View Full Version : Grease or oil inside bolt carrier?

11-25-13, 12:42
I apologize in advance if this has been discussed somewhere else but I could not find anything that directly addressed this question and most posts that touched on the issue were several years old.

What is the memberships general opinion regarding lubrication to the BCG? Specifically, lubrication of the bolt and gas rings.

Do you prefer a lighter based oil or something a little heaver like Mil-Comm TW25? Also what are the pros and cons of each?

Boba Fett v2
11-25-13, 12:50
In my experience, the wetter the better. I've known guys to soak their BCGs in motor oil! I just squirt a bunch of CLP on that shit and roll. Of course this is my knuckle-dragger solution to keeping guns running when I was in combat, so it may not necessarily be the technically correct solution.

Sent from my piece of s**t phone using Tapatalk2 (which can be equally unreliable when coupled with a junk phone)

11-25-13, 13:24
This is a first for me, yeah!. This topic has been absolutely SLAUGHTERED in the past. Please use the search function at the top of the page. I guarantee you cannot read through all of the material on lubrication. I would personally recommend starting with Mr. Vicker's section and replies to lubrication questions.