View Full Version : Republicans gear up for upcoming elections

01-29-14, 15:51
So let's see..... what would be a good public relations move...... Oh... I know,,, tell a reporter... with live mic and camera that you will throw him off a balcony and break him like a little boy ...... Good Move!!! Now find that guy that thinks pregnancies don't happen as a result of rape and you make a commercial together.

I'm not fan of the Dems but some of the Republicans are beyond stupid. What in the world could he have possibly been thinking. It's just comical how someone can be that ignorant. You've got the whole media running around on a "anti bully" campaign, you know you are on camera, you walk away and then come back! and threaten a reporter with a mic in his hand on camera!!!!!! WTF!! ..... I'm telling you.... these guys are being paid under the table to sabotage the party. No one is that stupid. That guy is somehow tied to Democrat money.... I don't know how but the media loves the little spice moments when the back to back ads run during the election season. I think I'd be checking into his portfolio to see what's going on.

The ways this one can be twisted and used... the little boy comment, the bully aspect.... the general unstable aspect of his demeanor...... that move had to be worth a lot of money to someone.


ETA: LOL... this is too funny. They might as well just toss him in the river and put a Dem in his place. Less damage to everyone that way. Jeeze... is there an honest man in Washington?

Grimm said that he “verbally took the reporter to task and told him off, because I expect a certain level of professionalism and respect, especially when I go out of my way to do that reporter a favor.”


01-29-14, 16:06
So who paid Anthony Weiner? ;)

Don't despair, stupidity cuts across party lines.

01-29-14, 16:08
The GOP is truly in a death spiral.

You have this guy pulling his idiot move and Boehner and company poised to give amnesty to illegals.

The media is killing off the establishment's choice of Chris Christie over that silly bridge incident.

Karl Rove has a PAC together and it's main goal is defeating Tea Party candidates before they get popular and win elections.

If there is not a better time to introduce a third party...I have no idea what it will take!



01-29-14, 16:12
Might as well go ahead and just nominate McCain again.

By 2016 it will have been almost 30 years since we had an actual President who generally had the best interests of the country in mind. There are entire generations of voters who don't even know what that is like.

01-29-14, 16:13
While prob not the best political move, certainly made me smile.

01-29-14, 16:14
The GOP is truly in a death spiral.

You have this guy pulling his idiot move and Boehner and company poised to give amnesty to illegals.

The media is killing off the establishment's choice of Chris Christie over that silly bridge incident.

Karl Rove has a PAC together and it's main goal is defeating Tea Party candidates before they get popular and win elections.

If there is not a better time to introduce a third party...I have no idea what it will take!



Honestly I hope that "bridge incident" completely derails Christie. He's exactly what we do not need. If we are going to nominate shitbags because they have an "R" after their name then we really aren't helping anyone.

01-29-14, 17:03
The GOP is truly in a death spiral.

You have this guy pulling his idiot move and Boehner and company poised to give amnesty to illegals.

The media is killing off the establishment's choice of Chris Christie over that silly bridge incident.

Karl Rove has a PAC together and it's main goal is defeating Tea Party candidates before they get popular and win elections.

If there is not a better time to introduce a third party...I have no idea what it will take!



Tea Party backed candidates ARE the third party. Most of your mainline GOP members are too centrist in their beliefs and vote only to continue keeping themselves in office. Say nice things around election times, give their Democrat opponents hell, say enough things to court the Tea Party vote if a Tea Party candidate is not represented, then don't do a darn thing if/when they get to Washington. Repeat process in two-six years.

Enter the "radical right wing extremist" Tea Party members. A threat to both the mainstream GOP establishment as well as the DNC. And both parties are trying to kill the movement. The left hates them because they are actually a grass roots campaign that the people choose and can relate to. The main body of the GOP hates them because they cause "too many problems" and upset the apple cart because they call for fiscal responsibility, less government and actually following the Constitution like they should be doing.

So in short, Tea Party backed candidates have become the "third party" of American politics. They may carry an (R) next to their name, but they are way more conservative than the normal GOP politicians these days. Especially the politicians that have been in Washington for decades.

01-29-14, 18:02
The look on the reporters face when he saw Grimm coming back was hilarious.
Ignorant political move on Grimm's part but, I've listened to reporters that I'd like to bitch slap too.

01-29-14, 18:02
GOP is in trouble. It is especially bad in my home state. The real split is between the Libertarian side of the party and the Authoritarian side. I hate to bring religion into it but at least here at home that seems to be the real tipping point. Those trying to rule from the pulpit and don't mind growing the government to do so. And then there are those pushing for limited government. The two are as compatible as Oil and water.

01-29-14, 18:50
The Right won't be in power until they stop with the religion. That isn't a statement for or against religion itself, but it's what is holding the party back.

As long as they can be asked during a debate who doesn't believe in evolution and have people raise their hand, they have no chance. As long as they want to waste everyone's ****ing time on birth control laws, they have no chance. They let themselves get dragged into these arguments that makes them look absolutely idiotic to the majority of Americans.

Not that we need another Republican president anyway, or a Democrat.

01-29-14, 19:56
Rand Paul and Ted Cruz can lead the way.... I'd be just fine with that.

01-29-14, 20:44
Rand Paul and Ted Cruz can lead the way.... I'd be just fine with that.

You can be rest assured they will be demonized as fringe radicals and will be eliminated during the nomination process. The GOP will once again nominate somebody who will try to win leftist votes and at the same time continue the cooperative effort of the Republican and Democratic leadership to increase government powers.

01-29-14, 20:45
You can be rest assured they will be demonized as fringe radicals and will be eliminated during the nomination process. The GOP will once again nominate somebody who will try to win leftist votes and at the same time continue the cooperative effort of the Republican and Democratic leadership to increase government powers.

I was trying to be Optimistic :P

I'm afraid you're absolutely correct.

01-29-14, 23:43
The look on the reporters face when he saw Grimm coming back was hilarious.
Ignorant political move on Grimm's part but, I've listened to reporters that I'd like to bitch slap too.

Having just seen the footage I have to reluctantly agree with you. I suspect Grimm is just another politician up to his eyeballs in corruption and scandal but that was pretty ****ing hilarious when he pulled that reporters card.

01-30-14, 11:29
The "bridge fiasco" is going to happen to any candidate the right puts up there. This was Christie's ... they have one planned for whomever gets the nod next.

This is the worst problem we face...the left controls the messaging. When you control the messaging...you are in the drivers seat. It does not matter how squeaky clean or clever your candidate is and the left's candidate can have a ton of baggage. Big media will downplay or ignore the Dem's problems and accentuate or drum up problems for the right's candidate. Essentially picking the GOP's candidate FOR them.

The left does not have better candidates or better ideas...they simply control the messaging. This is how they win and we lose.

How we fix this? Well...that is the million dollar question.


01-30-14, 11:50
I hate to bring religion into it but at least here at home that seems to be the real tipping point. Those trying to rule from the pulpit and don't mind growing the government to do so. And then there are those pushing for limited government. The two are as compatible as Oil and water.

Agree... here in VA we just elected a full boat of Lib/Dems... within two weeks of election the AG has turn 180 degree from his past being in opposition to Gay marriage and now will not support any opposition the gay marriage. Even his own Dem say he has over stepped his legal bounds... So by week 4 what do we have.... papers being filed for impeachment by the state Christian organization.... so you know that won't play out well in 2014 or 20116.... It will be presented a Christian gun owners that hate gays and abortion against "all the rest of us normal people"...

I agree the GOP is over. It's just dying off slowly while the Lib/Dem/Progs take over America.... In fact... I would even go so far as to say they are facilitating the take over. It's damn near too late for a Tea Party country Of The People to take this country back from the politicians. It's going to take some serious grass roots organizing and fighting. It's hard to ask an addict to cure themselves but that's pretty much where we are.

01-30-14, 12:03
The "bridge fiasco" is going to happen to any candidate the right puts up there. This was Christie's ... they have one planned for whomever gets the nod next.

This is the worst problem we face...the left controls the messaging. When you control the messaging...you are in the drivers seat. It does not matter how squeaky clean or clever your candidate is and the left's candidate can have a ton of baggage. Big media will downplay or ignore the Dem's problems and accentuate or drum up problems for the right's candidate. Essentially picking the GOP's candidate FOR them.

The left does not have better candidates or better ideas...they simply control the messaging. This is how they win and we lose.

How we fix this? Well...that is the million dollar question.


This is exactly it and it is so obvious in recent years it's ridiculous.

I've often wondered, why is it the MSM favors the left like they do? What do they gain out of their allegiance to the left and their deceit instead of just reporting the facts?

01-30-14, 15:03
So let's see..... what would be a good public relations move...... Oh... I know,,, tell a reporter... with live mic and camera that you will throw him off a balcony and break him like a little boy ...... Good Move!!! Now find that guy that thinks pregnancies don't happen as a result of rape and you make a commercial together.

I'm not fan of the Dems but some of the Republicans are beyond stupid. What in the world could he have possibly been thinking. It's just comical how someone can be that ignorant. You've got the whole media running around on a "anti bully" campaign, you know you are on camera, you walk away and then come back! and threaten a reporter with a mic in his hand on camera!!!!!! WTF!! ..... I'm telling you.... these guys are being paid under the table to sabotage the party. No one is that stupid. That guy is somehow tied to Democrat money.... I don't know how but the media loves the little spice moments when the back to back ads run during the election season. I think I'd be checking into his portfolio to see what's going on.

The ways this one can be twisted and used... the little boy comment, the bully aspect.... the general unstable aspect of his demeanor...... that move had to be worth a lot of money to someone.


ETA: LOL... this is too funny. They might as well just toss him in the river and put a Dem in his place. Less damage to everyone that way. Jeeze... is there an honest man in Washington?]

I agree that it was not very productive, however, more troubling would be yours, and other hyper-sensitive members of the electorate reacting as though this was some type of scandal! You will never see the Marxist base applying such impossible standards to the filth that they support year after year, and decade after decade. So, instead of "micro-focusing" on individual quirks, perhaps you might take a step or two back, and gaze at the larger picture....

01-30-14, 15:09
The "bridge fiasco" is going to happen to any candidate the right puts up there. This was Christie's ... they have one planned for whomever gets the nod next.

This is the worst problem we face...the left controls the messaging. When you control the messaging...you are in the drivers seat. It does not matter how squeaky clean or clever your candidate is and the left's candidate can have a ton of baggage. Big media will downplay or ignore the Dem's problems and accentuate or drum up problems for the right's candidate. Essentially picking the GOP's candidate FOR them.

The left does not have better candidates or better ideas...they simply control the messaging. This is how they win and we lose.

How we fix this? Well...that is the million dollar question.


This is precisely why the current media arrangement is utterly intolerable! As with everything pertaining to constitutional liberties, the Marxists have completely subverted the intent of the 1st, and created an insurmountable barrier to a fair election process. This is not some minor inconvenience, it is essentially an act of subversion so egregious that it is tantamount to enslavement, and as such it needs to be eliminated utterly, along with every other corruption foisted upon us via their subversion of the constitution...

01-30-14, 15:10
Denali you rock man!!! spot on with everything and soo well spoken!!!

01-30-14, 15:33
I agree that it was not very productive, however, more troubling would be yours, and other hyper-sensitive members of the electorate reacting as though this was some type of scandal! You will never see the Marxist base applying such impossible standards to the filth that they support year after year, and decade after decade. So, instead of "micro-focusing" on individual quirks, perhaps you might take a step or two back, and gaze at the larger picture....

Have you read anything about this guy? ... this is not "micro-focusing on individual quirks".

The guy has a history of "I'm a bad ass and need you to know" behavior. He's under an ongoing 3 year FBI investigation... He's no alter boy.... but all that aside..... it doesn't matter what I notice or how I react to it.... that was a mind numbingly stupid thing to do when everyone knows the Dems and media are preparing their 2014 - 2016 attack. they are the ones that will micro focus.... and his ignorant and arrogant response that he expects 'more respect'!!! Looks like the big picture is that he's got you fooled.

Oh,,, BTW... one of his first actions was to try to get himself the right to concealed carry on the floor of the House. Why? “If somebody pulls out a knife to attack you and you draw a gun, they’re likely going to drop it,” he said. “But you have to be prepared to kill; it’s not for everyone.”

He's a typical dirt bag politician looking out for number 1. He's enshrouded in controversy practically all of which can and will be used by Dems to win elections.

Just another young politician setting up his tax payer funded scandalous career..... http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dc/2014/01/video-grimm-praises-rabbi-who-backers-claims-predicated-911 Looks like he might just be smart enough, tough enough, and have enough contacts to dip into several income streams. We've got his health care and retirement covered though after he get's tired of the lime light in 25 years.

01-30-14, 16:29
Have you read anything about this guy? ... this is not "micro-focusing on individual quirks".

The guy has a history of "I'm a bad ass and need you to know" behavior. He's under an ongoing 3 year FBI investigation... He's no alter boy.... but all that aside..... it doesn't matter what I notice or how I react to it.... that was a mind numbingly stupid thing to do when everyone knows the Dems and media are preparing their 2014 - 2016 attack. they are the ones that will micro focus.... and his ignorant and arrogant response that he expects 'more respect'!!! Looks like the big picture is that he's got you fooled.

Oh,,, BTW... one of his first actions was to try to get himself the right to concealed carry on the floor of the House. Why? “If somebody pulls out a knife to attack you and you draw a gun, they’re likely going to drop it,” he said. “But you have to be prepared to kill; it’s not for everyone.”

He's a typical dirt bag politician looking out for number 1. He's enshrouded in controversy practically all of which can and will be used by Dems to win elections.

Just another young politician setting up his tax payer funded scandalous career..... http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dc/2014/01/video-grimm-praises-rabbi-who-backers-claims-predicated-911 Looks like he might just be smart enough, tough enough, and have enough contacts to dip into several income streams. We've got his health care and retirement covered though after he get's tired of the lime light in 25 years.

You are most certainly micro-focusing, and reacting exactly as the Marxist media machine intended, Teddy Kennedy, a murderer, is a canonized democrat who also committed treason during the 78 presidential elections by directly contacting the Soviet Union and offering them detailed info in an effort at improving his chances , there are dozens more(democrats)who are far worse than this fellow, the only difference being that you have no idea as to who they happen to be because the Marxists control the flow of information. So, unless you are a part of this guy's direct electorate, all you are doing is dancing on the string that the Marxists intended.

01-30-14, 17:07
Oh.... ok... well I'll go right out and send him some money... After all I want as many slime bag politicians on my side as the Dems have on theirs..... You're right,,, I had no idea that Senator Byrd was a mindless old fool... they hid that from me. ... and this Kennedy guy you mention... now surely he wasn't from the fine family that our former President was from... I'm sorry but this murderer you speak of, he too has been hidden from me. No as far as I understand it, the Dems are as pure as the new fallen snow. I only thought it fair that my side should be the same.

At any rate.... yes... I want equal filth on my team, so I see your point. In fact I want more crooks on my team... I mean if the Dems have 10 or 15,,, I'm going to want 20-25 on my side right? Otherwise how will things ever be set right?

Holy cow.... :blink: ..... Denali... sorry but I have not -yet- lost faith to the point that I believe it will take more dishonest crooks and cut throats to solve the problem of too many crooks and cut throats. I actually still believe that honest men can defeat the enemy. It might take a while and a lot of house cleaning, but I believe it can be done.