View Full Version : Movies that drive you nuts with plot holes, technical errors, and "WTF?" moments...

Doc Safari
01-21-14, 16:54

This weekend my girlfriend and I watched "The Life of Pi". It's one of those movies that's supposed to get you thinking. Well, it got me thinking, all right.

It got me thinking of all the movies that leave you wondering WTF you just saw.

My short list:

1. Life of Pi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_of_Pi_(film)

Okay, so what I gather is that the story with the tiger really is the made-up story and the story with the cook is what really happened, right?

2. Eye of the Beholder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_the_Beholder_(film)

Okay, it's an obsession film. At the end, when the girl is dying in the car crash, it's not Ashley Judd, right?

Suggesting that the main character had been hallucinating or something through the whole movie, right?

3. Broken Arrow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_Arrow_(1996_film)

I admit this is one of two or three favorite movies of mine. The "WTF?" moment comes down in the mine when Christian Slater pulls the Sig pistol out of his flight suit. Where did he get that pistol? Why hadn't he pulled it out before? I'm assuming that was just a continuity error and a scene explaining it got edited out, but WTF?

4. The entire Star Wars series

Okay, so we are to believe that once the Emperor and Darth Vader were defeated that all those legions of storm troopers immediately shifted their loyalty to the Alliance? WTF?

5. Terminator 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_2:_Judgment_Day

Okay, so Schwarzenegger Terminator explains that the new terminator can't form complex weapons with his liquid metal. He has to form knives, clubs, etc., because he can't form complex mechanisms. So........a cyborg is a complex mechanism. How in the heck does he form all the servomotors, joints, circuits, optics, and other complex mechanisms that make him one badass mechanical man if he's made of liquid metal that can't form complex mechanisms? (I'm typing in circles). WTF?

If I think of others, I'll post them.

01-21-14, 17:06
Generally speaking anything with time travel get's screwed up. With that said Back to The Future is one of my favorite trilogies period.

This youtube channel, cinema sins, does a good job. Warning, it will ruin most movies you love after you have watched the reviews.


Doc Safari
01-21-14, 17:12

The Empire Strikes Back http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Empire_Strikes_Back

The hyperdrive on the Millenium Falcon is broken, yet they manage to make it to another planetary system. I guess the filmakers edited out the 390,000 years it took to travel to that system.

Titanic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_(1997_film)

We are led to believe not only that the main character held onto an expensive, rare diamond all those years, but also was willing to ultimately toss it into the ocean. Yeah, riiiiiiiight........

01-21-14, 17:21
4. The entire Star Wars series

Okay, so we are to believe that once the Emperor and Darth Vader were defeated that all those legions of storm troopers immediately shifted their loyalty to the Alliance? WTF?

I must've missed something. It's been awhile since I've seen it last but I thought the series was over after Vader & the Emperor were dead.

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Doc Safari
01-21-14, 17:25
I must've missed something. It's been awhile since I've seen it last but I thought the series was over after Vader & the Emperor were dead.

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I have to concede that this may get addressed in the new trilogy of Star Wars movies.

Yes, the series was over after the Emperor and Vader were dead, but the way every planet was celebrating you'd think the entire Imperial military machine either just disappeared or started thinking happy thoughts, too.

01-21-14, 17:28
I have to concede that this may get addressed in the new trilogy of Star Wars movies.

Yes, the series was over after the Emperor and Vader were dead, but the way every planet was celebrating you'd think the entire Imperial military machine either just disappeared or started thinking happy thoughts, too.

Is there a new trilogy coming out? I heard rumors of a "Part VII" but that's all.

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Big A
01-21-14, 17:55
Is there a new trilogy coming out? I heard rumors of a "Part VII" but that's all.

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Yes, supposedly J.J. Abrams will be doing it. Most of us nerds are hoping it will be the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zhan

I have to concede that this may get addressed in the new trilogy of Star Wars movies.

Yes, the series was over after the Emperor and Vader were dead, but the way every planet was celebrating you'd think the entire Imperial military machine either just disappeared or started thinking happy thoughts, too.

The Emperor was using the Dark Side of the force to influence all the troops and control the people of the galaxy, when he died his control was lifted and more people started rebelling but the Empire wasn't fully defeated at the end of RTOJ. There are a lot of books that expand on all of it.

01-21-14, 18:30
Terminator series.

The second movie blatantly states that you control your fate.

The third movie said that it was inevitable.


Also, the ****ing T-1000 was literally the perfect assassin, and in the 3rd movie it got a downgrade. Wtf.

01-21-14, 18:34
Yes, supposedly J.J. Abrams will be doing it. Most of us nerds are hoping it will be the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zhan

That's cool. I'm a closet Star Wars fan. Another member here contacted me offline & filled me in on some details. I didn't know that Disney bought the rights to Star Wars. I hope it works out and doesn't suck.

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01-21-14, 18:34
5. Terminator 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_2:_Judgment_Day

Okay, so Schwarzenegger Terminator explains that the new terminator can't form complex weapons with his liquid metal. He has to form knives, clubs, etc., because he can't form complex mechanisms. So........a cyborg is a complex mechanism. How in the heck does he form all the servomotors, joints, circuits, optics, and other complex mechanisms that make him one badass mechanical man if he's made of liquid metal that can't form complex mechanisms? (I'm typing in circles). WTF?

If I think of others, I'll post them.

I'm assuming the Terminator was not programed yet to be able to have onboard weaponry, but on T3 the new chick Terminator had it because it was more advanced.

Big A
01-21-14, 18:49
That's cool. I'm a closet Star Wars fan. Another member here contacted me offline & filled me in on some details. I didn't know that Disney bought the rights to Star Wars. I hope it works out and doesn't suck.

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So do I. Those last 3 turds Lucas blessed us with were superbly impotent attempts at story telling....

01-21-14, 21:09
"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is . . . 42."

01-21-14, 22:15
"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is . . . 42."

Yeah, that WHOLE movie was one big WTF? moment. And I've watched it like five times trying to figure it out... :suicide:
Although the anti-idea fly swatters were brilliant.

Movies that have annoyed me recently-

Mission Impossible 3- totally ****ing stupid. The plot, the actions of the characters.... just plain dumb. I seriously doubt they actually thought that storyline through before filming.

Expendables 2- A) your stupid tactical vest is NOT bulletproof, B) you don'ty just walk off multiple hits of 7.62x39, and C) if you actually use all the damn MOLLE on your stupid tactical vest, you wouldn't be "out" of ammo after two seconds of shooting....

01-21-14, 23:27
In Star Wars, according to the virgins who expanded the universe, the war didn't abruptly end with Vader and Palpatine's deaths. With their deaths, the rebels quickly gained the upper hand though, even though there were a lot of pockets of resistance. Plus, there were breakaway systems that didn't want to be part of the new Galactic Republic, so further factions and revolutions formed, the Jedi had obviously returned with Luke in the lead, but the Sith were still around needing to be eradicated...you know, the usual stuff.

Also, in Empire Strikes Back, I always just assumed that the system they were in had a few planets that were really close together; maybe only a couple million miles. They were able to go from planet to planet because, even if the hyper drive was disabled, the Millennium Falcon probably had the ability to travel hundreds of thousands or even a million miles an hour without activating the hyper drive. The ride from the asteroid field to Bespin took only about two minutes in the movie, but I guess we could assume that it took a few days or more. But then again, who am I to argue with the trademark George Lucas plot hole?

In Terminator 2, I just assume that the technology that allows the T-1000 to work is beyond our comprehension for the time being.

One of the plot holes in that movie that does bother me is this: They could have made things a LOT easier by letting some more people know of the situation. When they got to the front desk of Cyberdyne, instead of taking the guards hostage and getting the place surrounded by LAPD, why didn't they have the Terminator pull off his glove, show his robot hand and explain the situation? They might have gotten him and the rest of security on their side, destroyed Cyberdyne, and gotten out before anyone knew who was behind it. Then, they could scoot back to Mexico, have Sarah call Dr. Silberman and say, "I TOLD you I wasn't crazy! Now, could you make a few phone calls and get me off the hook? Oh, and tell LAPD to watch out for any of their cops who seem to have the ability to morph their arms into swords." Then, they could hide out with Enrique for awhile while they devised a plan to take out the T-1000. Instead, they had to charge in guns blazing and not set up an exit plan of what they were going to do when it was all over.

01-21-14, 23:47
"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is . . . 42."

That was plain stupid. I hated that movie for that.

01-22-14, 00:34
PREDATOR- Not only could you not carry a Minigun with power source and ammo, but you also cannot shoot a Minigun unless it is mounted. In addition it needs a power supply to drive the gun 24-28V DC and has a cyclic rate of around 3000 RPM. If you were to continuously hold the trigger the standard ammo hopper in a helicopter would be empty in about 1 minute. The pack that Jesse Ventura had couldn't even hold that much ammo.

01-22-14, 00:38
Prometheus. Everything came from "engineer" DNA. Ok, so explain rabbits.

So many more I don't know where to begin. Usually I just avoid stupid movies but I'm such a fan of this franchise.

01-22-14, 00:44
Prometheus. Everything came from "engineer" DNA. Ok, so explain rabbits.

So many more I don't know where to begin. Usually I just avoid stupid movies but I'm such a fan of this franchise.

Is it just me or did there seem to be a size difference between the "Engineer" in Alien and the "Engineers" in Prometheus? Seemed like the scale was off.

ETA: There are rumblings of a follow-up to Prometheus on the drawing boards. A sequel for the prequel...

01-22-14, 00:47
Is it just me or did there seem to be a size difference between the "Engineer" in Alien and the "Engineers" in Prometheus? Seemed like the scale was off.

Don't even get me started on the many and huge plot differences between Prometheus and Alien / Aliens.

01-22-14, 01:09
Another one that left me scratching my head - I Am Legend, Pier scene...

Smith's character uses a SUV to ambush a group of infected. A few of the infected were able to flip a 5k+ pound SUV over by ramming headlong into it.

01-22-14, 01:11
Not a movie but Battlestar Galatica really pisses me off. There were quite a few gaps but the worst for me was Starbucks disappearance/death and then return and then disappearance.

Also the Terminator holes like ending the threat in 2 then like someone else said it's inevitable in 3. And the T-1000 was way more bad ass than the T3 villain.

01-22-14, 03:05
The grenades in Die Hard 2 are pretty wtf.

01-22-14, 03:14
The grenades in Die Hard 2 are pretty wtf.

The WTF moment of Die Hard Dos was this gem:


01-22-14, 03:50
The Terminator franchise: (one of my personal favorites)

Paradox #1: The industrial factory that Sarah Conner kills the T-800 in is not just some random plant her and Kyle Reese arrived at. One of the deleted scenes takes place the morning after the final battle, LE and plant employees are combing the building where two Cyberdyne officials find the T-800's CPU. They find the CPU which sets the ball rolling for Skynet. So how can Cyberdyne reverse engineer a technology that had never existed in the first place? Meaning had the T-800 not gone back in time it's CPU would have never been found by Cyberdyne which in turn would have never invented the technology to begin with.


Paradox #2: Through out the franchise we learn that Kyle Reece, the Tech-Com Sergeant (DN38416) that Jon Connor sent back in time to protect his mother from Skynet's T-800 is in fact his biological father. So how in the hell did a man from the future knock up a woman from the past that brought about John Conner if that reality never transpired to begin with?

01-22-14, 10:43
Anything involving Michael Bay.


I'll watch Black Sails when it debuts, but I'm not immediately confident that I'll be able to stomach it, since that Bay has a hand in its development.

01-22-14, 11:33
PREDATOR- Not only could you not carry a Minigun with power source and ammo, but you also cannot shoot a Minigun unless it is mounted. In addition it needs a power supply to drive the gun 24-28V DC and has a cyclic rate of around 3000 RPM. If you were to continuously hold the trigger the standard ammo hopper in a helicopter would be empty in about 1 minute. The pack that Jesse Ventura had couldn't even hold that much ammo.

If you turn the volume down so you don't have to suffer through this douchbags fake accent, this guy fires a minigun from the hip. Starts about 2:06.


01-22-14, 13:41
Not a movie but Battlestar Galatica really pisses me off. There were quite a few gaps but the worst for me was Starbucks disappearance/death and then return and then disappearance.

Because Starbuck is a supernatural being, possibly an angel. A big hint is the Piano Man she was talking to... that's supposed to be either God or a representative of him.

01-22-14, 13:59
I'll contact my guy at Dillon about this. When I went to the Minigun course we were told that you cannot fire the weapon in this mode due to the torque created. Of course they may have meant fired in such a way that it is actually feasible.

If you turn the volume down so you don't have to suffer through this douchbags fake accent, this guy fires a minigun from the hip. Starts about 2:06.


01-22-14, 14:33
4. The entire Star Wars series

Okay, so we are to believe that once the Emperor and Darth Vader were defeated that all those legions of storm troopers immediately shifted their loyalty to the Alliance? WTF?

My apologies to everyone for the geek fest about to happen.

The Expanded Universe (Books) actually revolves around this for the most part.
the empire did not collapse over night. In fact it didn't really collapse at all. The emperor was using the force to help augment his rule. Creating a web essentially that just slightly tweaked the abilities of his commanders. Essentially they had a better feel for where other ships were, etc because of this. Once he was dead they lost this advantage. In addition the sudden loss of that edge threw them into confusion which gave the rebels the chance to push hard against the empire. They took control of most of the galaxy although the empire eventually stabilized on a much smaller scale. Ironically enough the alliance formed by the rebels eventually fell apart and the imperial remnants in a more more benevolent form came to power again.

While the star wars movies had a very happy feel to them in the end, the books ended up with a much darker twist. With characters you love from the movies dying and their children being the cause of atrocities on a galactic scale.

andy t
01-23-14, 21:56
And for more Star Wars follow up, I highly recommend the Fate of the Jedi series. Great stuff.

01-23-14, 22:01
I'll contact my guy at Dillon about this. When I went to the Minigun course we were told that you cannot fire the weapon in this mode due to the torque created. Of course they may have meant fired in such a way that it is actually feasible.

It looks like it's platform mounted. Look at the area directly below. Probably bolted down.

ETA: The torque that thing produces would break his wrists and recoil would probably shove it into his chest. No way to hold on to that thing without bolting it down.

01-23-14, 22:07
I have been sceptical about this, can someone elaborate on this? Can a minigun be configured to to fire off the mount? Man portable?

01-23-14, 22:30
I have been sceptical about this, can someone elaborate on this? Can a minigun be configured to to fire off the mount? Man portable?

It would appear yes, at least to some degree, and in this case with blanks fot safety as cited in the comments, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOfQUbF0ZYw

Also remember a scene from the extras of Resident Evil Apocalypse (What a series with plot holes, errors, and WTF moments? There you go!) where they were showing a set up for the abomination and it working the mini gun it had. basically for one scene they strapped it on him and he was able to fire it, though the recoil and torque pushed him back almost onto his ass.

Suppose I would say, yes possible to have a man portable mini gun, but not practical. After all, with the cyclic rate you'd burn ammo like a mother, and if you drop the ROF down to conserve ammo you are better served with a more conventional weapon that weighs a lot less.

01-23-14, 23:39
I've been having trouble letting it go that they were carrying Beretta M9's in Lone Survivor.

01-24-14, 03:31
My apologies to everyone for the geek fest about to happen.

The Expanded Universe (Books) actually revolves around this for the most part.
the empire did not collapse over night. In fact it didn't really collapse at all. The emperor was using the force to help augment his rule. Creating a web essentially that just slightly tweaked the abilities of his commanders. Essentially they had a better feel for where other ships were, etc because of this. Once he was dead they lost this advantage. In addition the sudden loss of that edge threw them into confusion which gave the rebels the chance to push hard against the empire. They took control of most of the galaxy although the empire eventually stabilized on a much smaller scale. Ironically enough the alliance formed by the rebels eventually fell apart and the imperial remnants in a more more benevolent form came to power again.

While the star wars movies had a very happy feel to them in the end, the books ended up with a much darker twist. With characters you love from the movies dying and their children being the cause of atrocities on a galactic scale.

A Star Wars geek after my own heart. :)


01-24-14, 07:50
Hurt Locker was WTF from opening to ending credits.

01-24-14, 07:59
The Matrix (lobby scene):
The obviously pistol-caliber pair of Czech Skorpions being fired by Neo but in the next scene, 5.56 casings are shown hitting the floor.

Also, most movies that have a 7.62 minigun firing that make it sound like a standard M60 when firing.

01-24-14, 08:22
This is stolen from the TV show "The Big Bang Theory"

For Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark:

"Indiana Jones plays no role in the outcome of the story. If he weren't in the film, it would turn out exactly the same...If he weren't in the movie, the Nazis would have still found the Ark, taken it to the island, opened it up, and all died, just like they did."

01-24-14, 08:26
5. Terminator 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_2:_Judgment_Day

Okay, so Schwarzenegger Terminator explains that the new terminator can't form complex weapons with his liquid metal. He has to form knives, clubs, etc., because he can't form complex mechanisms. So........a cyborg is a complex mechanism. How in the heck does he form all the servomotors, joints, circuits, optics, and other complex mechanisms that make him one badass mechanical man if he's made of liquid metal that can't form complex mechanisms? (I'm typing in circles). WTF?

If I think of others, I'll post them.

First, the T800 series is a cyborg surrounded by living tissus. That was a hand wave from the first movie. Second, the T1000 goes straight through and is liquid metal all the way through. There are no complex machines within the body, it is just a giant blob of nanomachines that formed various different hard and soft shapes. Here is some fluff from a Terminator fanboy site that I used a while ago for some other project that I had been doing.

ADVANCED PROTOTYPE TERMINATOR INFILTRATOR Series 1 Model 1A Type 1000- This Advanced Prototype was the last and most advanced design of SKYNET's Infiltrator / Terminator series of HK units. The amount of materials and resources that SKYNET devoted to making the T1000 project a reality was simply staggering, even to the machine intellect. The time and materials that it required to produce one T1000 HK unit was the same time and materials that it took to produce five T500 HK units! However, the tactical ramifications of the very abilities and the existence of the T1000 meant that SKYNET was not only about to achieve a tactical advantage against the Resistance, but within a short time, it would achieve a strategic advantage as well.

Using a production run of two thousand T1000 HK units, SKYNET projected a turn around in the human advances within one month, a total reversal of present situation in 3 months, and the absolute domination of SKYNET over the planet within 6 months. These two thousand units would utterly exhaust SKYNET's facilities, leaving it unable to create more units until more resources could be acquired, but with the capabilities of the T1000, resources that were otherwise in areas that were tactically and strategically unobtainable would soon be accessible to even SKYNET's lightest units.

The T1000 used a whole new level of technology; nano-technology. The T1000 was not just a machine, it was a combination of millions and millions of microscopic machines network linked together in a cohesion subroutine. Each machine was constructed of mimetic poly-alloy, a pseudo-living creature composed not of living cells, but rather billions of tiny machines. The T1000 could change shape simply by ordering parts of itself to move into a new position. The T1000 could imitate perfectly anything that it sampled by physical contact, including perfect copies of humans, though complex machines were beyond the limit of the copying process. It could quickly reproduce simple machines; prybars, wedges, blades, but it could not reproduce complex machines such as firearms and other projectile or energy weapons as these had complex moving parts and required other chemicals and/or special fuels. Powered by an advanced molecular power source superior to that of even the T800, the T1000 could physically match the machine strength of any lesser machine.

A molecular matrix brain allowed the T1000 to carry the same data, programs, and detailed files that the T800 series could, as well as actually be able to learn. The T1000 also differed from the T800 in that it had only one mode; autonomous. When SKYNET created the T1000, it was desperate for victory, but it also realized that it was, quite possibly, creating the one weapon that might turn against its own creator. A weapon that SKYNET didn't know if it could defend itself against. The nature and disposition of the T1000 was hard to calculate and SKYNET took great pains into programming the unit with a myriad of fail-safes to keep it from turning on the creator. Still, SKYNET was unsure about the wisdom of creating such a powerful unit with total autonomy and free will.


Base site:


01-24-14, 08:38
Not a movie but Battlestar Galatica really pisses me off. There were quite a few gaps but the worst for me was Starbucks disappearance/death and then return and then disappearance.

BSG turned from very good sci-fi to weird magic religious stuff towards the later half, unfortunately. But if you only watch up until the end of Season 3, it's awesome.

I'm pretty sure I've ranted about this movie twice on M4C already, but Olympus has fallen should make anyone who visits this site cry in frustration.

01-24-14, 08:47
The Terminator franchise: (one of my personal favorites)

Paradox #1: The industrial factory that Sarah Conner kills the T-800 in is not just some random plant her and Kyle Reese arrived at. One of the deleted scenes takes place the morning after the final battle, LE and plant employees are combing the building where two Cyberdyne officials find the T-800's CPU. They find the CPU which sets the ball rolling for Skynet. So how can Cyberdyne reverse engineer a technology that had never existed in the first place? Meaning had the T-800 not gone back in time it's CPU would have never been found by Cyberdyne which in turn would have never invented the technology to begin with.

Paradox #2: Through out the franchise we learn that Kyle Reece, the Tech-Com Sergeant (DN38416) that Jon Connor sent back in time to protect his mother from Skynet's T-800 is in fact his biological father. So how in the hell did a man from the future knock up a woman from the past that brought about John Conner if that reality never transpired to begin with?

For paradox #1, the terminator could have taken control of a national computer corporation and advanced the technology rate and created cyberdyne. If you watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles, you see several infiltrators take the place of living humans and at the head of corporations and things like that. They could "invent" things that are within their programming that will revolutionize the microchip tech area and pave the way for Cyberdyne like corporations.

For #2, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

01-24-14, 09:02
My apologies to everyone for the geek fest about to happen.

The Expanded Universe (Books) actually revolves around this for the most part.
the empire did not collapse over night. In fact it didn't really collapse at all. The emperor was using the force to help augment his rule. Creating a web essentially that just slightly tweaked the abilities of his commanders. Essentially they had a better feel for where other ships were, etc because of this. Once he was dead they lost this advantage. In addition the sudden loss of that edge threw them into confusion which gave the rebels the chance to push hard against the empire. They took control of most of the galaxy although the empire eventually stabilized on a much smaller scale. Ironically enough the alliance formed by the rebels eventually fell apart and the imperial remnants in a more more benevolent form came to power again.

While the star wars movies had a very happy feel to them in the end, the books ended up with a much darker twist. With characters you love from the movies dying and their children being the cause of atrocities on a galactic scale.

I think the Empire essentially collapsed because of two factors: no established succession of power after the Emperor and Vader, and that the best and brightest Imperial Commanders, for the most part, died at Endor or on one of the two Death Stars.

The lack of a succession of power and leadership was probably by design so no one could be anywhere near powerful enough to challenge the Emperor and, if successful, take control of the Empire.

The second part is obvious. The best of the best Stormtroopers were on Endor but lost to the little furry insurgents there. (Wtf?) The best Navy commanders were part of Vader's fleet that previously attacked Hoth, which lost the space battle somehow due to a random A-Wing placing a jihad on the Executor's bridge and thus causing a massive C&C vacuum that, combined with the loss of the DS2 soon after, sent the fleet into chaos.

There's also an argument for financial collapse after the massive investments and losses of two moon-sized battle stations. With no one keeping order via martial law, everyone revolted.

01-24-14, 09:05
BSG turned from very good sci-fi to weird magic religious stuff towards the later half, unfortunately. But if you only watch up until the end of Season 3, it's awesome.

I'm pretty sure I've ranted about this movie twice on M4C already, but Olympus has fallen should make anyone who visits this site cry in frustration.

Is this the one that made it look like the front lawn of the WH was about 20 feet from the the iron fence to the front steps while a c130 gunship circled overhead for about an hour shooting everything, or the white house movie that had the president being chased in circles on the front lawn by a SUV with a mini gun mounted on it while he shoots a "rocket launcher" at it hanging out of the window?

I get those two mixed up.

01-24-14, 09:07
Is this the one that made it look like the front lawn of the WH was about 20 feet from the the iron fence to the front steps while a c130 gunship circled overhead for about an hour shooting everything, or the white house movie that had the president being chased in circles on the front lawn by a SUV with a mini gun mounted on it while he shoots a "rocket launcher" at it hanging out of the window?

I get those two mixed up.

It's the one with the AC130 with two rows of guns instead of one and where the Secret Service decided to abandon their cover and concealment to charge at vehicle mounted machine guns with their side arms across an open field.

For paradox #1, the terminator could have taken control of a national computer corporation and advanced the technology rate and created cyberdyne. If you watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles, you see several infiltrators take the place of living humans and at the head of corporations and things like that. They could "invent" things that are within their programming that will revolutionize the microchip tech area and pave the way for Cyberdyne like corporations.

For #2, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Terminator is actually all about multiple universes. In Terminator one, a past happened in the future that was similar enough to what transpired in the movie. If the movie series ended there, then the theme of "no fate" would make perfect sense. The idea of paradoxes is played with a lot in Terminator - I read somewhere that the tech is so advanced that it might have never existed except that it was brought back from the future. But then you of course ask, who made it in that future? Eventually someone might have just invented the tech in a happy time line, sent it back in time, and caused a time loop "paradox", which isn't actually a paradox in the many worlds theory of quantum mechanics, which is what the Terminator series subscribes to.

Also, the egg came first. Wherever you draw the line at defining what a chicken was, it had to have been born from an egg. The egg was layed by something not a chicken, but maybe only one gene off - then via radiation or genetic defect, a mutation occured that caused the egg to produce something slightly different than the parent. It happens all the time in nature.

01-24-14, 11:30
I've been having trouble letting it go that they were carrying Beretta M9's in Lone Survivor.

I do remember hearing the 911 call when Marcus pursued the men who shot his dog, he informed the dispatcher he was carrying two M-9s.

01-24-14, 12:39
Band of Brothers. I loved the show. When they were loading up for the invasion the troopers were shown with so much gear they had to be pushed into the aircraft. When they bailed and hit the ground, all that gear was gone. Also, I thought the paratroopers carried the 45 in a shoulder holster. Why did Winters not have his when he lost his rifle in the jump? He was shown with the 45 in later shows.

Doc Safari
01-24-14, 12:45
I was going to link to it, but there are so many I just can't pick one. Patton with George C. Scott is probably the one that comes to mind the most.

What I'm talking about is any war movie where the equipment is not authentic to that war. Ironically, Patton the movie used US Patton tanks to portray German armor.

I know mocking up actual enemy equipment is expensive, but movies that do such as Saving Private Ryan or A Bridge Too Far just have that something extra, IMHO.

I could never call a war movie a "favorite" if they just repaint US tanks to represent enemy armor, etc.

01-24-14, 13:48
I do remember hearing the 911 call when Marcus pursued the men who shot his dog, he informed the dispatcher he was carrying two M-9s.

Yes I do believe you're right. But that doesn't translate to events of the fight in question. The book it was from even spec'd SIGs.

01-24-14, 14:34
Band of Brothers. I loved the show. When they were loading up for the invasion the troopers were shown with so much gear they had to be pushed into the aircraft. When they bailed and hit the ground, all that gear was gone. Also, I thought the paratroopers carried the 45 in a shoulder holster. Why did Winters not have his when he lost his rifle in the jump? He was shown with the 45 in later shows.

Actually that really happened. Especially with things like leg bags, they lost a lot of their gear. And not every paratrooper had a 1911.

Big A
01-24-14, 17:31
This is stolen from the TV show "The Big Bang Theory"

For Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark:

"Indiana Jones plays no role in the outcome of the story. If he weren't in the film, it would turn out exactly the same...If he weren't in the movie, the Nazis would have still found the Ark, taken it to the island, opened it up, and all died, just like they did."

There's no guarantee the Nazi's would have found the Ark...."They're digging in the wrong spot!"....

01-24-14, 17:36
Indiana Jones, Raiders Of The Lost Ark - I can watch that back to back. Then again. Grew up on that one.

01-24-14, 21:27
I was going to link to it, but there are so many I just can't pick one. Patton with George C. Scott is probably the one that comes to mind the most.

What I'm talking about is any war movie where the equipment is not authentic to that war. Ironically, Patton the movie used US Patton tanks to portray German armor.

I know mocking up actual enemy equipment is expensive, but movies that do such as Saving Private Ryan or A Bridge Too Far just have that something extra, IMHO.

I could never call a war movie a "favorite" if they just repaint US tanks to represent enemy armor, etc.

You really can't fault a 1970 film for not having the budget to import a fleet of Panzers. A Bridge Too Far was partially filmed in the UK so it's not as difficult to float a few Panzers across the channel. Saving Private Ryan had a bigger budget and mock ups were far more advanced than they were in the 1970s.

Also there was no internet in 1970 where people could point out that the Ak-74s being portrayed in Red Dawn were actually 7.62 rifles using orange bakelite magazines with improvised A frame folding stocks and muzzle brakes. Most people who weren't there had no idea what enemy armor looked like.

I've seen lots worse in WWII films of the 60s and 70s, especially when it came to Japanese equipment. And quite honestly Patton wasn't anything epic despite some of the iconic imagery from the film. As you noted it wasn't nearly as good as A Bridge Too Far and even if it had the correct enemy armor it still wouldn't be anything more than it is.

01-25-14, 09:32
There's no guarantee the Nazi's would have found the Ark...."They're digging in the wrong spot!"....

The counter argument was:
Without Indy they would have had the medallion to lead them to the spot.

01-25-14, 12:02
This is stolen from the TV show "The Big Bang Theory"

For Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark:

"Indiana Jones plays no role in the outcome of the story. If he weren't in the film, it would turn out exactly the same...If he weren't in the movie, the Nazis would have still found the Ark, taken it to the island, opened it up, and all died, just like they did."

I really do love that show. Intelligently written and funny. A refreshing break from "reality tv nonsense."

01-25-14, 20:15
For paradox #1, the terminator could have taken control of a national computer corporation and advanced the technology rate and created cyberdyne. If you watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles, you see several infiltrators take the place of living humans and at the head of corporations and things like that. They could "invent" things that are within their programming that will revolutionize the microchip tech area and pave the way for Cyberdyne like corporations.

For #2, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Koshinn said it better than I could and he is on point. I have not seen the TV series The Sarah Conner Chronicles but it is currently on my Amazon wish list for a future purchase.

Terminator is actually all about multiple universes. In Terminator one, a past happened in the future that was similar enough to what transpired in the movie. If the movie series ended there, then the theme of "no fate" would make perfect sense. The idea of paradoxes is played with a lot in Terminator - I read somewhere that the tech is so advanced that it might have never existed except that it was brought back from the future. But then you of course ask, who made it in that future? Eventually someone might have just invented the tech in a happy time line, sent it back in time, and caused a time loop "paradox", which isn't actually a paradox in the many worlds theory of quantum mechanics, which is what the Terminator series subscribes to.

Also, the egg came first. Wherever you draw the line at defining what a chicken was, it had to have been born from an egg. The egg was layed by something not a chicken, but maybe only one gene off - then via radiation or genetic defect, a mutation occured that caused the egg to produce something slightly different than the parent. It happens all the time in nature.

Big A
01-25-14, 23:40
The counter argument was:
Without Indy they would have had the medallion to lead them to the spot.

I refute this claim with a "Nah unh"...:p

01-26-14, 00:29
Saw. ****ing everything in Saw.

In fact, I found a video about it: (I didn't want to type my complaints. This video actually addresses a few that I didn't think of.)


01-26-14, 11:37
Koshinn said it better than I could and he is on point. I have not seen the TV series The Sarah Conner Chronicles but it is currently on my Amazon wish list for a future purchase.

I mean... if you want to talk about WTF moments... that whole show is one long WTF moment.
For example.... they're trying to fight machines that are bulletproof, yet they're always insisting on packing boringly normal guns, like 9mm handguns and shotguns. I mean, duh! And then one of them clears a house... with an M79 grenade launcher. I mean, ok, maybe shotgun round loaded, but still... see my previous on "the robots can't be killed with shotguns"...
Only thing that made it worth watching was Summer Glau was very believable as a robot.

01-26-14, 11:47
I mean... if you want to talk about WTF moments... that whole show is one long WTF moment.
For example.... they're trying to fight machines that are bulletproof, yet they're always insisting on packing boringly normal guns, like 9mm handguns and shotguns. I mean, duh! And then one of them clears a house... with an M79 grenade launcher. I mean, ok, maybe shotgun round loaded, but still... see my previous on "the robots can't be killed with shotguns"...
Only thing that made it worth watching was Summer Glau was very believable as a robot.

I wanted to like that show, but it was just bad. The only thing that kept me coming back was Summer Glau.

01-26-14, 12:18
IF I paid attention to such things, EVERY Star Trek film would. :sarcastic:

01-26-14, 14:03
I was watching Major Crimes on TNT the over day, the character Sanchez has an AR-15 with the camera through scope view showing a mil-dot reticle. During an action scene where he 'can't take the shot', camera pans out to show an EOTech style optic on the rifle. Ruined the whole scene for me :p

01-26-14, 14:38
Prometheus. Everything came from "engineer" DNA. Ok, so explain rabbits.

So many more I don't know where to begin. Usually I just avoid stupid movies but I'm such a fan of this franchise.

I'm with you on this one. Alien and Aliens are two of my favorite movies ever made. (Bet you never saw that coming did you?). I really wanted Prometheus to be good, but it was a big steaming pile. I wasn't just disappointed with it, I was actually pissed off.

01-26-14, 15:30
I'm with you on this one. Alien and Aliens are two of my favorite movies ever made. (Bet you never saw that coming did you?). I really wanted Prometheus to be good, but it was a big steaming pile. I wasn't just disappointed with it, I was actually pissed off.

Saddest part of all is a correctly done prequel could have opened up an entire new universe (if you'll forgive the pun). Could have actually been greater than Alien or Aliens if they were willing to just put as much effort into the writing and story as they did the effects.

This is what made Alien and Aliens so powerful, and the lack of story development and intelligent writing made Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection so weak. Sometimes I think CGI should be taken away from movie makers. Rarely is it effectively used and far too often becomes a substitute for an intelligent story.

They were obviously running out of material for the Ripley character storyline (as was made painfully obvious with the last two films) so it made sense to start an alternate storyline. And with Prometheus there was so much potential and opportunity to make a truly groundbreaking film. Sadly it was all wasted and they did was another rehash of Chariots of the Gods as if we haven't seen all three generations of Battlestar Galactica and decided to CGI up some stupid octopus monster.

They had everything they needed to make the best sci fi movie of the decade. The sadly ironic part is it still might prove to be the best sci fi movie of the decade. I think the last significant sci fi film was probably The Matrix and before that you'd have to go back to the original Jurassic Park (ironic in that it both set the stage for heavy CGI use).

There was more intelligent writing in each episode of the original Twilight Zone series than most sci fi of the last two decades. Even low budget series like Night Gallery and Outer Limits often had more developed and intelligent story lines.

Films like Aliens, Blade Runner, Carpenter's remake of "The Thing" and Star Wars (1977) which came along and changed everything might just be extinct.

01-26-14, 15:34
Funny you should ask - a major bone of discontent, and my wife is getting tired of hearing me yell at the screen when yet one more movie butchers it....
Pretty much any western- pointing shit at each other like it's a garden hose at a wet t shirt contest.....Painful to watch at times

Then - most any Hollywood production - up to and included whatever is made now.
Point in case - Tome Cruuuuuuuze in Oblivion - in that hi tech world they REALLY couldn't come up with something better than a "uprated" (hmmmm.....) AR looking rig, complete w what looked like a standard lower receiver and AAC comp, and worst of all a blatantly grey spray-painted Magpul gen3 sling...REALLY???????? You F#@CKTARDS!!!!!!!!!!
I am sorry, but that just grates me to no limit.

Spend millions of dollars on a production but then can't come up with a better sling/rifle than that????

Feeling better now, thank you....

01-26-14, 21:43
Saddest part of all is a correctly done prequel could have opened up an entire new universe (if you'll forgive the pun). Could have actually been greater than Alien or Aliens if they were willing to just put as much effort into the writing and story as they did the effects.

This is what made Alien and Aliens so powerful, and the lack of story development and intelligent writing made Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection so weak. Sometimes I think CGI should be taken away from movie makers. Rarely is it effectively used and far too often becomes a substitute for an intelligent story.

They were obviously running out of material for the Ripley character storyline (as was made painfully obvious with the last two films) so it made sense to start an alternate storyline. And with Prometheus there was so much potential and opportunity to make a truly groundbreaking film. Sadly it was all wasted and they did was another rehash of Chariots of the Gods as if we haven't seen all three generations of Battlestar Galactica and decided to CGI up some stupid octopus monster.

They had everything they needed to make the best sci fi movie of the decade. The sadly ironic part is it still might prove to be the best sci fi movie of the decade. I think the last significant sci fi film was probably The Matrix and before that you'd have to go back to the original Jurassic Park (ironic in that it both set the stage for heavy CGI use).

There was more intelligent writing in each episode of the original Twilight Zone series than most sci fi of the last two decades. Even low budget series like Night Gallery and Outer Limits often had more developed and intelligent story lines.

Films like Aliens, Blade Runner, Carpenter's remake of "The Thing" and Star Wars (1977) which came along and changed everything might just be extinct.

Sadly, I can't disagree with anything you said.

If you think Jurassic Park is good you should read the book. It's much better than the movie, and I say that as a fan of the movie. I thought all of Chrichton's sci-fi books were very good. It's a shame they mutilated Sphere and Congo so badly.

With regard to Alien 3, be sure to check out the assembly cut if you haven't already seen it. It's an alternate cut put together with edited footage. The special effects aren't even finished in all the footage, but it makes the movie much better. Not great, but a lot better than the theatrical cut.

01-26-14, 22:34
if you want your fill of plot holes animated hilariously


01-26-14, 23:14
Sadly, I can't disagree with anything you said.

If you think Jurassic Park is good you should read the book. It's much better than the movie, and I say that as a fan of the movie. I thought all of Chrichton's sci-fi books were very good. It's a shame they mutilated Sphere and Congo so badly.

With regard to Alien 3, be sure to check out the assembly cut if you haven't already seen it. It's an alternate cut put together with edited footage. The special effects aren't even finished in all the footage, but it makes the movie much better. Not great, but a lot better than the theatrical cut.

I don't have much time to read fiction, even really good science fiction. If the film is good, it's almost a certainty the book is even better and far more comprehensive. That's just the nature of one medium compared to the other.

You could never make Blackhawk Down or We Were Soldiers and have the film be as good as the book without those films being 18 hours in duration. That is what made Band of Brothers so significant, they had the hours to produce something nearly as good as the book.

I'm sure any re edit would be an improvement on Alien 3, but honestly I was so let down by the film I'm done with it. I own it on DVD, even the extended Director whatever version and I still haven't watched it or Resurrection. I've watched Alien and Aliens from the same box set many times.

01-26-14, 23:16
So anytime you take a historical event and put together a book (then a miniseries) about it based on a bunch of people's recollection of the event there are bound to be some inaccuracies. Well here's a plot hole that I didn't know existed until 15 minutes ago. In fact it's not even just a plot hole. It is a gaping chasm of inaccuracy around which an entire storyline was written and told.

I probably watch Band of Brothers two or three times a year. It remains, I think, the most well-made miniseries on any subject that I've ever seen. (Shogun was pretty amazing but I was in fourth grade when that came out so I could be mis-remembering).

Anyway, the episode that always drives me nuts is Carrentan. For some reason the focus on Albert Blithe for that entire episode just drives me nuts. Well finally I Googled "Why did they feature Private Blithe so prominently in Band of Brothers" for shits and giggles. One of the top hits was a Wikipedia site about "Master Sergeant Albert Blithe" and that he died in 1967. What? The book and miniseries clearly state he never recovered from his neck wound and died in Philidelphia in 1948. Turns out that was totally wrong. He did leave the European theater after the injury (to his shoulder, not his neck, BTW) and never returned so it is easy to see how his fellow soldiers might have assumed the worst.

So it turns out that the episode I like least (can't really say I dislike it as it is still an amazing episode) is dramatically built around a death that never occured. Go figure. Now the Blithe story line annoys me even more.

p.s. No disrespect is in any way directed at Master Sergeant Albert Blithe. It's just that the storytelling angle in that episode that has always annoyed me. I think it's because it focuses on a sole combatant rather than Easy as a whole and therefore had a very different "voice" than the previous and following episodes.

01-27-14, 00:34
I'm with you on this one. Alien and Aliens are two of my favorite movies ever made. (Bet you never saw that coming did you?). I really wanted Prometheus to be good, but it was a big steaming pile. I wasn't just disappointed with it, I was actually pissed off.

I can recite almost every line of aliens verbatim. Love that movie.

Funny you should ask - a major bone of discontent, and my wife is getting tired of hearing me yell at the screen when yet one more movie butchers it....
Pretty much any western- pointing shit at each other like it's a garden hose at a wet t shirt contest.....Painful to watch at times

Then - most any Hollywood production - up to and included whatever is made now.
Point in case - Tome Cruuuuuuuze in Oblivion - in that hi tech world they REALLY couldn't come up with something better than a "uprated" (hmmmm.....) AR looking rig, complete w what looked like a standard lower receiver and AAC comp, and worst of all a blatantly grey spray-painted Magpul gen3 sling...REALLY???????? You F#@CKTARDS!!!!!!!!!!
I am sorry, but that just grates me to no limit.

Spend millions of dollars on a production but then can't come up with a better sling/rifle than that????

Feeling better now, thank you....


It wasn't an AR. It was an ACR.

01-27-14, 00:57
So anytime you take a historical event and put together a book (then a miniseries) about it based on a bunch of people's recollection of the event there are bound to be some inaccuracies. Well here's a plot hole that I didn't know existed until 15 minutes ago. In fact it's not even just a plot hole. It is a gaping chasm of inaccuracy around which an entire storyline was written and told.

I probably watch Band of Brothers two or three times a year. It remains, I think, the most well-made miniseries on any subject that I've ever seen. (Shogun was pretty amazing but I was in fourth grade when that came out so I could be mis-remembering).

Anyway, the episode that always drives me nuts is Carrentan. For some reason the focus on Albert Blithe for that entire episode just drives me nuts. Well finally I Googled "Why did they feature Private Blithe so prominently in Band of Brothers" for shits and giggles. One of the top hits was a Wikipedia site about "Master Sergeant Albert Blithe" and that he died in 1967. What? The book and miniseries clearly state he never recovered from his neck wound and died in Philidelphia in 1948. Turns out that was totally wrong. He did leave the European theater after the injury (to his shoulder, not his neck, BTW) and never returned so it is easy to see how his fellow soldiers might have assumed the worst.

So it turns out that the episode I like least (can't really say I dislike it as it is still an amazing episode) is dramatically built around a death that never occured. Go figure. Now the Blithe story line annoys me even more.

p.s. No disrespect is in any way directed at Master Sergeant Albert Blithe. It's just that the storytelling angle in that episode that has always annoyed me. I think it's because it focuses on a sole combatant rather than Easy as a whole and therefore had a very different "voice" than the previous and following episodes.

That is the single part of BoB that bothers me the most. It's an inexcusable error that does a great disservice to the individual. In addition the portrayal of Blithe has to come into question as a result. His episode of "hysterical blindness" and some other incidents that suggest forms of cowardice are similarly unacceptable unless they were well documented and as they missed the easy stuff one has to wonder about the accuracy of the rest of the Blithe story as told in BoB.

He had a wife and son so you better be damn sure of your facts before you make somebody look like they didn't pull their weight or somehow didn't measure up to everyone else.

01-27-14, 02:15
Films like Aliens, Blade Runner, Carpenter's remake of "The Thing" and Star Wars (1977) which came along and changed everything might just be extinct.

Have you seen the prequel to The Thing (of the same name) that came out in 2011? The wife and I went to the theater to see it due to our fondness of Carpenter's version and own it on Blu Ray. I have to say it is the best prequel I have ever seen, the film literally ends with the two Norwegians in the helicopter shooting at the "husky" with their HK43, this of course is where Carpenter's film begins.


01-27-14, 02:28
Have you seen the prequel to The Thing (of the same name) that came out in 2011? The wife and I went to the theater to see it due to our fondness of Carpenter's version and own it on Blu Ray. I have to say it is the best prequel I have ever seen, the film literally ends with the two Norwegians in the helicopter shooting at the "husky" with their HK43, this of course is where Carpenter's film begins.


I really agree. That was masterfully done I believe.

01-27-14, 08:06

It wasn't an AR. It was an ACR.[/QUOTE]

Nice paint job though, matched the shwanky outfit, scooter, VTOL plane and the interior design nicely.
Just wished they'd had some drapes, would soften up the place a bit

01-27-14, 10:48
Have you seen the prequel to The Thing (of the same name) that came out in 2011? The wife and I went to the theater to see it due to our fondness of Carpenter's version and own it on Blu Ray. I have to say it is the best prequel I have ever seen, the film literally ends with the two Norwegians in the helicopter shooting at the "husky" with their HK43, this of course is where Carpenter's film begins.


I have it. And thought it was also well done. I don't think it quite surpassed the 1982 version but still an excellent film.

Alex V
01-27-14, 11:29
How about any movie where Soviet soldiers/sailors are shown with the way wrong uniforms and epaulets etc. Really drives me crazy. U have no idea how many times a general is shown with private level epaulets and vice versa, or when a KGB agent is wearing an army uniform and so on. I mean how hard is it to get someone who knows what it's supposed to looks like. Shit, just go on Wikipedia!

In Hunt for the Red October Sean Connery was wearing a college graduation pin for shit's sake. What Navy commander wears a college graduation pin?

01-28-14, 09:44
Aliens would've been better if they'd left some of the deleted scenes in. Especially the one where Ripley explains how her daughter died while she (Ripley) was in cryostasis, because it would better explain why she felt so protective over that one girl. When I watch Aliens, I usually watch the deleted scenes first.

01-28-14, 09:49


Prometheus. Same series I posted earlier.

01-28-14, 09:53
Aliens would've been better if they'd left some of the deleted scenes in. Especially the one where Ripley explains how her daughter died while she (Ripley) was in cryostasis, because it would better explain why she felt so protective over that one girl. When I watch Aliens, I usually watch the deleted scenes first.

And Hudson talking about his squad of ultimate badasses with sharp sticks. And the sentry guns. Everything in the deleted scenes was awesome.

Speaking of Ripley's daughter, I heard they're making a video game about her. But I have no idea how she'll be able to do anything regarding xenomorphs...

01-28-14, 11:26
And Hudson talking about his squad of ultimate badasses with sharp sticks. And the sentry guns. Everything in the deleted scenes was awesome.

Yep, that is why I bought the boxed set with the extended directors cut and all those scenes intact. Interestingly enough when they first showed Aliens on cable TV in the late 80s, they actually showed the directors cut. First time I had seen the sentry guns and all the extra footage.

01-28-14, 11:59
And Hudson talking about his squad of ultimate badasses with sharp sticks. And the sentry guns. Everything in the deleted scenes was awesome.

Speaking of Ripley's daughter, I heard they're making a video game about her. But I have no idea how she'll be able to do anything regarding xenomorphs...


02-05-14, 22:03
Rewatching the Stargate series, SG1 and Atlantis.

Completely and utterly horrid representation of the military in the first five seasons or so, especially equipment wise. Went from MP5s to P90s to MP7s by the end of SG1.

Uniforms were atrocious, but eventually got better. And how in the hell could the world keep that thing a secret for 12 years? With all the stuff going on, spaceships the size of cities blowing up in orbit, technology going into the private sector...and not even mentioning the red shirts that kept on getting wasted practically every episode that someone would have missed.

But I still liked the series, Atlantis more than SG1.

02-06-14, 10:28
I refute this claim with a "Nah unh"...:p
Here ya go:
followed by

02-06-14, 12:40
Whenever my wife and I see some bit of b.s. in a movie/t.v. episode - we simultaneously shout: "It's a movie!

Whadda expect?

Plot goofiness/errors, poor quality military uniforms, Americans performing Benny Hill-like saluting, gun errors of all kinds, and on and on frustration can be immediately neutralized by shouting "It's a movie"

Don't go looking for continuity/quality or whatever would please you in a movie and simply hope to be entertained.

Psssst, it ain't real life...

02-06-14, 13:46
Psssst, it ain't real life...

:eek: wait....what?

02-06-14, 14:13
Whenever my wife and I see some bit of b.s. in a movie/t.v. episode - we simultaneously shout: "It's a movie!

You must be real popular at movie theaters!

02-06-14, 14:41

Thanks for the laugh!

Nah, we don't go to the movies - haven't for decades.

Last time I went two guys were sitting just in front of me in a packed theatre kept an on-going/loud conversation as if they were in their own living room.

Initially, I quietly and politely asked them to please keep it down. They ignored me. After listening to them continue blabbing and their making it obvious they were going to talk throughout the movie, I tried one more polite request. Same result.

Finally, I stood up and shouted at them both to STFU!

To my utter surprise they both immediately got up and left.

After I calmed down (and this was pre-CHL, so I wasn't packing) I realized things could've gotten really ugly so I quit going to movies. This wasn't a singular event though. Prior to this event, people would regularly put their knees on the back the seat I was in and constantly shift the seat back. Plus, others would talk and talk, so I gave up. I started going to Block Buster for movies and finally subscribed to Netflix. No going to the movies for me.

I can imagine what it's like now with the total lack of common courtesy with cell phone use plus a worsening of common courtesy in general.

My very large screen HD t.v. with a great sound system is the only way to go for me.