View Full Version : Operation Military Santa – Former military members

12-04-13, 19:44
An M4C member that wishes to remain anonymous would like to do something nice for a former military service member. They wish to give a gift of $250 for a Christmas present. This is for former military service members, there is another give-away for current military members.

Link to thread for current members: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?143641-Operation-Military-Santa-%96-Current-military-members

Here are the rules:

1. You MUST be former US military with honorable service. (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard). Medically retired/disabled is obviously okay. The winner will have this verified before any gift is awarded. We will check this out. If we say no, the answer is no. If you don’t want us to verify you were an operator with Call of Duty Team Eleventy Nine and all your paperwork is classified, don’t enter. I hate to even say this, but you have to pass this test.

2. Make a post in this thread, we will use the post number your entry into the drawing. The cutoff time for the giveaway is 12:00 noon CST on December 15, 2013. Any posts in this thread after that time are not eligible.

3. The winner will be picked by random number. If for some reason the person can’t accept it or we can’t get them the money, the giver will figure something out. It’s their money, their choice.

4. If we forget something, or if a question arises, I’ll check with the person giving the gift. Their decisions are final. Period. They want to do something nice, and let’s all go along with that niceness.

5. If you want to post in this thread, just to say “Thanks, Nice Person!” I have no problem with that for now. If you have a question, put it here for now. But we may/probably will prune this thread, just to make it easier for the giver who is doing the drawing. Please do not feel bad if that happens.

6. Disbursement of funds – this can occur via Paypal, money order, Visa-type gift card, or something that is figured out between the winner and the giver. The plan is that this gift will happen before Christmas.

7. Current members – if you want to sign up for M4C just for this drawing, we’d prefer to say “no.” Your join date needs to be before this post is time-stamped.

8. Rule eight – don’t screw this up. Somebody wants to do something nice. If there is any jackassery, we will mercilessly crush the offender. And by crush, I mean Biblical vengeance-type stuff.

If the giver decides not to award anything, that is their choice. This is a completely voluntary thing on their part. Stuff happens, and they could be smacked on the head by a meteor tomorrow. Or have unforeseen bills. If they want to change any rules or anything, it’s up to them as well. I’m posting this for them to preserve their privacy.

This is a very kind gesture from a very nice person. I definitely appreciate their generosity towards those who have served their country.

I’m putting this in AR General Discussion so that newer folks without 200 posts can enter.

Edited to add: If you are retired military, consider yourself former military, and post in this thread.

12-04-13, 20:08
If you do post in this thread to say thanks, make sure you include something to say if you are entering the drawing or not.

Just want to make sure the eligible persons are easy to pick out, and we don't delete someone by accident.

12-04-13, 20:33
Very kind of you. It really means something to know that people care.
Semper Fi,
USMC 1980-2001

12-04-13, 22:11

Thank you kind person and M4C, for such a wonderful online community! :)

Semper Fi,
USMC 1984-1988

12-04-13, 22:17
Wrong thread.

12-04-13, 22:37
In for the win.

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

USMC 1989-1993

12-04-13, 22:39
Thank you very much kind person! Extremely generous of you and much appreciated!

Would like to enter.


12-04-13, 22:41
How cool! I'll throw my hat in the ring.


USMC 08-12


Door Kicker
12-04-13, 22:45
wow, glad I checked in today

Thanks for the chance to win

12-04-13, 22:54
I'm in, thank you very much.

US Army 03-11

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

12-04-13, 23:05
Guys, please read the instructions. We have people posting in both threads, but not specifying if they are current military or former military.

Please do not make this difficult for the person being generous. You are either current military, former military, or never been military. Please post only in the appropriate thread. If you post, tell us if you are entering. Thanks.

12-04-13, 23:16
I am former. I do not want to enter. But I am very grateful regardless to whomever M4C member's kindness and generosity this Christmas season.


12-04-13, 23:35
I am also former, but do not wish to enter the pool. Big thank you to Mr. Anonymous though, and I hope this goes to somebody in need.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

uncle money bags
12-04-13, 23:56
Count me as entered.
Thank you for your generosity and service.

LMT Shooter
12-05-13, 00:47
Does National Guard with no deplyment count as eligible?

I'll check with the giver, and let you know. -SeriousStudent

Answer is yes.

Then I would like to officially enter, and thank you to Mr. Anonymous.

12-05-13, 04:42
Entry #16 Merry Christmas and good luck to all.

12-05-13, 05:10
USN 83 - 89

If I am lucky enough to have my slot drawn I would like my gift donated to The Navy Seal Foundation, in support of the families who have given so much.

12-05-13, 05:24
Army, 2006-2010


12-05-13, 06:14

USMC 2002-2006
1/7 Weapons Co
E5 0341

Thanks for the opportunity

12-05-13, 06:47

Thank you anonymous.

Army 07-12

12-05-13, 06:52

US Navy 04-08

12-05-13, 06:57
Entering, but if selected would like the proceeds to go to the Wounded Warrior Project and from all those in M4Carbine if that were possible. Thanks to Anonymous for thinking about those who served.

USMC Retired 1973-2001

I talked to the giver, and he said a donation to a charitable cause is possible. - SeriousStudent

12-05-13, 07:40

USMC 01-05

12-05-13, 09:50

U.S. Army '98-'09



12-05-13, 13:00
Thank you.
Army & National Guard 1994-2001.

12-05-13, 13:14
Entering, very gratefully.

Thank you for your kindness, Stranger.

US Army Scout/Sniper 2006-2010.

12-05-13, 14:37

USN 2001-2007

Thanks for doing this!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

12-05-13, 14:47

Thank you anonymous and Merry Christmas.

USAF 1987-2008


12-05-13, 16:13
Thanks to the secret Santa, your generosity and selflessness is an excellent reminder of what this season is all about. This old soldier will throw his name in the hat for a chance to win.

USMCR 88-93
US Army 93-13

12-05-13, 16:18
Entering, Thank you Anonymous santa!

US Army 68w

12-05-13, 17:45

US Army Security Agency 982 (98C) - served in England and Germany
1964 - 1968

12-05-13, 19:02
As a 23.5 year active duty USAF Senior NCO please do not enter me as I feel there are many who have less than I do.

This is a very noble thing to do and is much appreciated!

12-05-13, 19:18

To Anonymous, thank you for your generosity. To M4C, thanks for facilitating.

If selected, please donate to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

Air Commando, USAF, 1986-2007.

12-05-13, 23:53
In as a Navy Veteran (2001-2009).

A bit more selfish than my brothers, I'd like to use the funds to finish the USAF themed 6920 I'm building for my Active Duty wife.

12-06-13, 00:11
Entering as well. Thanks for the Christmas cheer!

Former USAF SSgt. F-15C/D/E Crew Chief

12-06-13, 01:21
Sure I'll join the party. Thank you for the kind thought Anonymous , M4C. And to all my fellow brothers in arms here happy holidays for you and your loved ones!:D If I'm selected please make a donation to the Wounded Warrior project. They need it more then I do.

USAF retired 80-04

12-06-13, 02:02
U.S. Navy
VRC 30 99-05

Thank you kind person and may you holidays be blessed.

sent from a land far far away

12-06-13, 02:44
Twenty-nine year affiliation with the U.S. Army. Seven years enlisted soldier Combat Arms - Infantry. Two years Army ROTC - Distinguished Military Graduate. Twenty years commissioned officer Combat Support – Military Police Corps

12-06-13, 09:33

USMC 2004-2010

Thanks for the thought, regardless of the winner this is very generous of an anonymous member.

12-06-13, 10:08
Entering USMC 0311 Infantry


Thanks for doing this

Semper Fi

12-06-13, 12:11
Not entering...am qualified...think this is a great thing that is being done!

12-06-13, 16:36
Entering. Proud to have served. USAF 1986-2012.

12-06-13, 17:16
Former paratrooper, but DO NOT want to enter as I've been extremely blessed since my time in the big green machine.

Kudos to the anonymous member as this is a good thing you are doing.

11B Airborne Infantry
U.S. Army 95-99

12-08-13, 14:43
Giver asked me to put a Sunday afternoon bump in the thread.

12-08-13, 16:49
Thanks for the chance, consider me entered. Good luck to everybody and thanks to the donor.

Semper Paratus
12-08-13, 20:25
This honorably separated former Coasty would like to Enter.

Santa Thanks for your generosity.

12-08-13, 20:33
Thanks for the generous offer.

USMC 2006-2010

12-08-13, 20:54
Deepest appreciation, Santa. Please put my name in the hat. USAF 1999-2005.

12-08-13, 21:25
Air Force 1984-1995. Please don't enter me but thanks for the very generous offer.

12-09-13, 11:08
Thanks for spreading some extra Christmas cheer around mystery Santa!

I'd like to throw my name into the hat as well...

Army Infantry 05-08

12-09-13, 12:59
Retired US Army

If lucky enough to win, the proceds will go to a helping organization for our Vets.............................
Thank you and Merry Christmas!!

12-09-13, 16:47
I would love to enter!!!
USMC June 21, 2004-June 21, 2009
6113 MCAS New River
Thank you for the opertunity Mr. Anonymous

New Centurion
12-09-13, 19:39
Entering, graciously.

Army N.G.

12-10-13, 00:08
USAF 01-06
Thank you, and thanks to everyone for serving.

12-10-13, 21:44
In and thank anonymous for the generosity. Thank you all for your service.

USAF 90-94 428th FS

K.L. Davis
12-10-13, 23:09
Please enter me...

If I do win, send the money to http://cominhome.org as a donation from M4C

Thank you for your kindness.

K.L. Davis

12-11-13, 00:05
Would like to say thank you to the generous member who is providing this.

Please enter me (retired USAF 1993-2013) but send funds to the USO if I am selected as a donation from M4Carbine.

12-12-13, 20:41

US Army 1988-2013, happy to have reached retirement.

Thanks generous member

12-13-13, 04:05
I would like to enter.

Thank you

1983 to 1992

12-14-13, 08:28
Posting for entry.
US Navy 1998-2008

Thank you to the generous giver for this and the Active Military giveaway!

Tiny Killer Robot
12-14-13, 11:08
Former Marine

Do not wish to enter, but hope the gift goes to someone who needs it.
Thanks to the anonymous member who is behind this.

12-14-13, 11:19
Former Soldier
1995 to 2006 ARNG
OIFIII 2004-2005

Thanks Secret Santa!

12-14-13, 17:23
Entering and Thank You
US Army 1977-1995

12-14-13, 23:38
Very nice gesture to do this Christmas. I'm sure whoever wins will greatly appreciate it.

I'd like to enter. U.S. Army 97"-00" 01"-04"

Thank you and God Bless.

12-15-13, 01:33
Like to enter please, and thank you for your generosity anonymous!

USMC 2005-2013

12-15-13, 12:05
I have now closed the thread to any further entries. I will await the selection of the winners by the giver. As soon as we have those users, we will reach out to them for verification of current and former military status.

Once that is confirmed, we’ll let everyone know the results.

Thanks again to the giver for their generosity.