View Full Version : December 2013 Raw NICS Checks Are In ... Down 27% From Last Year

30 cal slut
01-07-14, 07:04

Tough comparisons. December's raw figures were up 49% (year over year) in 2012.

Waiting on adjusted figures from NSSF. These raw FBI figures include background checks for CCW's.

01-07-14, 10:45
Another year of prolonged economic problems cut into people's wallets.

01-07-14, 10:49
Another year of prolonged economic problems cut into people's wallets.

I don't think that's it. Sales have been up almost every month since the recession until now. If the weak economy were the reason, we'd be seeing down sales a lot more.

Sales being down 27% this December compared to last is no surprise. Sandy Hook happened last December, and almost every gun in America flew off the shelves within the next 2 weeks. Can't keep up with that sales volume.

01-07-14, 11:15
Another Sandy Hook like event and those numbers will go back to a year ago.

Hey..it could happen.

I'd also look at the nomination/election of Hillary in 2016 as another time when gun sales will go nuts.

...plan accordingly.

01-07-14, 12:12
December '12 the sheep panicked and stampeded, December '13 the sheep were back grazing in their pasture.

01-07-14, 13:05
December '12 the sheep panicked and stampeded, December '13 the sheep were back grazing in their pasture.

agreed, though mostly sheep, quite a few wolves too

01-07-14, 13:19
All the hillbillies hoarded their judges and tactical .22's last year.

01-07-14, 14:13
Speaking of the "sheep back to grazing in the pastures" if you want a second AR, spare mags or bulk ammo....you better get it now.

Shelves are full and even Wal Mart has a few Colt 6920s in their racks at around a grand a pop.

Mags are everywhere and prices are fairly sane on everything. I even see 22LR ammo in many places...shocker.

That could all change in a few days, if something crazy goes down.

People SHOULD be learning from these panics and shortages.


01-07-14, 14:32
I would be stocking up more right now, but the money situation isn't great right now. Trying to upgrade jobs but it's REALLY slow.

30 cal slut
01-08-14, 07:00
I even see 22LR ammo in many places...

I don't believe you. :sarcastic:

01-08-14, 07:53
Not surprised at all, Sandy Hook influenced the spike in sales.

01-08-14, 10:07
Speaking of the "sheep back to grazing in the pastures" if you want a second AR, spare mags or bulk ammo....you better get it now.

Shelves are full and even Wal Mart has a few Colt 6920s in their racks at around a grand a pop.

Mags are everywhere and prices are fairly sane on everything. I even see 22LR ammo in many places...shocker.

That could all change in a few days, if something crazy goes down.

People SHOULD be learning from these panics and shortages.


Could not agree with you more.. I spent most of last year working overtime, 6-7 days a week, 10hrs a day.. I'd take a little out of each check, and put it back until I had enough to buy what I wanted. This worked well, I ended up getting 2 handguns,(and 10 mags apiece) and more importantly, since I reload, stocking up on bullets, powder, primers, (I already have plenty of cases) I got caught on the short end of the stick after Sandy Hook, and was down to my last 1k of plated 9mm bullets when they began to show up again.. I've now got enough of everything, to hold me over for a quite awhile..

01-08-14, 12:21
Speaking of the "sheep back to grazing in the pastures" if you want a second AR, spare mags or bulk ammo....you better get it now.

Shelves are full and even Wal Mart has a few Colt 6920s in their racks at around a grand a pop.

Mags are everywhere and prices are fairly sane on everything. I even see 22LR ammo in many places...shocker.

That could all change in a few days, if something crazy goes down.

People SHOULD be learning from these panics and shortages.

I got busy in '04 after Clinton's ban . . . again prior to the '08 election. It's human nature for people to wait to the last minute to act.

01-20-14, 15:37
The comparable month in 2012 included the post-Sandy Hook panic. No surprise.