View Full Version : Multi-Tool Search- MUT or Multitasker 3 ?

11-02-13, 13:00
So I'm looking for a multi tool to add to my "battle rattle" kit (:laugh:), preferably one with AR/firearm specific tools. This was brought back to my attention during a recent class watching another student try to fix a loose grip and nobody had a screwdriver....:eek:
I realized that I have no readily available tool set on my kit that I can remedy small gun issues with. Obviously both the MUT and MT3 fit the bill.

I've done a little reading around- most of the reviews and such that I've seen have been the MUT vs. MT 1/ and 2 back in 09/10 and so.
The general concensus seemd to be the MUT was more versatile as an overall tool, but the MT had more actual AR/gun specific tools.

I guess the overall question here is, with the appearance of the MT3, is this pretty much still the case, or has the balance kind of evened out between the two?

I really like them both, having never handled one I can't really say, but I'm torn because while some of the "other" MUT features draw me to that (strap cutter would negate me having to buy a standalone, cutout pliers for grabbing bolts, and I'd be getting the extra bits anyway) I question if the "more AR tools" approach of the MT would work out better as I plan to incorporate a small fixed-blade "utility-ish" knife anyway (stay tuned for that discussion later)....
Then again, maybe the MUT + MT Tube or UL to compliment/fill in "AR specific" tools would be an idea, granted at the expense of space and addition of another "thing"...

11-02-13, 13:23
I have the Multitasker 2 & 3. Great tools and very firearm specific. My buddy has a MUT and he loves his. The MUT seems to be a very good general type tool, while the Multitasker is more of a tool you keep with your rifle.

11-02-13, 14:48
Both are also discussed here:

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11-03-13, 01:03
Ah- I didn't see that new thread.

It seems the concensus is still the same.
Clear as mud! :p

11-03-13, 02:07
Have the MUT and a issued Gerber..MUT is great but carry the Gerber being lighter.