View Full Version : No wonder NY wants to ban guns!

01-11-14, 10:13
Even the commissioner of the New York State Division of Homeland Security does not seem to know his way around fire arms. The stupid here is almost impossible to fathom:

Top New York security official used laser on loaded gun during presentation (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/top-new-york-state-homeland-security-official-laser-loaded-gun-slideshow-presentation-report-article-1.1569157)

"A top New York state security official used the laser sighting device on his handgun to guide an audience through a slideshow presentation, sparking alarm among the foreign delegation that had assembled for the program."


"The bizarre incident included a scary moment when the laser on Hauer’s loaded 9-millimeter Glock reportedly tracked across the head of one of the audience members, prompting terror among several Swedish emergency managers in the delegation, before the device found its way to the map of New York."

Holy crap Batman!!!! It's the media, so the info has to be taken with something of a grain if salt, and even if the gun was not loaded (which I hope was the case!) it still shows a level of poor gun handling that boggles the mind.

01-11-14, 10:50
If the story is true, it is very disturbing. Morons should not carry guns, handle sharp objects or drive automobiles.

01-11-14, 11:25
If the story is true, it is very disturbing. Morons should not carry guns, handle sharp objects or drive automobiles.

That's worthy of having his access to firearms removed until, at the very least, he has to do some additional training. But, some how we know he'll get a pass.

01-11-14, 13:16
Will, we already have a thread on this one.


I was shaking my head when I read about it as well.