View Full Version : Haley Strategic leaves Colorado for Arizona

01-06-14, 15:50
Soldier Systems has the scoop on this one. I always wondered when it was going to happen. I'm glad t was just announce that it's happened and won't be a drawn out Magpulesque situation.


01-06-14, 16:43
Haley didn't have to relocate an entire manufacturing line, which makes it easier to pull up stakes and bail. Glad to have him in AZ, though.

01-06-14, 16:58
Glad to see him walk the walk. Shows he's the real deal and has principle.

01-06-14, 17:04
Good to see this news in addition to the Magpul news.

To paraphrase the Presidents former congregation leader, the Rev Jeremiah Wright; Colorado's chickens have come home to roost...

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01-06-14, 17:37
Glad to hear of it for AZ, but I feel for the folks in Colorado. The voters made some big recall noise and things appear to be getting back to where they should be.

01-06-14, 18:13
**** yeah!

01-06-14, 18:18
I was hoping that he would run for political office here in CO....

01-06-14, 19:19
Wonder if they'll be hiring any new staff upon arrival?

01-06-14, 19:24
I have no idea what his annual salary is, don't care, however; I'm glad his state taxes are now going somewhere other than Calirado.

01-06-14, 23:12
Glad to hear of it for AZ, but I feel for the folks in Colorado. The voters made some big recall noise and things appear to be getting back to where they should be.

Yeah, I feel for us too. Got not one, not two, but THREE if the idiots out of office via channels available to us & are patiently awaiting mid term elections to start setting things right. All these entities said they would remain & fight with us and now I kinda feel jipped. I mean I realize why they moved & appreciate it but I would appreciate at least a little bit of a battle first since we're already on the right path.

01-07-14, 00:03
Wonder if Ron Avery will follow suit with his training school? On his website he mentions a training facility in Az for some specific classes.

01-07-14, 00:22
Yeah, I feel for us too. Got not one, not two, but THREE if the idiots out of office via channels available to us & are patiently awaiting mid term elections to start setting things right. All these entities said they would remain & fight with us and now I kinda feel jipped. I mean I realize why they moved & appreciate it but I would appreciate at least a little bit of a battle first since we're already on the right path.
Well to be fair Magpul is maintaining a skeleton operation in CO so they can continue on with the fight. However as a business owner I do not blame them on bit. They are in the business of making money. If I find my company in an environment that is hostile to its core goal of putting food on my table then I will pull up stakes in a NY minute. Look at it this way, you guys got taken over by Kalifornians looking for something better, but who brought along some of their baggage, thinking they could have their cake and eat it too. Maybe they'll learn their lesson now and come the elections things will be set back more to normal and the lesson will remain. If so then someone else can set up shop of a stable environment is achieved.

01-07-14, 11:12
Even though they got rid of 3 of the politicians that drove the new laws.....has there been any movement to get the actual laws repealed?

That is a huge problem...the politicians probably knew passing that law would end their careers but getting rid of the actual law might prove to be very hard, indeed.

So while it is great to see leftists tossed out for passing the law...the damn law remains. Sort of how we cleaned up in 2010 but Obamacare is still very much a reality and even if we clean up more in 2014...Obamacare is still with us.

They pass these laws knowing good and well they will remain after people are recalled or lose the next election cycle.

That in and of itself is a real tragedy.

01-07-14, 11:54
Well to be fair Magpul is maintaining a skeleton operation in CO so they can continue on with the fight. However as a business owner I do not blame them on bit. They are in the business of making money. If I find my company in an environment that is hostile to its core goal of putting food on my table then I will pull up stakes in a NY minute. Look at it this way, you guys got taken over by Kalifornians looking for something better, but who brought along some of their baggage, thinking they could have their cake and eat it too. Maybe they'll learn their lesson now and come the elections things will be set back more to normal and the lesson will remain. If so then someone else can set up shop of a stable environment is achieved.

In reality none of the current laws would like affect any of their sales regardless of if they were in CO or another state. They even were granted a specific exemption to continue to do business. Their reason for leaving is political (not financial) and while I agree with the move and standing up for us I kind of wish they would have stayed to help us fight another year or two. They joined the Sheriff's law suit which I can appreciate but there are mid-term elections and then the following full elections to see what is going to happen and we need all the corporate backing we can get.... especially from those sympathetic to our plight. I appreciate their standing behind what they said and have stated this numerous times across many forums and forms of social media. The only thing I disagree with is the timeline.

01-07-14, 11:59
Even though they got rid of 3 of the politicians that drove the new laws.....has there been any movement to get the actual laws repealed?

That is a huge problem...the politicians probably knew passing that law would end their careers but getting rid of the actual law might prove to be very hard, indeed.

So while it is great to see leftists tossed out for passing the law...the damn law remains. Sort of how we cleaned up in 2010 but Obamacare is still very much a reality and even if we clean up more in 2014...Obamacare is still with us.

They pass these laws knowing good and well they will remain after people are recalled or lose the next election cycle.

That in and of itself is a real tragedy.

There was movement for a new bill to try to return the freedoms that were taken away but the gun community is a bunch of stubborn old idiots too smart for their own good who think everything is a conspiracy against them. They will use a single sentence or even word to say that it could later be used against us to take even more... meanwhile they keep taking more freedoms. At some point we need to go on the offensive and get rights back rather than just being reactive to the progressive movement which will only guarantee the complete loss of all rights eventually. Nobody wants to strike while the iron is hot though because everyone is shell shocked and paranoid. No wonder we can't get any traction.

Also, the Dems still have the house by ONE seat. Had the 3rd recall gone though a Republican would likely have got the seat making it a Republican house by a single seat which would have given the leverage we needed to get some laws changed and some new ones on the books. Instead Hudak resigned as soon as the required signatures for a recall were vetted and now her campaign manager will take her place. Wonderful. This is why we need help at mid-terms & then again at the full election to get this state back on track. It's primed for a recovery but if everyone who supports our freedom-loving cause bails we're scrooged. That's what happening and all the efforts made will be for not if we simply let them have it back in a couple of years or less.

01-07-14, 12:45
Good. Nobody in their right mind would live in that liberal cesspool.

01-07-14, 12:51
I guess we can add "Colorado recall" to the Travis Haley Drinking Game. Other points include "combat effective" , "engage" , "reality check" , "tac/ tactical reload", and "dynamic". Be prepared for one b**** of a hangover.

01-07-14, 13:47
Oh man, Arizona just got adaptively dynamic!

In all seriousness though, I like that Arizona has so many firearms businesses, and I'd like to see even more. I'd like AZ to be the bastion of firearms freedom where everybody who's anybody wants to operate their business out of Arizona.

01-07-14, 14:07
People are leaving CO because they also see that once gun right are lost...it is damned near impossible to get them back.

Look at DC an Chicago. They are trying but STILL there is little real movement or return to the freedoms we enjoy in red places.

Once cities or states go blue...they rarely go back to red. That is a huge problem.


01-07-14, 14:29
People are leaving CO because they also see that once gun right are lost...it is damned near impossible to get them back.

Look at DC an Chicago. They are trying but STILL there is little real movement or return to the freedoms we enjoy in red places.

Once cities or states go blue...they rarely go back to red. That is a huge problem.

-brickboy240A very large part of that huge problem is the lack of ambassadorship and cultural recapture strategy in the pro gun camp.

01-07-14, 15:21
People are leaving CO because they also see that once gun right are lost...it is damned near impossible to get them back.
Look at DC an Chicago. They are trying but STILL there is little real movement or return to the freedoms we enjoy in red places.

Once cities or states go blue...they rarely go back to red. That is a huge problem.-brickboy240

It is a huge problem, and part of the cause is pro-gunners running away with tail between legs instead of staying and fighting.

If each pro-gunner got just (1) person to see the error in these laws, show them responsible gun ownership and ge them shooting/join the cause- victory would be gauranteed.

CO is not lost, believe me. I'm very active politically and there are a lot of pissed of mother****ers who WILL change the laws back and keep pushing conservative and libertarian candidates into political seats. 2014 Will be the year we work our asses off and push back. The laws should be repealed in 2015. Just gotta keep moving forward and never sit back.

3% of the population is all that is needed for movements to gain steam and work- it is critical mass. CO has approx 5 Million legal/known residents, do you really think there are less than 150,000 (3%) of us pro-gun pro-liberty types here? I would guess it is closer to a million+, mixed R's, D's and L's.

A lot of us were always part of/funding pro-gun groups and politics, but not the majority of us by a long shot. A lot of conservatives just stay home instead of going to the polls here, or at least they did until the liberals pushed too far, now they are finally off their asses and doing something.

The whole recall Morse movement was started by a registered Democrat who just so happened to be a pro-gun dude who was fed up with BS laws.

It just seems that most are complacent until they are shookup; that is what happened this last legislative session. People got jostled the **** out of la la land and a nice peacful sleep with the idiotic laws, not JUST gun laws either.

The bear is poked, the giant has awoken (Hopefully not too late)- people are joining pro-gun groups and donating money at a record pace. Talking to anyone and everyone who will isten and pushing pro-gun ideals and issues.

I've said it here a hundred times at least in twenty or so threads:


We need grassroots movements, it's just about all that is left that works these days. Get a small vocal persitent group working and moving forward and have them put the word out and get others to join and fight.

What the liberals are best at is community organizing. They get a small vocal community organized around single issues at a time and push with everything they have until their goal is achieved, but the right rarely does this; when they do, they get results.

Just like right now the right won a huge battle against all teh gun control BS post Sandy hook, but instead of pushing forward, they are sitting pretty cuase they got to keep their toys and that is enough until the next round.

It's bullshit and until all of us in the gun communtiy organize and unite with eachother we will continue to see a slow overall erosion of our liberties. Period.

I know you and a lot of others here are all for states being isolated and dealing with shit themselves, but look what this has caused. Do you think the liberals care about state lines?

If we as gun owners showed up a little more often, put forth greater effort and put more on the line and stopped hiding, we would be sitting pretty in the shade on a gravy train with biscuit wheels

If 1/2 the people who showed up at the capitol in CO for the legislative session in which the gun laws passed decided to show up at the polls before it got that far, the laws would have never been drafted.

-Turth of the day for pro-liberty American gun owners:

We are the strongest and most powerful single group/force on the face of the freaking planet, but we are unorganized, play it "safe" WAY too often and don't do nearly enough to protect or practice one of the most important, basic and sacred rights known to man.

Once we as a group unite and say **** this anti-rights bullshit and get out on those skinny branches- we WILL make strides foward against the idiotic anti-rights morons.

We've got to get past the petty Blue state/Red state/"move out"/play it safe/let the liberals win and run away bullshit and band together and accept nothing other than complete victory for our cause.

The future quite literally depends upon it gents.

01-07-14, 15:50
Good. Nobody in their right mind would live in that liberal cesspool.

J-Dub. CO is no "liberal cesspool". It has become more and more liberal over the years with all the idiot Commies from California moving here yes, but it is far from lost!

The idiots have got a nice foot hold, but we are pushing back and are determined as **** to win back our home.

The state is a sea of Red with Denver, Boulder, Pueblo and to a lessor extent Colo Springs being liberal cesspools!

There is WAY more RED in the state than blue, but due to districting- Blue has MOST of the power currently.

Putting down your fellow gun owners with comments like yours above is just plain counterproductive to OUR cause. What do you or any of us gain from infighting and telling eachother they are "out of their minds"? Seriously?

I would suggest uniting with, backing up and supporting fellow gun owners (Regardless of imaginary lines) instead of alienating them, speaking down to them and writing them off, you might be surprised at what we can achieve TOGETHER...

01-07-14, 15:53
It is a huge problem, and part of the cause is pro-gunners running away with tail between legs instead of staying and fighting.

If each pro-gunner got just (1) person to see the error in these laws, show them responsible gun ownership and ge them shooting/join the cause- victory would be gauranteed.

CO is not lost, believe me. I'm very active politically and there are a lot of pissed of mother****ers who WILL change the laws back and keep pushing conservative and libertarian candidates into political seats. 2014 Will be the year we work our asses off and push back. The laws should be repealed in 2015. Just gotta keep moving forward and never sit back.

3% of the population is all that is needed for movements to gain steam and work- it is critical mass. CO has approx 5 Million legal/known residents, do you really think there are less than 150,000 (3%) of us pro-gun pro-liberty types here? I would guess it is closer to a million+, mixed R's, D's and L's.

A lot of us were always part of/funding pro-gun groups and politics, but not the majority of us by a long shot. A lot of conservatives just stay home instead of going to the polls here, or at least they did until the liberals pushed too far, now they are finally off their asses and doing something.

The whole recall Morse movement was started by a registered Democrat who just so happened to be a pro-gun dude who was fed up with BS laws.

It just seems that most are complacent until they are shookup; that is what happened this last legislative session. People got jostled the **** out of la la land and a nice peacful sleep with the idiotic laws, not JUST gun laws either.

The bear is poked, the giant has awoken (Hopefully not too late)- people are joining pro-gun groups and donating money at a record pace. Talking to anyone and everyone who will isten and pushing pro-gun ideals and issues.

I've said it here a hundred times at least in twenty or so threads:


We need grassroots movements, it's just about all that is left that works these days. Get a small vocal persitent group working and moving forward and have them put the word out and get others to join and fight.

What the liberals are best at is community organizing. They get a small vocal community organized around single issues at a time and push with everything they have until their goal is achieved, but the right rarely does this; when they do, they get results.

Just like right now the right won a huge battle against all teh gun control BS post Sandy hook, but instead of pushing forward, they are sitting pretty cuase they got to keep their toys and that is enough until the next round.

It's bullshit and until all of us in the gun communtiy organize and unite with eachother we will continue to see a slow overall erosion of our liberties. Period.

I know you and a lot of others here are all for states being isolated and dealing with shit themselves, but look what this has caused. Do you think the liberals care about state lines?

If we as gun owners showed up a little more often, put forth greater effort and put more on the line and stopped hiding, we would be sitting pretty in the shade on a gravy train with biscuit wheels

If 1/2 the people who showed up at the capitol in CO for the legislative session in which the gun laws passed decided to show up at the polls before it got that far, the laws would have never been drafted.

-Turth of the day for pro-liberty American gun owners:

We are the strongest and most powerful single group/force on the face of the freaking planet, but we are unorganized, play it "safe" WAY too often and don't do nearly enough to protect or practice one of the most important, basic and sacred rights known to man.

Once we as a group unite and say **** this anti-rights bullshit and get out on those skinny branches- we WILL make strides foward against the idiotic anti-rights morons.

We've got to get past the petty Blue state/Red state/"move out"/play it safe/let the liberals win and run away bullshit and band together and accept nothing other than complete victory for our cause.

The future quite literally depends upon it gents.

I was going to say the same thing, just not nearly as well.

These bloodsuckers move in, take over, screw the whole thing up like a swarm of locust, and the gun crowd, right or wrong, just packs up and moves. If you liberals enact this law, we're going to leave. They do it anyway and companies do what they said and move the jobs and money out of state. What needs to happen is we need to get back to some traditional American values and take this place back.

We take the moral and ethical high ground and they get the territory. We need to get down in the mud with the pigs and beat them by the rules they play by. Play the game just like they do, and send them out of town on a rail.

Our message shouldn't be if you do something I don't like I'll move. The message needs to be, you screw with us and we will seriously eff you up. And if you think I'm playing, try me.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

01-07-14, 16:27
I was going to say the same thing, just not nearly as well.

These bloodsuckers move in, take over, screw the whole thing up like a swarm of locust, and the gun crowd, right or wrong, just packs up and moves. If you liberals enact this law, we're going to leave. They do it anyway and companies do what they said and move the jobs and money out of state. What needs to happen is we need to get back to some traditional American values and take this place back.

We take the moral and ethical high ground and they get the territory. We need to get down in the mud with the pigs and beat them by the rules they play by. Play the game just like they do, and send them out of town on a rail.

Our message shouldn't be if you do something I don't like I'll move. The message needs to be, you screw with us and we will seriously eff you up. And if you think I'm playing, try me.Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Effing-A Borther!

When we say we will "leave" if you do ____. The liberals collectively cheer and applaud, they want us out, they want to control us, they want us to give in and give up and they are doing a much better job then we should allow them to.

Glad to see Chicago handgun ban be ruled unconstitutional by the way. A step in the right direction is always a victory...

01-07-14, 18:11
It is a huge problem, and part of the cause is pro-gunners running away with tail between legs instead of staying and fighting.

If each pro-gunner got just (1) person to see the error in these laws, show them responsible gun ownership and ge them shooting/join the cause- victory would be gauranteed.

CO is not lost, believe me. I'm very active politically and there are a lot of pissed of mother****ers who WILL change the laws back and keep pushing conservative and libertarian candidates into political seats. 2014 Will be the year we work our asses off and push back. The laws should be repealed in 2015. Just gotta keep moving forward and never sit back.

3% of the population is all that is needed for movements to gain steam and work- it is critical mass. CO has approx 5 Million legal/known residents, do you really think there are less than 150,000 (3%) of us pro-gun pro-liberty types here? I would guess it is closer to a million+, mixed R's, D's and L's.

A lot of us were always part of/funding pro-gun groups and politics, but not the majority of us by a long shot. A lot of conservatives just stay home instead of going to the polls here, or at least they did until the liberals pushed too far, now they are finally off their asses and doing something.

The whole recall Morse movement was started by a registered Democrat who just so happened to be a pro-gun dude who was fed up with BS laws.

It just seems that most are complacent until they are shookup; that is what happened this last legislative session. People got jostled the **** out of la la land and a nice peacful sleep with the idiotic laws, not JUST gun laws either.

The bear is poked, the giant has awoken (Hopefully not too late)- people are joining pro-gun groups and donating money at a record pace. Talking to anyone and everyone who will isten and pushing pro-gun ideals and issues.

I've said it here a hundred times at least in twenty or so threads:


We need grassroots movements, it's just about all that is left that works these days. Get a small vocal persitent group working and moving forward and have them put the word out and get others to join and fight.

What the liberals are best at is community organizing. They get a small vocal community organized around single issues at a time and push with everything they have until their goal is achieved, but the right rarely does this; when they do, they get results.

Just like right now the right won a huge battle against all teh gun control BS post Sandy hook, but instead of pushing forward, they are sitting pretty cuase they got to keep their toys and that is enough until the next round.

It's bullshit and until all of us in the gun communtiy organize and unite with eachother we will continue to see a slow overall erosion of our liberties. Period.

I know you and a lot of others here are all for states being isolated and dealing with shit themselves, but look what this has caused. Do you think the liberals care about state lines?

If we as gun owners showed up a little more often, put forth greater effort and put more on the line and stopped hiding, we would be sitting pretty in the shade on a gravy train with biscuit wheels

If 1/2 the people who showed up at the capitol in CO for the legislative session in which the gun laws passed decided to show up at the polls before it got that far, the laws would have never been drafted.

-Turth of the day for pro-liberty American gun owners:

We are the strongest and most powerful single group/force on the face of the freaking planet, but we are unorganized, play it "safe" WAY too often and don't do nearly enough to protect or practice one of the most important, basic and sacred rights known to man.

Once we as a group unite and say **** this anti-rights bullshit and get out on those skinny branches- we WILL make strides foward against the idiotic anti-rights morons.

We've got to get past the petty Blue state/Red state/"move out"/play it safe/let the liberals win and run away bullshit and band together and accept nothing other than complete victory for our cause.

The future quite literally depends upon it gents.

This guy gets it. Glad he also lives in Colorado and is also doing something about it. I'm amazed with how many GUN PEOPLE in this state are still asking me about the laws that have been in place for over half a year. You mean to tell me that you still don't know what they are? Then you sure as shit didn't know what they were when they were bills. These are the people who cost us the most because our gun community is notoriously people who don't give a crap about politics unless it touches their rights. Well, they crossed the line this time. Even those who voted (D) in rural areas helped with recalls because they didn't realize they were appointing party politics rather than local (D) politicians that historically realized the simple fact that firearms are a way of life and survival when you live waaaay out in the sticks. I only hope that this recent change of events shows that we mean business and gets more pro-gun people to wake the eff up to what is going on right under their noses as they look away. I agree, the cage has been rattled, the bear is waking from his looong slumber & now we see who is ready for the fight and who tucks tail and runs in the face of adversity. We sure coulda used more corporate representation for this fight instead of less.

01-10-14, 09:09
I was hoping that he would run for political office here in CO....

Smart men know when to cut their losses and not throwing bad money after bad money.

01-10-14, 09:18
It is a huge problem, and part of the cause is pro-gunners running away with tail between legs instead of staying and fighting.

If each pro-gunner got just (1) person to see the error in these laws, show them responsible gun ownership and ge them shooting/join the cause- victory would be gauranteed.

CO is not lost, believe me. I'm very active politically and there are a lot of pissed of mother****ers who WILL change the laws back and keep pushing conservative and libertarian candidates into political seats. 2014 Will be the year we work our asses off and push back. The laws should be repealed in 2015. Just gotta keep moving forward and never sit back.

3% of the population is all that is needed for movements to gain steam and work- it is critical mass. CO has approx 5 Million legal/known residents, do you really think there are less than 150,000 (3%) of us pro-gun pro-liberty types here? I would guess it is closer to a million+, mixed R's, D's and L's.

A lot of us were always part of/funding pro-gun groups and politics, but not the majority of us by a long shot. A lot of conservatives just stay home instead of going to the polls here, or at least they did until the liberals pushed too far, now they are finally off their asses and doing something.

The whole recall Morse movement was started by a registered Democrat who just so happened to be a pro-gun dude who was fed up with BS laws.

It just seems that most are complacent until they are shookup; that is what happened this last legislative session. People got jostled the **** out of la la land and a nice peacful sleep with the idiotic laws, not JUST gun laws either.

The bear is poked, the giant has awoken (Hopefully not too late)- people are joining pro-gun groups and donating money at a record pace. Talking to anyone and everyone who will isten and pushing pro-gun ideals and issues.

I've said it here a hundred times at least in twenty or so threads:


We need grassroots movements, it's just about all that is left that works these days. Get a small vocal persitent group working and moving forward and have them put the word out and get others to join and fight.

What the liberals are best at is community organizing. They get a small vocal community organized around single issues at a time and push with everything they have until their goal is achieved, but the right rarely does this; when they do, they get results.

Just like right now the right won a huge battle against all teh gun control BS post Sandy hook, but instead of pushing forward, they are sitting pretty cuase they got to keep their toys and that is enough until the next round.

It's bullshit and until all of us in the gun communtiy organize and unite with eachother we will continue to see a slow overall erosion of our liberties. Period.

I know you and a lot of others here are all for states being isolated and dealing with shit themselves, but look what this has caused. Do you think the liberals care about state lines?

If we as gun owners showed up a little more often, put forth greater effort and put more on the line and stopped hiding, we would be sitting pretty in the shade on a gravy train with biscuit wheels

If 1/2 the people who showed up at the capitol in CO for the legislative session in which the gun laws passed decided to show up at the polls before it got that far, the laws would have never been drafted.

-Turth of the day for pro-liberty American gun owners:

We are the strongest and most powerful single group/force on the face of the freaking planet, but we are unorganized, play it "safe" WAY too often and don't do nearly enough to protect or practice one of the most important, basic and sacred rights known to man.

Once we as a group unite and say **** this anti-rights bullshit and get out on those skinny branches- we WILL make strides foward against the idiotic anti-rights morons.

We've got to get past the petty Blue state/Red state/"move out"/play it safe/let the liberals win and run away bullshit and band together and accept nothing other than complete victory for our cause.

The future quite literally depends upon it gents.

And give up your natural rights in the meantime?

The only reason to stay in Colorado is to fight... and I don't mean with a pen or through a ballet. Untill large portions of the population are willing to take up arms and TAKE BACK THEIR RIGHTS, then what is the point.

Staying there is just supoorting those you hate. Your tax dollars and productivity HELP THEM MORE THAN YOUR VOTE HURTS THEM.

Go to state where your tax dollars and prosperity help those to will preserve your rights and freedoms. That's what I did and have no regret.

01-10-14, 09:28
And give up your natural rights in the meantime?

The only reason to stay in Colorado is to fight... and I don't mean with a pen or through a ballet. Untill large portions of the population are willing to take up arms and TAKE BACK THEIR RIGHTS, then what is the point.

Staying there is just supoorting those you hate. Your tax dollars and productivity HELP THEM MORE THAN YOUR VOTE HURTS THEM.

Go to state where your tax dollars and prosperity help those to will preserve your rights and freedoms. That's what I did and have no regret.

In today's tax driven policy making, I'd have to agree. There's nothing a politician hears more loud and clear than the $$$ vote.

01-10-14, 10:18
And give up your natural rights in the meantime?

The only reason to stay in Colorado is to fight... and I don't mean with a pen or through a ballet. Untill large portions of the population are willing to take up arms and TAKE BACK THEIR RIGHTS, then what is the point.

Staying there is just supoorting those you hate. Your tax dollars and productivity HELP THEM MORE THAN YOUR VOTE HURTS THEM.

Go to state where your tax dollars and prosperity help those to will preserve your rights and freedoms. That's what I did and have no regret.

I have not given up one natural right. I practice my rights regardless of illegal/unconstitutional "laws" and the thugs who are willing/able to enforce them against their oaths. I will NEVER stop practicing my rights EVER, bullshit "laws" & consequences be damned.

I do not allow my rights to be permissions or taken from me, I practice them EVERY god damned day and have no issue with the dangers or potential consequences of my actions. If people didn't comply, all unconstitutional laws would be moot and unenforceable. I DO NOT COMPLY. Period.

I 100% agree with you that more force needs to be exerted (Hence my comments about gun owners "playing it safe" & "Hiding" too often...), but I think that is the next step after a huge political push is made and we see where the cards fall. If people aren't willing to exert political pressue and just hide or comply, are they expected to take to arms and fight? Gotta get them in the game first and when all else fails, then it is time to up the anty.

Let's revisit this conversation after CO's next legislative session and election in November and see where things are at. If I am wrong about my fellow liberty loving Coloradoans and our resolve to unite and take back the state I will eat crow. I just wont give up the state I love and cherish so easily and just leave. To each their own in this regard and I completely understand why you and others would/have.

I am confident that we can take back the state and repeal most of the damaging legislation that got passed last year. The last legislative session was THAT BAD and woke up enough people from what I can tell- maybe I am too positive and hopefull; only time will tell- specifically this next legilsative session/election. As long as they don't sit back and they stay angry and in the game to win, victory WILL be ours.

01-10-14, 10:44
TO be fair... I am a LOVER of Colorado. I used to have an office in Grand Junction and westminister and would go there a couple times of year. The Grand Mesa is my favorate place in the entire world.

However, I refuse to go back there. I have family and friends that have vacationed there after I told them how amazing of a state it was. They all loved it as well.

I totaly get it. Colorado is full of parasidic pests who have ruined comminfornia and CO is their new host. People have allowed denver and boulder to become what it has.'

IF colorado (which has its own set of issues with the crazy pot tax) repeals those laws, I will come back.

What I won't do, is support the communists in charge by patroning them with my tax dollars. I will go to WY or Montana instead....even if they are not the ideal locations. Every Dollar spent in Colorado, helps those in charge make the state worse. If I lived there and was unable to move, I would buy EVERYTHING out of state....just on principle alone.

They would be wise to also amend their consitituion to protect their rights. Many other states already have, and as such.... it will atleast partialy insulate them from future attempts.

As a pessimistic person... I kind of sorta have hope for gun legislation. Looking at NCIS sales records.... we are buying more guns than ever.... More than twice per year as just 10 years ago. That means a huge surge in gun ownership as a percentage of the population. NO matter what happens, knowning there are hundreds of millions of guns out there helps me sleep a little better at night.

01-10-14, 10:57
Guys, we made a promise that we would not abandon our friends in CO, and we aren't. Just trust me on that. I certainly don't see CO as a lost cause, but the majority of the business has to relocate on principle, and ongoing regulatory risk, whether from interpretation or amendment of the existing legislation. I would truly love to see this entire move be for nothing because this legislation is repealed, regardless of the difficulty in doing it in the first place.

01-10-14, 11:15
Guys, we made a promise that we would not abandon our friends in CO, and we aren't. Just trust me on that. I certainly don't see CO as a lost cause, but the majority of the business has to relocate on principle, and ongoing regulatory risk, whether from interpretation or amendment of the existing legislation. I would truly love to see this entire move be for nothing because this legislation is repealed, regardless of the difficulty in doing it in the first place.

I know you guys are still supporting the cause and completely understand/support the relocation and tactics you guys used to help out in the first place. It is all VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!

I was not implying otherwise in any of my posts- just to clarify things.

01-10-14, 20:37
To all those spewing the same bullshit lines of " Its your own fault for allowing your state to become what it is" , "You didn't fight hard enough", "You voted for the commies", etc. If all that is true, then you must be responsible for "Allowing" the Obama administration to FK the country up on a national level. Right? Be careful who you fling shit on because someday you may be here asking for support to kick the anti's out of your state. Wouldn't that be a motherfker if your fellow 2A supporters gave you a poke in the eye and a kick to the crotch in your time of need?