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View Full Version : Reason number 487 I don't like people

10-31-13, 12:09
My wife and I have never been the type to decorate for any holiday, especially put any decorations outside. But now that our daughter is old enough to enjoy that type of thing my wife and daughter spent several hours the other day putting up some halloween decorations in our front yard along the flower beds. Nothing crazy but they did the cob web thing along the bushes, and put out a few strings of small little ghost lights(like the path way lights for a front yard, but in the shape of a ghost), and a big spider on top of the bushes that plugged in and moved and had a couple of lights.

Noticed yesterday morning that none of the lights worked, and the spider didn't move so I messed around with the plug but couldn't figure it out. I assumed the rain did something, but decided I would figure it out this morning. After investigating I found where some asshole cut the cords on each string of lights, as well as on the spider. I also noticed that two of the small pumpkins my daughter had painted are missing.

I assume it was kids, but it is interesting that all the cords seem to be cut with actual wire cutters and not a knife. The cut is on an angle and lines up perfectly across all three strands. Doesn't seem like something a kid with have in his back pocket. I have only been here about 6 months so I don't think I have had time to piss off any adults but I guess you never know. Maybe some liberal noticed me walking out to my truck with my low pro rifle case and figured me out.

Oh well , $50 in halloween decorations so I guess it could have been worse. My new project will be installing the two cameras to cover the front yard that I have been putting off.

10-31-13, 12:17
My wife and I have never been the type to decorate for any holiday, especially put any decorations outside. But now that our daughter is old enough to enjoy that type of thing my wife and daughter spent several hours the other day putting up some halloween decorations in our front yard along the flower beds. Nothing crazy but they did the cob web thing along the bushes, and put out a few strings of small little ghost lights(like the path way lights for a front yard, but in the shape of a ghost), and a big spider on top of the bushes that plugged in and moved and had a couple of lights.

Noticed yesterday morning that none of the lights worked, and the spider didn't move so I messed around with the plug but couldn't figure it out. I assumed the rain did something, but decided I would figure it out this morning. After investigating I found where some asshole cut the cords on each string of lights, as well as on the spider. I also noticed that two of the small pumpkins my daughter had painted are missing.

I assume it was kids, but it is interesting that all the cords seem to be cut with actual wire cutters and not a knife. The cut is on an angle and lines up perfectly across all three strands. Doesn't seem like something a kid with have in his back pocket. I have only been here about 6 months so I don't think I have had time to piss off any adults but I guess you never know. Maybe some liberal noticed me walking out to my truck with my low pro rifle case and figured me out.

Oh well , $50 in halloween decorations so I guess it could have been worse. My new project will be installing the two cameras to cover the front yard that I have been putting off.

Sorry to hear that news. People do act like idiots most of the time. When I was a kid, we respected property.

10-31-13, 12:25
Unless you are like Walt Griswold and lighting up the neighborhood with your display, it just sounds like mindless mischief; sorry to hear about it, esp for your little one.

Cameras are a great investment.

10-31-13, 12:25
Sorry to hear of that. We had kids for the longest time taking our rocking chairs off our front porch, putting our things in neighbor's yards, and turning over trash cans the night before the garbage truck ran. My wife caught them messing with the trash when I was gone and those kids never came back. I guess she scared them pretty good. When all else fails seek the wife on 'em.

10-31-13, 13:04
The more I get to know people, the more I like my dogs.

10-31-13, 13:19
Worse we did was to swap election signs on peoples lawns so they were advertising for the opposing candidates...:D

10-31-13, 13:32
That's terrible.. I'm sorry your daughter was exposed to that sort of thing. Kids can't be kids anymore it seems. One reason that I keep moving farther and farther into the mountains. That sort of vandalizing don't go over too well with the people in my area. Cheers.. Ron

10-31-13, 13:33
The more I get to know people, the more I like my dogs.

exactly what I was thinking.

10-31-13, 15:17
Don't let that loser fu*ktard ruin the good endeavor for your daughter or yourself. You did the right thing and allowing some random scumbag(s) to dissuade you in the future would be an even greater accomplishment for the simpleton fools. Hopefully you've replaced the lights and will plan on an even better display next year.

10-31-13, 15:26
Got any Claymores? And if not, a deer camera? Nothing like photographic evidence when you knock on someone's door...Might be some kids and you can give them a significant emotional event..

10-31-13, 15:38
True story:

Some friends had repeated cut wires one year during Christmas. After several nights in a row they invested in a game cam from Academy. Turns out they caught a cotton tail bunny rabbit snipping the cord with its sharp teeth. Lots of cords lots of nights.

And I'd imagine if they were the little pumpkins that your daughter painted, a rabbit could carry those off too.

Just a thought. Don't hate your neighbors yet.

10-31-13, 16:09
"I love humanity, It's people that I can't stand."

10-31-13, 16:17
one thing I have noticed when it comes to lights, its usually a close neighbor that doesn't like the lights on at night because it is bright in their living room. don't know how the pumpkins fit into that theory

10-31-13, 16:43
one thing I have noticed when it comes to lights, its usually a close neighbor that doesn't like the lights on at night because it is bright in their living room. don't know how the pumpkins fit into that theory

Here are the lights, and only 6 on each side of the path leading from my front door. Not bright enough to shine even into my own windows.


And don't worry. I won't let them dissuade us from putting out decorations, but even the wife wants cameras installed now...... Maybe it was a good thing it happened as now I have a perfectly good excuse to install the security cameras I have been wanting to and don't have to worry about convincing the wife.

10-31-13, 19:38
The more I get to know people, the more I like my dogs.

The more I get to know people the more ammo I accumulate.

11-01-13, 04:26
Here are the lights, and only 6 on each side of the path leading from my front door. Not bright enough to shine even into my own windows.


And don't worry. I won't let them dissuade us from putting out decorations, but even the wife wants cameras installed now...... Maybe it was a good thing it happened as now I have a perfectly good excuse to install the security cameras I have been wanting to and don't have to worry about convincing the wife.

If your goal is to catch the person who did this, try to be on the DL installing cameras. Fit it in with another outside task like cleaning gutters or windows....as I guarentee you whomever did it will be watching you closely to see/guage your reaction. I would take it seriously. Someone with enough disregard for right/wrong to enter your property and tear up your stuff can easily turn into someone who can be a real problem down the line, think peeping Tom, poisoning pets, slashing tires,...... Be safe and get the cameras up pronto. Reminds me of some ongoing trouble I am having with a spoiled POS trustfund baby neighbor I have. If you have good neighbors, good family & good friends you are turely blessed. I live in a nice country spot, but have a kingpin cockfighter in one direction, an attempted murderer/DV kingpin who has a large extended family of theives and boogers, then the spoiled one who has more problems than you would believe, thinks he runs the world and is headed down a path to jail or worse.

+1 on the dog/animal comment. People suck

11-01-13, 07:34
The more I get to know people, the more I like my dogs.

Dang skippy. My wife and I, at least 5 times a day, have conversations on why we don't like people.

11-01-13, 08:38
I'm not some pollyanna sporting rose-colored Ray-Bans while sipping unicorn tears and huffing fairy farts. I get just as sick and tired of all the inconsiderate assholes roaming the streets as the next guy. But there's a lot of truth in this little parable:

A man moved to a new town. He asked a local resident whether the people there were friendly or not.

The resident asked the man, “What were people like where you used to live?”

The newcomer scowled and said, “They were really an unfriendly and rude bunch, and I couldn’t wait to get away from that place.”

The resident said, “Well, I’m afraid you’ll find the people here are pretty much the same.”

A week later, another man came to town. He happened to meet the same resident and asked him the same question. The local asked this second newcomer the same question: “What were the people like in the town where you used to live?”

This newcomer smiled and said, “Oh, that town was the friendliest place you could ever imagine.”

The local returned the smile and said, “Well, I’m glad to hear it, I think you’ll find people here are very friendly too.”

Spend all your time looking for and bitching about assholes and pretty soon you're seeing nothing but assholes. And the next thing ya know, you're looking at one in the mirror.

Not to go all new wave on ya but . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIQPkCR4E6k

To the OP: Sorry about your decorations. That sucks. I had some douchbag steal all the pink LED lights (my wife's a breast cancer survivor) off the tree out front at Christmas a few years back. **** 'em. Don't let the bastards get ya down. A lot of my neighbors enjoyed the lights and they will again. The good guys still outnumber the bad guys. They just don't get the ink.

11-01-13, 11:17
I'm not some pollyanna sporting rose-colored Ray-Bans while sipping unicorn tears and huffing fairy farts. I get just as sick and tired of all the inconsiderate assholes roaming the streets as the next guy. But there's a lot of truth in this little parable:

A man moved to a new town. He asked a local resident whether the people there were friendly or not.

The resident asked the man, “What were people like where you used to live?”

The newcomer scowled and said, “They were really an unfriendly and rude bunch, and I couldn’t wait to get away from that place.”

The resident said, “Well, I’m afraid you’ll find the people here are pretty much the same.”

A week later, another man came to town. He happened to meet the same resident and asked him the same question. The local asked this second newcomer the same question: “What were the people like in the town where you used to live?”

This newcomer smiled and said, “Oh, that town was the friendliest place you could ever imagine.”

The local returned the smile and said, “Well, I’m glad to hear it, I think you’ll find people here are very friendly too.”

Spend all your time looking for and bitching about assholes and pretty soon you're seeing nothing but assholes. And the next thing ya know, you're looking at one in the mirror.

Very good advice. If you bitch and moan and badmouth people all day long, no one will want to be around you.

There's always that one person, who you can't figure out why you keep inviting him (or her) to get togethers, and no sooner do they step through your doorway that are talking about how much of an idiot and a jerk this person or that person is. The second you're out of earshot, they're talking crap about you. Their boss is an asshole, their parents are senile idiots, their siblings are lazy mooches, their kids are brats, their co-workers are thieves, their job pays crap and sucks their soul dry, and you generally can't tell if who or what they even like because they never have anything good to say about anyone or anything.

Those people are miserable. While there is usually truth to what they say, there's a lot of good they leave out. Who wants to be around someone who is constantly working to depress you?

11-01-13, 11:30
Spend all your time looking for and bitching about assholes and pretty soon you're seeing nothing but assholes.

I use to look for easy hot chicks everywhere but I only encountered butter faces that wouldn't put out.

11-01-13, 14:35
All very true. Dogs are the best. There is no love greater in this world than the love between Man and Dog. A dog may steal your heart, but will never break it. Animals are the best.

People are assholes. Just in the last few years alone, most people will be able to detect that the young people these days have no respect for others, no courtesy, and are extremely inconsiderate and selfish. You see examples of this driving around everyday, just observing how people drive. Also, when you go running around on college campuses and parks, you'll see that people do not yield to runners, do not ever move over for the elderly, and do absolutely nothing for anyone anymore. Rewind just 5-10 years and you'll remember that it wasn't this bad before.

For the most part, it's not worth it for a man to take an interest in women as the previous poster said. They are butterfaces who don't put out....but to add to that, most are overweight, obese, have a bad attitude, and believe that they're entitled to the world because their mommy and daddy told them that they were special growing up. Anyone else also notice that women dress like crappier and crappier by the day? The younger people I mean.....frumpy and very not feminine altogether....like large sweatshirts and sweatpants to hide their fat.

Animals, on the other hand, are loyal honest and genuinely loving. A dog will do anything for his or her owner. Dogs believe in pack mentality and for the greater good rather than individualism. You'll hear about stories of sled dogs up north where they leave the pack to die when they can't muscle up the strength to pull their weight in the group. Dog is truly man's best friend. The least we can do is to reciprocate that love the very best we can.

11-01-13, 16:08
A man moved to a new town. He asked a local resident whether the people there were friendly or not.

The resident asked the man, “What were people like where you used to live?”

The newcomer scowled and said, “They were really an unfriendly and rude bunch, and I couldn’t wait to get away from that place.”

The resident said, “Well, I’m afraid you’ll find the people here are pretty much the same.”

A week later, another man came to town. He happened to meet the same resident and asked him the same question. The local asked this second newcomer the same question: “What were the people like in the town where you used to live?”

This newcomer smiled and said, “Oh, that town was the friendliest place you could ever imagine.”

The local returned the smile and said, “Well, I’m glad to hear it, I think you’ll find people here are very friendly too.”

Nice parable and don't think I missed the point but I've been all over. I've had great neighbors and neighbors from hell. I've been places where most people are really nice and I've been places where way too many people are ****ed in the head.

The nice ones weren't nice because I was a nice guy, the horrible neighbors weren't horrible because I was a terrible person. I was for the most part a constant treating the nice neighbors as they deserved to be treated and treating the horrible neighbors as they deserved to be treated.

And it's quite the treat to go home to small town Iowa where most folks (but not everyone) is just a decent, considerate person like most others. It's nice to be able to shift mostly into neutral and just be normal because everyone else is being pretty decent.