View Full Version : Part of brake inside rail.

12-06-13, 18:31
I have a spare 15" and threw it on my 14.5 build. Half of the top port is inside the rail. Can the nsr handle the pressure?
http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz140/raizo_sekai/Mobile%20Uploads/20131205_213824_zpsbsgnhkuq.jpg (http://s821.photobucket.com/user/raizo_sekai/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20131205_213824_zpsbsgnhkuq.jpg.html)

I emailed Tanya from Noveske and she said that other than the heat, the rail should be free from damage. She said that they had an AAC brake inside the NSR and not issues after 2000 rds.

12-06-13, 18:36
Show a side view.

12-06-13, 18:39
Pic added

12-06-13, 18:42
Looks to close for comfort to me, I wouldn't do it. It might work though since it's not actually over the port.

12-06-13, 18:43
It covers about 75% of the top ports

12-06-13, 18:44
It's covering the top compensation/muzzle flip ports.

No go IMO.

12-06-13, 18:46
Yeah didn't notice the very top ports at first glance, definitely wouldn't do it then. There is a thread around here somewhere that some guy tried same thing and didn't turn out good.

12-06-13, 18:52
No way. We've seen the consequences of that

12-06-13, 18:58
No way. We've seen the consequences of that

Got a link to it?

12-06-13, 19:20
His was a little further out, but still wouldn't recommend it.


12-06-13, 20:37
Got a link to it?

Here's a purty one:

12-06-13, 20:45
I emailed Tanya from noveske and she said other than it being hot the rail should be fine. She said that they had an aac brake inside and it was fine after 2000 rds.

12-06-13, 23:19

Somehow misread emailed as spoke.

12-07-13, 16:30
They beat me to it. I'm not saying there's no way it would work, but the NSR is a pretty expensive rail to blow up

12-07-13, 16:32
I agree.

12-08-13, 01:03
Trim the rail :) ya know ya wanna lol.

Personally for me, my own rule of thumb is no less than 1/2ish. Example, a 10in rail on a 10.3 or 10.5 barrel etc. I have a 10in rail on a 10.3 barrel with an a2 flashider and its about as close as I'd ever want to go. Seen aluminum shatter before and it's not pretty.

12-08-13, 13:13
I have a 11" NSR on a 11.5 with BCE on my work gun. Been fine for several thousand rds. My SF lights have been in the comp and brake blast for just as long

12-08-13, 15:37
I would give it a try and see how it runs.

12-08-13, 20:07
Since Noveske said it would be fine other than heat, and it bbreaks are they going to replace it?

12-08-13, 20:12
Since Noveske said it would be fine other than heat, and it bbreaks are they going to replace it?

Ironic, as this is what I posted in my last post and then redacted because you were already in email contact with Noveske which pretty much supercedes anything any of us have to say.

Why not come right out and ask Tanya/Noveske in a follow up email?

ETA: You've also got a magpul BUS above those ports on the rail as well to consider...