View Full Version : GO PENS!!!!

Gutshot John
05-09-08, 19:55
Philly sucks. :p

I hope you hockey fans are enjoying yourselves...no matter where you're from.

05-09-08, 20:16

Malkin is on freaking fire. As much as I hate Philly I do like to see both PA teams battling for the Eastern Conf.

Gutshot John
05-09-08, 20:24
Yeah you'd think he was actually from Pittsburgh as physical as he's playing.

05-09-08, 20:31
It's also nice to see R.J. Umberger come back to Pittsburgh as well...even if he is playing for Philly you know he has a ton of family there.

My Mother-In-Law arrived yesterday and was very excited that she was going to see the Pens play because she doesn't get Versus and she had to listen to a couple of the Pens/Ranger games on the radio.

Gutshot John
05-09-08, 20:58
Hockey kicks ass! It was the first sport I ever played.

You could tell that they had some mixed emotions. Umberger himself, like me, grew up watching Lemieux...and the Hanson Brothers. :D

Gutshot John
05-09-08, 21:16
Actually my wife is from Detroit and is a HARDCORE Wings fan...so it should be an interesting couple weeks if all goes according to plan.

05-09-08, 21:17
Pens up 1-0 now!

I don't play any more but I do coach my son's Mite team down here now.

Next game is Sunday @ 7:30!

Gutshot John
05-09-08, 21:18

05-09-08, 21:32
Actually my wife is from Detroit and is a HARDCORE Wings fan...so it should be an interesting couple weeks if all goes according to plan.

Oh man, a little inter-family rivalry huh?

I like it :D

Gutshot John
05-09-08, 22:20
Yeah I made her into a Steeler fan, but she won't let go of the Wings.

05-10-08, 07:34
I married a Pittsburgh girl so when it comes to the Steelers and Penguins we're on the same page. Except, for some reason, she didn't want to get married on the ice at the Civic Arena...:confused:

Gutshot John
05-10-08, 07:35
I married a Pittsburgh girl so when it comes to the Steelers and Penguins we're on the same page. Except, for some reason, she didn't want to get married on the ice at the Civic Arena...:confused:

And you married her anyway. :D

05-10-08, 07:39
And you married her anyway. :D

Yeah I know, that should have been a sign right? :D

Naw, it's all good and her mother is a huge Steelers and Penguins fan as well. When she comes to visit during football season she makes me take her a Steelers bar here in Virginia Beach called Sneaky Petes. Good times.

Gutshot John
05-10-08, 07:43
Yeah I know, that should have been a sign right? :D

Naw, it's all good and her mother is a huge Steelers and Penguins fan as well. When she comes to visit during football season she makes me take her a Steelers bar here in Virginia Beach called Sneaky Petes. Good times.

It always makes me laugh. No matter where you go in this country there is always a dedicated Steeler bar.

They call the Cowboys "America's Team"....ehhh maybe we're the STEELER NATION!

05-10-08, 21:41
Go Pens!

Grew up in Mt Lebanon.

05-11-08, 19:41
Game 2!

05-11-08, 20:03
How'd I miss this one?

Pens are my hometown team.

My wife came back from a quick trip to visit family in the Philly area last week. On the way home from the airport she told me she got me a Flyers jersey cause I like hockey... I wasn't going to let her in the house until she admitted to pulling my leg. All in good fun, but honestly, you don't pull this stuff on someone...

05-11-08, 21:01
Damn, did you guys see that piece about that young kid that got to meet Mario, Big Ben and hang out in the owners box? That was pretty inspiring!

05-11-08, 21:13
Damn, did you guys see that piece about that young kid that got to meet Mario, Big Ben and hang out in the owners box? That was pretty inspiring!

Yep. Pretty cool.

3-2 Talbot shoots and scores!!

05-11-08, 21:34
Jordan Staal, Empty net, 4-2 Pens!



on to game 3 in Philly...

Gutshot John
05-12-08, 11:26
I'm thinking the games in Philly are going to be rough.


05-12-08, 12:09
It's always rough playing in Philly and it's going to get worse now that we're in the Eastern Conf. finals.

Gutshot John
05-12-08, 21:53
It's looking like Detroit.

If Pittsburgh wins it will definitely be an interesting couple of weeks in my house.

My wife is already talking smack. :o

Gutshot John
05-18-08, 15:30
Whew...Detroit lost two in a row...

Pens lost one, but are now up 2-0 in the second period of game 5.

I love hockey playoffs. :D

05-18-08, 15:58
4-0 Lets go PENS!!! I still have my authentic Lemieux Jersey which I would love to get autographed. I freaking love the PENS... And just think a couple years ago we were bottom of the barrel.. We just need to finish up with the Flyers and go claim the cup!!

ETA: 5-0 now!!!

Gutshot John
05-18-08, 16:10
They're beating the Flyers like a....well like a rented mule. :D

05-18-08, 16:14
5-0 heading into the third!!!

I love how Therrien put the third line in to start the game! That completely took Philly's plan to go hard after Crosby. Genius :D

Gutshot John
05-18-08, 16:17
5-0 heading into the third!!!

I love how Therrien put the third line in to start the game! That completely took Philly's plan to go hard after Crosby. Genius :D

No doubt, having grown up watching Lemieux I still think this is some of the best hockey coaching and playing I've ever seen from the Penguins organization.

Gutshot John
05-18-08, 16:24
6-0 :eek:

05-18-08, 16:30
No doubt, having grown up watching Lemieux I still think this is some of the best hockey coaching and playing I've ever seen from the Penguins organization.

I still want to cry when I think of Bob "Badger" Johnson...:(

Shit, I almost cried when I heard Herb Brooks had passed away.

But tonight we'll be celebrating an Eastern Conf championship and looking forward to the finals!!!!

Gutshot John
05-18-08, 16:52

05-18-08, 16:52
That's all she wrote folks the fat lady has sung and the curtain falls on the Flyers. Next stop to pick up the CUP and head on back.

05-18-08, 17:09

Holy cow we're going to the Stanley Cup Finals!!!!!


05-18-08, 23:25
Gloating Mo-Fo's.


05-27-08, 16:43
But when are your Penguins going to start playing? ;)


Must be rough at Gutshot's house.



Holy cow we're going to the Stanley Cup Finals!!!!!

05-27-08, 17:25
Jesus it sure looks bad. :(

It doesn't bother me (that much) that we're getting our asses kicked out there. The Wings are a veteran team and their experience is obvious. What pisses me off is that the Penguins traded away a lot of young talent to get some players like Hossa to make a run at the cup now. Next year the Penguins are going to be in a bind without those free agents and without that young talent.

I told my mother-in-law when they made that trade for Hossa I would rather wait a couple more years and make a solid run than make the moves to get "almost" there now. Sadly it looks like I called it correctly.

I'm going to go off and cry now (again).

05-27-08, 18:12
I'm going to go off and cry now (again).

Yes, you do that. Just as you tried to make us Flyer fans do the same last week.

Ah, the semi-redemption...


Gutshot John
06-04-08, 19:14
Hell yeah Game 6...IN PITTSBURGH!!!

Game 5 was one of the greatest hockey games I've ever seen. Loved seeing the Detroit fans get way quiet at the end of the third when the Pens scored the tying goal...after singing out loud. Then Sergei put a bullet through their heart.

Love hockey...love hockey...love pittsburgh as the underdog!!!

My two favorite teams are playing. I'm a happy man.

If Detroit wins...oh well...they're the greatest team in professional hockey history, they should win.

If Pittsburgh wins...it will be the greatest upset in professional hockey history and this city will erupt!!!

06-04-08, 19:44
GO PENS!!! I'm watching game 6 as we speak. Uh Oh Detroit draws first blood.:mad:

06-04-08, 19:49
If the Penguins don't start parking someone in front of Osgood they are never going to get one through. If he can see the puck coming he's going to stop it every time.

Jesus...I have to tell 6-8 year old kids this every game but I didn't think the pros did it too!

06-05-08, 05:18
Dear Pittsburgh fans,

Thank you for wearing white to support us in our travel jerseys as we were able to win yet another Stanley Cup in your home town. We really appreciated all your love and will now consider this our home away from Hockeytown.


The Detroit Red Wings

Gutshot John
06-05-08, 06:56
Dear Detroit Red Wings,

Thank you very much for the great hockey we got to see. Obviously the experienced team won. For now. I suppose it's fair to take pride in being the hockey equivalent of the Yankees, though you did get awfully quiet at the end of game 5. :o

We look forward to doing it again soon as our very young team matures. :D

The Pittsburgh Penguins.

06-05-08, 07:16
Dear Pittsburgh Penguins:

Our congratulations on your great season and runner-up finish. Well played, Pens.

If anyone knows how you feel, we do.

The Ohio State University

2007 BCS football #2
2008 BCS football #2
2007 NCAA basketball tournament #2
2007 NCAA men's soccer tournament #2
2008 NCAA wrestling tournament #2
2008 NIT basketball tournament champions

06-05-08, 07:42
Well congrats to the Red Wings...I guess. Their experience was evident in the series and the Penguins youthfulness and inexperience was glaring. I said it when the Pens traded away some good young talent and I’ll say it again; I wish they would have let the young players mature and make a solid run at the cup in another year or two instead of making the trades to make an attempt this year.

Now we’re going to be $%^&ed because they won’t be able to sign guys like Hossa and Sykora and they might not have enough money to keep guys like Malkin, Fleury and Staal together either.

Oh well such is life in the Bettman NHL.

Gutshot John
06-05-08, 07:50
There will be other young players so long as we have a cadre of experienced players that serve as the core of the team. Crosby clearly has a lot of years and has the makings of one of the greatest players in the game.

Fleury, Malkin and Sykora need to be resigned. Others will go, but I'm confident that we have the makings of a team that can dominate the NHL for the next 5 years.

Next year will be tough, but in general I think we're in good stead.

Gutshot John
06-05-08, 07:54
Well...only 3 more months until Football season.

I'm sure the Lions will make it to the playoffs this year. :eek:

06-05-08, 16:04
Loved the outcome - the Penguins certainly played well, but Hockeytown prevailed once again. :D

06-06-08, 00:16
yes parade tomorrow cant wait.


06-06-08, 00:29
It always makes me laugh. No matter where you go in this country there is always a dedicated Steeler bar.

They call the Cowboys "America's Team"....ehhh maybe we're the STEELER NATION!


06-08-08, 07:25
How did I miss this thread???

Oh well. After an seemingly interminable six-year Cup draught - the longest in ten years - the Stanley Cup finally comes home! :D

Fear not Penguins fans -- if anyone can re-sign 14 UFAs over the summer, it's Ray Shero with Gary Bettman lovingly holding his hand. That third Wings goal was the hockey gods looking down at Bettman and saying "Not this time Gary..."

Everybody likes to talk about the Wings being the Yankees of hockey. Screw that, they're the Red Wings of hockey! With the salary cap and all that, the Wings have simply made the transition to the same salary cap everyone else has, in a better fashion. :p

BTW the day Bettman resigns from his position, the happier I will be. The man is utterly incompetent.