View Full Version : Winter-1 Me-0

01-25-14, 16:16
I'm not a very religious person, but for the first time in a long time, I said a prayer on my way home from work. About 15 minutes later and a mile from home, I hit a snow drift right as a strong wind caught my car. It instantly sent my car into a fish tail that I was unable to recover from. I hit a guard rail at around 50mph and went about 35 feet down into a wooded ditch. I incredibly was uninjured with the exception of a bruised ego and some minor cuts. I was able to call 911 from my seat and crawled my way out before help arrived. I cant stress how lucky I am to be making this post from home and not from a hospital bed. I've always taken driving in snow kind of lightly but this was a real wake up call for me. I was close to having a passenger two separate times last night but both times they found other rides. If someone would have been riding shotgun, I would have killed them. Take this lesson to slow the hell down in the snow.
http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu95/ShepShep89/deadcivic_zps48619445.jpg (http://s637.photobucket.com/user/ShepShep89/media/deadcivic_zps48619445.jpg.html)

01-25-14, 16:22
Speed kills, especially when the white stuff is on the road. Every time you roll up on a crash with inclement weather involved 99% of the time speed is the main contributing factor (excluding the weather).

Glad you're ok!

01-25-14, 16:36
That's a gnarly lookin' wreck. Very glad to hear you're OK.

And thanks for passing along your cautionary tale.

01-25-14, 17:12
You walked away from it, lesson learned and passed onto other (us reading this). Win win if such a thing happens. And slow the fu%$ down! :D

01-25-14, 21:21
Wow! Glad you're okay! That's pretty serious looking.

01-25-14, 21:26
Im glad you ok, had that happen at my house today, i spent the whole day picking it up and rebuilding my fence. On the plus side if they total it you can get a mans car.

01-25-14, 21:33
Im glad you ok, had that happen at my house today, i spent the whole day picking it up and rebuilding my fence. On the plus side if they total it you can get a mans car.

I don't think there is an "if". It's toast. I just got it back a few months ago after hitting a deer and almost totaling it from that. My insurance company is going to love me. I've never had any claims or even a traffic ticket until the deer and this. I'm bummed for sure but I am not hurt, I luckily didn't have any passengers, and I get to avoid doing a 100k tune up and putting a new clutch/tires on it in spring.

01-25-14, 21:42
Thank the good Lord your alive bro. Reminds me of quote from fight club--Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of your life, your breakfast will taste better than any meal many have ever tasted....wouldn't hurt to buy loto ticket either. Just sayin:D.

01-25-14, 21:53
Glad to hear you're okay. Sorry you had to deal with this.

01-25-14, 22:03
Wrecks are not fun. Been there once, glad youre ok bro, keep on praying, and slow down!

01-26-14, 00:16
Glad you're okay. I've not seen that many wrecks down near Cincinnati with this particular storm so far. The first winter storm that came in early Dec was nuts though. Like said above, keep up the prayers. You're living proof that it can help!

I've had nothing but 4wd or AWD in my last bunch of vehicles. I'm not saying it would have stopped you from wrecking, but I have had it get me out of a pinch numerous times in snow. This thread needs to be followed up with your new ride whenever you get it.

01-26-14, 02:35
I live in Northern Cincinnati (Springboro). This last storm has had a lot of accidents up here because it is so flat and the wind had been causing large snow drifts.

01-26-14, 06:34
I live in Northern Cincinnati (Springboro). This last storm has had a lot of accudents up here because it is so flat and the wind had been causing large snow drifts.

Oh i just live east of you and i have hit my fair share of deer. Its part of the reason i stopped driving cars. I have hit at least 10 of them. My dad got 5 at once before and even managed to destroy a new ambulance the day after our town got it.

01-26-14, 08:49
On the plus side if they total it you can get a mans car.


Damn not sure how you managed to walk away from that uninjured. Somebody was watching over you.

01-26-14, 08:59
The more I think back to it, I can't place why I'm not in the hospital. I'm lucky, that's all I can really place behind a reason.

01-26-14, 17:29
Springboro isn't too far away. I live in West Chester. Get a big diesel pickup and you'll fit in good in Springboro haha. I had steel ranch hand bumpers mounted on my old dodge. I need to get the same for my f250 just exactly for ICANHITHIMMAN's reason. They love jumping out in front of you on I75.

01-26-14, 19:41
Springboro isn't too far away. I live in West Chester. Get a big diesel pickup and you'll fit in good in Springboro haha. I had steel ranch hand bumpers mounted on my old dodge. I need to get the same for my f250 just exactly for ICANHITHIMMAN's reason. They love jumping out in front of you on I75.

Yeah you're just down the road. I'll probably end up with another Civic SI since I work in Finneytown. I was getting close to 30mpg with it and it was still a fun little car. It was cheap to insure but not sure now haha. I actually just got the car back in December from hitting a deer and almost totaling it. In my 7 years of driving, I have never had a ticket or been in an accident. In the last two months I've had an $8,000 repair for a deer accident and totaled a $15,000 car. My insurance company is going to love me. I was really looking forward to my insurance going down when I turned 25 but it's not looking that way.

01-26-14, 21:37
Back in March of '09 or '10, I had an accident with my Subaru Legacy. I was on my way home from the range late at night. (I was using the indoor range.) It was snowing out and the roads were slick but I was taking my time and everything was going fine until I came to a gentle left hand bend in the road. My car started to angle further into the turn so I tried to correct but wound up over correcting. Immediately after, I realized I was now heading right towards a telephone pole. I had just enough time to figure out that if I turned the car back to the left, I would hit the pole with the side of my car and if I did nothing, I would obviously hit the pole straight on. So, I decided to turn the car further to the right and put it into the ditch next to the pole.

If you must crash, whether it be a car, boat, airplane, bicycle, UFO, whatever, aim for the cheapest, softest thing possible!

Once my car came to a complete stop, I crawled out and called 911. They sent a couple of police officers and a tow truck. It wasn't until my car was pulled back onto the road that I realized that, while I missed the telephone pole by a few feet, I nailed the guide wire with the right side of my car. It was also about this point that one of the city's plow trucks finally came by. My top speed: ~20-25mph. It also turned out to be the last storm of the winter season. Somewhere I have pictures of my car after the crash and I'll post them if I can find them. There was approximately $4,000 worth of damage to the car but I didn't have a scratch on me.

This was the second of three crashes I had with that car. The first was the day after a snow storm. It was a Friday and I was leaving work early. Thrilled to GTFO, I was leaving the parking lot in a Stupid manner that cause me to put my car into the ditch almost completely on it's side. Crawling out of that was fun. I lost it so fast, one minute I was looking at the road then the next, a big splash of white snow and gravity was pulling me down in an awkward way. It took two tow trucks to get my car out. The only damage was the $200ish it cost for the tow trucks. My car was completely damage free thanks to all the snow we got that year. Aside from my ego, I was unharmed.

The third crash would be a topic for another time. It surprisingly had nothing to do with snow.

01-26-14, 22:25
Yeah I was surprised how fast it all happened. I process things very quickly but from the time I lost it until I stopped moving was around 5 seconds. Which is impressive since I started my fish tail over 100 feet from where I stopped.

01-27-14, 10:38
"Shit happens in the blink of an eye." -Me

3 AE
01-27-14, 17:27
Bluejackets, Man, that you were able to walk away from that is amazing. Curious to know, did the airbag deploy upon impact with the guard rail? If so, what was that like? Being short in height, and having to have the seat closer to the wheel to reach, I always wonder what the force of a deployed airbag would be like. If any member has experienced it, would appreciate your comments.

01-27-14, 17:55
Bluejackets, Man, that you were able to walk away from that is amazing. Curious to know, did the airbag deploy upon impact with the guard rail? If so, what was that like? Being short in height, and having to have the seat closer to the wheel to reach, I always wonder what the force of a deployed airbag would be like. If any member has experienced it, would appreciate your comments.

The only air bag that went off was the side air bag. The steering wheel didnt go off.

01-27-14, 23:09
I went by the salvage yard today and took some more pics. The reality really set in when I saw the car.

http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu95/ShepShep89/004_zps3a3666ee.jpg (http://s637.photobucket.com/user/ShepShep89/media/004_zps3a3666ee.jpg.html)
http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu95/ShepShep89/005_zps1f8069d8.jpg (http://s637.photobucket.com/user/ShepShep89/media/005_zps1f8069d8.jpg.html)
http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu95/ShepShep89/IMG_4433_zps3b0407b5.jpg (http://s637.photobucket.com/user/ShepShep89/media/IMG_4433_zps3b0407b5.jpg.html)

01-30-14, 20:47
Wow and you were not hurt?

01-30-14, 21:25
Wow and you were not hurt?

Bruised my hand and knee and had a small cut on my forehead, other than that, I was just sore.

This is the first car I've totaled and it is such a pain in the ass. My insurance company "forgot" to include the navigation package, premium sound package and ground effects package into their estimate. They were shocked when I laughed at them with their value.