View Full Version : Worst case of stomach flu I have ever had

Crow Hunter
12-26-13, 17:12
I apparently got a case of the stomach flu from relatives. Oh joy.

But this is unlike anything that I have ever gotten before.

I was woken up at midnight on Christmas eve with the runs. Then I started puking. I have vomited less than 10 times that I can remember in my entire life, I almost never vomit, but the other night I puked at least 14 times and maybe upwards of 21 times. My wife and I lost count.

I barfed and crapped until after 6:00 am. I spent the rest of the day on the couch/in the bed trying to sip water/Pedialyte and not throw it up. I slept until Christmas morning and I felt some better but I felt really nauseated and weak and my stomach felt very bloated even just eating some crackers and or toast.

I tried to go to work this morning but I had to make 2 emergency runs to the restroom before I even got to my desk. Since it is nearly 1/8th of a mile to get to the 3 commodes in my area of the plant, that may or may not be clean/open I decided to take the recommendation of my coworkers who said I looked like $hit and go home and not come back tomorrow.

I am still feeling really exhausted, just getting up off the couch to go to the bathroom (which I seem to be doing quite a bit) leaves me lightheaded/dizzy I still feel sick and my stomach feels bloated and it rolls all the time.

Anyone else ever gotten a super bug like this?

Normally, I have the green apple trots 12 or so hours and then I am good to go.

I have never felt this weak and run down or had the idea of food repulse me for so long.

12-26-13, 17:17
I'm sorry to hear about your bout with the flu, especially the kind you have. I sure hope you get better soon. Try to keep something down and get to the doc if you get dehydrated.

12-26-13, 17:19
Not flu, of course. Staph food poisoning vs Norovirus, would be my guess.

Crow Hunter
12-26-13, 17:27
Not flu, of course. Staph food poisoning vs Norovirus, would be my guess.

I wondered about food poisoning.

The reason I went with stomach virus was that one of my cousins wasn't supposed to come because she was sick but she came anyway because she was "better".

Myself and at least one other cousin got sick with the same symptoms. This was early Tuesday morning. The family dinner was lunch on Sunday. I would have expected food poisoning to hit much earlier.

However, that would explain why my wife didn't catch it, even though we did swap spit rather heavily Sunday night.

Doc Safari
12-26-13, 17:36
I'm speaking from memory, but I knew a health care worker who had quite an extensive knowledge of how to tell the difference and in a nutshell her assessment was that anything that lasts over 24 hours is something more than a virus.

Dead Man
12-26-13, 17:38
With all the extra food being prepared, often by people who don't often otherwise cook, and left sitting around on counter tops, being transported at optimal growth temperatures in vehicles, and being fed to a large number of people, etc., it seems likely that food poisoning would go up this time of year.

Crow Hunter
12-26-13, 17:45
I'm speaking from memory, but I knew a health care worker who had quite an extensive knowledge of how to tell the difference and in a nutshell her assessment was that anything that lasts over 24 hours is something more than a virus.

Your not helping.


Other than the occasional bout of loose stools, the biggest complaint I have is the dizziness/extreme fatigue and the horrible bloated "I really shouldn't have eaten that extra piece of pie" feeling that just refuses to go away.

Doc Safari
12-26-13, 17:48
Your not helping.


Other than the occasional bout of loose stools, the biggest complaint I have is the dizziness/extreme fatigue and the horrible bloated "I really shouldn't have eaten that extra piece of pie" feeling that just refuses to go away.

I had the same symptoms over a period of about four days some years ago and I'm convinced it was food poisoning. If you are improving, then count your lucky stars.

My girlfriend's daughter caught the deadly form of E.Coli and was in the hospital for about a month after her kidneys shut down. She survived, but was very much in danger of passing away.

12-26-13, 19:16
I got some kind of stomach flu in 2006. Water fountain ass for 4 days. I didnt think I had that much liquid in me. THEN I puked while I was on the toilet shitting. Had to puke in the bath tub. About 30 minutes later I felt great. Lost almost 10lbs.

I just remember my room mate coming home after flying for 4 days and saying "dude you ok?" "no, I need you to go to the grocery store and get me gatoraid and baby wipes".

Got influenza and a sinus infection last year at the same time and luckily didnt puke or have the shits, but I felt like death for 3 days. I thought my face was going to explode from the pressure. The sweats I had put the worst case of meat sweats(think brazilian steak house meat sweats) to SHAME. Then the damn chills would come and I would be shivering under 3 blankets until I started to sweat again. Only thing that got me through was being high off my ass on Tylenol with Codeine.

12-26-13, 19:23
The other year I caught something while up with family. Started around midnight, had to shit, and while on the shitter I felt the first wave(a very good description by the way) of vomit roll through. The trash can was across the bathroom and my ass was glued to the toilet. Thankfully there was a shower right in front of me and I managed to get the door to it open in time to project a technocolored yawn to the back tile. I ran the shower for a few minuted after but apparently I didn't get it all since the next day, not that I cared since I was still shitting myself silly and puking after drinking water, some of the family opened it and there was still chunks in the shower. Still catch shit about that. Anyway, I was blowing ass out for about 16 hours and then slept for about 14. After that I felt like death warmed over for about four days before my appetite returned.

Hope you enjoyed the story, and hope you didn't shit yourself while laughing. Get well soon.

Crow Hunter
12-26-13, 19:27
The other year I caught something while up with family. Started around midnight, had to shit, and while on the shitter I felt the first wave(a very good description by the way) of vomit roll through. The trash can was across the bathroom and my ass was glued to the toilet. Thankfully there was a shower right in front of me and I managed to get the door to it open in time to project a technocolored yawn to the back tile. I ran the shower for a few minuted after but apparently I didn't get it all since the next day, not that I cared since I was still shitting myself silly and puking after drinking water, some of the family opened it and there was still chunks in the shower. Still catch shit about that. Anyway, I was blowing ass out for about 16 hours and then slept for about 14. After that I felt like death warmed over for about four days before my appetite returned.

Hope you enjoyed the story, and hope you didn't shit yourself while laughing. Get well soon.

Thanks for that.

I didn't shit myself laughing but that was pretty good. Especially the "technocolored yawn".

12-26-13, 19:56
I got almost the same thing a few weeks ago, just not as bad. Food poisoning was my guess.

12-26-13, 20:05
had Gyardia and dysentery at the same time :) not fun

and to put a bad thought in your head I taught scuba so was in a wetsuit on a boat ! kept having to have them stop the boat so I could take off my suit and jump in then drag me along ;) hahahhaaha

gnarly beyond belief so some idea how you are doing get better stay hydrated !

12-26-13, 20:41
I have not had the flu in 24 years! I am rarely sick except for the occasional cold. I had the very same symptoms you had just about 3 weeks ago. Whatever bug this is, it is a good one. Sick for about 6 days but the brunt of it lasted almost exactly 6 hours. I slept for about 15 hours straight after the puking was over.

12-26-13, 20:53
I got Mexican Revenge a few years back while on a trip to Mexico. Woke up one morning not feeling quite right. We flew empty from Acupulco to Manzanillo, about a 30 min flight. Just as we were turning final for landing, I mentioned to my colleague (who was actually flying the aircraft) that I had to puke or crap as soon as we landed. Got to the ramp, stopped the aircraft, got out, ran to the back of the aircraft and just managed to get my trousers completely off before the river runs through it commenced. Didn't have time to squat or anything. I managed to find a garden hose and hose off before the ride to the hotel. The rest of the day I sat in the bathtub of my hotel room. No puking, just liquid ass. My colleague found some lomotil and that helped. The next day, I felt much better. Good thing too cause we had a passenger trip back to the NE US which was 4.5 hr flight time. That would have been really bad.

12-26-13, 21:12
I got Mexican Revenge a few years back while on a trip to Mexico. Woke up one morning not feeling quite right. We flew empty from Acupulco to Manzanillo, about a 30 min flight. Just as we were turning final for landing, I mentioned to my colleague (who was actually flying the aircraft) that I had to puke or crap as soon as we landed. Got to the ramp, stopped the aircraft, got out, ran to the back of the aircraft and just managed to get my trousers completely off before the river runs through it commenced. Didn't have time to squat or anything. I managed to find a garden hose and hose off before the ride to the hotel. The rest of the day I sat in the bathtub of my hotel room. No puking, just liquid ass. My colleague found some lomotil and that helped. The next day, I felt much better. Good thing too cause we had a passenger trip back to the NE US which was 4.5 hr flight time. That would have been really bad.

I know a guy who was don't in south america, Argentina to be precise, on a bird hunt and after a large meal one night, followed by whiskey floats, he developed a severe case of the projectile vomit and shits. Apparently, it was so bad that while he had his head in the bathtub emptying his stomach his ass was shooting it high enough to mark the ceiling from all accounts. According to those who were there, they were rather concerned that he was not going to survive and were also concerned of what it might cost to ship him back to the states if he did not make it since he was a rather large individual. He ended up spending a couple days in the bathroom of the hotel but he did survive.

Not really sure if that one is as funny, the man telling it made it rather hilarious, and I will always remember whiskey floats.

12-26-13, 22:22
I got some kind of stomach flu in 2006. Water fountain ass for 4 days. I didnt think I had that much liquid in me. THEN I puked while I was on the toilet shitting. Had to puke in the bath tub. About 30 minutes later I felt great. Lost almost 10lbs.

Got influenza and a sinus infection last year at the same time and luckily didnt puke or have the shits, but I felt like death for 3 days.

Just as a point of clarification...influenza is a respiratory infection. It's not associated with gastroenteritis.

12-26-13, 22:28
Man I just had that same mess like 2 months ago. I've never shit and puked so much in my life. I never get sick either so I was pretty sure I was gonna die. Lasted about 4 days and all the sudden I was fine.

12-26-13, 22:33
I have one word for all of you - ZOFRAN.

I horde that stuff along with pedialyte.

12-26-13, 23:02
Not trying to panic you, but just had two people in my County die from H1N1. You might wanna go to the doctors or ER and get this checked out

12-27-13, 00:38
I got Mexican Revenge a few years back while on a trip to Mexico. Woke up one morning not feeling quite right. We flew empty from Acupulco to Manzanillo, about a 30 min flight. Just as we were turning final for landing, I mentioned to my colleague (who was actually flying the aircraft) that I had to puke or crap as soon as we landed. Got to the ramp, stopped the aircraft, got out, ran to the back of the aircraft and just managed to get my trousers completely off before the river runs through it commenced. Didn't have time to squat or anything. I managed to find a garden hose and hose off before the ride to the hotel. The rest of the day I sat in the bathtub of my hotel room. No puking, just liquid ass. My colleague found some lomotil and that helped. The next day, I felt much better. Good thing too cause we had a passenger trip back to the NE US which was 4.5 hr flight time. That would have been really bad.

At least yours was not food related. Christmas 2005. Trip from Texas to Mexico City. Now I am hispanic, so I a, accustomed to the food. Wrong. Gas stop in Durango and I came across a quite glorious food van.
ordered some quesadillas. Mother of God i had fire hose ass for 3 days.!! About 3 hours after leaving the gas stop, it hit me. It was getting dark so I made them stop on the side of the road. I could not hold it much longer. So i popped a squat on the side of the road when a greyhound type bus rolls by and honks at me! :suicide2: The entire road from Durango to DF was hell, I shit you not ( no pun intended ). In the city of San Luis Potosi about 3 am shit hit me again. We stopped at a gas station and low and behold you had to pay to get in! I hopped over the rotary guard and went to town in there. Those 3 days were a living hell. Damn you Mexico! i get food poisining like every other trip!!

WTF DUPLICATE POSTS! someone delete the other one please.

12-27-13, 00:39
I got Mexican Revenge a few years back while on a trip to Mexico. Woke up one morning not feeling quite right. We flew empty from Acupulco to Manzanillo, about a 30 min flight. Just as we were turning final for landing, I mentioned to my colleague (who was actually flying the aircraft) that I had to puke or crap as soon as we landed. Got to the ramp, stopped the aircraft, got out, ran to the back of the aircraft and just managed to get my trousers completely off before the river runs through it commenced. Didn't have time to squat or anything. I managed to find a garden hose and hose off before the ride to the hotel. The rest of the day I sat in the bathtub of my hotel room. No puking, just liquid ass. My colleague found some lomotil and that helped. The next day, I felt much better. Good thing too cause we had a passenger trip back to the NE US which was 4.5 hr flight time. That would have been really bad.

At least yours was not food related. Christmas 2005. Trip from Texas to Mexico City. Now I am hispanic, so I a, accustomed to the food. Wrong. Gas stop in Durango and I came across a quite glorious food van.
ordered some quesadillas. Mother of God i had fire hose ass for 3 days.!! About 3 hours after leaving the gas stop, it hit me. It was getting dark so I made them stop on the side of the road. I could not hold it much longer. So i popped a squat on the side of the road when a greyhound type bus rolls by and honks at me! :suicide2: The entire road from Durango to DF was hell, I shit you not ( no pun intended ). In the city of San Luis Potosi about 3 am shit hit me again. We stopped at a gas station and low and behold you had to pay to get in! I hopped over the rotary guard and went to town in there. Those 3 days were a living hell. Damn you Mexico! i get food poisining like every other trip!!

12-27-13, 00:58
I have one word for all of you - ZOFRAN.

I horde that stuff along with pedialyte.

ZOFRAN is RX I presume, if so any OTC you can recommend? What are your thoughts on shelf life vs. sell by date on Pedialyte? Any issues if out of date?

12-27-13, 01:30
When I was a kid, I used to get stomach/intestinal bugs once or twice a year or more...but ALWAYS at least once. They varied in severity and length. Some lasted a day or two and consisted of 20+ puke and/or shit sessions with me being unable to keep anything whatsoever down. Some lasted up to two weeks but resulted only in two or three times vomiting but constant diarrhea. Those were the worst because I always, ALWAYS shit my pants once or twice while I was sleeping. I usually had a fever of about 102-103. When I was 14, I got it right before Memorial Day...turns out it was appendicitis and this time, it burst. Obviously, I had it removed and I was in the hospital for a week with sepsis. Since then, I've never gotten a stomach or intestinal bug. Go figure. I always wonder if a lot of these stomach flus are actually appendixes flaring up since my annual sickness hasn't come back since.

12-27-13, 02:27
I got norovirous last year. I vomited from the depths of my soul for 12 hours straight...shit myself silly for the next 12 hours and then it was gone. Thank God.

3 AE
12-27-13, 05:17
Try and get someone to describe if their castle nut or gas key is properly staked and it can be a lesson in futility. But have an upper and lower intestinal malfunction, and the descriptions rival the detail of an electron microscope! Hmmm, go figure.:sarcastic:

Pork Chop
12-27-13, 05:46
The exact thing you describe slowly made its way through my family a week ago. Kids brought it home.

I had it the worst. I was sick for about 3 days, then went back to work feeling like hell and it came back. Overall, I was horribly I'll for 6 days. Easily in the top 5 "sickest I've ever been" column. I ate NOTHING for about 4 days, only sipping Gatorade, water and a little 7up. The mere thought of food was like sniffing hot garbage.

12-27-13, 06:03
At least yours was not food related. Christmas 2005. Trip from Texas to Mexico City. Now I am hispanic, so I a, accustomed to the food. Wrong. Gas stop in Durango and I came across a quite glorious food van.
ordered some quesadillas. Mother of God i had fire hose ass for 3 days.!! About 3 hours after leaving the gas stop, it hit me. It was getting dark so I made them stop on the side of the road. I could not hold it much longer. So i popped a squat on the side of the road when a greyhound type bus rolls by and honks at me! :suicide2: The entire road from Durango to DF was hell, I shit you not ( no pun intended ). In the city of San Luis Potosi about 3 am shit hit me again. We stopped at a gas station and low and behold you had to pay to get in! I hopped over the rotary guard and went to town in there. Those 3 days were a living hell. Damn you Mexico! i get food poisining like every other trip!!

Actually it was. My colleague and I were at breakfast one morning at our hotel and he saw me eating fruit. "You will be paying for that later". Yep, sure did.

12-27-13, 06:09
ZOFRAN is RX I presume, if so any OTC you can recommend? What are your thoughts on shelf life vs. sell by date on Pedialyte? Any issues if out of date?

Zofran or Compazine are awesome and can indeed make a HUGE difference in the nausea end of the experience. It is prescription only and there really is no OTC equivalent.

The expire dates are about sterility, not spoilage. Bacterial overgrowth is possible after a time, I suppose, but no more so than any other bottled sugar-containing drink.

Pork Chop
12-27-13, 06:38
Zofran or Compazine are awesome and can indeed make a HUGE difference in the nausea end of the experience. It is prescription only and there really is no OTC equivalent.

The expire dates are about sterility, not spoilage. Bacterial overgrowth is possible after a time, I suppose, but no more so than any other bottled sugar-containing drink.

I had a severe allergic reaction to compazine once, is zofran in the same family?


12-27-13, 06:46
I had a severe allergic reaction to compazine once, is zofran in the same family?




12-27-13, 06:48
DH and I both had this 11yrs ago on Christmas night. We mistakenly assumed food poisoning but the onset time was wrong. Turns out our 1 yr old had shared her gastro enteritis with us. I was 3 mo pregnant them and we had to drive 30 mi to the ER, because we were worried about the risk of severe dehydration, especially in me. I got Zofran, he got Regalan.

Another good one of you can get it, is promethazine...

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2

12-27-13, 08:52
Actually it was. My colleague and I were at breakfast one morning at our hotel and he saw me eating fruit. "You will be paying for that later". Yep, sure did.

Ive suffered from that before as well. I ate a bad pear at a local chinese buffet.. Had the squirts for a day.

Crow Hunter
12-27-13, 09:11
Thanks for all the info. Most of it did quite a bit to cheer me up. :)

I slept for a good 12 hours last night. (I never sleep that much)

I feel quite a bit better right now. I was actually mildly hungry this morning (my stomach actually growled a little), I at a piece of toast and a glass of water. We will see if the nausea/bloating comes back again. Hasn't so far. If it doesn't, I might eat another piece of toast in an hour or so.

I appreciate the funny stories and the advice from Dr. Hmac and Dr. Sensei. I too am going to start keeping a supply of Pedialyte on hand. Strawberry flavor, no grape. I can't handle the grape for some reason. Blech...

12-27-13, 09:13
Another good one of you can get it, is promethazine...

This is what came up when searching promethazine:

Promethazine suppositories are for rectal use only. Do not try to swallow the suppositories or insert in any other part of your body.

To insert a promethazine suppository, follow these steps:

If the suppository feels soft, hold it under cold, running water for 1 minute. Remove the wrapper.

Dip the tip of the suppository in water.

Lie down on your left side and raise your right knee to your chest. (A left-handed person should lie on the right side and raise the left knee.)

Using your finger, insert the suppository into the rectum, about 1/2 to 1 inch (1.25 to 2.5 centimeters) in children who are 2 years of age older and 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) in adults. Hold it in place for a few moments.

Stand up after about 15 minutes. Wash your hands thoroughly and resume your normal activities.

No thanks, I think I will remain sick.

12-27-13, 09:21
I had a bout that bad in college once - 22 years ago. Hope I NEVER see it again!!!

Rest up & enjoy some ballgames today. NO pizza or beer though... :fie:

Doc Safari
12-27-13, 09:24
To insert a promethazine suppository, follow these steps:

If the suppository feels soft, hold it under cold, running water for 1 minute. Remove the wrapper.

Ah, nothing quite matches the sensation of an ice-cold suppository first thing in the morning.

12-27-13, 09:40
All of you all stay the HELL AWAY FROM ME...

Went to Cancun for my HONEYMOON...didn't drink the water, but nobody mentioned the ICE...well, guess what....got us both...so much for Honeymoon Sex!

12-27-13, 10:17
This is what came up when searching promethazine:

Promethazine suppositories are for rectal use only. Do not try to swallow the suppositories or insert in any other part of your body.

To insert a promethazine suppository, follow these steps:

If the suppository feels soft, hold it under cold, running water for 1 minute. Remove the wrapper.

Dip the tip of the suppository in water.

Lie down on your left side and raise your right knee to your chest. (A left-handed person should lie on the right side and raise the left knee.)

Using your finger, insert the suppository into the rectum, about 1/2 to 1 inch (1.25 to 2.5 centimeters) in children who are 2 years of age older and 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) in adults. Hold it in place for a few moments.

Stand up after about 15 minutes. Wash your hands thoroughly and resume your normal activities.

No thanks, I think I will remain sick.

Haha, I'm with you on that one brother. Nothing like being sick AND feeling violated :)

12-27-13, 10:19
I have it in oral form, a small white pill, to be taken with codeine based meds if it is not already in the codeine mix. I believe the brand name is Phenergan.

12-27-13, 12:26
Zofran comes in a form that dissolves under the tongue. I've always found it to be more effective than Phenergan, probably more or less equivalent to Compazine.

12-27-13, 15:10
Zofran or Compazine are awesome and can indeed make a HUGE difference in the nausea end of the experience. It is prescription only and there really is no OTC equivalent.

The expire dates are about sterility, not spoilage. Bacterial overgrowth is possible after a time, I suppose, but no more so than any other bottled sugar-containing drink.

Thanks for the reply Doc!

12-27-13, 20:34
This is what came up when searching promethazine:

Promethazine suppositories are for rectal use only. Do not try to swallow the suppositories or insert in any other part of your body.

To insert a promethazine suppository, follow these steps:

If the suppository feels soft, hold it under cold, running water for 1 minute. Remove the wrapper.

Dip the tip of the suppository in water.

Lie down on your left side and raise your right knee to your chest. (A left-handed person should lie on the right side and raise the left knee.)

Using your finger, insert the suppository into the rectum, about 1/2 to 1 inch (1.25 to 2.5 centimeters) in children who are 2 years of age older and 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) in adults. Hold it in place for a few moments.

Stand up after about 15 minutes. Wash your hands thoroughly and resume your normal activities.

No thanks, I think I will remain sick.

Made me laugh, thanks.:lol::lol::lol: