View Full Version : “Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance.”

01-31-14, 18:41
Maybe the Most Orwellian Text Message a Government's Ever Sent.

“Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance.”

That's a text message that thousands of Ukrainian protesters spontaneously received on their cell phones today, as a new law prohibiting public demonstrations went into effect. It was the regime's police force, sending protesters the perfectly dystopian text message to accompany the newly minted, perfectly dystopian legislation. In fact, it's downright Orwellian (and I hate that adjective, and only use it when absolutely necessary, I swear).

But that's what this is: it's technology employed to detect noncompliance, to hone in on dissent. The NY Times reports that the "Ukrainian government used telephone technology to pinpoint the locations of cell phones in use near clashes between riot police officers and protesters early on Tuesday." Near. Using a cell phone near a clash lands you on the regime's hit list.

Rather stunning video of police/protestor video:


01-31-14, 18:44
If Ukraine can do it, what's our government capable of?

01-31-14, 18:50
If Ukraine can do it, what's our government capable of?

Here's a recent interview with Snowden that sheds some light on exactly that question. Agree with his actions or not, this is worth a view by every American.


01-31-14, 18:50
It would be wise for people to discard their cell phones (aka target indicators) when opposing a government body. Something I hope my fellow countrymen figure out when things go pear shaped . . .

01-31-14, 19:23
Mark my words, within 10 years it will happen in the US...

01-31-14, 19:42
Mark my words, within 10 years it will happen in the US...

I pray never but...I bet it won't be that far out on the timeline...

Ed L.
01-31-14, 20:00
In Ukraine, government protest you.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

01-31-14, 20:15
Mark my words, within 10 years it will happen in the US...

Already being done they're just not sending texts to people about it.

01-31-14, 20:23
This should surprise nobody.

And if you don't think Putin isn't still pulling strings in the Ukraine you are kidding yourself.

01-31-14, 20:29
This should surprise nobody.

And if you don't think Putin isn't still pulling strings in the Ukraine you are kidding yourself.

Watching those riot police officers set ablaze by the petrol bombs the protestors were throwing I was amazed that they didn't use deadly force. They would be justified even here. I guess they are treating the situation with kid gloves as the world is watching Sochi. I'm sure as soon as the Olympics are over the gloves are coming off the Bear.

01-31-14, 21:18
The country formerly known as USA's future in the making. Ya here that sound?? That's the sound of our forefathers rolling over in their graves.

02-01-14, 08:02
That's the sound of 1.5 million rifles chambering a round.

And the sound of another 1.5 million people surrendering theirs.

02-01-14, 09:18
Pear shaped??? That sounds worse than going bad.

Spaceball 1, she's gone plaid!

It would be wise for people to discard their cell phones (aka target indicators) when opposing a government body. Something I hope my fellow countrymen figure out when things go pear shaped . . .

02-01-14, 09:39
I honestly don't think we've got 10 years. Let alone 5 years.

This shits been going on for a very long time in this country. We're just better at keeping it a secret then others. Hell, just look at the "New Technology" the military will be employing for surveillance. Look up the articles about the blimps. Small I know, however it denotes a paradigm shift in our society. Look at the last what, half dozen satellites that have gone into space. NSA, government funded, private corporation usage, tracking software yada yada yada…Hell most of it is being paid for by our taxes. The money we're paying the governemnt will be used one day to imprison us, starve us or kill us.

We are constantly being monitored. You don't have to believe it. But it's happening. Everyone thinks the Patriot Act was the single greatest piece of legislation that ever hit the law books. Bullshit! I say it's the greatest lie to ever circumvent our Constitution, our liberty, our rights and freedom. Everyone likes to blame the current douchebag in office. True, he sucks as a leader. Couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag. But look at those before him. Look at what they've done to our Constitution and how they've told the same lies; it's for the security of America, the safety of Americans, it's for the CHILDREN! **** them all!

We are lied to everyday. Everyone is complicit in the lie who has a stake in the "future" of this country. Government, media, corporations, foreign entities etc…It has been talked about for years. Most of those who listened came out and yelled "TIN FOIL CONSPIRACY!!!" Now, those same people who were labeling and trash talking are the same ones out there who are telling people that "THE MAN" is coming and you better be prepared! Of course there's still some who hold out and won't believe it. "Even when the monster is staring them in the face……….they believe he isn't there for them."

What once used to be applauded and supported is now marked as wrong and unlawful. At one time Americans stood up for their rights in this country, stood up for their beliefs, stood up for what this country really is. Those on the sidelines used to applaud and support those who would go above and beyond. Now, do the same thing today and you're a racist, bigot, gay hating, jesus freak, anti democracy, government hating, baby killing anti-American.

Pointless rant I guess.

Mark my words, within 10 years it will happen in the US...

02-01-14, 10:34
Let's hope Real Oath Keepers and True Patriots will stand in their way, should that happen here.

02-06-14, 20:29
By definition Snowden is a true hero.

02-06-14, 20:30
Let's hope Real Oath Keepers and True Patriots will stand in their way, should that happen here.
The retirement package may get in the way.

02-07-14, 10:13
Here's a recent interview with Snowden that sheds some light on exactly that question. Agree with his actions or not, this is worth a view by every American.


It appears as if this video was removed also. I cannot get anything more than a blank/white spot/box where an imbedded video should be.

ETA: At least the gummint in Ukraine is sending texts; we just get put on lists and data mined for the rest of our lives here...

02-07-14, 10:35
worked for me last nite.... I sent the video to everyone I know.

02-07-14, 11:07
It appears as if this video was removed also. I cannot get anything more than a blank/white spot/box where an imbedded video should be.

Still up for me.

02-08-14, 17:53
Anybody know what they were protesting?

02-08-14, 19:23
The retirement package may get in the way.

Really? Let me in on this lucrative retirement package you speak of.......

02-08-14, 19:31
Anybody know what they were protesting?

Protests have gripped Ukraine since the government rejected a far-reaching accord with the EU in favour of stronger ties with Russia in November 2013.