about the problem they created. And the "something" will be single payer which is what the Democrats have wanted for decades. Think it's a mess now, just wait.

10-30-13, 20:19
I believe our founders went to war over a 7-10% tax.

Right now, at least half of what we make goes to taxes AND we have this monstrosity. Oh.. and they are also spying on all of us.

Yep...we do suck!





10-30-13, 20:35
And to think our founders fought a war over taxes.. we suck...

While "No Taxation without Representation" was a rallying cry used by the patriots, I think that it's a bit of an oversimplification to say that they fought over taxes. Particularly in light of the fact that the second half of the cry involves the fact that the colonists had no representation before Parliament. Certainly no elected representation, anyway. And the war did not start, after all, until the British military attempted to seize stockpiled arms and munitions maintained by the colonists.

They fought over a lot of things, anyway, and taxes was just one of them.

10-30-13, 21:10
While "No Taxation without Representation" was a rallying cry used by the patriots, I think that it's a bit of an oversimplification to say that they fought over taxes. Particularly in light of the fact that the second half of the cry involves the fact that the colonists had no representation before Parliament. Certainly no elected representation, anyway. And the war did not start, after all, until the British military attempted to seize stockpiled arms and munitions maintained by the colonists.

They fought over a lot of things, anyway, and taxes was just one of them.

I know, I was just trying to make a point lol

10-30-13, 21:18
While "No Taxation without Representation" was a rallying cry used by the patriots, I think that it's a bit of an oversimplification to say that they fought over taxes. Particularly in light of the fact that the second half of the cry involves the fact that the colonists had no representation before Parliament. Certainly no elected representation, anyway. And the war did not start, after all, until the British military attempted to seize stockpiled arms and munitions maintained by the colonists.

They fought over a lot of things, anyway, and taxes was just one of them.

That's the thing. When one uses "paper tyranny" (unreasonable taxation, bureaucratic red tape on everyday things, etc.) it says that they're not willing to have a confrontation and they just want to be annoying in order to gain power without having to risk anything. You'll argue, grumble, and bitch about the stupid government, but if they're not coming to take you to jail, why give them a reason? But when you make a physical, boots-on-the-ground move to take away people's means of self defense, it says that you are willing to do everything you are capable of doing, including taking lives as you see fit.

10-30-13, 21:20
All the more reason to make sure things never get to that point, but a las we the people have become stupid.

10-30-13, 22:46
Actually the Tax on tea was 3% and had been for quite some time. The real issue was that they got rid of the tax for one company, giving them an unfair advantage. So it would be more akin to the Wall Street crap they pulled.
Either way, we suck.

10-31-13, 13:30
Actually the Tax on tea was 3% and had been for quite some time. The real issue was that they got rid of the tax for one company, giving them an unfair advantage. So it would be more akin to the Wall Street crap they pulled.

So you must also mean in the same way that some Americans will have to pay a penalty, err, sorry, a "tax", while others will get subsidies? :rolleyes: