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View Full Version : Progressive Professor Urges White Male Students to Commit Suicide During Class

11-25-13, 02:38
“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!” Professor Noel Ignatiev, a tenured professor at Massachusetts College loudly proclaimed to his class last Monday, his final teaching day before retirement."

"The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it. Those who object to my advice, knowingly or perhaps unknowingly, are themselves white supremacists . . . That is why they object to destroying the cancer of humanity known as the white race. That ugly disease, which dares to call itself a people and a culture."

"Obviously, all whites need to be destroyed, but why not start with white males? They are behind most of history’s greatest atrocities. Besides, some of the brothers like to bang white women. Eventually white women can breed out, but my feeling is that if you are a white male, you should kill yourself now."

"White people are a disease, they are parasites! They don’t deserve to live!"

"Perhaps we are finally coming to an awareness in this country that the cancer known as the white race must be obliterated. Especially in the form of white males. Obama is president, and I think there is an excellent chance that we will never have a white male president again. I think we are witnessing the breaking of the back of the white male power structure. We will still have residual white males that must be dealt with, but I am confident that we’ve won. Eventually, I would like to put white males in concentration camps and work them to death just like they’ve done to everyone else. When they are all dead we can throw a party and dance around their corpses!"


And to think some still have no idea what gun-control is really all about . . .

11-25-13, 03:10
for a professor he also has no clue about history and atrocityies or slavery and genocide and well most everything !!

maybe he should show us the best way to do it so we can watch :)

11-25-13, 03:33
The amount of ignorance displayed in that article is unfathomable.

I'm at a loss for words.

And who is the moron running the blog and/or interviewing this POS?

11-25-13, 07:27
I'm really at a loss for words. That has to be the most ignorant thing I've seen written by a person that is supposed to be educated and trusted to teach. He should kill himself to prevent his stupidity from spreading.

11-25-13, 07:29
The amount of ignorance displayed in that article is unfathomable.

I'm at a loss for words.

And who is the moron running the blog and/or interviewing this POS?

This is why I'm going to encourage MY kids to be plumbers. Make $75/hour, learn a trade, and no lifetime of student loan debt, after learning Shineola like this... :no:

Crow Hunter
11-25-13, 07:45
He should lead the charge and off himself.

Considering he has been living "white" since 1940.... What is he waiting on? He has lived a lot longer than my Father did...

Oh, that's right, he is "Progressive". That means "Do as I say, not as I do".

And according to Wikipedia. He was the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia and joined the Communist Party USA in 1958 and went on to join lots of other Marxist organizations. I guess it was fortuate for him that he immigrated to an evil "White Male Country" before his parents were killed in a Pogrom by Communists...

11-25-13, 07:47
The only thing shocking about this is the reaction from people who think this is uncommon.

11-25-13, 08:00
What a stupid blog. From another article:

" As feminists and human rights activists agree, it is always rape when a man sexually propositions a woman. It doesn’t matter if she gives expressed verbal consent... Due to the long history of abuse of women by men since the dawn of time itself, strong and independent woman often lack the ability to articulate their refusal to accede to male sexual requests. "

" Friedan’s abuse was not limited to rape, but manifested in many other was. 'He would often kiss me and hug me upon returning from work each day. To rub more salt into the wound, he would accompany these unrequested advances with a verbal ‘I love you’ routinely. He never stopped to ask first if that was ok with me or if he could even have permission. He didn’t care, he just used me and did whatever he wanted.' Friedan stated, pausing momentarily, trembling from the memories of her abuse.

Friedan reached for a tissue to wipe her eyes before continuing. 'He would sit by me on the sofa many times, closely, intruding into my space and violating it. I was trapped for so long, so scared I couldn’t say anything. I shouldn’t have had to though, as I learned over the years from reading feminist authors and writers, I was being raped and sexually abused. It is always rape and abuse when a man initiates sexual relations with a woman or asks her to do anything. If that’s not rape, I have no idea what it is. Men are so repulsive. You know that most sexual relations historically, and even today have been rape. Most male and female sexual relations are rape and always have been.' "

It's so ridiculous I'm curious now if this is a satire or otherwise fake blog.

11-25-13, 08:04
Next stop Planet Dystopia on the Twilight Zone Galactic Tour.

11-25-13, 08:08
Oh and this gem from an article about Nintendo on the blog:
" If someone is breaking into your house with a gun or threatening, to kill you, or rape you, you need to put your gun or knife down. Call the police and wait for them to come and help you. In most areas, unless you are in a huge city or a very rural place, the police will arrive in under an hour, and they will usually come out after most calls. The average rape lasts just under ten minutes, if you kill an intruder their life is gone forever. Not to mention the fact that rapists are disproportionately urban youths of colour, forced into their position by society! "

This blog can't be serious...

11-25-13, 08:11
Oh and this:

" “The other night I came home to find that my wife and daughters had been brutally gang raped and strangled to death. My home had also been looted and property and furniture had been damaged and destroyed. I was in an angry, irrational, and unjustified rage. Without looking deeper into the root causes of these incidents, I uttered the ugliest and most offensive word known to humanity.

Shamelessly, and to my eternal regret, I looked right at the African-American gentlemen who had raped and murdered my family and I yelled “F***ing N-Words!” at them. No matter what these men had done, nothing can excuse the words that I used. I do not seek to make excuses for myself and I take full responsibility for my unpardonable offense. I write this statement tearfully as I reflect on the gravity of my offense. "

No way this is real news.

Edit: oh, the disclaimer on the desktop version of the site says plainly that the articles are satire. I'm glad my B.S. detector works, lol.

11-25-13, 08:16
What a stupid blog. From another article:

" As feminists and human rights activists agree, it is always rape when a man sexually propositions a woman. It doesn’t matter if she gives expressed verbal consent... Due to the long history of abuse of women by men since the dawn of time itself, strong and independent woman often lack the ability to articulate their refusal to accede to male sexual requests. "

" Friedan’s abuse was not limited to rape, but manifested in many other was. 'He would often kiss me and hug me upon returning from work each day. To rub more salt into the wound, he would accompany these unrequested advances with a verbal ‘I love you’ routinely. He never stopped to ask first if that was ok with me or if he could even have permission. He didn’t care, he just used me and did whatever he wanted.' Friedan stated, pausing momentarily, trembling from the memories of her abuse.

Friedan reached for a tissue to wipe her eyes before continuing. 'He would sit by me on the sofa many times, closely, intruding into my space and violating it. I was trapped for so long, so scared I couldn’t say anything. I shouldn’t have had to though, as I learned over the years from reading feminist authors and writers, I was being raped and sexually abused. It is always rape and abuse when a man initiates sexual relations with a woman or asks her to do anything. If that’s not rape, I have no idea what it is. Men are so repulsive. You know that most sexual relations historically, and even today have been rape. Most male and female sexual relations are rape and always have been.' "

It's so ridiculous I'm curious now if this is a satire or otherwise fake blog.

The two articles below are out there.

Breaking news: George Zimmerman eats 3-egg omelet

Crypto Racism On The Rise

Dr. Frederickson offered several signs that should help you to detect and spot crypto racists. “Members of paramilitary fascist youth groups like the Boy Scouts. Fundamentalist Christians, stay at home mothers and home schoolers may be

White people who claim that certain ethnic foods give them indigestion.

11-25-13, 08:24
So now y'all know: fact check your damn sources before getting all pissed off. It's like posting an Onion or Duffelblog article as the truth.

11-25-13, 08:36
Riiiight, because it is white males in Africa who slaughter opposing ethnic groups, amputate limbs, cut fetuses out of mothers, etc....

Yeah, white people are a cancer (insert sarcasm).

11-25-13, 09:08
So now y'all know: fact check your damn sources before getting all pissed off. It's like posting an Onion or Duffelblog article as the truth.

Theres stuff all over the net on this guy. racetraitor.org

11-25-13, 09:32
I would like to invite said professor to tea and crumpets and hear more of his interesting viewpoints...:sarcastic:

11-25-13, 10:40
From the site under the about tab:

The original content on this blog is largely satirical.

“I ceased in the year 1764 to believe that one can convince one’s opponents with arguments printed in books. It is not to do that, therefore, that I have taken up my pen, but merely so as to annoy them, and to bestow strength and courage on those on our own side, and to make it known to the others that they have not convinced us.” – Georg Christoph Lichtenberg.

It is in the spirit of the above quote that I write. Who am I you may ask? My name is Erik Thorson. I created this blog for my own personal amusement.

11-25-13, 11:09
I'm really at a loss for words. That has to be the most ignorant thing I've seen written by a person that is supposed to be educated and trusted to teach. He should kill himself to prevent his stupidity from spreading.

Ward Churchill and William Ayers come to mind. Lots of this stuff out there quite honestly. And actually somebody should kill him and those who put him in such a position. They are in no way different from the Klan and this is as unacceptable as making Tom Metzger or the Grand Dragon of the KKK a college professor.

11-25-13, 12:23
The only thing shocking about this is the reaction from people who think this is uncommon.

You got that right. I have no way of knowing for sure, but in my life and the people I have had contact with this guys outlook is 10x's more common than anti-black, chinese, latino....

Those like this guy of course are the useful idiots and usually the first to go if their side wins.

Yuri says it best

11-25-13, 13:30
Theres stuff all over the net on this guy. racetraitor.org

From what I see on that site, their goal is:

"When we say we want to abolish the white race, we do not mean we want to exterminate people with fair skin. We mean that we want to do away with the social meaning of skin color, thereby abolishing the white race as a social category. Consider this parallel: To be against royalty does not mean wanting to kill the king. It means wanting to do away with crowns, thrones, titles, and the privileges attached to them. In our view, whiteness has a lot in common with royalty: they are both social formations that carry unearned advantages."

They're not literally trying to kill off white people like in the OP article.

Their goal is actually a good one, if worded poorly. The OP article takes their stated mission literally and makes it even more ridiculous, like good satire.

11-25-13, 14:14
From what I see on that site, their goal is:

"When we say we want to abolish the white race, we do not mean we want to exterminate people with fair skin. We mean that we want to do away with the social meaning of skin color, thereby abolishing the white race as a social category. Consider this parallel: To be against royalty does not mean wanting to kill the king. It means wanting to do away with crowns, thrones, titles, and the privileges attached to them. In our view, whiteness has a lot in common with royalty: they are both social formations that carry unearned advantages."

They're not literally trying to kill off white people like in the OP article.

Their goal is actually a good one, if worded poorly. The OP article takes their stated mission literally and makes it even more ridiculous, like good satire.

Hope you'll forgive me. Usually when I come across this sort of thing it is genuine and I don't take the time to fully explore the stupidity. Glad to learn in this case it's satire.

11-25-13, 15:22
Not very "diverse" ...is it?

I love how all these leftists that CLAIM to love diversity really want to eliminate certain people or certain viewpoints.

Do they not know what the word "diversity" really means?


11-25-13, 15:53
Not very "diverse" ...is it?

I love how all these leftists that CLAIM to love diversity really want to eliminate certain people or certain viewpoints.

Do they not know what the word "diversity" really means?



Boba Fett v2
11-25-13, 16:03
Well if we're to get started with the destruction of the white race we need to start with the elimination of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches... and mayonaise according to Undercover Brother.

Sent from my piece of s**t phone using Tapatalk2 (which can be equally unreliable when coupled with a junk phone)

11-25-13, 17:25
Edit: oh, the disclaimer on the desktop version of the site says plainly that the articles are satire. I'm glad my B.S. detector works, lol.

I got the link from a buddy of mine who posted it to FB. My bovine feces meter went off at first then I Googled the professor. I also researched the blog and didn't not find anything. Whether the blog is real or just satire, the professor is very real. Lot of info on the web about him.

JBecker 72
11-25-13, 17:39
Do they not know what the word "diversity" really means?

I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the civil war era.

11-25-13, 18:09
I got the link from a buddy of mine who posted it to FB. My bovine feces meter went off at first then I Googled the professor. I also researched the blog and didn't not find anything. Whether the blog is real or just satire, the professor is very real. Lot of info on the web about him.

I'm sure he is real. General Amos is also real, but I don't think he tried to fire the entire Marine Corps: http://www.duffelblog.com/2013/06/gen-amos-fire-relieved-command/

The blog itself says it is satire. I don't see how that's debatable?

11-25-13, 19:09
On his last day teaching, huh? Pussy.

He needs his faced caved in with a shovel.......so you can hear the "tink" as it impacts bone.

ETA: Perhaps fake or satire? Meh, I still recommend the above for the "imaginary" crazy professor!

11-25-13, 19:14
I wonder if he would accept an invitation to be guest speaker at a carbine course.

11-25-13, 19:23
Sarcasm anyone?

11-25-13, 19:38
The professor and his radical racial views are real. However, the blog is obviously satire. The thing that's scary is that while some of the stuff on the site is slightly over the top, a lot of it is spot on in progressive thinking.

11-25-13, 19:46
From what I see on that site, their goal is:

"When we say we want to abolish the white race, we do not mean we want to exterminate people with fair skin. We mean that we want to do away with the social meaning of skin color, thereby abolishing the white race as a social category. Consider this parallel: To be against royalty does not mean wanting to kill the king. It means wanting to do away with crowns, thrones, titles, and the privileges attached to them. In our view, whiteness has a lot in common with royalty: they are both social formations that carry unearned advantages."

They're not literally trying to kill off white people like in the OP article.

Their goal is actually a good one, if worded poorly. The OP article takes their stated mission literally and makes it even more ridiculous, like good satire.
Well then for the record they are fvcking morons for failing so pathetically at the English language and are articulating the actual meaning of their intentions in clear and cogent manner.

That and the as*hat in the OPs link is why I hate people more and more every.. single... day....

11-25-13, 20:00
suicide huh, why doesnt he start with himself then

11-25-13, 21:03
Regardless of whether it is satire or not, the author is quite irresponsible.

If certain urban youths were to read it and take it as gospel, who knows what the outcome would be?

brushy bill
11-25-13, 21:14
Hate speech?

11-25-13, 21:50
Regardless of whether it is satire or not, the author is quite irresponsible.

If certain urban youths were to read it and take it as gospel, who knows what the outcome would be?

You should read the other articles on the blog. One seriously talks about how the Kingdom of Hyrule and the Mushroom Kingdom might be better off if their respective princesses are not rescued.

11-26-13, 01:40
The blog itself says it is satire. I don't see how that's debatable?

Yup, no one here is debating that. Carry on.

11-26-13, 09:00
And to think some still have no idea what gun-control is really all about . . .



EU Star

The original content on this blog is largely satirical.

“I ceased in the year 1764 to believe that one can convince one’s opponents with arguments printed in books. It is not to do that, therefore, that I have taken up my pen, but merely so as to annoy them, and to bestow strength and courage on those on our own side, and to make it known to the others that they have not convinced us.” – Georg Christoph Lichtenberg.

It is in the spirit of the above quote that I write. Who am I you may ask? My name is Erik Thorson. I created this blog for my own personal amusement.

Copyright © 2013 Diversity Chronicle All Rights Reserved.

Please check sources before running trains off tracks.

11-26-13, 16:03
Please check sources before running trains off tracks.

Roger that, go ahead a lock her down.

11-27-13, 16:53
It's telling of our times as to how hard it is to tell satire from actual quotes. Very hard, indeed to tell an intentional joke from the many, many, many visible public figures whose attitudes and ideology are a joke.

11-27-13, 17:03
It's telling of our times as to how hard it is to tell satire from actual quotes.

I tend to think it has more to do with the lack of critical thinking and analysis skills of many Americans, instead, rather it being a sign of ideologies and attitudes of public figures.

11-27-13, 21:04
Oppresion, Greed, Murder, and Genocide are heinous crimes that are not attributed to any one race or culture for that matter. This professor is wrong and his views will not solve or decrease the evils in the world. The only thing a Man of any race can do is reject evil and strive to live a good life.

11-27-13, 21:49
Why is everyone firing off missiles at this interview? Maybe take a step back and look at it from a different perspective. Like maybe (just maybe) the guy was showing how screwed up everyone in our society is by getting away with stating kill whitey and no one really lifts a finger.... But he can't say black or he will get his teeth smashed in on the sidewalk.

I just wanted to throw that out there that there might be a bigger possibility. I'm going to at least give this guy that made a passing grade in high school a shot at being ironic in his approach and how jacked up our culture really is that hate speech is really accepted in one direction. If not... Well then screw him lol

11-27-13, 22:18
Why is everyone firing off missiles at this interview? Maybe take a step back and look at it from a different perspective. Like maybe (just maybe) the guy was showing how screwed up everyone in our society is by getting away with stating kill whitey and no one really lifts a finger.... But he can't say black or he will get his teeth smashed in on the sidewalk.

I just wanted to throw that out there that there might be a bigger possibility. I'm going to at least give this guy that made a passing grade in high school a shot at being ironic in his approach and how jacked up our culture really is that hate speech is really accepted in one direction. If not... Well then screw him lol

I think we are at an impasse as to whether the good professor actually made these statements. On one hand, the website in question is loaded with satirical articles that are obviously fiction. On the other hand, such comments are not far astray from the professor's views that are on the record. My suspicion is that the entire episode is bogus since even the Alex Jonesasphere is silent on the story.

11-29-13, 21:51
You know what would really be funny?

Anyone remember "A Day Without Illegal Aliens" where all the Mexicans supposedly stayed home? Nope, me either - it passed with absolutely zero ****s given. However - since everybody hates whitey so much, I would like to give them what they want. Let's have A Week Without Whitey. THEY have a dream...now I have a dream: Every single white person with a job or a business says "**** it." and stays home for 7 entire days.

Close your eyes and picture it for a minute.

Smiled, didn't ya.