View Full Version : Will! Info on validity of A-Akg

01-07-14, 14:04
Will (or anyone),

I started stacking Cellucor c4 with Olympian labs A-Akg but have now read reports that the A-Akg is bupkis and Agmatine is a better option. I'm having conflicting reports resulting in info overload. What's the official stance?

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01-07-14, 14:53
Will (or anyone),

I started stacking Cellucor c4 with Olympian labs A-Akg but have now read reports that the A-Akg is bupkis and Agmatine is a better option. I'm having conflicting reports resulting in info overload. What's the official stance?

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I suspect the mods would prefer such a thread/Q posted in the fitness/health section of the forums. Just sayin'

01-07-14, 14:56
I blame tapatalk.. Thought I was there..ill ask someone to move it

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01-07-14, 16:21
removed, I see that this was moved to it's proper location after I posted.

01-07-14, 17:24
Will (or anyone),

I started stacking Cellucor c4 with Olympian labs A-Akg but have now read reports that the A-Akg is bupkis and Agmatine is a better option. I'm having conflicting reports resulting in info overload. What's the official stance?

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First question is, what are you using them for? If for changes in body comp or increases strength:

Short answer:

AAKG to has a few studies done in humans looking at performance and body comp, and results were un impressive to say the least...save $$$

Agmatine is interesting stuff on paper, but the actual data showing any benefits in humans on body comp are non existent. Save the $$$

Long answer, I cover them and a lot more out there, with the studies, "real world" feedback, and citations, HERE (http://www.brinkzone.com/supplement-science/the-sports-supplement-bible/) and if interested in saving wasted time and $$$ and cutting through the hype, BS, and marketing of what's out there

Both those Argnine derived/based supplements may have some potential health benefits in some populations (hence why I asked what you are using them for) and other uses but in terms of "muscle building" I'd save my $$$ at this time.

Good luck! :cool:

01-08-14, 09:39
Yes- strength training. Thank you for the links and the information.

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01-08-14, 10:11
Yes- strength training. Thank you for the links and the information.

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As far as supplements shown to have conclusive impact on body comp and strength, with lots of safety data and potential health benefits, creatine (as monohydrate) is king BTW.

01-09-14, 13:06
As far as supplements shown to have conclusive impact on body comp and strength, with lots of safety data and potential health benefits, creatine (as monohydrate) is king BTW.

After all this time you still feel that creatine is the best, and I suppose also safest, bang for the buck? Not doubting in the least, just curious because so much has come and gone since it was the rage years ago.

Also, any thoughts on Testofen Will? See this blend in a lot of products lately, any good news on it if I may ask?

01-09-14, 13:14
Creatine is still around while all the other crap comes and goes. That should tell you something.

It's cheap too.

When you are talking about these kinds of supplements your talking about 5% of it all. First you need to have diet and training in check.

5% might be a little high.

01-09-14, 13:37
After all this time you still feel that creatine is the best, and I suppose also safest, bang for the buck?

Affirmative :cool:

Not doubting in the least, just curious because so much has come and gone since it was the rage years ago.

The data has only continued to grow, and it continues to show potential health benefits in a wide array of areas, as well as the usual reasons people use it, such as strength and body comp.

Also, any thoughts on Testofen Will? See this blend in a lot of products lately, any good news on it if I may ask?

That one comes under the general category of "T Boosters" and my position on that category can be found in my extensive article The Facts On T Booster Supplements (http://www.brinkzone.com/articles/the-facts-on-testosterone-boosting-supplements/) if interested.

01-09-14, 13:38
Creatine is still around while all the other crap comes and goes. That should tell you something.

It's cheap too.

When you are talking about these kinds of supplements your talking about 5% of it all. First you need to have diet and training in check.

5% might be a little high.

Vitamin C supplements are still around but no one knows what if anything it does for you to take them. Not sure I fully understand the point that simply because you can still buy it then it must work better overall than most alternatives. Keep in mind I am not saying it doesn't work, in fact the first time I heard about it was in a college football team meeting where a respectable sports nutritionist came in and mentioned that this new stuff called creatine was seeing viable real world results. He wasn't selling anything and we didn't even know what it was yet, plus I've taken it myself.

Though it was some time ago I remember that my results were fair at best. Still looking back I may have been looking for a quicker result because some of what I heard at the time was that you get quick extra muscle stamina and endurance using it, but then in my 20's I just wasn't feeling anything special. Other things had a greater impact, certainly more than "5%" as mentioned.

Also keep in mind that my personal results are not necessarily indicative of the majority and I didn't stay on it over a month or so. However by all accounts I should have been feeling more by then, or so I thought at the time.

01-09-14, 13:53
Will, thanks to your recommendation I bought some micronized creapure creatine. Assuming a decent training split and adequate nutrition, how long will it take to see results?

01-10-14, 18:49
Will, thanks to your recommendation I bought some micronized creapure creatine. Assuming a decent training split and adequate nutrition, how long will it take to see results?

Two ways to go about it. Old school method is to do a loading phase for a week, then a maintenance dose. 20g for a week, then 3-5g from then on.

Modern method, just do the maintenance dose of 3-5g and be done with it. That method takes longer.

First method you would notice something by the end of the loading dose week, second method is a slow ramp up, taking approx 30 days for tissue saturation.

First method is faster, but can give you stomach issues and uses a lot of creatine.

Some feel the old school method more effective (and will periodically do a another loading phase) but there's no comparative data.

I'd favor and recommend the simple maintenance dose route and save $$$ and not get possible stomach issues.

Per comments on it's potential health benefits, creatine is one of the few supplements I'd use if I didn't exercise at all. I personally feel the data as a health related supplement even more compelling than as a sports supplement. Though a tad outdated my free report covers a good amount of that info HERE (http://www.creatine-report.com/) if interested.

01-10-14, 19:18
Sounds good Will, I'll do the slow maintenance supplementation then.

Glad to know when to maybe expect results. I've heard around a week, but who knows how the bros at the gym are going about it.


02-02-14, 16:57
Sounds good Will, I'll do the slow maintenance supplementation then.

Glad to know when to maybe expect results. I've heard around a week, but who knows how the bros at the gym are going about it.


On the slow route, figure approx 30 days as that's how long it takes to get saturation.