View Full Version : State of the union 2014

01-28-14, 21:48
Thoughts? Of the highlights I've seen it was a lot of blah blah blah hope and change blah blah blah... I'm going to use my executive pen ...


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01-28-14, 21:49
I cringe watching that stuff. Watching people give a standing ovation over his "Health Care" rant really had me boiling.

01-28-14, 21:55
I cringe watching that stuff. Watching people give a standing ovation over his "Health Care" rant really had me boiling.

Its amusing in some respects as you would think that if the law was so good it would sell itself... Morons all of them.

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01-28-14, 22:03
Same shit, different year....

01-28-14, 22:05
There was a whole lot of nothing really. No big plans, no big incentives, no...nothing. Zero substance in the speech.

One thing did concern me was the quote about going at it alone on the whole "gun violence" issue. Skipped past it pretty quick, but didn't get a good feeling about it.

brushy bill
01-28-14, 22:17
Persona non grata in my home. If I hear his voice, another channel comes on or TV goes off. I am in the 6th year of denial.

01-28-14, 23:13
I literally cannot stand to hear that A$$ Clowns voice. It's best for my health, since I sold my COW, and don't need his BULL!

Mauser KAR98K
01-28-14, 23:15
He is still going to go after firearms. Slipped it in in the middle of the speech. With or without.


01-28-14, 23:25
The only interested thing in that speech was the recovery of Cory, Thank you for your service and looking forward for you and all others to get better, but... didn't they cut his benefits? shame on him.

01-29-14, 00:10
They did cut his benefits along with millions of other active duty and retired service members.

More of the same from BO. The man promised more EO's during the SOTU than he did actual legislation.

01-29-14, 01:58
I'm holding my breath to see what kind of meaningful gun control he is going to pass with his pen. I have a feeling it starts with N and ends in othing.

Pork Chop
01-29-14, 04:48
I couldn't help but think, I wonder if that brave soldier understands what they're using him for?

01-29-14, 05:21
It's a joke, right ?

01-29-14, 05:43
Well, It sounded like he was tooting his own horn again. Typical narcissist I guess. As usual, he likes to play dictator because he mentioned several times how he would do things through executive power, or do it with or without congress.

01-29-14, 07:01
I'm holding my breath to see what kind of meaningful gun control he is going to pass with his pen. I have a feeling it starts with N and ends in othing.

I have a feeling NFA will be impacted

01-29-14, 07:03
I didn't watch, because I don't have television/cable.

But I think I can sum it up in two words: NOT GOOD

01-29-14, 08:40
There was a whole lot of nothing really. No big plans, no big incentives, no...nothing. Zero substance in the speech.

One thing did concern me was the quote about going at it alone on the whole "gun violence" issue. Skipped past it pretty quick, but didn't get a good feeling about it.

I'm thinking he might try a ban on foreign made ammo (wolf, brown bear, surplus etc,) and possibly try a ban on foreign made hi cap mags, parts, parts kits, possibly pistols, rifles themselves.. key word here being TRY...I don't know how far he'll get, but since this is his last term, and he's decided to spend it playing small ball, nothing is out of the question. He'll do anything he can before he leaves, I think he knows there's a very good chance he'll lose control of the senate, and if that happens he'll spend the next two years pretty much on vacation.. So, expect something to happen before this fall. Those of you who haven't stocked up on mags, ammo, might want to start while it's available..

01-29-14, 08:44
I am surprised I have heard little about the MyRA that he spoke of. Does anyone else realize that the US Government is taking low interest loans from its citizens by these "safe" investments? I heard him talk about treasury bonds being purchased in the MyRA and only thought of the Fed printing more money in the future to cover these investments which don't even give a decent return. It is much less than inflation will be. At least with a ROTH, I can choose where my money goes, win or lose. I wouldn't buy bonds today and wouldn't want to put my money into one of those MyRA's to buy bonds then either.

01-29-14, 08:47
Didn't see it, but read some excerpts. Seemed very lackluster. He smells of lame duck and he knows it.

01-29-14, 08:50
I'm thinking he might try a ban on foreign made ammo (wolf, brown bear, surplus etc,) and possibly try a ban on foreign made hi cap mags, parts, parts kits, possibly pistols, rifles themselves.. key word here being TRY...I don't know how far he'll get, but since this is last term, and he's decided to spend it playing small ball, nothing is out of the question, He'll do anything he can before he leaves,

This was what I was thinking. Something along the same lines as the 89 Import Ban.

and if that happens he'll spend the next two years pretty much on vacation.

Compared to the previous five years he's spent on vacation?

01-29-14, 09:12
This was what I was thinking. Something along the same lines as the 89 Import Ban.

Compared to the previous five years he's spent on vacation?

Well, I guess you've got a point there...

01-29-14, 09:16
I skipped it as it's pro forma drivel and nothing more, so why bother?

01-29-14, 10:35
Because he never outright talked about gun control, tells me this is Kryptonite for he and his party, and conservative candidates should use it EVERY CHANCE THEY GET...

Mauser KAR98K
01-29-14, 10:45
Because he never outright talked about gun control, tells me this is Kryptonite for he and his party, and conservative candidates should use it EVERY CHANCE THEY GET...

Maybe so, but I have stopped trying to predict this turd. I do worry about him banning imports. He might loose congress over it in the Midterms, but people most worry about domestic bans than imports.

01-29-14, 11:00
I made a whiskey drink & watched cartoons with the kids instead of wasting time listening to this jackass lie.

01-29-14, 11:19
What pissed me off the most is how he used the wounded Ranger to gather applause for himself, having just taken at least $40K of this guy's lifetime COLA benefit in the last Budget negotiation. Oh, and "Global Warming is a FACT".....

01-29-14, 11:40
Maybe so, but I have stopped trying to predict this turd. I do worry about him banning imports. He might loose congress over it in the Midterms, but people most worry about domestic bans than imports.

Not much incentive to do it until after the midterms when you look at it that way.

01-29-14, 12:04
I tried watching. Decided in less than 5 minutes that I didn't feel like destroying my TV so I turned it off.

01-29-14, 12:11
I tried watching. Decided in less than 5 minutes that I didn't feel like destroying my TV so I turned it off.

I read about a great strategy for watching Obama speak; keep large dry sponges near you and throw them like mock bricks at the TV to relieve stress.

01-29-14, 12:15
I read about a great strategy for watching Obama speak; keep large dry sponges near you and throw them like mock bricks at the TV to relieve stress.Damn that's a good idea! At the very least it'll keep me from cussing out the TV and raising blood pressure. Thanks.

01-29-14, 12:56
... and a word from Barack's brother.



BTW.... can you bleach the stench of socialism and narcissism out of the White House? House keeping is really going to have quite a chore should a real American ever occupy it again.

01-29-14, 13:09
State of the Union=Disaster.

Didn't need to watch the BSathon to understand that.

Nothing that sorry sack of poop has done is good for this country. I can't wait for his term to end so he can officially own the title of Worst President in the last 100 years.

01-29-14, 13:51
He really does suck as a leader. He has no leadership skills what so ever. What did someone call him??? A rhetorician.. If he lacked the ability to stand at a podium and talk XXXX from a script given to him he really would be about the most lack luster person I have ever seen. He's like the Justin Bieber of politics..... that's pretty much all he is.... All BS, got a following of idiots and every day he's showing his xxx and telling everyone how great he is and how much people like what he's doing. He's a joke, a disgrace and a walking/talking plague on America.

01-29-14, 17:50
What pissed me off the most is how he used the wounded Ranger to gather applause for himself, having just taken at least $40K of this guy's lifetime COLA benefit in the last Budget negotiation.

No doubt.


The State of the Union’s Most Despicable Moment

All Americans can appreciate Cory Remsburg's sacrifice — but our soldiers shouldn't be used as political props

Read more: State of the Union: Soldier Cory Remsburg Used as a Prop by Barack Obama | TIME.com http://ideas.time.com/2014/01/29/the-state-of-the-unions-most-despicable-moment/#ixzz2rpnvWJwZ

Crazy that TIME printed that.

01-29-14, 20:52
I am shocked to see that on Time's site...

01-29-14, 23:28
Same shit, different year....

LOL, right on the money..

01-30-14, 04:30
Ok. So please explain how the president can impact NFA with a pen?

I have a feeling NFA will be impacted

01-30-14, 05:11
I haven't watched a SOTU since GWB in January 2002, prior to that, hadn't watched one since RR.

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01-30-14, 05:30
Ok. So please explain how the president can impact NFA with a pen?

Well, he's already unilaterally circumvented the law with respect to the obamacare stupidity that congress wrote with no repercussions so what's to stop him really? Who's going to publicly buck him, principle aside, if he were to go after evil nfa stuff just because he wanted to? Improbable but the fed doesn't have the best record when it comes selective or outright ignoring of what the law is or isn't.

Speculation I'll concede.

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01-30-14, 08:09
Not much incentive to do it until after the midterms when you look at it that way.

But then again, If he waits until after the midterms, and loses the senate, his chances of making a E.O. stick are slim...If he does something now, his water carrier, (Harry Reid) will defend his actions, and create havoc for at least all of this year, and inflict a lot of financial damage to importers, which is the goal. for him, this is a win.. What we need to watch (along with any E.O.'s) is what happening with the immigration bill.. Obama would love nothing more than to make 8-11 million(or more) illegals, citizens, so they could vote in 2016. Remember these people come from areas where gun control has been in place for a long time and is widely accepted, they would think nothing of voting your rights away...All Hillary would have to do is promise them more free stuff..

01-30-14, 11:48
Colbert hit it out of the park with his comments on the SOTU: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/432645/january-29-2014/distractions---reactions-at-the-state-of-the-union

01-30-14, 16:05
Colbert hit it out of the park with his comments on the SOTU: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/432645/january-29-2014/distractions---reactions-at-the-state-of-the-union

Out of the park? The only thing negative he had to say about our fearless leader was a sentence about NSA spying. He spent more time bashing everyone else.

01-30-14, 23:19
State of the Union=Disaster.

Didn't need to watch the BSathon to understand that.

Nothing that sorry sack of poop has done is good for this country. I can't wait for his term to end so he can officially own the title of Worst President in the last 100 years.

Persona non grata in my home. If I hear his voice, another channel comes on or TV goes off. I am in the 6th year of denial.

What they said.
Didn't bother to watch- the fellow's been spewing the same drivel since '08, why should I need to risk a heart attack or a broken tv, just to watch him reiterate it live? Bleh.

01-31-14, 05:41
I had better things to do than watch him blab about how he's gonna continue destroying America.

01-31-14, 11:36
Didn't watch it, opted instead to have a dinner date with a smoking hot half Japanese gal who has a cool job and seems to be into me. I think I made the wise decision.

01-31-14, 12:06
But then again, If he waits until after the midterms, and loses the senate, his chances of making a E.O. stick are slim...If he does something now, his water carrier, (Harry Reid) will defend his actions, and create havoc for at least all of this year, and inflict a lot of financial damage to importers, which is the goal. for him, this is a win.. What we need to watch (along with any E.O.'s) is what happening with the immigration bill.. Obama would love nothing more than to make 8-11 million(or more) illegals, citizens, so they could vote in 2016. Remember these people come from areas where gun control has been in place for a long time and is widely accepted, they would think nothing of voting your rights away...All Hillary would have to do is promise them more free stuff..

Arsenal is located in Nevada. He be shooting himself in the foot.

01-31-14, 17:40
Arsenal is located in Nevada. He be shooting himself in the foot.

Does Arsenal make all the parts in house in the U.S.? ( I don't know) I was under the impression that they assemble rifles with both U.S. made and Russian made parts.. That's the weak link in the chain...One E.O. banning imported parts, parts kits, and Arsenal has a problem... For that matter so does HK, Walther, CZ, and Springfield Armory, with their XD. and probably a few others I forgot about. As far as shooting himself in the foot, That's never stopped Obumbo..... Just look at Obumbocare...

01-31-14, 17:46
I also don't give him my time. There's nothing he can say that could persuade me to believe he's not lying, goes for most of them. All I need to know is what they are doing not saying. Words are cheap.