View Full Version : Devil baby attacks prank

01-15-14, 19:17
Oh man this is freaking hilarious. My fiancé showed this to me and said she would have probably passed over :)


filthy phil
01-15-14, 19:23
Someone should gif the projectile vomit part lol

01-15-14, 20:09

01-15-14, 20:20
Oh man this is freaking hilarious. My fiancé showed this to me and said she would have probably passed over :)

I laughed all the way thru it, but, in reality, that is a good way to give somebody a fatal heart attack.

01-15-14, 21:12
That's awesome. I probably would have shit my pants if it would have happened to me though.

01-15-14, 21:27
Safetyhit sent me this video this morning. Hilarious!


01-15-14, 21:44
This is why you always, and I mean always, carry a spare magazine.

01-15-14, 23:10
"Serious Student Empties Two Mags of 9mm Into Baby Carriage- Film at Eleven"

01-16-14, 00:19
Sigh, I am so misunderstood......

"SeriousStudent deftly executes a failure to stop drill while screaming 'KILL IT WITH FIRE!' and then reloads with a fresh full mag."

Because where there is one Debbil Baby, there may be another. That's what "two is one, and one is none" really means. Always check your six for baby carts moving under their own demonic power.

01-16-14, 00:46
Laughed my hind end off! Told my girl that if it had scared me for real, once I figured out it was a robot I would have kicked it over..;)

01-16-14, 04:14
Lots of movies (particularly scary onces) are making these "pranks" as advertisement. The projectile vomit was particluarly funny