View Full Version : How long before we're dealing with the next 'shortage' and are you ready?

01-26-14, 15:56
Gear, parts, rifles, pistols, supply and everything besides ammo is pretty much back to normal.
Yet with the most recent shooting yesterday it is ominously clear to me that without a doubt we're really a hairs' breath away from an event like Newtown, where our entire market will be thrown on it's ass.

While that entire focus on the right-to-bear/A2 issue has actually backfired,
The net result was more active shooters and proponents than ever - never seen this many people on the local county range, last year 2 new private ranges and 4 new gunstores alone in our county.

But really fearing that on the next one that goes ape-shit they may be able to use their 'outrage' to shove something serious down our throat - seing that the current administration REALLY is not that concerned about re-election... You feelin me?
Remember? Basic garden-variety AR's going for 2K or more, Pmags for $60, everything sold out in one ot two days....

So if this happens again - are you ready? Are you stocked up, can you sit back and watch this idiocy go down yet again with a bit of a smile on your face?
I know I was and still am - save for the ammo, still, but I wonder - how many of us learned and, what WAS the lesson, and will we be able to do it once more. I really fear for what's coming, sensing a great complacency.
Or am I over-thinking?

3 AE
01-26-14, 17:50
Let's also remind our members to set aside some cash to join/donate to the NRA, GOA, and their state pro gun associations if they haven't done so already. All the rifles, magazines, and ammo won't mean a thing if they are banned, limited, and confiscated. It's embarrassing to see so many gun owners/members who aren't members of pro gun organizations.

01-26-14, 18:51
Maybe I'm an optimist but I think if they didn't pass anything with all the Newtown craziness we might be OK for the near future as far as Federal threats.

What I'm most worried about is mass hysteria based on speculation that has caused most of the shortages and high prices of the last few years.

.....BTW I'm a member of both the NRA and GOA. We DO need a better spokesperson for the NRA. LaPierre is a mess

01-26-14, 19:04
Not sure what the next one is, but better have the 2016 election on your list.

If it's something like Christie vs. Clinton it will be worse than anything we've ever seen. If they do something asinine like run Romney again it will be another guaranteed Democratic victory.

01-26-14, 20:30
We need to start influencing the culture and changing people back to where politicians like the O-hole will no longer be tolerated. Kick liberalism out of schools, etc. We cannot keep playing nice guy. The problem with Romney and his supporters is that he didn't care if he lost, he never even tried to fight, and those who pushed him on us did not lose their jobs. Why are we not questioning why that is and there be no punishment for those responsible?

I'm sick of having this kind of crap push my budget around, sick of being besieged like the Cuban missile crisis and the Battle of Britain. WTF? I want to plan my future in peace, buy what I want when I can afford it, not have to choose between being responsible for all aspects of life and stocking up for the next 40 years with 1 year's budget. Seriously, isn't this kind of threat the kind of thing we're supposed to have a military for, to repel threat of hostile takeover and threat to our liberty and American way of life? Why don't they stop bombing goat herders and kick the CA, NY, DC, and Chicago Communists and their bureaucrats out of my homeland?

01-26-14, 21:13
We need to start influencing the culture and changing people back to where politicians like the O-hole will no longer be tolerated. Kick liberalism out of schools, etc. We cannot keep playing nice guy. The problem with Romney and his supporters is that he didn't care if he lost, he never even tried to fight, and those who pushed him on us did not lose their jobs. Why are we not questioning why that is and there be no punishment for those responsible?

First problem is we already lost playing that game. Freedom and liberty minded people aren't about forcing their values on others. They aren't about making sure the entire collective thinks exactly like them. So we aren't willing to play the game to the same extent as those who don't value freedom and liberty and absolutely want to force everyone to share and support their vision of the world.

Take two issues such as guns and homosexuals.

Typically gun owners do NOT wish to make everyone else a gun owner. They simply want their rights respected. We don't demand that everyone else help us champion our cause, we simply want the attacks on our freedoms to stop. And if you do attempt to teach these values to the next generation you are generally treated like a criminal selling poison to children.

Those with various homosexual agendas (and honestly I could care less what consenting adults do) are the exact opposite. They demand EVERYONE support them and embrace their cause. The demand that the media inundate everyone with their message via every form of media they possibly can. They seek "special rights and privileges" beyond those of ordinary Americans. And if you suggest they deserve the same freedoms as everyone else and nothing more, or worse...suggest that they simply live their lives without making everyone else aware of the fact that they are homosexual then you basically became a freedom hating racist.

Ironically homosexuals are one of the few demographics who can own firearms without being seen as evil people and potential child killers. This is because "they" have a "special need" to be able to defend themselves.

This is the state of the nation because the idiots grossly outnumber those who take time to actually understand the issues at hand. This is also why we have a nation who voted for the novelty of "having helped elect the first black President" regardless of his qualifications (or complete lack of qualifications) or his various anti American agendas.

Our objections to Obama are hardly due to half of his genetic makeup. If the GOP nominated a true fiscal conservative it wouldn't matter to most of us if they were black, hispanic, native american or a woman...most of us would love the opportunity to actually vote "for" somebody rather than try and vote a "block." Unfortunately we are the actual minority of the country and everyone else is more interested in a cultivated persona that is inline with current popular media, an agenda that defends some group who claims to be oppressed (real or manufactured) and their personal stance on important issues like "boxers or briefs."

We've been on a detrimental slide since Bush '88 and ironically enough Clinton probably did the least amount of damage (at least most of his gun horseshit expired) and his worst legacy was NAFTA. I see no reason for the downward trend to not continue, I don't have faith in any generation being able to pull off (or even develop the inclination to even try) a political / cultural shift towards anything more productive to the country or of true benefit to the people of this country.

If the country went insane for a day and actually elected me to office I don't think I'd pass a single law in my first (and probably only) term of office. I'd spend every working minute trying to undo the damage of the last three decades and do my best to give this country BACK to the people. I'd do my best to level the playing field and try true equality for a change. Best qualified applicants get the jobs. That means those who work harder than everyone else or have the best talent get the rewards.

Maybe we could actually start making things again.

And while I wouldn't ban reality TV, because I'm too freedom minded, I would confine that crap to a single channel that the rest of us can simply block and never be bothered by it again.

01-26-14, 21:29
Yep. The zombies will be standing in line for days to vote for these two goons. Better yet they should run on the same ticket since they are both worthless.

Not sure what the next one is, but better have the 2016 election on your list.

If it's something like Christie vs. Clinton it will be worse than anything we've ever seen. If they do something asinine like run Romney again it will be another guaranteed Democratic victory.

01-26-14, 21:31
If it's something like Christie vs. Clinton it will be worse than anything we've ever seen.

All of the Sunday morning Liberal media called the election for Hillary today... oh,,, btw... it's not Clinton.... she will be known as Hillary and she's it.... heard it today.. All were in agreement. It's a done deal. In fact... I'm not sure there is actually going to be an election in 2016. I think it's just going to be something like a two week long Celebration of Hillary sometime in Nov. Then in Jan she will dismiss Obama and declare herself Supreme Leader.

01-26-14, 22:12
AUG for president? :meeting:

01-26-14, 23:05
AUG for president? :meeting:

Fortunately for me I'm way too honest and actually tell people what I'm thinking and why so I will never have to worry about being President.

01-26-14, 23:52
Would be nice to have an actual president, not just a politician. All they do is blab. They get paid to blab!

01-27-14, 01:00
Would be nice to have an actual president, not just a politician. All they do is blab. They get paid to blab!

I agree, but I think we'd have better odds of seeing Hillary address the nation on live television and accept full responsibility for her failures at Benghazi and commit honorable seppuku with an apology to the families of the men she failed to protect.

01-27-14, 02:39
The threat of bans is always looming overhead. The gun-control movement never has been nor will it ever be about public safety though that is a guise they run with, rather it is about disarmament.

I was only 14 when Clinton's AWB went into effect. In '04 when it went away I devoted whole pay checks to OEM standard capacity mags. My philosophy has always been buy cheap and stack deep as money permits.

01-27-14, 07:01
I was only 14 when Clinton's AWB went into effect. In '04 when it went away I devoted whole pay checks to OEM standard capacity mags. My philosophy has always been buy cheap and stack deep as money permits.

Precisely. Guns are one of those unique items that will always have value. If they are banned we will be able to use them as an investment and sell for a profit; or we will be able to use them. Either way you can't go wrong buying low.

01-27-14, 08:15
Precisely. Guns are one of those unique items that will always have value. If they are banned we will be able to use them as an investment and sell for a profit; or we will be able to use them. Either way you can't go wrong buying low.

Amen there.
Was able to make a few mortgage payments emptying out my parts boxes, not kidding.
Which REALLY tempts me to go ahead and stock upon said parts now while the getting is good again.
However sound this logic has proven to be - the wife is trying to convince me we can't afford to tie up that kinda money in stripped lowers uppers lpk's etc.
But what kind of investment tool yields a return of close to 100% in less than 2 years with a zero chance of original investment losing value? Any market player would drool over these numbers.
Lessons learned in the past...
Only thing giving me pause is that by now one would think anyone needing anything has gotten theirs - the next one won't be as extreme in inventories going empty.

01-27-14, 08:46
I saw the writing on the wall during the run-up to the Presidential election, and began stockpiling that summer...

... of 1992! :ph34r:

01-27-14, 10:54
You should start stocking up pretty soon if you have not already done so.

(...most here are paying attention and are doing that...right?)

Right now...while things are sane and shelves are full...if you need spare mags or want a second AR...you better plan on grabbing it long before the 2016 election cycle kicks into gear. Chances are pretty good that the media and left will give Hillary a cake walk right into the Oval Office (you REALLY don't think the RNC will "allow" Ted Cruz or Rand Paul to run...do you?).

So plan for it now. I am planning on buying my second Colt 6920...the old "two is one" mentality but also because prices are sane and the guns are available.

Do it now and don't be one of the whiners in November 2016 when ARs go to 2500 a pop and there are no P-mags to be found!

...you have been warned.


01-27-14, 11:15
Could be tomorrow. And no I would guess Im not "ready" as I haven't cleaned out my local stores....and I don't lose sleep at night. Nor do I have any plans to "stock up".

01-27-14, 17:52
Looks like DHS is preparing for it (http://tellmenow.com/obama-quietly-orders-one-billion-dollars-worth-of-disposable-fema-coffins/). :D

01-27-14, 19:32
So there is hope……..

^ My attempt at sarcasm.

I agree, but I think we'd have better odds of seeing Hillary address the nation on live television and accept full responsibility for her failures at Benghazi and commit honorable seppuku with an apology to the families of the men she failed to protect.

01-28-14, 09:32
Could be tomorrow. And no I would guess Im not "ready" as I haven't cleaned out my local stores....and I don't lose sleep at night. Nor do I have any plans to "stock up".

Dude, I've been "stocked" for years! Sure, I could always use a few more mags and or ammo but quite honestly I didn't blink during the Newtown crap. When people were fretting about $3K AR's and $50 PMAGS I just laughed. You snooze you lose.

01-28-14, 15:38
$50 PMAGs that's cheap, CTD had them priced at $99.99 LOL . . . I think they are still sitting on a warehouse full of mags that no one bought.

01-28-14, 15:46
One can only hope that they are. I would say they hurt us more than ever helped.

I watched people try to hock mags at $50+ for months after that, some even trying to get as much as $200. Sadly the LGS who usually had the highest prices actually ended up being the place with the best prices on mags and 5.56 which was the only reason i was able to shoot. I had plenty, though since prices have dropped I've added a number of mags to my inventory. That said, I remember having people trying to buy my ARs and mags at the range when I went shooting, got some crazy offers and some trying to "help me" get rid of those evil rifles before the gov starting kicking in doors and confiscating. Buying what I can when I have the money and sliding deals to those I know who can use the deals the best I can.

01-28-14, 15:51
I still can't 9mm for the price and quantity that I want, and I'm not being unreasonable here.

01-28-14, 15:53
You have checked out LAX reloads? I'm loving that stuff.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-28-14, 16:02
I still can't 9mm for the price and quantity that I want, and I'm not being unreasonable here.

Went to WalMart yesterday. 1200 round ammo cans of 9MM. I asked the guys how much it was. $497!! I just said, wow, that's a bit too pricey. They just both shook their heads and said I know, sorry. It was a bit surreal all together. The ammo in stock, the price, two people at a sporting goods counter in a Walmart when there is typically none, and both looking genuinely sorry about the price of goods.

01-28-14, 16:34
As long as that ammo can sit at $497 and nobody's buying, the better things will eventually get...

01-28-14, 16:51
This is the state of the nation because the idiots grossly outnumber those who take time to actually understand the issues at hand. This is also why we have a nation who voted for the novelty of "having helped elect the first black President" regardless of his qualifications (or complete lack of qualifications) or his various anti American agendas.

We should have a beer sometime AUG....:)

Onyx Z
01-28-14, 17:22
I still can't find certain bullets (Barnes 300BLK 110gr black tip and Barnes 130gr TTSX). You can find them loaded for $1.65, but I need to do load development instead of wasting money. So the shortage is still in effect.

01-28-14, 18:24
Dude, I've been "stocked" for years! Sure, I could always use a few more mags and or ammo but quite honestly I didn't blink during the Newtown crap. When people were fretting about $3K AR's and $50 PMAGS I just laughed. You snooze you lose.

amen brother

01-28-14, 23:17
If the country went insane for a day and actually elected me to office I don't think I'd pass a single law in my first (and probably only) term of office. I'd spend every working minute trying to undo the damage of the last three decades and do my best to give this country BACK to the people. I'd do my best to level the playing field and try true equality for a change. Best qualified applicants get the jobs. That means those who work harder than everyone else or have the best talent get the rewards.

Reminds me of an old song- went something like "if I was the president/ I'd be elected on Friday/assassinated on Saturday/buried onSunday".

AUG for president? :meeting:

I'll vote. I mean, when '16 rolls around and it's either CC or HC on the ballot, I'll be picking a random name off the top of my head anyway.... I'll even donate if it gets me a seat at the table... :laugh:

Looks like DHS is preparing for it (http://tellmenow.com/obama-quietly-orders-one-billion-dollars-worth-of-disposable-fema-coffins/). :D

Fear not citizen, they are for you.

01-29-14, 00:13
Reminds me of an old song- went something like "if I was the president/ I'd be elected on Friday/assassinated on Saturday/buried onSunday".
Wyclef Jean... A fantastically liberal Haitian...

3 AE
01-29-14, 07:41
I'm set for the future. Plenty of ammo, magazines, spare parts, food, fuel, and TP. That's right, 5 year supply of TP. This is still The United States of America, and I will NOT be wiping my ass with newspapers, pine cones, leaves, or snowballs, like I'm some third world refugee. My God we're still a civilized nation and don't you guys forget it! :lol:

01-29-14, 07:48
It better be single ply or that's just outright decadence! Now excuse me while I try to find some solar panels for my Phillips Soniccare.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-29-14, 11:16
Let's also remind our members to set aside some cash to join/donate to the NRA, GOA, and their state pro gun associations if they haven't done so already. All the rifles, magazines, and ammo won't mean a thing if they are banned, limited, and confiscated. It's embarrassing to see so many gun owners/members who aren't members of pro gun organizations.+1 and to add all the people who we say thank for your service to have taken an oath to protect the Constitution yet so few really do.

01-29-14, 12:00
Knock on wood (hits head with knuckles), we should remain pretty normal on everything until the middle of 2015 when the Presidential Election cycle starts. This is assuming that Obama does not use any executive orders for ANYTHING firearms related.

Like always though, we are one good mass shooting away from full on crazy. So if you only have ten 30rd mags or 1,000rds of 5.56 or ONE AR15, you might want to buy now while prices are extremely low. Then, if something bad happens, you wont have that sinking feeling that you are going to have to wait 12 months for things to normalize again.


01-29-14, 14:36
Right! I bet that guy curses every time he opens his safe. Same goes for the guy who bought my spare BCM BCG for $510.

01-29-14, 15:06
I think A1fab is on to something.

Although I started stoking up back in 2008 when it looked as if Obama was going to win...by now..you have had PLENTY of warnings. If you are not stocked up or at least filling in a few blanks in your supplies....you deserve to pay 30 dollars a box for 9mm and 3 grand for an AR in the next shortage.

Stocking up SHOULD be an ongoing process if you ask me. Something you are constantly in the process of doing. Looking for holes in your collection and ammo shelves and slowly adding to your stash. It becomes a part of your routine like grocery shopping or buying new clothes now and then.


01-29-14, 19:45
Amen there.
Was able to make a few mortgage payments emptying out my parts boxes, not kidding.
Which REALLY tempts me to go ahead and stock upon said parts now while the getting is good again.
However sound this logic has proven to be - the wife is trying to convince me we can't afford to tie up that kinda money in stripped lowers uppers lpk's etc.
But what kind of investment tool yields a return of close to 100% in less than 2 years with a zero chance of original investment losing value? Any market player would drool over these numbers.
Lessons learned in the past...
Only thing giving me pause is that by now one would think anyone needing anything has gotten theirs - the next one won't be as extreme in inventories going empty.

Buy a few lowers and lpk's now while they are cheap. The wife will thank you later.

Or buy some without her knowing. Seriously, a $50 lower every month couldn't hurt...

Knock on wood (hits head with knuckles), we should remain pretty normal on everything until the middle of 2015 when the Presidential Election cycle starts. This is assuming that Obama does not use any executive orders for ANYTHING firearms related.

Like always though, we are one good mass shooting away from full on crazy. So if you only have ten 30rd mags or 1,000rds of 5.56 or ONE AR15, you might want to buy now while prices are extremely low. Then, if something bad happens, you wont have that sinking feeling that you are going to have to wait 12 months for things to normalize again.


well said brother.

01-29-14, 21:01
Knock on wood (hits head with knuckles), we should remain pretty normal on everything until the middle of 2015 when the Presidential Election cycle starts. This is assuming that Obama does not use any executive orders for ANYTHING firearms related.

Like always though, we are one good mass shooting away from full on crazy. So if you only have ten 30rd mags or 1,000rds of 5.56 or ONE AR15, you might want to buy now while prices are extremely low. Then, if something bad happens, you wont have that sinking feeling that you are going to have to wait 12 months for things to normalize again.


I remember the time it took 10 YEARS for things to normalize again. When the day comes that we get a renewal of the domestic assault weapons ban it won't have an expiration date and a lot of the young guys will have no idea what they are in for.

Hopefully with things like the internet (which we didn't really have before the Clinton Ban of 1994) we might be able to prevent that from happening, but we came damn close in 2004 and if a Republican majority Congress can pass it as an amendment to a pro gun bill then anything can happen.

Onyx Z
01-29-14, 23:46
If one were going to stock up on parts for the next scare, what would be the best parts? I remember lower's & LPK's were VERY hard to come by, so those are no-brainers, but what else?

01-30-14, 01:55
If one were going to stock up on parts for the next scare, what would be the best parts? I remember lower's & LPK's were VERY hard to come by, so those are no-brainers, but what else?

BCGs were going for a king's ransom and as rare as a virgin in a maternity ward this last go around.

01-30-14, 05:37
I'm sorry. Where the **** did this come from? :-o

I sold 10 loaded PMAGS (210 rounds) for $1,000 shipped on ARFCOM when the panic first started. It was insane. I think I had $200 in everything.

01-30-14, 07:37
If one were going to stock up on parts for the next scare, what would be the best parts? I remember lower's & LPK's were VERY hard to come by, so those are no-brainers, but what else?



01-30-14, 19:25
I'm going to agree with Grant say 2015. Looks like the Republicans are going along with amnesty They'll probably loose the House and won't get the Senate either. And after that the Dems go full ape shit for Gun control, and stock piling up won't work because unlike 94 there won't be a grandfathering them in. We sad to say as a country are done

01-30-14, 22:24
I'm going to agree with Grant say 2015. Looks like the Republicans are going along with amnesty They'll probably loose the House and won't get the Senate either. And after that the Dems go full ape shit for Gun control, and stock piling up won't work because unlike 94 there won't be a grandfathering them in. We sad to say as a country are done

What's your point? Don't know about you but I ain't handing in shit so stockpiling WILL come in handy in that scenario.

01-30-14, 23:27
Wyclef Jean... A fantastically liberal Haitian...

Yeah, that's the guy. Well aware of his politics- the line just fit perfectly.

On topic- frankly, I really wish that I had the money to stash a few parts that I don't need, but that everyone else will want. What I would have given to have had a case of 7.62 Pmags circa Newtown.... Alas, it is not to be. Probably won't even get very far with the "needed" stuff before the pile of BS comes dumping down.

01-31-14, 09:35
I put some money every month into ammo/mags/spares. Made it part of the budget. Even the fiancé asked the other day "if she should pick up some 22LR on the way home," because she knew a local shop had gotten some in stock. (That part made me smile. She wasn't a shooter when we met.)

01-31-14, 11:15
I put some money every month into ammo/mags/spares. Made it part of the budget. Even the fiancé asked the other day "if she should pick up some 22LR on the way home," because she knew a local shop had gotten some in stock. (That part made me smile. She wasn't a shooter when we met.)

Just scored 2 525 22lr federal value packs at an lgs @ $29.95. Haven't seen anything like that on a shelf since early last year. I had given up on walmart for anything for over a year.

02-06-14, 20:19
There is IMO still shortages for powders primers and 22lrs. Just wait until Hillary is our president. Door to door confiscation. I have little faith in the majority of the voters and 0 faith in our politicians. Too much TV and sports.

02-07-14, 02:13
If one were going to stock up on parts for the next scare, what would be the best parts? I remember lower's & LPK's were VERY hard to come by, so those are no-brainers, but what else?

don't forget mags and ammo.

I would suggest stocking up on all these now: lowers, LPKs, BCG's, and mags.

02-07-14, 07:43
Could be tomorrow. And no I would guess Im not "ready" as I haven't cleaned out my local stores....and I don't lose sleep at night. Nor do I have any plans to "stock up".

Well, good for you. Aren't you morally superior?

02-07-14, 09:46
After reading some of the responses on this thread I am all but assured of a shortage. Not because of anything actually being done, but because of the hyperbole from those who don't understand the legal process.

We had a mass shooting of 20 children and 6 adults using an "assault weapon" (arguably the worst in US history) while the most left wing anti gun President in history was in power. We had a 10 month full on antigun media blitz with partisan commenators spreading all kinds of propaganda and politicians going on and guaranteeing all kinds of bans. Then we had the stuttering, tongue tied Wayne LaPierre out there scandering every chance to squash these lies and articulate our position.

Was I scared? Damned staight I was. Scared to death.

...and what happened? NOTHING. You had a few already antigun States pass more pointless laws and one one traditionally progun State, CO, pass some crap. What happened in CO? Two people recalled and another quit. Now there is a repeal bill. Chicago's gun ban was lifted and CCW was legalised in IL. More PROGUN legislation was passed than antigun legistlation. Mayors are running from Bloomburg and the DNC has asked him to tone it down lest they lose the Senate.

Then you have Chaiman Moabama talking about executive orders which were largely toothless. His order for the CDC to conduct unbiased research backfired when the finding basically backed up every point the pro gun crowd has ever made.

Could something happen? I guess, but it seems increadibly unlikely. Believe me I am always worried. I watch or listen to the news all day while working and at home. I also Google recent stories on "Gun Control" several times a week.

If there is another mass panic the gun community will have to take the lions share of the blame. And dont think the producers at CNN dont get off on shaking their stick in our hornets nest.

02-07-14, 09:55
With the current admin in power, I feel it would be foolish for anyone who remotely values the 2A to let their guard down. And depending on how things go in 2016, well, it ain't looking too good so far. Hillary has bigger balls than Obama and if she takes the thrown, which at this point is almost a guarantee, we may be in for another 4 year fight.

02-07-14, 11:49
The best reason to stock up is to profit off of the fukktards who wait til the panic hits. It's like a stupid tax. And they well deserve it.

02-07-14, 11:54
The best reason to stock up is to profit off of the fukktards who wait til the panic hits. It's like a stupid tax. And they well deserve it.

Do you work in the gun industry? Sounds like a great business model. :D

....well stock up and then encourage panic...

02-07-14, 14:10
Lets be honest.

The current regime WOULD have passed all sorts of gun legislation if they could. We just got lucky and they got stopped.

We stand a VERY good chance of getting Hillary in 2016, along with other radical Democrats getting elected to Congress and various blue state offices. One more mass shooting and media blitz and oh yes..we could EASILY face another shortage.

Having the belief that "oh well...they really did not pass much THIS time..." is a VERY short sighted view if you ask me.

...keep buying and stocking up


02-07-14, 14:22
Lets be honest.

The current regime WOULD have passed all sorts of gun legislation if they could. We just got lucky and they got stopped.

We stand a VERY good chance of getting Hillary in 2016, along with other radical Democrats getting elected to Congress and various blue state offices. One more mass shooting and media blitz and oh yes..we could EASILY face another shortage.

Having the belief that "oh well...they really did not pass much THIS time..." is a VERY short sighted view if you ask me.

...keep buying and stocking up


+1 on stocking up now while its cheap and available.

Can someone Please just take out Hillary in the running for 2016?? I know a few of you guys have suppressed AR's. j/k

I'm not a big politics person, so I don't get why Billary is the top runner for the next presidency when this retard we have now managed to screw up the country even more in his 2 terms. Aren't there any better candidates? heck I thought Bush Jr wasn't too bad at all even though he got made fun of and blamed for many things. At least he was not anti from what I can remember.

Not trying to turn this into a politics thread. I'm genuinely curious why everyone says Hillary is the next president to-be. If she becomes Queen of the Damn, well we're all doomed...

02-07-14, 14:31
+1 on stocking up now while its cheap and available.

Can someone Please just take out Hillary in the running for 2016?? I know a few of you guys have suppressed AR's. j/k

I'm not a big politics person, so I don't get why Billary is the top runner for the next presidency when this retard we have now managed to screw up the country even more in his 2 terms. Aren't there any better candidates? heck I thought Bush Jr wasn't too bad at all even though he got made fun of and blamed for many things. At least he was not anti from what I can remember.

Not trying to turn this into a politics thread. I'm genuinely curious why everyone says Hillary is the next president to-be. If she becomes Queen of the Damn, well we're all doomed...

Because the majority of dumb f**k American voters have proven to care more about free shit, entitlements, and all the other bullshit programs & policies.

02-07-14, 14:36
Well, we have a couple of years to at least try and change that.

I'm really not looking for another democratic president the next time around. If we get one, a shortage is certain.

02-07-14, 15:49
Hillary is the top runner because the left controls the media and the messaging in America today.

The left wins elections not because their candidates and ideas are better...but because they control the messaging.

The left makes Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals go to the back burner and Christie's bridge fiasco stay on the screens and front pages longer.

When you control the messaging...you win the elections. Simple enough.


02-07-14, 16:14
Lets be honest.

The current regime WOULD have passed all sorts of gun legislation if they could. We just got lucky and they got stopped.

We stand a VERY good chance of getting Hillary in 2016, along with other radical Democrats getting elected to Congress and various blue state offices. One more mass shooting and media blitz and oh yes..we could EASILY face another shortage.

Having the belief that "oh well...they really did not pass much THIS time..." is a VERY short sighted view if you ask me.

...keep buying and stocking up


Spot on.

We dodged a bullet after Sandy Hook because the call went out and people joined the NRA/GOA, called/wrote/emailed their Represenatives and Senators.

02-07-14, 17:00
Buying gear is easy. Training is the key. It doesn't come from Walmart. Or vendors on the internet.

Posted by M4C member Diz:
You know it’s funny, as I sat here contemplating this thread, I was thinking there is a Walmart not far from my house, where I could conceivably walk in with a credit card and buy everything I needed to survive and fight. A nice AR, ammo, food, water, boots, clothing and equipment. It might not be the best brand out there but it would do. Practically speaking, if the shit hit the fan, and you could make it to any good outdoor gear store, you would have most everything you would need to survive. But the knowledge and wisdom to use that stuff can’t be picked up overnight, as it were. So why are we so wrapped up in what we can so easily obtain, and overlooking that which will be priceless?

A man once said, if it’s my life I’m talking about, I don’t mind paying $400.00 for a pair of boots. Well, I would change that to if it’s my life I’m talking about, I don’t mind paying $400.00 for the training I’m gonna need.


This is from a thread on what ammo to stash.

Other than a handful of pistol ammo on rimfire here and there... I only stash .223. I'm as streamline as it gets.

If things keep going south, the carbine/rifle are all that will matter.

"If things keep going south" what kind of carbine/rifle training do you need to have acquired?

Have been to one of his CRCD classes, along with at least one other member here.
"Fantasy camp"? No. The thing is, he gears it so that *almost* anyone can attend (as long as you have a modicum of mobility, didn't buy your first gun yesterday, and aren't 400 pounds overweight) and get something out of it (even if it's just how out of shape you are... :laugh: ), so you get out what you put in. Also, his CRCD classes are the ultra-basic stuff- kind of like "carbine 1" for team tactics- crawl mode if you will. Which is where 90% of people need to start anyway, even though he has started a more advanced "patrol" class which builds on the things learned in CRCD, as well as getting people further out of their comfort zone.
Which, imo, were the big takeaways- how big of a force multiplier working effectively as a team can be for you (and a bit of a reality check when you realize how ****ed you are if you're up against people with hostile intent working as a team- or just plain outnumbering you-the folks that think like those on the prepper shows haven't got a clue....), and how much work needs to be put into actually BEING effective with/as a team- both physically, and because you can't just do it once and be GTG. You need seriously dedicated people. It may also cause one to rethink their gear setup...

How long do you think this sort of training is going to be available the average citizen? While many tolerate (and, in some cases, make money from) skill at arms for individuals, they are very uncomfortable with mere citizens having the sort of training described above. Especially when "things keep going south."

02-07-14, 17:18
How long do you think this sort of training is going to be available the average citizen? While many tolerate (and, in some cases, make money from) skill at arms for individuals, they are very uncomfortable with mere citizens having the sort of training described above. Especially when "things keep going south."

You sir are absolutely correct. All one has to do is peruse the DOJ/FBI domestic terrorist pamphlets that they have distributed at surplus stores and gun shops in the past and you can see how easy it will be for the DHS to label anyone participating in "para-military training" (aka a 3-day carbine course) as some ultra-right wing radical militant.