View Full Version : PSA: Super Fan awarness warning

12-31-13, 11:26
I made a terrible mistake on suday, I went to a sports bar & grill with my wife expecting to have a decent cheat meal and enjoy lunch with my wife before I went to sleep (work mids got off at 8am). I was unaware that sunday was "pivotal" week in the all mighty NFL, which would decide who went to the playoffs. However I was educated very quickly how serious last sunday was.

So heres the PSA: If you walk in to a restaurant and see GROWN MEN wearing football jerseys (some with THEIR name on the back), run the other way as quickly as possible, run even faster if alcohol is present. They will spend the entire day sitting there staring at the multiple t.v.'s screaming, yelling, cheering, clapping, as if they are actually AT a football game this of course in between the drooling and boozing.

Now look I've got to say I used to love football (I say used to because I kinda grew up and realized there is much more to life than a game), even played a bit at the college level, but this type of behavior can not be healthy. First off you look like a psychopath while acting like a buffoon, secondly some people MIGHT actually be trying to enjoy their meal and conversation (you know where you talk to another person).

Super Fans, I beg of you to dial back the corn syrup, alcohol, and fluoride intake. Take a step back and realize you don't have to live vicariously through other people, you can in fact do things in your own life that you can be proud of, you'll probably enjoy life a little more.

P.S. beware apparently the playoffs are beginning, this will turn the "Super Fans" to "Nuclear-Radioactive Super Fans".....you've been warned America....

12-31-13, 11:38
You speak truth. On the other hand it was a sports bar. Be happy the droolers have designated corrals the rest of us can avoid. Otherwise they would be more prominent at every watering hole.

12-31-13, 11:41
I'm with you on this. The only time I've jumped up and down with excitement yelling was when I was on the team playing. I cannot understand how some people can be so over the top.

12-31-13, 11:46
My best friend's girlfriend's birthday is October 6th. The same day Tom Brady, for the first time in like 4 years, did not throw a touchdown pass. This was such an event that he bailed on taking her out for her birthday to sit at a bar and watch ESPN. Incredible.

12-31-13, 11:54
I confess, I like watching sports. Probably way too much. But I don't have a favorite team or player I follow religiously.

My wife, on the other hand, is a Broncos fan and has always had a crush on Peyton Manning. And she gets pretty vocal when she's really into a game.

I'm almost afraid to sit on the same couch with her as this playoff season gets underway. :D

JBecker 72
12-31-13, 12:01
I'm a Redskins fan. I had nothing to cheer at all season. :mad:

Now Hockey? **** yeah! I love to go to the games, drink beer, and cheer like a madman. Then again, I do the same thing at the AMA Pro Nationals every summer (rain or shine), and I'm hoping to go to Circuit of the America's this coming year to watch my first live F1 race.

JBecker 72
12-31-13, 12:10
Also, I'm not sure if I'm the only one here who feels this way, but I love going to baseball games. I sometimes watch it on TV, but not regularly until October rolls around. But there is just something about going to the ball park, smelling the fresh cut grass, seeing the perfectly manicured field, and relaxing on a summer day with a cold beer and a bag of peanuts. I've been going since I was a little kid and I still love it.

12-31-13, 12:33
Im not saying enjoying sports is wrong, but to scream at a television, the players, the coach, the refs, like you are at a game is borderline delusional. I mean these people were pounding on tables, yelling as loud as they could, and so on......

Part of me wanted to walk up and tell them to shut the _____ up, but another part just wanted to sit back and study the odd behavior of the "Super Fan". Instead I just sat back and freaked out every time someone at the PBA championships got a strike, oddly enough I think I got my point across to the psycho's..."man that guys acting like an idiot (looks down at his steelers jersey and has a moment of clarity and shuts the hell up for a few downs)"

12-31-13, 16:37
Pro-Tip: Don't go to sports bars if you don't like sports fans.

I can understand being annoyed if you're in a regular restaurant that happens to have a TV showing the game. In that case, it's a restaurant first and foremost. Where you went is a place dedicated to watching football every Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Thursday all fall long.

12-31-13, 16:53
Pro-Tip: Don't go to sports bars if you don't like sports fans.

I can understand being annoyed if you're in a regular restaurant that happens to have a TV showing the game. In that case, it's a restaurant first and foremost. Where you went is a place dedicated to watching football every Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Thursday all fall long.

Interesting point. I guess I was confused by all the tables, food menus, and people eating food and consuming liquid beverages lol. And the words Bar & Grill on the sign. I missed the "obnoxious loud asshole nuthouse football watching place" on the signage. Now that you mention it, maybe the sign said "FOOTBALL VIEWING ROOMwith food available Thanks for the "pro tip". but I have to ask, what jersey were you rockin last sunday? orange crush? Also I wasn't sitting in the bar, I was sitting in the DINNING area, but what tha hey...

Again, I don't believe its odd or strange for someone to go to a sports bar to watch and enjoy a game. Those would be normal people. The afore mentioned Super Fan takes it to a whole other level. Jersey? check. Screaming at the top of their lungs? check. Pounding on the table? check. Clapping every 1st down? check. Throwing French fries down in disgust when THEIR team fails to convert on 3rd down? check. When discussing the team they refer to them as WE, WE'll, ect? check.

12-31-13, 17:21
Like I said, you went to a sports bar on a Sunday during football season. What you experienced is to be expected. No reasonable person would be surprised by fans getting excited over the games.

I typically go out for the night games but usually just to hang out with friends and play pool. This subject just annoys me because I know a few people that get outraged over this type of behavior all the time and I can never figure out why they wouldn't just choose a different type of restaurant on game day.

No jersey this last weekend, I was too busy. I have been known to sport an old Favre jersey and a cheesehead though...

12-31-13, 17:25
Interesting point. I guess I was confused by all the tables, food menus, and people eating food and consuming liquid beverages lol. And the words Bar & Grill on the sign. I missed the "obnoxious loud asshole nuthouse football watching place" on the signage. Now that you mention it, maybe the sign said "FOOTBALL VIEWING ROOMwith food available Thanks for the "pro tip". but I have to ask, what jersey were you rockin last sunday? orange crush? Also I wasn't sitting in the bar, I was sitting in the DINNING area, but what tha hey...

Again, I don't believe its odd or strange for someone to go to a sports bar to watch and enjoy a game. Those would be normal people. The afore mentioned Super Fan takes it to a whole other level. Jersey? check. Screaming at the top of their lungs? check. Pounding on the table? check. Clapping every 1st down? check. Throwing French fries down in disgust when THEIR team fails to convert on 3rd down? check. When discussing the team they refer to them as WE, WE'll, ect? check.

You should've arrested them. :dirol:

12-31-13, 17:27
Are you saying that sports fans should just grow up like you and tone it down in the restaurants where you want to eat, or that you should be more careful about selecting the restaurants where you eat?

12-31-13, 18:00
Last known photo of J-Dub


Just because you're not the same rabid fan they are doesn't mean that there is something wrong with them... Or you...

Some people are passionate about some things, and some about other things. I've heard an anti refer to me and some friends on our way to a match as a bunch of "gun toting psychos." I just ignored him. I'm not going to his mind or my behavior. Why let it get to me?

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12-31-13, 18:03
Those guys and gals found at every sports bar across the country in their $100+ custom jerseys are amateurs; they don’t spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on season tickets, parking, face paint, and gaudy costumes.

Is it any wonder why the bankers want to thin the herd? I could go into the whole panem et circenses but meh, why even bother . . .

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/nfl02thieves7_zpsda850520.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/nfl02thieves7_zpsda850520.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/nfl02thieves1_zps2e969a96.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/nfl02thieves1_zps2e969a96.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/nfl02thieves5_zpsa1e59aa8.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/nfl02thieves5_zpsa1e59aa8.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/nfl02thieves4_zps9d776fa2.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/nfl02thieves4_zps9d776fa2.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/nfl02thieves3_zps7b268b98.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/nfl02thieves3_zps7b268b98.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/nfl02thieves6_zpsd1b14a22.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/nfl02thieves6_zpsd1b14a22.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/nfl02thieves8_zps8b9adf2e.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/nfl02thieves8_zps8b9adf2e.jpg.html)

12-31-13, 18:06
Good thing you weren't in Wisconsin (and presumably, Illinois) this past Sunday. In fact, you should avoid Wisconsin altogether from Labor Day till after the Super Bowl. You'd have a rough time.

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Pork Chop
12-31-13, 18:14
Good thing you weren't in Wisconsin (and presumably, Illinois) this past Sunday. In fact, you should avoid Wisconsin altogether from Labor Day till after the Super Bowl. You'd have a rough time.

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Or pretty much any other place where people are passionate about their home team.

I'm still trying to figure out someone being totally put off by sports fans having the nerve to enjoy.........SPORTS.............in a SPORTSbar.

****ing assholes.

Next you're going to tell me some jerkoff had the BALLS to pray next to you in church.

ETA: just to help you keep your blood pressure down, tonight is New Year's Eve. If you choose to take your wife out for a quiet drink at a raging night club, odds may be that loud drunk people may be ****ing up your quiet night cap.

12-31-13, 19:00
I thought this thread was going to be about somebody tattooing Palmetto state Armory's logo on them or something. :/

12-31-13, 19:14
I thought this thread was going to be about somebody tattooing Palmetto state Armory's logo on them or something. :/

Yeah when I first saw the thread title I got the impression that the OP was going to tick of the Palmetto State Armory fan boys, lol.

12-31-13, 19:27
I think everyone has made their feelings clear. Happy New Years.