View Full Version : Obama surprised

01-17-14, 09:56
This is quite surprising!
AMAZING NRA Support from where you'd least expect it----Obama didn't see
this coming...pass it on quickly as it will most likely be pulled and


01-17-14, 12:13
Wow. I look forward to see the MSM lead tonight's news with this presentation.

01-17-14, 12:43
You can count on it not being seen in MSM....

But I'm glad to see some Black people not drinking the cool-aide, recognizing how the 2A applies....equally....

01-17-14, 13:37
Oh no! A Black Conservative! Run!...

Must - fit - the - narrative....

01-17-14, 13:51
Anyone have a date on that?

01-17-14, 21:05

brushy bill
01-17-14, 23:02
Great post. I am sharing the link.

Dead Man
01-17-14, 23:08
Published on YouTube almost a year ago. You won't see it on main stream media because you didn't see it on main stream media.

01-17-14, 23:11
Anyone have a date on that?

Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves - SHORT VERSION

Black conservative leaders discuss the reason the NRA was founded and how gun control is an effort to control people.

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) hosted a group of prominent figures from the African American community at 9:45A.M. on Friday, February 22nd 2013, at the National Press Club to speak out against gun control legislation currently being considered on Capitol Hill.

CURE is the largest black conservative think tank in the nation and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.

CURE organized the news conference in response to concerns shared by black conservatives that the Senate proposed laws will restrict their ability to defend themselves, their property and their families. They are also concerned that the proposed gun control legislation puts too much power in the hands of politicians.

01-18-14, 06:09
Obama, Holder, and their ilk will view those men and women as sellouts, uncle toms, amd oreos. Black on the outside and white on the inside. Not black enough. N ot street cred. No cultural connection to "Black America".

01-19-14, 23:55
I wonder how many of these folks have had a friendly visit from the IRS auditors.

01-20-14, 00:04
This is old. I remember seeing this in all of the debates LAST year.