View Full Version : Sean Penn owning Guns after domestic violence plea raises legal questions

01-16-14, 10:01

Not to mention the hypocrisy of his ideologies & I predict how he will regret his actions selling out his rights or beliefs just to get laid. He's one messed up dude no doubt. Not even bringing his brother Chris Penn into it, who committed suicide. imo, typical messed up entitled elitist brats who do drugs behind the scenes & aren't truthful people...


You can't make this stuff ...

Sean Penn: ‘Obama Should Commit Opponents Via Executive Order’


I truly think Jeff Spicoli was smoking more in his Joints or other recreational drugs like PCP. Truly.

01-16-14, 10:58
DV was dropped and he plead guilty to vandalism.

The famous OC of shotgun was in Haiti.

Facts are rare in that link.

ETA - OK the NY Post photo is New Orleans, I was thinking of a different one.

ETA - Mark Wahlberg I am pretty sure is a PP.

01-16-14, 11:06
Douche is gonna douche.

Not the first time Hollywood is going to be hypocritical on an issue. Probably not going to be the last either.

01-16-14, 11:17
Douche is gonna douche.

Not the first time Hollywood is going to be hypocritical on an issue. Probably not going to be the last either.

True enough. And it's to be expected. There isn't much 2A support in Hollywood. Hell, this new movie "Lone Survivor", it's main man Mark Wahlberg is a prime example. He's about as two-faced as they come.

Wahlberg's hypocrisy: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/XcIBViewItem.asp?ID=2360

01-16-14, 14:36
True enough. And it's to be expected. There isn't much 2A support in Hollywood. Hell, this new movie "Lone Survivor", it's main man Mark Wahlberg is a prime example. He's about as two-faced as they come.

Wahlberg's hypocrisy: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/XcIBViewItem.asp?ID=2360

Wahlberg claims to be a devout Catholic, ostentatiously displays the big religious jewelry he wears, and then plays Dirk Diggler. Phony.

01-16-14, 14:55
Check out Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein's plans to make a major motion picture starring Meryl Streep to take down the NRA:http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/anti-nra-movie-harvey-weinstein-meryl-streep/2014/01/16/id/547460

The guy's made serious bank financing some of the bloodiest flicks on the big screen but says guns have no place in America. :nono:

01-16-14, 15:10
Check out Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein's plans to make a major motion picture starring Meryl Streep to take down the NRA:http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/anti-nra-movie-harvey-weinstein-meryl-streep/2014/01/16/id/547460

The guy's made serious bank financing some of the bloodiest flicks on the big screen but says guns have no place in America. :nono:

He'll no doubt make the movie. It will flop and will not have an impact. Did Thank You For Smoking hurt Phillip Morris? Did Fahrenheit 9/11 hurt GWB? Did an inconvenient truth hurt ExxonMobil?

Fellow gun owners will get really angry, the anti-gun folks will get really excited, Weinstein will exercise his massive ego, and everybody else will yawn.

01-16-14, 15:22
Harvey Weinstein can go choke himself on a bag of Dicks.

01-16-14, 15:28
Harvey is a bag of dicks..

01-16-14, 15:29
ETA - Mark Wahlberg I am pretty sure is a PP.

Renegade, what is a PP? I was hoping Marky wasn't anti 2A. I won't be $ any tickets for anything these people do. On a side note. Passed a van on the freeway today he was traveling about 50. Should have taken some pics. He had 2 huge No Guns compliance signs taped to his rear side windows. Nothing like advertising as a soft target for a perp.

01-16-14, 15:53
We gotta hurt em where they feel it most guys...In the pocket. It's not just about the Politicos. It's also in the entertainment biz. It's about where our hard earned fun-money goes. We're helping bankroll the very same douchebags that speak out and rally against us. We need to pay closer attention to who we help afford to live in the "Hills".

Doc Safari
01-16-14, 15:57
Every day I am more and more tempted to pray that the "Big One" will finally hit California.

01-16-14, 16:00
Some animals are more equal than others and all that.

01-16-14, 18:36
Hollyweird elitists all . . . "Do as I say not as I do".

I never knew that Sean Penn's father was black listed in Hollywood during the Cold War . . . it would seem Sean followed in his father's radical footsteps. At least he is stupid enough to come out and say we all need to be rounded up. So many still don't get what we are truly up against in this country.

01-16-14, 20:26
Oh, this is getting good.

"National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent compared film executive Harvey Weinstein, who is Jewish, to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels over Weinstein's plan to make an anti-NRA film." (http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/01/16/nras-ted-nugent-compares-harvey-weinstein-to-na/197626)

01-16-14, 20:58
I really couldn't give 2 shits what Penn says. Just shows how much of a tool and a coward he is. As far as Weinstein and his anti NRA movie, I hope he spends millions and losses big time at the box office In fact I hope he goes broke and ends Streeps career.

01-16-14, 21:10
Oh, this is getting good.

"National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent compared film executive Harvey Weinstein, who is Jewish, to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels over Weinstein's plan to make an anti-NRA film." (http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/01/16/nras-ted-nugent-compares-harvey-weinstein-to-na/197626)

If the shoe fits . . .

I have friends who are Jewish (conservative gun owners) and they affectionately refer to people like Mr. Weinstein as "gas chamber Jews".

01-16-14, 21:19
Harvey Weinstein can go choke himself on a bag of Dicks.

May they all recieve said bag of dicks to choke on. Exploding dicks. Then resuscitate and repeat.

01-16-14, 21:45
Renegade, what is a PP? I was hoping Marky wasn't anti 2A. I won't be $ any tickets for anything these people do. On a side note. Passed a van on the freeway today he was traveling about 50. Should have taken some pics. He had 2 huge No Guns compliance signs taped to his rear side windows. Nothing like advertising as a soft target for a perp.

PP = Prohibited Person = Can't own guns.

He is notoriously anti-gun.


For these crimes, Wahlberg was charged with attempted murder, pleaded guilty to assault, and was sentenced to two years in state prison at Boston's Deer Island House of Correction.

If this is correct, he is a PP unless crime was pardoned.

Ed L.
01-16-14, 22:11
I'm not sure how Sean Penn can even own guns in CA, much less get granted and maintain a carry permit there.

I wonder how many of his guns fall into the California Assault weapons category that need to be registered, and if he has them registered. I'd bet money against it.

The article made a good point questioning how Sean Penn could not legally transfer the guns to the New York City based artist. There is no legal way.

01-16-14, 22:58
Hell if I had a couple bodyguards, I might not need self protection. Wait till he pisses away all his money and can't afford hired muscle, I bet his stance will change...

01-17-14, 02:45
Hell if I had a couple bodyguards, I might not need self protection. Wait till he pisses away all his money and can't afford hired muscle, I bet his stance will change...

His taste for trashy bar sluts and coke will take of that sooner or later.

Human piece of garbage.

01-17-14, 06:51
Marky Mark was famous for his 1991 debut as frontman with the band Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

Assaults and conviction

Wahlberg had been in trouble 20–25 times with the Boston Police Department in his youth. By age 13, Wahlberg had developed an addiction to cocaine and other substances.[9][10] At fifteen, civil action was filed against Wahlberg for his involvement in two separate incidents of harassing African-American children (the first some siblings and the second a group of black school children on a field trip), by throwing rocks and shouting racial epithets.[11] At 16, Wahlberg approached a middle-aged Vietnamese man on the street and, using a large wooden stick, knocked him unconscious while yelling a racial epithet. That same day, he also attacked another Vietnamese man, leaving the victim permanently blind in one eye.[12][13]

For these crimes, Wahlberg was charged with attempted murder, pleaded guilty to assault, and was sentenced to two years in state prison at Boston's Deer Island House of Correction. He served 45 days of his sentence.[12][14] In another incident, the 21-year-old Wahlberg fractured the jaw of a neighbor in an unprovoked attack.[15] Commenting in 2006 on his past crimes, Wahlberg has stated: "I did a lot of things that I regret, and I have certainly paid for my mistakes." He said the right thing to do would be to try to find the blinded man and make amends, and admitted he has not done so, but added that he was no longer burdened by guilt: "You have to go and ask for forgiveness and it wasn't until I really started doing good and doing right by other people, as well as myself, that I really started to feel that guilt go away. So I don't have a problem going to sleep at night. I feel good when I wake up in the morning."[16]

After going to prison for assault, he decided to improve his behavior. According to Wahlberg, "As soon as I began that life of crime, there was always a voice in my head telling me I was going to end up in jail. Three of my brothers had done time. My sister went to prison so many times I lost count. Finally I was there, locked up with the kind of guys I'd always wanted to be like. Now I'd earned my stripes and I was just like them, and I realized it wasn't what I wanted at all. I'd ended up in the worst place I could possibly imagine and I never wanted to go back. First of all, I had to learn to stay on the straight and narrow." Wahlberg first relied on the guidance of his parish priest to turn his back on crime. He told his street gang that he was leaving them and had "some serious fights" with them over it. The actor commented in 2009: "I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and I've done bad things, but I never blamed my upbringing for that. I never behaved like a victim so that I would have a convenient reason for victimizing others. Everything I did wrong was my own fault. I was taught the difference between right and wrong at an early age. I take full responsibility."[17]

01-19-14, 17:43
Oh c'mon, who didn't beat old Vietnamese guys with sticks until they were blind when they were kids? He said he would find the guy if he could and make it right (but has not tried at all). What a good guy. All you high and mighty M4C members get off your high horse and throw some rocks at black kids and call them names, you just might turn into a liberal.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

01-19-14, 18:07
I'm not sure how Sean Penn can even own guns in CA, much less get granted and maintain a carry permit there.

I wonder how many of his guns fall into the California Assault weapons category that need to be registered, and if he has them registered. I'd bet money against it.

The article made a good point questioning how Sean Penn could not legally transfer the guns to the New York City based artist. There is no legal way.

He's Sean f___in' Penn. That's how he gets them in CA.

So long as you're politically connected and wealthy in CA, you can get anything your perverted heart desires.

01-19-14, 18:26
Harvey Weinstein can go choke himself on a bag of Dicks.

Pretty sure he has...

01-19-14, 18:48
Wahlberg claims to be a devout Catholic, ostentatiously displays the big religious jewelry he wears, and then plays Dirk Diggler. Phony.

Really? An actor who "plays" a porn star can't be catholic? So all those who portrayed whores in the story of Jesus are going to hell right?

01-19-14, 19:07
Hit the Anti-2A crowd where it hurts and stop spending your money at the theater.

01-19-14, 19:28
Hit the Anti-2A crowd where it hurts and stop spending your money at the theater.Yup in this modern country how you spend your $ has greater effect than the voice of the people.

01-20-14, 17:48
Oh c'mon, who didn't beat old Vietnamese guys with sticks until they were blind when they were kids? He said he would find the guy if he could and make it right (but has not tried at all). What a good guy. All you high and mighty M4C members get off your high horse and throw some rocks at black kids and call them names, you just might turn into a liberal.


01-20-14, 20:33
Hit the Anti-2A crowd where it hurts and stop spending your money at the theater.

I sure as hell do my part!