View Full Version : Civitas Media Considering Compliling National List of Permit to Carry Holders

01-24-14, 12:23

This does not make me a happy camper, whether they're doing it or not isn't the problem. It's that someone would be stupid enough to even consider doing it.

01-24-14, 14:18
Someone might also build a national database of newspaper editors, their family members, street addresses, criminal convictions, pets (or at least dogs, per local dog license laws), lawsuits involved in as a party (plaintiff, defendant, or witness), professional licenses, motor vehicle licenses, political campaign contributions, all real property owned by them, etc. That should all be publicly available information, whether by FOIA or ordinary things like the phone book.

I mean c'mon, inquiring minds want to know! No one could POSSIBLY have any objection to a big public database of all that information, and anyone who does is obviously too paranoid and unstable to be trusted to edit a newspaper!

Doc Safari
01-24-14, 14:38
I'm wondering at what point do the pitchfork and torch wielding masses decide enough is enough.

01-24-14, 14:44
This is AWESOME....now the criminals will know who NOT to screw with

01-24-14, 14:53
Here is a list of the CEO and heads of Civitas, someone should look up there addresses and phone numbers and the like, Im not sure how to go about it maybe someone on this forum can.

PRESIDENT & CEO: Michael Bush
Email: MBush@civitasmedia.com
COO: Scott Champion
Email: SChampion@civitasmedia.com
CFO: Jeff Sherman
Email: JSherman@civitasmedia.com
CRO: Joseph Craig
Email: JCraig@civitasmedia.com
CTO: Matt Swanson
Email: MSwanson@civitasmedia.com

01-24-14, 15:38
Here is a list of the CEO and heads of Civitas, someone should look up there addresses and phone numbers and the like, Im not sure how to go about it maybe someone on this forum can.

PRESIDENT & CEO: Michael Bush
Email: MBush@civitasmedia.com
COO: Scott Champion
Email: SChampion@civitasmedia.com
CFO: Jeff Sherman
Email: JSherman@civitasmedia.com
CRO: Joseph Craig
Email: JCraig@civitasmedia.com
CTO: Matt Swanson
Email: MSwanson@civitasmedia.com

Hhhmmmm the internet, you may have to spend sometime but you can find just about anyone with the internet. It is actually really kinda of scary.

01-24-14, 17:22
Some states have laws that make such information non-public and illegal to publish. This is the case in NC.

01-24-14, 18:58
Hhhmmmm the internet, you may have to spend sometime but you can find just about anyone with the internet. It is actually really kinda of scary.

Nothing scary its on the Company website

01-24-14, 19:04
Some states have laws that make such information non-public and illegal to publish. This is the case in NC.

are you talking about being illegal to publish information about people with conceal carry permits? or the Chuckle-heads at Civitas ?

01-24-14, 19:06
Nothing scary its on the Company website

Are there home addresses on their website? There is one big information website, and even without it just using google or bing can provide a lot of information on most people. So yeah, to me it is scary that about 30 minutes online can yield possible home addresses or other pertinent information for people who may have no business knowing it.

01-24-14, 19:12
Texas passed laws years ago to prevent exactly this kind of silliness.

I'd be happy to throw this project of theirs right back in their face. A fair number of abused former spouses obtain carry permits. I'd prefer that the batterer not know that.

01-24-14, 19:27
A fair number of abused former spouses obtain carry permits. I'd prefer that the batterer not know that.

And retired Judges . . . and retired DA's.

01-24-14, 19:27
are you talking about being illegal to publish information about people with conceal carry permits? or the Chuckle-heads at Civitas ?

Illegal to publish information about concealed weapon permit holders.

01-24-14, 19:43
Are there home addresses on their website? There is one big information website, and even without it just using google or bing can provide a lot of information on most people. So yeah, to me it is scary that about 30 minutes online can yield possible home addresses or other pertinent information for people who may have no business knowing it.

no just the company info no home addresses, But I see what you're saying Spokeo is like that and you have to tell them you dont want your info published

01-24-14, 19:59
And retired Judges . . . and retired DA's.

Sweet baby Jebus, if I was a retired judge I'd pack a SAW and hire a couple of PFC's to hump ammo and spare barrels.

01-24-14, 22:32
I'm wondering at what point do the pitchfork and torch wielding masses decide enough is enough.

Don't hold your breath, bread and circuses can be very distracting to the sheeple.

01-24-14, 23:00
Sweet baby Jebus, if I was a retired judge I'd pack a SAW and hire a couple of PFC's to hump ammo and spare barrels.

Call it an clerkship and then you don't even have to pay your ammo mules. They're in it for the learning experience... Just write an opinion or two a quarter. :)

Big A
01-25-14, 00:13
Sweet baby Jebus, if I was a retired judge I'd pack a SAW and hire a couple of PFC's to hump ammo and spare barrels.

Most of the judges I know don't carry and the majority of them are anti CCW...

I know a federal judge who had someone take shots at him at his home and he still doesn't CC....

01-25-14, 00:48
FL and TX are gonna be a LONG list. Might as well just publish the phone books.

01-25-14, 07:03
From the article:

The newest project "examines the explosion of ‘conceal and carry’ gun permits across the U.S.,” wrote Jim Lawitz, Civitas’ director of content, in an e-mail first obtained by the Buckeye Firearms Association. “Through public records act requests, we will attempt to build state-by-state databases that list those who have the right to carry a concealed weapon.”

Bold black test:
Statistical data is easy and already readily available, at least in Texas. I'll make it easy for them, they can find that info here on TX DPS site, under Reports & Statistics on the left menu: http://www.dps.texas.gov/rsd/chl/index.htm

Bold red text:
That would be all legally qualified individuals under current state CCW laws have the 'right to carry'. It'll be easier to list the disqualified people. If, of course, the bleeding hearts had the stomach for that.

Some states have laws that make such information non-public and illegal to publish. This is the case in NC.

Yep, Texas passed theirs in 2007. DPS has that info (name, DOB, addy, etc) and it would not be made available as public information. It is LEO use only.

01-25-14, 13:22
Here is a link to the newspapers this "vast conglomerate' publishes:


I have never heard of a single one of these papers, and have never read one either.

It also looks like they have decided this was a bad plan, and have stated it was all a "poorly-worded internal memo".


Curious if this was a "Come to Jesus" moment, or they really did just screw up. Hanlon's Razor, and all that.

01-25-14, 13:41
I often wonder

Then watch old WWII videos of people jumping out of a truck and running up to a hole filled with bodies knowing what's coming and never seen any reels of them fighting back ?

Not having much faith we will see push back

I'm wondering at what point do the pitchfork and torch wielding masses decide enough is enough.

01-25-14, 14:49
I'm wondering at what point do the pitchfork and torch wielding masses decide enough is enough.

Resistance is Futile.....

01-25-14, 15:11
Sweet baby Jebus, if I was a retired judge I'd pack a SAW and hire a couple of PFC's to hump ammo and spare barrels.

I'd be down for that assignment.

DPS offers CHL for Judges and DA at no charge considering their huh work hazards.

01-25-14, 17:06
My local main Nashville Newspaper (The Tennessean) published a list of all CCW holders back in the 1990's including name and address (including mine). I wrote a scathing Letter to the Editor (which they published). Gonna have to find it, but the last sentence was something to the effect of "at least it will cause the criminals to wonder if we are as vunerable as we appear..."

01-25-14, 18:24
With any luck they will do it. Then, STAND BY for the class action lawsuit and the AG of pro-gun states like TX hauling them into court. Civitas has deep pockets and lawyers will be lining up to get a piece of that cheese.

01-25-14, 18:48
Grass Roots North Carolina, our outstanding 2nd Amendment rights group here in NC, sent the following email:

Concerned GRNC supporters have been contacting us over reports that Civitas Media is assembling lists of citizens with carry permits from all 50 states. Note Civitas Media has no relationship to the libertarian organization, Civitas Institute.

According to Civitas Media's website, this idea has been scrapped. It would have been impossible to have included NC gun owners on such a list due to privatization of this information following successful passage of GRNC-backed HB937. Despite protection of North Carolinans, GRNC will not tolerate these types of attacks on any group of citizens.

In order to put Civitas Media on notice, GRNC President Paul Valone contacted Michael Bush, President & CEO of Civitas Media, and reminded him of WRAL reporter Mark Binker's unpleasant experience following his unwise publication of NC gun owner information. Mr. Valone's letter is copied below:

Dear Mr. Bush:

I cannot tell you how delighted I was to discover that Civitas Media recently established offices in Davidson, just a stone's throw from my Cornelius home. In yet another twist of coincidence, I too considered attending Hobart College. (I ended up picking Hamilton instead.) Please let me welcome Civitas to North Carolina.

I was equally delighted to discover this statement on your corporate website:

"Civitas Media never had any plans or intentions of publishing in print or online lists of holders of 'conceal and carry' permits. Nor will Civitas Media develop databases of permit holders. A poorly crafted internal memo meant to highlight editorial discussions and planning incorrectly indicated that such a database was being planned; it has been considered and rejected."

As you may know, Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC) is our state's primary gun rights organization. We were largely responsible for passing our concealed handgun law in 1995, and for a number of expansions of the law in the years since. At present, there are approximately 324,000 active concealed handgun permit-holders in North Carolina. Our organization routinely issues email alerts to 87,000 gun owners on matters of relevance to the Second Amendment.

As you might anticipate, GRNC cannot stand idly by while gun owners' privacy is compromised. In 2012, when WRAL-TV created a searchable database of permit-holders, including their partial addresses, we were forced to respond by releasing equivalent personal information about the reporter who did the piece, Mark Binker, his family, and others at WRAL to approximately 60,000 gun rights supporters (our membership was smaller then).

At the time, I noted that in the era of the Internet, we all live in glass houses, making it a poor idea to start throwing stones. Here are some links describing the event:




As depicted in the last link, many in the media seemed shocked that we would respond in kind. Gun owners, however, are highly protective of their privacy. For example, I understand that after the editor of a small newspaper near the town of Murphy made a FOIA request for local pistol purchase permit information, he not only apologized profusely to readers but actually felt compelled to move out of state. (We played no role in that.)

Although we have talented volunteers at GRNC who have already gathered significant information on James M. Lawitz and others at Civitas Media, it is my hope that we can all live together in harmony. If I can answer questions or be of help in any way, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Armatissimi e liberissimi,

F. Paul Valone

President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International



Copyright Info
© 2014 Grass Roots North Carolina. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution is permitted provided full attribution is given and the item is reprinted in its entirety. Address questions to: President@GRNC.org

01-25-14, 19:01

And the point about "glass houses" is spot on. Infosys and other information retailers will sell you a shocking amount of "private" data for as little as $20 per search. I once knew a girl that did this sort of work. She was fond of saying she could find anything about anybody in about 20 minutes.

Don't dox lest ye be doxed.

01-25-14, 19:01
Apparently they have changed their mind....


01-25-14, 19:12
Apparently they have changed their mind....



They disabled comments.

You know, we should take a cue from the 60's radicals. Every time some Pig (Establishment Liberal) spouts off at da mouf he should get doxed Anonymous style.

01-25-14, 19:36
Yeah,, I missed the post from GRNC... if they don't get the 'glass house' comment I guess they are fair game.

Sounds like maybe somebody let the cat out of the bag. We had an internal memo that we were going to do something but we were never really going to do anything......

Ottney named Content Manager of Portsmouth Daily Times

6 days ago | | | |

Veteran reporter Ryan Ottney has been promoted to the position of content manager at the Portsmouth (Ohio) Daily Times, effective immediately.
The announcement was made Wednesday, Jan. 15, by Jim Lawitz, director of content for Civitas Media, the Daily Times’ parent company.

I wonder if the content manager is the guy that keeps the inside stuff hidden from public view?

01-26-14, 01:37
Apparently they have changed their mind....


Yes. Exactly why I put that in post 21 at the top of this page.

Sometimes I'm curious if folks actually read threads, or just add comments at the end.

01-26-14, 02:11
Sometimes I'm curious if folks actually read threads, or just add comments at the end.

Reading more than the first post takes too much time.

01-26-14, 12:10
Resistance is Futile.....No, resistance is voltage divided by current.

01-26-14, 13:02