View Full Version : New NRA Spokesperson

11-04-13, 19:00

11-04-13, 19:30
Glad to see the NRA making efforts and reaching out to the younger generation. They are the future.

11-05-13, 18:25
Needs to be a woman, a black woman, a black woman that is a single mom. A black woman that is a single mom on welfare! And needs to be armed to protect her child that she should according to Obama been aborted from the gangstas in the hood.

11-05-13, 18:43
I think we need more people like Colion Nior and women, A white dude with tattoos is only going to appeal to the same stereotypical gun owner, not get people on the fence to come over

11-05-13, 20:39
Needs to be a woman, a black woman, a black woman that is a single mom. A black woman that is a single mom on welfare! And needs to be armed to protect her child that she should according to Obama been aborted from the gangstas in the hood.

I think we need more people like Colion Nior and women, A white dude with tattoos is only going to appeal to the same stereotypical gun owner, not get people on the fence to come over

Yes, however, I think the whole welfare thing tends to go a tad far.

The NRA has to get past the "good ol Fudd" stereotypes they are currently saddled with and get into the younger generation. Seems to be moving this way with the addition of Noir and this guy. Certainly a few ladies would be beneficial.

11-05-13, 20:48
The NRA just added Natalie Foster, and while not technically on the NRA payroll there's a lot to like about Julie Golob, Jessie Duff, Michelle Viscusi, and many other notable female competitive shooters who are ambassadors for our interests.

11-05-13, 20:56
The more diversity, the better. The more focus on the youth, even better yet.

11-05-13, 21:16
The NRA just added Natalie Foster, and while not technically on the NRA payroll there's a lot to like about Julie Golob, Jessie Duff, Michelle Viscusi, and many other notable female competitive shooters who are ambassadors for our interests.

Much agree. I have given two of Julie's books as gifts to female friends at work who are new to the shooting world. Both of them really liked it, and are more interested in training and safety.

Convince the women that this is another skill that is useful to have, and they will examine the facts, and proceed. Take all the emotional trash out it, that the other side uses.

You should know how to operate a firearm safely, just as one would an automobile.

11-05-13, 23:47
They actually did a news segment here last night about local women taking up guns and training. I was surprised how long they advertised it prior to the segment. I think they advertised it all week and this is an NBC station.

11-06-13, 01:57
Good on all accounts. The NRA like any other institution has to keep up with the times or else.

11-07-13, 06:00
Tom Selleck needs to replace Wayne LaPierre. Everyone loves Magnum! Combined with some new young faces, this may actually change some of the public's low opinion of the NRA.

11-07-13, 21:26
Anything would be better than the usual run of the mill rich white male they've been using. We can argue til the cows come home how much better one would be than the other.

11-08-13, 10:03
They also recently added the 'AmidstTheNoise' guy, Billy Johnson, who squarely appeals to the well-educated hipster crowd. I particularly like his logical disassembly of gun control sacred cows.

11-08-13, 10:07
Mr. Vickers, should you see this there was some discussion a while back about the prospect of you taking or seeking to take on a more active role in the public relations dimension of the NRA. Has their to date been any traction in that endeavor or was/is it simply speculation?