View Full Version : How the GOP lost middle America

01-31-14, 13:16

This is a brilliant commentary, you should read every word of it....

To understand why and how the Republican Party lost Middle America, and faces demographic death, we need to go back to Bush I.

At the Cold War’s end, the GOP reached a fork in the road. The determination of Middle Americans to preserve the country they grew up in suddenly collided with the profit motive of Corporate America.

The Fortune 500 wanted to close factories in the USA and ship production abroad – where unions did not exist, regulations were light, taxes were low, and wages were a fraction of what they were here in America.

Corporate America was going global and wanted to be rid of its American workforce, the best paid on earth, and replace it with cheap foreign labor.

While manufacturing sought to move production abroad, hotels, motels, bars, restaurants, farms and construction companies that could not move abroad also wanted to replace their expensive American workers.

Thanks to the Republican Party, Corporate America got it all.

U.S. factories in the scores of thousands were shut down, shedding their American workers. Foreign-made goods poured in, filling U.S. stores and killing the manufacturers who had stayed behind, loyal to their U.S. workers.

The Reagan prosperity was exported to Asia and China by the Bush Republicans. And the Reagan Democrats reciprocated by deserting the Bush Republican Party and going home. But this was not the end of what this writer described in his 1998 book, “The Great Betrayal.”

As those hotels, motels, restaurants, bars, fast-food shops, car washes, groceries and other service industries also relished the rewards of cheap foreign labor, they got government assistance in replacing their American workers.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/how-the-gop-lost-middle-america/#0oWWehUfZ7r8LiWk.99

01-31-14, 13:27
I also read that earlier today and was considering posting it here. No flaw in his reasoning jumps out at me.

01-31-14, 14:12
And on the backs of democrats and republicans we will have unlimited importation of cheap labor with amnesty, err, immigration "reform" :rolleyes

01-31-14, 15:29
other major issue is most republicans are not true republicans of our past they are progressives or so far left form what Reagan era Republicans were

the party is almost taken over by the progressives and many republicans RINO are more like dems or left folks in this country these days so not as much lost as the plan to lead them away from the majority its all part of there plan IMHO and many others !

good article but the above is more the reason and the reason they are doing what they are is because of this take over of republican party

the article is like saying well the reason the car crashed is the tires could not hold traction on the road and it really wanted to go one way but gravitational forces made it go the other !
when the cause was the driver swerved really hard to go the other way and tried to flip a 180 and lost control !

he is just explaining the aftermath of the take over

01-31-14, 16:30
other major issue is most republicans are not true republicans of our past they are progressives or so far left form what Reagan era Republicans were

the party is almost taken over by the progressives and many republicans RINO are more like dems or left folks in this country these days so not as much lost as the plan to lead them away from the majority its all part of there plan IMHO and many others !

good article but the above is more the reason and the reason they are doing what they are is because of this take over of republican party

the article is like saying well the reason the car crashed is the tires could not hold traction on the road and it really wanted to go one way but gravitational forces made it go the other !
when the cause was the driver swerved really hard to go the other way and tried to flip a 180 and lost control !

he is just explaining the aftermath of the take over

Yep. Blue Dog Kennedy Democrats are more conservative than most of today's GOP.

01-31-14, 16:45
This is why, if voting CHANGED anything, it would be outlawed.

01-31-14, 16:58
To understand why and how the Republican Party lost Middle America, and faces demographic death, we need to go back to Bush I.

I've said it for years...

01-31-14, 17:02
One of the better nuggets in the OP linked article:

"The party [GOP] went with the folks who paid for their campaigns, only to lose the folks who had given them their landslides."

01-31-14, 19:27
People go to DC and walk away wealthier. The counties around DC are the wealthiest in the nation. Now if you think DC is there for the average guy you're delusional.

01-31-14, 19:48

Do you want that list alphabetically or in order of importance?

Yes, in short the Gops sold out the American people in favor of Corporate Entities ("Corporations are people, my friend!"). The Gops are the friends of the Fortune 500 and Wall St. They have no use for the small business, Mom and Pop, or Main St.

Make no mistake about it. The Gop Establishment is conspiring, right now, in secret, against YOU (yes YOU) and the Tea Party (you know who you are). This primary season should be a blood bath.

02-01-14, 07:50
More and more Americans (the ones that want to work) are coming to the realization that our government and corporate America has sold them out. And did it years ago.
The sad thing is, I don't know if there are enough people left of this class of American to make a difference any longer. Too many people are being added to Uncle Sugars' teat everyday. Don't bite the hand that feeds you and all that. Can't help but believe that this is part of governments plan.

Add in the fact that a lot of young people don't follow, at least nothing more than what the MSM feeds them, what is going on legislatively "in their behalf" and, what is described as the pussification of the American male, and we are done for.

02-01-14, 09:20
The growing effeminacy of the modern American male is only half the problem, the other side of that coin is the continual and growing problem of perpetual adolescence of the modern American male.

Warrior Land

"Let’s face it, the reason we do the things we do, and act the way we act, is because American manhood is in full failure mode, in full retreat from what used to be known as virtue."

02-01-14, 09:34
Warrior Land

It's more than a tad ironic that one of the ads on Kunstler's website is hawking an investment guide "for every investor who missed out on the shale oil and gas boom," given that a decade ago Kunstler was one of the strongest proponents of "peak oil" and the imminent collapse of the Western industrialized society.

02-01-14, 10:15
This, 100%.

There are no longer Representatives for the people of this country. Only profiteers who are elected by the people.

People go to DC and walk away wealthier. The counties around DC are the wealthiest in the nation. Now if you think DC is there for the average guy you're delusional.

02-01-14, 10:20
And now Corporate America is pressuring the Congress to actually begin replacing our race and culture.

Whose country is it, anyway?

02-01-14, 10:31
so the question is: how do we take our Country back?

02-01-14, 10:37
Two generations of immigration officers in my family: Border Patrol and Special Agent. The lust for cheap labor goes way, way back. And don't forget Teddy Kennedy's rewrite of the immigration laws in 1965. Maybe the SOB studied Gramsci or something, because the eventual result of that recalibration of the law (combined with mis, mal, and nonfeasance) slowly led to a "fundamental change" in the cultural makeup of this country. Now that may be good or bad, but to do it purposefully and arbitrarily...The Brits pulled the same thing too.

This fish has been rotting for a long time now.

A quaint word, "virtue".

02-01-14, 10:42
Shut down the welfare system, destroy corporate monopolies, Impeach every single elected official complicit in corporate dealings that have destroyed America, new voting laws going back to the days of being an actual productive citizen in this country, all elected officials have a term limit, all elected officials cannot make more than the average income of their electorate, all elected officials must give up all ties to any corporate influence they may have (to include all family members), shut our borders down (No not an isolationist type state) but get them shut down for a short time, break the backs of the illegals and their human trafficking trade, deport every single illegal in this country no matter what their situation is, everything tied to every illegal immigrant goes with them, end the work visa program, end the student visa programs (You want to come to this country so bad, apply yourself and become a citizen, earn your keep), end every single program that uses tax payer money to finance the lame and lazy in this country.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for some of these. But it's what I can think of off the top of my head.

so the question is: how do we take our Country back?

02-01-14, 10:45
Shut down the welfare system, destroy corporate monopolies, Impeach every single elected official complicit in corporate dealings that have destroyed America, new voting laws going back to the days of being an actual productive citizen in this country, all elected officials have a term limit, all elected officials cannot make more than the average income of their electorate, all elected officials must give up all ties to any corporate influence they may have (to include all family members), shut our borders down (No not an isolationist type state) but get them shut down for a short time, break the backs of the illegals and their human trafficking trade, deport every single illegal in this country no matter what their situation is, everything tied to every illegal immigrant goes with them, end the work visa program, end the student visa programs (You want to come to this country so bad, apply yourself and become a citizen, earn your keep), end every single program that uses tax payer money to finance the lame and lazy in this country.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for some of these. But it's what I can think of off the top of my head.

No, I completely agree...my question was kind of Rhetorical.

Who's gonna lead this massive charge? cause u do obviously realize that u just named mainly everyone that is at the Helm right now. Plus let's not forget about all the Sheeple in America that would see this sort of hypothetical movement as Domestic Terrorism, as so eloquently dubbed by the real terrorists in charge at the moment.

02-01-14, 10:49
Who? I couldn't tell you.

I do completely understand what you're saying. Rhetoric and all :)

That right there is the real problem/Question…Can we actually have Americans stand with us who aren't so brain washed into thinking LIBERTY really isn't TERRORISM?

No, I completely agree...my question was kind of Rhetorical.

Who's gonna lead this massive charge? cause u do obviously realize that u just named mainly everyone that is at the Helm right now. Plus let's not forget about all the Sheeple in America that would see this sort of hypothetical movement as Domestic Terrorism, as so eloquently dubbed by the real terrorists in charge at the moment.

02-01-14, 10:59
Who? I couldn't tell you.

I do completely understand what you're saying. Rhetoric and all :)

That right there is the real problem/Question…Can we actually have Americans stand with us who aren't so brain washed into thinking LIBERTY really isn't TERRORISM?

I'm in, unashamedly and unabashedly in....guaranteed. Some things are worth fighting and dying for. Protecting my Country and our Constitution from ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic, is something I didn't take lightly, when I said and solemnly swore to uphold. I will fight against evil and tyranny, until my last breath, and will make no apologies about doing so. I can imagine that I'm not alone.

I can only hope that there are many many others, more than what I'm anticipating...big masses of individuals that would like to see our way of life and our heritage of this once great nation preserved.

I do believe the lines are being drawn....which side will you all find yourselves on?

02-01-14, 11:08
It's more than a tad ironic that one of the ads on Kunstler's website is hawking an investment guide "for every investor who missed out on the shale oil and gas boom," given that a decade ago Kunstler was one of the strongest proponents of "peak oil" and the imminent collapse of the Western industrialized society.

I'm not sure how that is "ironic". I myself find a lot of what he writes insufferable, but he does write well, and somethings I think he nails, as I believe he did with this commentary.
In any case, he is still shrilling about/advocating for "peak oil".

02-01-14, 11:36
I'm in as well. There isn't a doubt about that.

What we need to know is who in this country would stand next to us when that time comes?

To be honest, I don't have that much faith that a majority in this country would stand up. Too many people in this country hold onto replaceable, monetary type items more then their own liberty and freedoms.

I'm in, unashamedly and unabashedly in....guaranteed. Some things are worth fighting and dying for. Protecting my Country and our Constitution from ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic, is something I didn't take lightly, when I said and solemnly swore to uphold. I will fight against evil and tyranny, until my last breath, and will make no apologies about doing so. I can imagine that I'm not alone.

I can only hope that there are many many others, more than what I'm anticipating...big masses of individuals that would like to see our way of life and our heritage of this once great nation preserved.

I do believe the lines are being drawn....which side will you all find yourselves on?

Heartland Hawk
02-01-14, 12:48
I'm in as well. There isn't a doubt about that.

What we need to know is who in this country would stand next to us when that time comes?

To be honest, I don't have that much faith that a majority in this country would stand up. Too many people in this country hold onto replaceable, monetary type items more then their own liberty and freedoms.

There's a reason they were called the Three Percenters...

02-01-14, 18:22
One irony, is the immigrants from failed welfare states will have no where to go when our economy fails.

Then, and only then, will DC make the hard decisions to reduce welfare spending.

02-01-14, 21:51
The evil corporations are being all corporation-ey.

02-02-14, 01:14
Shut down the welfare system, destroy corporate monopolies, Impeach every single elected official complicit in corporate dealings that have destroyed America, new voting laws going back to the days of being an actual productive citizen in this country, all elected officials have a term limit, all elected officials cannot make more than the average income of their electorate, all elected officials must give up all ties to any corporate influence they may have (to include all family members), shut our borders down (No not an isolationist type state) but get them shut down for a short time, break the backs of the illegals and their human trafficking trade, deport every single illegal in this country no matter what their situation is, everything tied to every illegal immigrant goes with them, end the work visa program, end the student visa programs (You want to come to this country so bad, apply yourself and become a citizen, earn your keep), end every single program that uses tax payer money to finance the lame and lazy in this country.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for some of these. But it's what I can think of off the top of my head.

I don't have a problem with most of that.

02-02-14, 01:18
The evil corporations are being all corporation-ey.


02-02-14, 15:26
Corporations on one side, and Hippies on the other. Sigh.

Altogether though, I think Cartman had the right idea...

02-02-14, 15:46
Corporations on one side, and Hippies on the other. Sigh.

Altogether though, I think Cartman had the right idea...


02-02-14, 16:55
Two generations of immigration officers in my family: Border Patrol and Special Agent. The lust for cheap labor goes way, way back. And don't forget Teddy Kennedy's rewrite of the immigration laws in 1965. Maybe the SOB studied Gramsci or something, because the eventual result of that recalibration of the law (combined with mis, mal, and nonfeasance) slowly led to a "fundamental change" in the cultural makeup of this country. Now that may be good or bad, but to do it purposefully and arbitrarily...The Brits pulled the same thing too.

This fish has been rotting for a long time now.

A quaint word, "virtue".

The 1965 Immigration laws, combined with the Boomers coming of age and demanding everything they wanted with no effort and no consequences, were the acorn that is todays Oak.....