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View Full Version : ? Bear hunting in Pa

12-02-13, 20:58
Dec 2013 issue of Americanhunter page 36 has an article "We Hunt Bear" by Adam Heggenstaller, Editor in Chief, Shooting Illustrated.

From the article:

We are two dozen men

Half of us push forward, carrying Win & Marlin lever-actions, Rem 870's and 7600s.

My questions:

Doesn't PA have a max number for an organized drive?

Why 870's & 7600's for the drivers? Understand the lever action rifles, but shotguns?


12-15-13, 18:05
Unless the laws have changed drasticly in the last few years, I don't remember ever having an actual limit to the number of drivers in a group. I do recall we needed a roster if you exceeded a certain number of hunters in a group, but despite making one I was never actually asked for it.

As far as the gun choice; my guess is that they were just carrying whatever their preferred gun was. In my experience most PA hunters don't give a lot of thought to the gun and round they are using.

12-15-13, 19:10
Unless the laws have changed drasticly in the last few years, I don't remember ever having an actual limit to the number of drivers in a group. I do recall we needed a roster if you exceeded a certain number of hunters in a group, but despite making one I was never actually asked for it.

As far as the gun choice; my guess is that they were just carrying whatever their preferred gun was. In my experience most PA hunters don't give a lot of thought to the gun and round they are using.

Back in the 50 & early 60's thought there was a max of 12 or so. Pulled the following: http://blog.princelaw.com/2013/12/03/big-game-hunting-rosters-requirement-for-pa-hunters-gone-like-our-paper-licenses-maybe/

While the law allows only 25 individuals to hunt deer, bear or elk “together” (58 Pa. Code Sec. 141.42(e)), hunting camps which work together are required to maintain their own individual rosters, as well as a separate roster for the cooperative group drive or hunt. As many hunters come and go from camps during the seasons, such a requirement can become overly burdensome and take up quite a bit of wall space! In fact, because the law requires posting of the season’s rosters to be “open to inspection at any time” by a PGC Officer, most hunting camps simply tack rosters to the camp door or porch wall. Of course, it doesn’t take long for our Pennsylvania weather to wreak havoc on them – potentially opening the camp members to fines.

Under the new law, the PGC can still establish limitations to groups or parties hunting together for big game. However, the antiquated roster requirement has been removed from the law starting next year. I am sure we will see some new requirements similar to the old rosters for next season. At least for this season, keep your rosters up-to-date and available for inspection. Good luck and safe hunting!!

01-01-14, 08:31
Max drivers/hunters are 25.

As far as gun choices,mostly short shots in heavy cover.