View Full Version : Operation Military Santa – Current military members

12-04-13, 19:41
An M4C member that wishes to remain anonymous would like to do something nice for a current military service member. They wish to give a gift of $250 for a Christmas present. This is for current military service members, there is another give-away for former military members.

Link to thread for former military: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?143642-Operation-Military-Santa-%96-Former-military-members

Here are the rules:

1. You MUST be current US military serving honorably. We aren’t mailing checks to the brig. So that means Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard. National Guard and Reserve is included – as long as you are subject to being called to active service. The winner will have this verified before any gift is awarded. We will check this out. If we say no, the answer is no. If you don’t want us to verify you are an operator with Call of Duty Team Eleventy Nine and all your paperwork is classified, don’t enter. I hate to even say this, but you have to pass this test.

2. Make a post in this thread, we will use the post number your entry into the drawing. The cutoff time for the giveaway is 12:00 noon CST on December 15, 2013. Any posts in this thread after that time are not eligible.

3. The winner will be picked by random number. If for some reason the person can’t accept it or we can’t get them the money, the giver will figure something out. It’s their money, their choice.

4. If we forget something, or if a question arises, I’ll check with the person giving the gift. Their decisions are final. Period. They want to do something nice, and let’s all go along with that niceness.

5. If you want to post in this thread, just to say “Thanks, Nice Person!” I have no problem with that for now. If you have a question, put it here for now. But we may/probably will prune this thread, just to make it easier for the giver who is doing the drawing. Please do not feel bad if that happens.

6. Disbursement of funds – this can occur via Paypal, money order, Visa-type gift card, or something that is figured out between the winner and the giver. The plan is that this gift will happen before Christmas.

7. Current members – if you want to sign up for M4C just for this drawing, we’d prefer to say “no.” Your join date needs to be before this post is time-stamped.

8. Rule eight – don’t screw this up. Somebody wants to do something nice. If there is any jackassery, we will mercilessly crush the offender. And by crush, I mean Biblical vengeance-type stuff.

If the giver decides not to award anything, that is their choice. This is a completely voluntary thing on their part. Stuff happens, and they could be smacked on the head by a meteor tomorrow. Or have unforeseen bills. If they want to change any rules or anything, it’s up to them as well. I’m posting this for them to preserve their privacy.

This is a very kind gesture from a very nice person. I definitely appreciate their generosity towards those who are serving their country.

I’m putting this in AR General Discussion so that newer folks without 200 posts can enter.

Edited to add: If you are retired military, consider yourself former military, and post in the other thread.

Edit yet again: If you are current National Guard but have not been deployed, you are eligible.

12-04-13, 19:47
Currently Air National Guard-10.5 years of service.
I would like to be considered please.
This is a really nice gesture! Thank you for the support for our troops

12-04-13, 19:55
Wow thank you!

Current active duty USAF here entering the drawing.

12-04-13, 20:06
Okay - a quick post for those of you already in the thread.

I need you to please go back and add to your post, and tell us if you are "entering as a current military service member", or just saying thanks. Saying thanks is cool, we just need to make sure of eligibility.


12-04-13, 20:08
If you do post in this thread to say thanks, make sure you include something to say if you are entering the drawing or not.

Just want to make sure the eligible persons are easy to pick out, and we don't delete someone by accident.

12-04-13, 20:12
Wow, nice gesture! Currently on active duty in Helmand Province Afghanistan so entering as a current service member.

12-04-13, 20:16
To whoever is doing this: you are a very good man and I hope you reap many times what you sow.

Please enter me.

12-04-13, 21:02
Please include me, currently a reservist.

12-04-13, 21:15
Thanks for opportunity from a newly retired soldier.

If you are newly retired, please go to this thread - thanks: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?143642-Operation-Military-Santa-%96-Former-military-members - SeriousStudent

12-04-13, 21:35
This a very kind gesture and I would like to be considered, thank you.

Marine Corps - Active Duty 2008-Present


12-04-13, 21:44
Thank you nice person!

Active Duty USMC

12-04-13, 21:59
Wonderfully appreciative to this person, just the gesture alone is worth ten fold the amount. Best wishes to you and yours.

Active Duty, US Army

12-04-13, 22:44
Thank you for the thoughtful gift. I am an active duty Marine, and would like to be considered.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

Door Kicker
12-04-13, 22:47
thank you kind stranger

12-04-13, 22:48
Thanks for being awesome, please enter me into the drawing. I am an active duty Marine.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

12-04-13, 23:05
Guys, please read the instructions. We have people posting in both threads, but not specifying if they are current military or former military.

Please do not make this difficult for the person being generous. You are either current military, former military, or never been military. Please post only in the appropriate thread. If you post, tell us if you are entering. Thanks.

12-04-13, 23:55
Remarkably kind of whoever decided to do this.
I am current active duty, and while I've got no need for the money, I've got a Ranger buddy who probably does.


12-05-13, 00:08
This is a perplexingly kind thing to do. Thank you.

I am entering the drawing. 5 years active USMC, 2006-2011. I am currently in the USMC reserves (approaching my 8 year mark) and plan on doing a full 20 years.

12-05-13, 01:37
Please consider me. Current US Navy. 1992- Present. This is a very nice thing to do.

12-05-13, 02:08
Thank you for such a great gesture toward service members. Please put me on the list, currently active Army National Guard.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2

12-05-13, 02:33
Thanks to whoever is throwing this together, I'd like to be included, current active duty Army.

12-05-13, 03:51
I'm active duty army. Please include me in the drawing.

12-05-13, 06:04
What a nice gesture, I am currently active duty army and would like to be entered. Thank you.

12-05-13, 08:19
Very awesome thing to do!

I am entering the drawing. Active USAF since 2004.

12-05-13, 08:30
Entering as a current Service Member, big time thanks! As my sig line says, USMC 2011-present.

12-05-13, 10:58
Just a quick question where do the retired bubbas a fall? We are a bit of both, in the retired reserve subject to recall by our respective Secretary's but we don't put the uniform on and report for duty any more.

Retired is former military, and should go in the other thread if you wish to enter. You only get one entry, if you chose to enter. I'm going to leave this here for a day or so, then delete your post. - SeriousStudent

12-05-13, 11:34
Awesome, Entering currently Active Duty Marine Infantry 2004-present.

12-05-13, 12:45
Entering as a currently serving Military member - Active Army

And to say thank you, whoever you are.


12-05-13, 13:24
A question was asked earlier in this thread, if they were in the National Guard but had not been deployed, are they eligible?

The answer from the giver is yes. And here's what they also said:

If the winner would like for me to donate their prize to the charity of their choice in their name, that will most definitely be accommodated. The whole spirit behind this is giving to those that you (the collective) hold near and dear to your heart. I am not special for doing this. These guys signing up are the special ones. The sacrifices that they chose to make are selfless. The freedoms that I enjoy day to day are made possible by those who serve and who have served before them. I am and have been truly blessed in the recent years, and the monetary gift that I am offering doesn't come close to covering the price that some of these guys have paid. This place is full of some really solid, jam-up guys...and some yahoos too.

A lot of times service members don't get the warm feeling that they should from the people in this country, and it truly saddens me. I'm just trying to say, "Hey guys, their are people out there they really care about you and what you do for us...I love you, man...Merry CHRISTmas!"

People do care about you guys. They really do.

12-05-13, 13:57
Entering the contest.

US Army since 2008.

Very cool thing to do. I'm happy to just be aware of something like this going on. Thanks.

12-05-13, 21:08
Thank you for the gesture! Please enter me in the drawing. I'm active duty USAF...have been on active duty since 1994.

12-05-13, 21:48
Currently still on active orders, literally just landed back in the States from AFG. Throwing my name in the hat for consideration.

12-05-13, 23:24
Screw it, I'm in. Current Nasty Girl (National Guard), former Active.

Finances are def hurting this year and would be appreciated, many thanks to whom ever is doing this...

12-06-13, 09:01
I am in, Thanks. I am active duty US Army.

12-06-13, 14:58
I'm not entering, but that is an awesome gesture.

12-06-13, 15:09
Currently active USCG since 2005 looking to enter. Big thanks for the generous gesture, no matter the winner.

12-06-13, 18:47
Wow... This is truly remarkable that someone would do this for us.. Active duty Marine..

12-06-13, 22:06
If the winner would like for me to donate their prize to the charity of their choice in their name, that will most definitely be accommodated. The whole spirit behind this is giving to those that you (the collective) hold near and dear to your heart. I am not special for doing this. These guys signing up are the special ones. The sacrifices that they chose to make are selfless. The freedoms that I enjoy day to day are made possible by those who serve and who have served before them. I am and have been truly blessed in the recent years, and the monetary gift that I am offering doesn't come close to covering the price that some of these guys have paid. This place is full of some really solid, jam-up guys...and some yahoos too.

A lot of times service members don't get the warm feeling that they should from the people in this country, and it truly saddens me. I'm just trying to say, "Hey guys, their are people out there they really care about you and what you do for us...I love you, man...Merry CHRISTmas!

This is a really generous thing to do for a member of our military. I agree that it seems like some in this country show little appreciation for the great service that our military members provide. But, there are folks out there that do appreciate your service!!

In a perfect world all of those in active and former service would receive this generous gift.

I am not active or former military and cannot sign up for this very kind gesture.

12-08-13, 14:43
Giver asked me to put a Sunday afternoon bump in the thread.

12-08-13, 15:22
I'd like to enter, currently an active duty Army 11b. Thanks so much for the generosity.

12-08-13, 16:34
Thanks much for this gesture! Current CG Reserve w/a CENTCOM deployment under my belt. Thought I would be the first (if not only) Coastie. :cool:

Boba Fett v2
12-08-13, 16:44
Currently full-time active duty Army, 1994 to present. Thanks for offering this.

12-08-13, 18:30
Thanks to our anonymous citizen, I'm serving at Ft Bragg and hope to have the lucky post number. Happy Holidays to all on M4C!

12-08-13, 19:05
I'd like to enter, currently serving 6 years in the Air National Guard.

Thank you for the support!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

12-09-13, 05:06
20 years active Army, denied retirement and sent me too Korea.

Kind person, good on ya. This is awesome.

I'm not entering I would want to see this go to an E4 or under.

12-09-13, 06:21
I agree with the above from SSGGlock.

17 years Airborne Infantry currently in Afghanistan.

Very kind gesture from the member making the donation.

I am not entering.

12-09-13, 08:29
20 years active Army, denied retirement and sent me too Korea.

Kind person, good on ya. This is awesome.

I'm not entering I would want to see this go to an E4 or under.

that's why I didn't post anything too.

12-09-13, 11:33
Currently Active Army would like to be entered.

12-09-13, 17:33
Currently active duty and would like to jump in.

12-12-13, 23:51
I would like to enter this drawing, god knows I could use it right now.

16 yrs Service, currently Pa Army National Guard, twice to Iraq and jumped into Panama back in the day.

12-13-13, 09:14
Please consider me! I am entering as a current military service member.

USMC since September 2003.

Thank you.

12-14-13, 05:11
Please enter me into this drawing.

Active duty in Wiesbaden.

12-15-13, 12:05
I have now closed the thread to any further entries. I will await the selection of the winners by the giver. As soon as we have those users, we will reach out to them for verification of current and former military status.

Once that is confirmed, we’ll let everyone know the results.

Thanks again to the giver for their generosity.