View Full Version : Brandon Webb Running for NRA BoD

William B.
12-08-13, 10:56
I apologize if this has already been posted here. A quick search didn't turn up any results. I ran across this on another gun board. Looks like Brandon Webb of SOFRep/Navy SEAL fame will be running for the NRA Board of Directors. He seems to be pushing "compromise" as one of his big themes. Will he be another Joaquin Jackson? This also made me wonder if Larry Vickers is still considering taking a shot at the BoD.




A Snap Shot Perspective of My Views on Gun Ownership & The 2nd Amendment
•The 2nd Amendment is inherent in America’s cultural DNA
•Limiting magazine capacity is impractical
•Punishing law abiding gun owners is not the solution
•I believe everyone who owns a gun should attend a basic firearms & range safety qualifications course and that these courses should be standardized
•The NRA should be like PADI or NAUI and encourage gun ranges to only accept NRA basic qualified shooters on the range.
•Few people outside of America understand how important firearms ownership is to Americans
•Background checks are a good idea but should take minutes, not days
•Often gun laws are made by people who don’t use, own, or understand firearms
•Mass shootings have to be dealt with head-on or America will face more gun restrictions and erosion of 2nd Amendment rights.
•NRA training needs to be brought up to date.
•Legislation on increasing the prevention of severely mentally ill folks (e.g. paranoid schizophrenia)from gaining access to firearms seems logical. Increase the early warning signs
•Dogs/handlers at schools and colleges are better than armed guards, in my opinion. Dogs are an incredible resource to use in these situations
•Guns aren’t the problem, mental illness is the problem. It’s like punishing responsible automobile owners (which kill more people annually) because of drunk drivers killing innocent people on the road
•I believe we should be able to concealed-carry and open-carry where practical (e.g., not on an elementary school campus or an airplane)
•Guns are guns and people should be able to own and obtain a permit to own everything, short of an anti-tank weapon or WMD, if they’re properly trained/certified
•The NRA should take a strong leadership position when it comes to legislation affecting ownership pro and con, not just a “supporter” of legislation. The perception from the left is that the NRA is an uncompromising organization
•I think the current NRA Executive VP Wayne LaPierre, could do more to a lot more to improve how the NRA is viewed by the rest of America, especially the youth.
•If elected to the board I would be one of 76, but I would do my best to make sure we hold the elected leaders accountable, and work on ways to promote and engage the responsible youth in this country. They are the future, and you cannot ignore the decline in youth firearms participation and membership.
•I believe the 2nd Amendment is a right we should keep and hold dear

12-08-13, 11:04
Nope Nope Nope.. You don't come off a win just to turn around and "compromise", if anything they should be the ones to change their positions. Their half cocked laws and policy's can be sighted for many problems, signing in more of them are just going to hurt the responsible gun owner. We need Lav!

William B.
12-08-13, 11:19
And there's this from his FB page:

If my professional accomplishments and expertise as a sniper don't qualify me to some degree then I don't know what to tell you. Of course when I'm submitting my package I'll give you my points on what I'd improve and where I stand.

Military service (even as a trigger-puller) is not a blanket qualification for whatever you want to do in your post-military career.

12-08-13, 11:56
"If my professional accomplishments and expertise as a sniper don't qualify me to some degree then I don't know what to tell you."

Your personal accomplishments and expertise as a sniper qualifies you to shoot people a long bloody ways away and to swim in order to get there. It does not qualify you for a position leading a civil rights organization.

12-08-13, 12:40
"If my professional accomplishments and expertise as a sniper don't qualify me to some degree then I don't know what to tell you."

Your personal accomplishments and expertise as a sniper qualifies you to shoot people a long bloody ways away and to swim in order to get there. It does not qualify you for a position leading a civil rights organization.

Exactly -

Here's hoping LAV can throw his hat in the ring. His leadership is what's needed in the NRA.

12-08-13, 13:27
I do not know Mr. Webb. I appreciate and respect his military service, and sacrifices made for our country.

This point: "I believe everyone who owns a gun should attend a basic firearms & range safety qualifications course and that these courses should be standardized" concerns me.

I am honestly concerned about his statement regarding training requirements, standards, and certification. I agree that people should get training. I fear that it becomes a requirement, much like an Illinois FOID, or some other certification. If you control that, then you control people's ability to obtain protection.

It does bring to mind arguments for a poll tax, which has been deemed unconstitutional.

A long time ago, I was dispatched to a call where a woman had fought off a stalker, who was attempting to rape her. She protected herself by sticking her cheap .22 Saturday Night Special in his left ear, and pulling the trigger until she heard clicks. This defense proved conclusive, but she was still badly injured in the fight.

She was a very poor person, and would not have had the money to even buy that pistol. Every nickel she had went to feed and clothe her daughter, who was also injured. The pistol was loaned to her by an uncle, who was thus unarmed.

I honestly feel that many of these "reasonable restrictions" act to deprive the very poor of their right and ability to defend themselves. Much like the unconstitutional poll tax was used against minorities, I fear that it will be used against gun owners.

I wish Mr Webb would clearly speak to this issue, and clarify his position on it. I have been reading and researching, and have yet to find a solid answer.

Definitely not trying to engage in the "eat our young" approach, but I hope he addresses this, and soon.

Don Robison
12-08-13, 13:46

Here are a few of his bullet points detailing his stance on gun rights which I think you’ll find interesting.

I believe everyone who owns a gun should attend a firearms safety qualifications course, and this should be standardized across the country. Too many people I’ve seen on the range are unsafe.
Yes, owning a gun is a right; driving is similar to this but you have to have pass a drivers test to prove competency.
The NRA should be like PADI or NAUI and encourage gun ranges to only accept NRA basic qualified shooters on the range.
Background checks are a good idea but should take minutes, not days.
Legislation on increasing the prevention of mentally ill folks from gaining access to firearms seems logical.
Dogs/handlers at schools and colleges are better than armed guards, in my opinion.
I believe we should be able to concealed-carry and open-carry where practical (e.g., not on an elementary school campus or an airplane).
Guns are guns and people should be able to own and obtain a permit to own everything, short of WMD, if they’re properly trained/certified.

I won't vote for anyone who thinks that a constitutional right is the same as driving a car or scuba diving. I don't have anything against him personally, but his stance appears to be based in nothing related to a basic understanding of rights or the constitution.

3 AE
12-08-13, 13:56
To put it bluntly, and with all due respect for his service to our country, Mr. Webb can go pound sand. You think the anti-gunners are going to compromise? Shit, this guy is their poster child. He'll compromise and they will take it all and often. His statement on standardized qualification for gun ownership reflects his lack of understanding on what goes on in the real world. Personal defense in the civilian world is a right that is not dependent on qualifying. I hear this a lot from gun owners who have recently attended some courses/training. All of sudden they're the voice of who should and who shouldn't be allowed to possess firearms. Well, they can all go **** themselves. I suggest they take some time and read "The Armed Citizen" section of "The American Rifleman" for the past few years. You can bet your ass that hardly anyone described in those stories from children to senior citizens, from men and women, had any formal training/qualifications. Yet they were able to stop the threat to their lives and loved ones. And now this asshat wants to take that right away from them in the name of compromise? He and other like minded individuals can go .......!

12-08-13, 14:06
IMHO, when you start going down the compromise road, it will never end. Its like, lets get the nose of the camel in the tent first and we will get the rest of it in later. We have a untruthful shamwow president in office who likes to use the compromise card, and who continues to play the sheeple across the world. Wake up America !!

12-08-13, 15:29
I thought Brandon Webb was an asshat?

William B.
12-08-13, 16:21
I thought Brandon Webb was an asshat?

I don't know a whole lot about him except that I enjoy reading SOFRep sometimes and that he won't be getting my BoD vote.

12-08-13, 18:16
I thought Brandon Webb was an asshat?

Why is that?

12-08-13, 18:33
Why is that?

Hold on. I'll see what I can dig up.

I remember somebody in the SF community (I think it was a SEAL) who mentioned that he lied about his deployments, and a bunch of other stuff.

I'll see if I can find it.

I'm prepared to be wrong.

12-08-13, 18:42
Hold on. I'll see what I can dig up.

I remember somebody in the SF community (I think it was a SEAL) who mentioned that he lied about his deployments, and a bunch of other stuff.

I'll see if I can find it.

I'm prepared to be wrong.


Larry Vicker's comments in this thread.

Not exactly what I stated above, but it's worth reading. It's only two pages.

12-08-13, 18:58
Directed at no one in particular, and for the benefit of all:

Let's all choose our words carefully, and avoid potentially speculative, libelous, or ill-informed statements about what others may have done or been accused of doing. Avoiding inter-board drama is also a great idea. If you have information that is useful in the consideration of Brandon's (or anyone else for that matter) candidacy for the NRA BoD, feel free to post the facts thereof with pertinent references.

12-08-13, 19:02
Directed at no one in particular, and for the benefit of all:

Let's all choose our words carefully, and avoid potentially speculative, libelous, or ill-informed statements about what others may have done or been accused of doing. Avoiding inter-board drama is also a great idea. If you have information that is useful in the consideration of Brandon's (or anyone else for that matter) candidacy for the NRA BoD, feel free to post the facts thereof with pertinent references.

I edited my post to reflect my source. (Which I forgot was actually a thread on this board.)

12-08-13, 19:30
Many people who have never been in the military think that ex-mil, particularly those ex-mil who were in a combat arm, and especially those ex-mil who saw combat, are pro-Second Amendment. It seems reasonable (just like the myth that cops carry guns all day, ergo, cops are firearms experts) -- but, 'tain't so. If he's an ex-SEALsniperninjaSOFbadass, he has my respect, but he won't have my vote for BoD unless he is able to convince me that he will never, not ever, compromise with the antis. As Mr Churchill famously said, "... this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense."

12-08-13, 22:42
Other stuff precludes me even caring about his candidacy - no history of 2A supporting work that goes far enough back to count as direct experience, and military leadership skills obviously don't translate inherently to corporate or advocacy type leadership roles. Too big of a jump to be taken seriously.

12-08-13, 22:55
When are people going to get it, we have been "compromising" since 1934. We continually give ground, and in exchange for what? What have we gotten back from the other side? Enough already with "compromise" on "common sense" issues. We've given up a metric butt ton, time for the other side to start giving back. Oh and saying "we wont take any more" does not qualify as a compromise.

12-08-13, 23:29
When are people going to get it, we have been "compromising" since 1934. We continually give ground, and in exchange for what? What have we gotten back from the other side? Enough already with "compromise" on "common sense" issues. We've given up a metric butt ton, time for the other side to start giving back. Oh and saying "we wont take any more" does not qualify as a compromise.
Exactly, make them defend everything every day and we take a chunk every time back.

12-08-13, 23:29
When are people going to get it, we have been "compromising" since 1934. We continually give ground, and in exchange for what? What have we gotten back from the other side? Enough already with "compromise" on "common sense" issues. We've given up a metric butt ton, time for the other side to start giving back. Oh and saying "we wont take any more" does not qualify as a compromise.

In all fairness, what you are describing, and what actually happened, is that one group took from another. It was good 'ol fashioned conquest. Compromise was never in the vocabulary.

12-08-13, 23:30
I don't care if he single handily killed Godzilla and pissed on Mothra. The stuff he has openly posted means he is willing to compromise with the lying politicians who make these laws and the anti-gun groups who are not interested in compromise.

I posed this question on Facebook and I'll ask it here. I want one person to articulate to the members here any so-called "compromise" that didn't result in the gun owners of this country getting screwed and losing something. I'll be waiting.......

12-08-13, 23:33
I honestly feel that many of these "reasonable restrictions" act to deprive the very poor of their right and ability to defend themselves. Much like the unconstitutional poll tax was used against minorities, I fear that it will be used against gun owners.
It already is and has been for a few decades in NJ, NY, CA, HI, and MA, with brutal effects. Gun owners are treated as bad or worse than blacks in the 1950's-60's, being instantly arrestable for almost anything, kicked out of schools or jobs, excluded from places to live.

12-08-13, 23:51
In all fairness, what you are describing, and what actually happened, is that one group took from another. It was good 'ol fashioned conquest. Compromise was never in the vocabulary.

I mostly agree. Compromise didn't enter into the situation until he other side discovered that our side said "enough, no more." Now they use the word compromise in an attempt to make themselves look rational and our side as being intransigent. It is to this that I say a pox upon anyone who is willing to compromise.

12-09-13, 04:09
It already is and has been for a few decades in NJ, NY, CA, HI, and MA, with brutal effects. Gun owners are treated as bad or worse than blacks in the 1950's-60's, being instantly arrestable for almost anything, kicked out of schools or jobs, excluded from places to live.

The NRA should be pushing this as a civil rights issue that would be directly beneficial to minority populations.

What are the anti gunners going to say? See!! Those evil white baby killing NRA folks want to arm black folks.

Sent from my DROID X2

12-09-13, 10:40
Apparently Brandon has made enemies with some of his SEAL brethren...


12-09-13, 14:17
I don't care if he single handily killed Godzilla and pissed on Mothra. The stuff he has openly posted means he is willing to compromise with the lying politicians who make these laws and the anti-gun groups who are not interested in compromise.

This. There is way too much hero worship going around.

12-09-13, 14:47
I don't care if he single handily killed Godzilla and pissed on Mothra. The stuff he has openly posted means he is willing to compromise with the lying politicians who make these laws and the anti-gun groups who are not interested in compromise.

I posed this question on Facebook and I'll ask it here. I want one person to articulate to the members here any so-called "compromise" that didn't result in the gun owners of this country getting screwed and losing something. I'll be waiting.......

This. There is way too much hero worship going around.

Agreed with both u guys. This isn't the first former SEAL to have this kind of attitude. He is a Turd and I don't give a damn what he did in the service. That doesn't give anyone the right to trample on the Constitution, slightly compromising or not. The 2nd amendment is about the common folk, I.E. the general populace having the necessary weaponry to fight against a tyrannical govt.

The shall not be infringed part, sounds to me like there shouldn't have ever been any compromise to begin with.

12-09-13, 15:38
What difference does it make (as my friend and mentor Hillary Clinton said). What you and others seem to forget is that minorities do not have opinions. Their opinions are made for them by the Sharptons, Jacksons, and idiots of that ilk. They are mostly leftist democratic mouthpieces. If anyone steps up and says that they disagree they are dumped on and called names.

We know it's all a farce and we know that gun control hurts everyone, except those who live in gated communities, have armed protection and don't have to live in the same area as these thugs and criminals who prey on everyone. It also doesn't help when you have their own community leaders at the ground level telling them that guns are evil and you should get rid of them and the crime will go away. Completely disregarding the truth. If you take away self-reliance you empower the gov't and strengthen their stranglehold.

My message to the NRA, SAF, GOA and every other group is to hold a UNIFIED conference 2 times a year, set aside their bullshit games and stand up and let every politician and gun control zealot know that we as gun owners are UNIFIED as a group. That we will no longer compromise because it never ends up good for the rights of the gun owners. That the gov't and indeed anti-gun groups continuously and deliberately lie to the American people in order to push their agenda.

Until WE THE PEOPLE (and that includes the people that vote for these idiots) wake up and realize the gov't isn't going to save them, they they need to take responsibility for their own welfare and safety we aren't going to win anything or make progress. You cannot force people to learn.

The NRA should be pushing this as a civil rights issue that would be directly beneficial to minority populations.

What are the anti gunners going to say? See!! Those evil white baby killing NRA folks want to arm black folks.

Sent from my DROID X2

12-10-13, 18:21
He is a TERD


12-10-13, 18:59

I'm saying I think he is a piece of shit if, indeed, those are his views on the 2nd.

12-10-13, 19:34
My message to the NRA, SAF, GOA and every other group is to hold a UNIFIED conference 2 times a year, set aside their bullshit games and stand up and let every politician and gun control zealot know that we as gun owners are UNIFIED as a group. That we will no longer compromise because it never ends up good for the rights of the gun owners.

Until WE THE PEOPLE (and that includes the people that vote for these idiots) wake up and realize the gov't isn't going to save them, they they need to take responsibility for their own welfare and safety we aren't going to win anything or make progress. You cannot force people to learn.

Post of the year right there! Bravo! I too am tired of the different factions of the Gun Lobby working against each other.

I have a lot of respect for Mr. Webb for what he did, but I will not be voting for him unless he clarifies his positions. As for him being an @sshat, I think they're all acting like little children and have quickly forgotten their teamwork and having each other backsides. A bit of growing up on all sides of those squabbles would do wonders. Funny thing is most of them ain't so young.

William B.
12-10-13, 19:36
Looks like LAV weighed in on Brandon Webb in the comments section of an article on Soldier Systems.

Larry Vickers says:

December 8, 2013 at 01:42

127 comments might be a new record on SSD !!! My gut (and my industry contacts) tell me the likelihood of Brandon Webb being on the NRA BOD is an extreme long shot – as in it ain’t gonna happen

I wouldn’t give this topic another second of thought


12-10-13, 19:40
I'm saying I think he is a piece of shit if, indeed, those are his views on the 2nd.

Ah. Sorry. I couldn't tell if that was an acronym, a misspelling of "tard", or a misspelling of "turd".

12-10-13, 19:53
Here's hoping LAV can throw his hat in the ring. His leadership is what's needed in the NRA.

And what in Vickers' experience makes him any more qualified for "a position leading a civil rights organization"?

12-10-13, 19:59
And what in Vickers' experience makes him any more qualified for "a position leading a civil rights organization"?

Were you paying attention to General Discussion from Dec. to April when those gun bills were up in the air?

12-10-13, 20:00
Ah. Sorry. I couldn't tell if that was an acronym, a misspelling of "tard", or a misspelling of "turd".

haha no worries ;)

I guess I've been misspelling Turd for a long time now :D

12-10-13, 20:12
And what in Vickers' experience makes him any more qualified for "a position leading a civil rights organization"?

I've never taken a LAV course. Never met LAV. The only LAV product I own is an extend mag release on my GLOCKs. I've seen LAV do and say things on this forum and to other members here that I vehemently disagree with. So I'm not a LAV cheerleader.

HOWEVER, he has done FAR more than Mr. Webb has to help our cause.

LAV has published, for free, basic intro videos such as room clearing with low light. Yeah, it was a Surefire infomercial, but to someone who can't afford a class, it gives them basics.

Last year during the craziness, LAV offered discounts and NRA memberships in his classes. LAV promoted discounted NRA Lifetime memberships.

I recall him offering a free GLOCK to a home-invasion victim.

TAC-TV reaches thousands of gun owners in a positive way.

HELL YES! I'd much rather LAV as my voice at the NRA than Mr. Webb. :cool:

12-10-13, 20:23
And what in Vickers' experience makes him any more qualified for "a position leading a civil rights organization"?

He is a shooter at the very least, I haven't really seen much to indicate Webb does much these days aside from blog.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

12-10-13, 21:05
Were you paying attention to General Discussion from Dec. to April when those gun bills were up in the air?

Yep, I did -- and my post has precisely nothing to do with what Vickers' perspective on RKBA is. Other than having a different perspective on things than Webb, what exactly in his experience makes LAV more qualified?

I just found it funny that in response to this post:

Your personal accomplishments and expertise as a sniper qualifies you to shoot people a long bloody ways away and to swim in order to get there. It does not qualify you for a position leading a civil rights organization.
...@FlyingHunter responded that Vickers should do it instead.

Since the criticism of Webb is that his sniper experience doesn't qualify him to lead a civil rights organization, what type of experience is it that makes Vickers more qualified?

Not criticizing Vickers or supporting Webb, but just seems to me that LAV's "qualifications" are pretty similar, but that's somehow different because he has a perspective that some more closely agree with.

Seemed quite a double standard to me. Either your experience as a trigger-puller qualifies you, or it doesn't.

12-10-13, 21:12
Either your experience as a trigger-puller qualifies you, or it doesn't.

So what if you have two pipe-hitters; one WILL compromise on the 2nd and the other WILL NOT?

Then there is this for those that didn't see it / or remember it.

LAV tossing around the idea of running for NFA BOD.

12-10-13, 21:43
Since the criticism of Webb is that his sniper experience doesn't qualify him to lead a civil rights organization, what type of experience is it that makes Vickers more qualified?

Brandon has proven he's not qualified, for my vote, by his own hand.

I'm not going to give LAV anything, but respect, until he puts his case forward, IF he decides to run for a board seat, but that really isn't what this thread is all about.

I too don't consider SOF trigger pullers qualified to do anything but pull triggers or train people to pull triggers until proven otherwise by their words, backed up by their actions. Regardless of their personal or product based popularity in the industry.

LAV, if you're reading this it is not meant to be disrespectful to you or your time spent pulling triggers. I have not, however, seen his position on anything to date, much less as clearly stated as Brandon's.

None of us are perfect, there just may be positions he would take that some would find objectionable.

12-10-13, 21:56
I am due to renew this month (got email), and will renew with small (what I can afford) donation. I'm also going to send an email saying that if they(NRA) compromise or people in certain positions have a compromise policy in any-way-shape-form-fashion on the 2nd, this will be last payment they will see from me..

12-10-13, 21:57
The only thing that I can add to this conversation is this. Larry Vickers strongly believes in the Second Amendment and I highly doubt that he would ever compromise with these kind of people because he knows what it's going to end up as. I think Larry in addition to his military service has done a very good job of educating people about firearms in general and he would be a welcome breath of fresh air to the NRA and indeed most gun organizations.

12-10-13, 22:03
The only thing that I can add to this conversation is this. Larry Vickers strongly believes in the Second Amendment and I highly doubt that he would ever compromise with these kind of people because he knows what it's going to end up as. I think Larry in addition to his military service has done a very good job of educating people about firearms in general and he would be a welcome breath of fresh air to the NRA and indeed most gun organizations.

You appear to know him, I do not. All I was saying for those us us that do not know him will need convincing.

You just started that process for this voting life member.

I bet if you asked Brandon a week ago he would tell you he believes strongly in the 2nd amendment! Most of us now disagree. :)

12-10-13, 22:18
The NRA is the 1100-pound gorilla in the room, when it comes to fighting anti-2A legislation. All politicians know that, and either respect or fear the NRA accordingly.

Mr. Vickers has spent a large amount of time over the last year to get people to join the NRA, and thereby increase that clout. That is an undeniable fact. I am unaware of any such efforts to help the NRA by Mr Webb. I would welcome any data in that regard.

I do not know Mr Vickers personally, I've never met him. But I have concerns about Mr Webb, which I previously expressed in this thread. I have been searching, and I find nothing that has allayed those fears yet. That disappoints me, as I hoped it was something that could easily be cleared up with a well thought-out statement clarifying his thoughts.

And this thread is about Mr Webb, not Mr Vickers. Either man is obviously welcome to post his thoughts here.

But let's focus on the original issue, shall we? Thank you all.

12-10-13, 22:34
What bothers me more than anything, is the folks in Military and LE, that took an Oath to Defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, both Foreign and Domestic, only to then essentially wipe their ass with the very Constitution they were sworn to uphold and protect.

Brandon Webb, amongst many others, has done just that by trying to "Compromise" on 2nd Amendment issues....because without the 2nd, nothing else is guaranteed and/or protected.

Look at where "compromising" has gotten us; look at what this country has become....

People need to wake the **** up and smell the coffee.

12-10-13, 23:18
•I believe everyone who owns a gun should attend a basic firearms & range safety qualifications course and that these courses should be standardized

This is government speak. The fact he made that statement in a formal presentation makes me suspicious he has already sold out. This is how the government gets it's claws into professional organizations. They get a "one size fits all" situation going as popular in the private sector, then take over control doing -the exact same thing-...... who can argue with that right?.... well that lasts about 6 months then the -new standards- kick in and then it never stops.

Anyone willing to cave any further would never get my support. We should be taking back what is rightfully ours, not considering giving more.


People need to wake the **** up and smell the coffee.

Absolutely... I really don't see us winning any significant battles. It's time to win something... it's fn past time. It's time to get organized and win.

12-11-13, 16:30
As most of you know by now, the founder of SOFREP, Brandon Webb intends to run for the NRA Board in 2015, and holy shit has it opened up a firestorm throughout the internet and the media. So we decided to let this episode be the forum for Brandon to address the controversy and give some insight into why he's running, as well as smack down the idiots on the internet going wild with conspiracies that Brandon intends to compromise the Second Amendment. He brought along two of his good friends in studio from the Airsoft community, Richard Ballard and John Bush this week. Richard is a Sig Certified firearms instructor and photographer who will be working with Brandon on a deck of cards for the troops dropping early next year. You can check him out at www.richardballard.com. And John Bush is a New York City restaurant owner under the Three Kings of Kings County moniker. John's website is www.porkslopebrooklyn.com.

This just keeps getting better, now some of us are idiots.

No offense to gun owners in NYC, but that certainly isn't the poster city for gun rights, yet he rolls into that show with 2 NYC "gun Guys" for street cred?

He needs to stop talking and start listening. The more he talks the deeper he digs and the more he thinks of himself becomes very clear.

12-11-13, 16:47
WTF? ... Webb, a promotion on a deck of cards, Airsoft, a pork restaurant advert..... and all that has what to do with 2A? Is this a joke from the Onion?

Mr blasty
12-11-13, 16:52
Brandon.. the lazy fat kid no one believed was up the task. Picked last at the team dodge ball. No operational background worth mentioning, mediocre at best at whatever task at hand, a joke to genuine players. A deployment hiding no integrity douche, more interested in gullible young girls than his family.... now divorced. The basic SEAL sniper schoolhouse fell behind conventional US Army & US Marines school house curriculum while he was there (hiding at schoolhouse from deployments when the pipehitters were out deploying), thanks...
A complete embarrassment when this tool attempts to play talking head on the boob tube. The lack of education and awareness on simple, obvious, policy matters is sickening. No accomplishments, no soul, a willing tool for easiest path.

Holy shit! There's some strong hate for this guy in your post! Guess the guy deserves it though. How did he make it through selection with such a piss poor attitude? I thought they were super thorough when they dig into your background.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

12-11-13, 17:02
Holy shit! There's some strong hate for this guy in your post! Guess the guy deserves it though. How did he make it through selection with such a piss poor attitude? I thought they were super thorough when they dig into your background.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

Yeah, I wasn't going to touch that one because I don't know any of these guys from Adam......but after listening to as much of that podcast as I could stomach, a couple things became very clear.

1. He sounds like a member of the Brady bunch when talking about Wayne L, regardless of what you think of Wayne it isn't real smart to be talking smack about him while running for a board seat.

2. He's very much enamored with himself which tells me even more about his character.

Edited to add: I better watch it or I might get my @ss kicked! :)

12-11-13, 17:32
Holy shit! There's some strong hate for this guy in your post! Guess the guy deserves it though. How did he make it through selection with such a piss poor attitude? I thought they were super thorough when they dig into your background.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

Any SOF guy will tell you that there are shitbags in every unit. Just like people, the selection process is imperfect.

Mr blasty
12-11-13, 19:05
I'm beginning to learn that not everyone who serves deserves my thanks, gratitude or respect. Some are just douche nozzles who joined due to lack of options or idea on what to do in life.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

12-11-13, 19:10
Any SOF guy will tell you that there are shitbags in every unit. Just like people, the selection process is imperfect.

what he said

12-11-13, 20:21
Thanks Big Joe. For me the matter is settled.

12-11-13, 21:15
WTF? ... Webb, a promotion on a deck of cards, Airsoft, a pork restaurant advert..... and all that has what to do with 2A? Is this a joke from the Onion?

My ****ing thoughts precisely! An airsoft doucher and a restaurant owner are supposed to somehow bolster his position? What a ruhtard.

Heavy Metal
12-11-13, 22:51
Holy shit! There's some strong hate for this guy in your post! Guess the guy deserves it though. How did he make it through selection with such a piss poor attitude? I thought they were super thorough when they dig into your background.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

I know a guy I grew up with who is the laziest f-ck in the world and yet he, by some miracle, made it thru Jump School and finished his enlistment as a Supply Specialist in the 82nd Airborne.

To this day, I can not figure out how he did it.

I think, sometimes, the Universe just takes a day off. Everything isn't required to make sense.

12-12-13, 02:39
From blurb quoted in post #50: " brought along two of his good friends in studio from the Airsoft community"

So, if you're "from" (whatever that means) the Airsoft community, you are (a) qualified as a gun guy, and (b) sufficiently politically aware to speak on Second Amendment issues? What utter bullshit. BUT, many people will buy it because they don't know any better. Granted that some gun guys use Airsoft for force on force training, most Airsofters aren't gun guys. They're playing with toys. But your average person probably doesn't realize that.

In my opinion, when considering most controversial political issues -- abortion, immigration, gun rights, etc . -- people can be divided into 3 groups. 10% of the population (I'll call them the "pros") stand on one side of the issue. Their minds are made up ... they feel the way they do, and they are [B]not going to change their minds. Another 10% of the population (I'll call them the "antis") stand on the other side of the issue. Their minds are also made up ... they feel the way they do, and they aren't going to change their minds either. The remaining 80% don't know, don't care, etc.

The key to resolving the issue in favor of whichever side, pro or anti, that you are on, is to educate the 80%. They don't understand ... so they need to be educated. They don't care ... so they need to be shown why they should care. If we want Congress to back off messing with our Second Amendment rights, then we need to educate the 80% who don't know the Second Amendment from the Magna Carta and show them why they should be on our side. The Brady-Bloomberg Bunch know this and work very hard at what they do ... we should be doing the same.

12-12-13, 07:17
Found a video of Brandon Webb conducting "range ops" with an HK USP .45


Aside from his low left grouping at 7 yards, I noticed he favors the two finger pinch/slingshot technique to work the slide. Obviously a high speed operator at work...

12-12-13, 09:21
Brandon.. the lazy fat kid no one believed was up the task. Picked last at the team dodge ball. No operational background worth mentioning, mediocre at best at whatever task at hand, a joke to genuine players. A deployment hiding no integrity douche, more interested in gullible young girls than his family.... now divorced. The basic SEAL sniper schoolhouse fell behind conventional US Army & US Marines school house curriculum while he was there (hiding at schoolhouse from deployments when the pipehitters were out deploying), thanks...
A complete embarrassment when this tool attempts to play talking head on the boob tube. The lack of education and awareness on simple, obvious, policy matters is sickening. No accomplishments, no soul, a willing tool for easiest path.


Mr blasty
12-12-13, 09:42
Found a video of Brandon Webb conducting "range ops" with an HK USP .45


Aside from his low left grouping at 7 yards, I noticed he favors the two finger pinch/slingshot technique to work the slide. Obviously a high speed operator at work...

And overlapping his thumb. The presentation seamed a bit blasé. I sure hope that for a sf type he was just having a "**** it" moment and is capable of more than that.

I'm really really really opposed to his attitude towards mandatory training for people to go shooting at the range. I just brought 2 vergin shooter's (there both hooked now), 1 former Marine who hasn't shot in years, a guy who can only afford to get to the range once or twice a year and a south African farm boy who has been guiding safaris since he was 12 and has been shooting bolt guns since he could walk. I've yet to get a chance to take a training class (hopefully this summer if all goes well) yet from concealment I can have the first round in a 6" circle at 10 yards in 1.3 seconds. This was 23 rounds rapid fire with a Glock 19 at 9 yards http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/12/12/a2umy7uz.jpg
According to him none of us have any business being on a shooting range until the NRA say we can. Not one of us have proven ourselves unsafe or incompetent on the range. The two new shooters I brought out followed the 4 rules to the letter and actually learned quite quickly. The more I learn about this guy the more I want him to go away.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

12-12-13, 10:28
According to him none of us have any business being on a shooting range until the NRA say we can.

Absolutely... when you standardize things you are clearly in the government wheelhouse. Even if under the guise of the NRA. It's one thing, that through the private sector, programs are introduced and citizens are afforded the ability to be easily trained in basics as they purchase a gun, but to mandate it and standardize it is yet another law/tax in disguise.

Look at Bass Pro shops or other large sporting goods stores. They have indoor archery ranges that would facilitate archery training. Something along that nature would be perfect.... but guess what.... the insurance, lawyers, zoning regulators and other citizens are going to fight it. Already a thread here about that very thing. So you start passing that idea around and before you know it some politician gets the brilliant idea of "let's let the government run it".... which is why it sounds like to me this Webb guy has already sold out or is simply being manipulated without even knowing it.

This guys ideas are exactly how we loose everything. He might as well make his slogan "NRA, the New FHA for gun owners".

Mr blasty
12-12-13, 10:42
Absolutely... when you standardize things you are clearly in the government wheelhouse. Even if under the guise of the NRA. It's one thing, that through the private sector, programs are introduced and citizens are afforded the ability to be easily trained in basics as they purchase a gun, but to mandate it and standardize it is yet another law/tax in disguise.

Look at Bass Pro shops or other large sporting goods stores. They have indoor archery ranges that would facilitate archery training. Something along that nature would be perfect.... but guess what.... the insurance, lawyers, zoning regulators and other citizens are going to fight it. Already a thread here about that very thing. So you start passing that idea around and before you know it some politician gets the brilliant idea of "let's let the government run it".... which is why it sounds like to me this Webb guy has already sold out or is simply being manipulated without even knowing it.

This guys ideas are exactly how we loose everything. He might as well make his slogan "NRA, the New FHA for gun owners".

It would be one thing if he was just pushing for better, more up to date training but trying to convince ranges to say it's mandatory in order to shoot? Kiss my ass! Met a lot of awesome shooter's in my short time in the shooting world who could school a lot of so called "instructors" but don't have an ounce of training. I'm as much for training as anyone else here but I also know that some of the best trained can be some of the worst at something.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

12-12-13, 13:55
I noticed he favors the two finger pinch/slingshot technique to work the slide. Obviously a high speed operator at work...

Side note:

Jason Falla was doing that pinch method when I trained with him and Defoor several years ago at USTC

12-12-13, 16:11
Side note:

Jason Falla was doing that pinch method when I trained with him and Defoor several years ago at USTC

And it was the instructed and demonstrated method at a couple of advanced FLETC courses, as well.

12-12-13, 17:16
Brandon.. the lazy fat kid no one believed was up the task. Picked last at the team dodge ball. No operational background worth mentioning, mediocre at best at whatever task at hand, a joke to genuine players. A deployment hiding no integrity douche, more interested in gullible young girls than his family.... now divorced. The basic SEAL sniper schoolhouse fell behind conventional US Army & US Marines school house curriculum while he was there (hiding at schoolhouse from deployments when the pipehitters were out deploying), thanks...
A complete embarrassment when this tool attempts to play talking head on the boob tube. The lack of education and awareness on simple, obvious, policy matters is sickening. No accomplishments, no soul, a willing tool for easiest path.

Looks like my guess was right.

12-15-13, 10:28
The NRA is the 1100-pound gorilla in the room, when it comes to fighting anti-2A legislation. All politicians know that, and either respect or fear the NRA accordingly.

So they must have been 4 ounces and in neo-natal care in when they supported the National Firearms Act of 1934.

12-15-13, 11:42
I noticed he favors the two finger pinch/slingshot technique to work the slide. Obviously a high speed operator at work...

And overlapping his thumb. The presentation seamed a bit blasé.

I don't think this thread needs to turn into a critique of his shooting style or preferences.

I use the slingshot and I overlap my thumb. Why? Because both work for me and the grip works the same on revolvers and semi's. Consistency and practice are what counts and I'm too old to continue chasing the latest fads, regardless of who teaches them or if they are or aren't considered "tacticool".

I don't even know what "presentation being blase'" means, he didn't look both ways before shooting? Come on.

12-15-13, 12:13
So they must have been 4 ounces and in neo-natal care in when they supported the National Firearms Act of 1934.

And that was 80 years ago, and all those people are dead. I don't think many of them are attempting to influence legislation from beyond the grave.

12-15-13, 14:12
And that was 80 years ago, and all those people are dead. I don't think many of them are attempting to influence legislation from beyond the grave.

Those folks spawned the bureaucracy that is the NRA today. One compromise, however small, after another, got us where we are today.

Brandon Webb could be the poster child.

12-15-13, 14:47
Those folks spawned the bureaucracy that is the NRA today. One compromise, however small, after another, got us where we are today.

Brandon Webb could be the poster child.

I still don't see how this matters to a discussion about Brandon Webb's candidacy? It's a completely different organization today than it was then. A different board, different VP/Pres, different director, different everything. Organizations evolve, their policies change. The NRA today is not the NRA of 1934.

More importantly, what does their support for 1934 legislation have to do with Brandon Webb running today? It's like condemning the US government because slavery was allowed 160 years ago, all in a discussion of Chris Christie's campaign for the presidency. I'm not seeing how this matters...at all.

12-15-13, 15:08
Those folks spawned the bureaucracy that is the NRA today. One compromise, however small, after another, got us where we are today.

Brandon Webb could be the poster child.

Sounds good, don't join and you have nothing to worry about then.

Thanks and have a great week.

William B.
01-06-14, 10:53
Apparently this is still going on. Brandon and Caleb (from Gun Nuts Media) have had some back-and-forths on their blogs and now Caleb is going to interview him at SHOT. I'll be interested to hear what they have to say.
