View Full Version : Becoming the New Barbarians

01-02-14, 10:29

01-02-14, 10:45
Look at places like Chinatown in San Francisco: every few blocks, you see these buildings marked. Something . . . something . . . something . . . “Benevolent Association.”

Sounds nice, right? Could be a front for Triad Gangs. Could be there to help Chinese schoolchildren. I have no idea. But I am sure that it is for Chinese people. There are also doctor offices and law offices and repair shops and grocery stores. There is a whole network there of people taking care of their own people first.

Excellent point about insulating yourself from the government.

01-02-14, 10:47
Well, shit, who's got time for Godwin to show up? Let's just do this!


01-02-14, 11:22
While we're at it, if you're not currently, you may want to consider bookmarking this:


01-02-14, 11:36
I do like Mr. Donovan's credentials...." in 2010 spoke to a group of students at a private high school about “Masculinity in the 21st Century"

I cant quite figure out what his angle is, sovereign citizen or anarchist.

01-02-14, 11:58
I cant quite figure out what his angle is, sovereign citizen or anarchist.

Actually, a lot of the 'Millennials' distrust govt, corporations, and The System in general.

I heard an interview on NPR with this author about her study on the subject. The NPR host was dismayed that Millennials are not embracing Obama and govt programs. Listen to this:


Harvard and Pew have also found that Millennials (Obama's presumed base) are also cold on the usual Liberal claptrap.


Considering their Liberal bona fides, the real truth must actual be worse. Look at the broad appeal of the Zombie Phenomenon. Popular Mechanics and other mainstream rags routinely print articles on surviving disaster. The People know intuitively things are bad and will get worse.

01-02-14, 15:56
Excellent read, thanks for sharing.

01-02-14, 16:12
Actually, a lot of the 'Millennials' distrust govt, corporations, and The System in general. .

So anarchists?

01-02-14, 17:27
So anarchists?

Not necessarily. Only a fool would trust Government, whos only concern is re election and power, and corporations, whos only concern is money. Doesn't make them anarchists, just realists. Personally I trust corporation more, they are easier to sway, hit their wallets. Government takes their money whether you like it or not, and don't care what you have to say if it interferes with their power, or re-election

01-02-14, 22:25
So...should I change my name to Conan?

I've already got my Red Sonja at home.....


01-02-14, 23:10
Not necessarily. Only a fool would trust Government, whos only concern is re election and power, and corporations, whos only concern is money. Doesn't make them anarchists, just realists. Personally I trust corporation more, they are easier to sway, hit their wallets. Government takes their money whether you like it or not, and don't care what you have to say if it interferes with their power, or re-election

Exactly. Blackberry went from top of the heap to ruin in less than a decade. A business can't hold a gun to your head because you didn't give them money. Government can, and does everyday.