View Full Version : INIFORCE customer service is top notch.

Dos Cylindros
11-22-13, 13:50
I recently picked up an Inforce APL to run on my HK45. This morning, I picked the gun up off the nightstand and as I was turning away from the nightstand the muzzle of the gun hit my mattress and twisted out of my hand. It fell to the carpeted floor and landed right on the light. The light popped off the gun and when I went to place it back on the gun I found the cross bar had been broken in half. A quick call to the good folks at Inforce and they are sending me a new one free of charge. Despite the fact that this was clearly my fault they are hooking me up anyway. That equals great customer service I my book, and I wanted to give them a shout out. I'm a bit surprised that the light broke so easily, but it did absorb the full weight of the HK45 that it was attached to. No damage to the gun or the rail though, and I would gladly take damage to the light as opposed to the gun.