View Full Version : Nokia Lumia 520 (AT&T); Good deal for a backup or teen's phone...

01-10-14, 21:32
Just thought I'd pass this along since we were needing a backup phone (my wife has a habit of destroying phones). If you have a Microsoft store (or buy online) they have the Nokia Lumia 520 on sale for $60. This is a full touch screen smart phone that is running Windows Phone 8, has Office, SkyDrive, ect. We are iPhone users but can't really beat this for $60, and its contract free. Really...$60 and you walk out of the store with a full smart phone that has 4G ability with no contract or commitment. Now this isn't a flagship phone by any means but it works, and its handy to have a spare phone around or as a first phone for a teenager or whatever where you don't want to spend a lot of money.

Here is a link: http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/Nokia-Lumia-520-No-Contract-for-AT-T/productID.283842800

* I have no affiliation with MS or Nokia. As stated I am a iPhone user and use a Mac computer. Just saw this deal today and went to get us one. Also, at the link above, it will say 3G. Its actually 4G which is perfectly fine for regular browsing and phone type stuff.