View Full Version : Man Shoots Self in Testicles

01-31-14, 19:25

Hahahaha the title pretty much sums it up!!

*Has always been my motto: stupid should hurt*

01-31-14, 19:49
10 to 1 it was a Glock.

01-31-14, 19:53
Darwin and all that . . . glad to hear it wasn't a good guy with an AIWB ND.

01-31-14, 21:09
Darwin and all that . . . glad to hear it wasn't a good guy with an AIWB ND.

Amen to that.

"Glock dick".

01-31-14, 21:23
I wish all idiots would do this! Pull some of that genetic material out of the gene pool, its starting to get shallow and I thinks someone has been pissin in there.

01-31-14, 22:35
My stomach hurts from so much :lol: .....

01-31-14, 23:17
What is not funny, is the fact he stole a unsecured gun out of a car that wasn't secured, if locked or not, was unsecured and shot and robbed someone!!!! He wanted the concealed handgun license, why is it in his car??? If they didn't want to carry it, leave it at home.


02-01-14, 00:25
10 to 1 it was a Glock.

My first guess with cases like this is, 'High Point'. However, I see it was stolen so it might have been something worth more than $125.

02-01-14, 00:56
My first guess with cases like this is, 'High Point'. However, I see it was stolen so it might have been something worth more than $125.

Hi Points have a much heavier, crappier trigger.

Big A
02-01-14, 10:56

Yep. If I have to leave a pistol in my car I lock it in the glove box. If someone determined enough breaks into my car and busts open the glove box then they're gonna get my pistol. Not much more I can do about it other than that.

02-01-14, 15:26
So if a burglar breaks into your home and cracks your safe (yes that happens all the time) and kills someone later down the road in a home invasion with one or your guns it's somehow your fault?

02-01-14, 16:05
Not quite sure I understand how this is the fault of the person whose car was robbed. There have been times in my life that I have been forced to enter places that forbade carry by mere mortals and had to leave my gun locked in my car. Gee now if some deuche robs my car its my fault somehow.

Glad to hear the nut less wonder reduced his chances for reproduction. Sad though that he missed his femoral and didn't die in serious pain.

02-01-14, 18:25
He committed a plaxico burriss. :dance3:

02-01-14, 19:25
So if a burglar breaks into your home and cracks your safe (yes that happens all the time) and kills someone later down the road in a home invasion with one or your guns it's somehow your fault?

I understand both sides.

Don't make it easy for criminals by leaving things in easy acesss, etc. But ultimately even if you leave your $10,000 Rolex on your front porch, it is a "criminal" who steals it.

Big A
02-01-14, 19:28
So if a burglar breaks into your home and cracks your safe (yes that happens all the time) and kills someone later down the road in a home invasion with one or your guns it's somehow your fault?

Not quite sure I understand how this is the fault of the person whose car was robbed. There have been times in my life that I have been forced to enter places that forbade carry by mere mortals and had to leave my gun locked in my car. Gee now if some deuche robs my car its my fault somehow.

Glad to hear the nut less wonder reduced his chances for reproduction. Sad though that he missed his femoral and didn't die in serious pain.

Yes, a lot of folks think that if someone breaks into your house or vehicle and steals your firearms and uses them in a crime that YOU, the victim of a theft, should be somehow held responsible for the misdeeds of another....

And this oxygen theif is 40 years old so he could be a grandfather by now...

02-01-14, 21:37
Yes, a lot of folks think that if someone breaks into your house or vehicle and steals your firearms and uses them in a crime that YOU, the victim of a theft, should be somehow held responsible for the misdeeds of another....

I understand that this is an anti-gun liberal ideology but I don't buy into it. I'm not saying leave your firearms out in the open for children and or thieves to get their booger hooks onto. IMHO nothing is truly secure. If the same crook boosted the car he burglarized and used it in the commission of a crime and say killed someone while evading police, the owner of the stolen car is not held responsible. This should be the same no matter what the inanimate object is.

02-01-14, 21:38
Didnt read the article, but treated an officer that did this to himself a few years ago. Off duty with a glock, IIRC.

Big A
02-01-14, 21:47
I understand that this is an anti-gun liberal ideology but I don't buy into it. I'm not saying leave your firearms out in the open for children and or thieves to get their booger hooks onto. IMHO nothing is truly secure. If the same crook boosted the car he burglarized and used it in the commission of a crime and say killed someone while evading police, the owner of the stolen car is not held responsible. This should be the same no matter what the inanimate object is.

I completely agree. Sadly I know gun owners who share this anti gun view though.

02-03-14, 00:03
This is why you dont shove a loaded pistol down the front of your paints...lol. If i have to carry one stuck in my blue jeans i try and have it at like the 5 oclock pos.
would rather get shot in the butt check a little and not be able to sit down for a while.lol Then get shot in the weiner and not be able to..well you know..lol
I call that karma for stealing in the first place...

02-03-14, 15:12
This is why you dont shove a loaded pistol down the front of your paints...lol. If i have to carry one stuck in my blue jeans i try and have it at like the 5 oclock pos.
would rather get shot in the butt check a little and not be able to sit down for a while.lol Then get shot in the weiner and not be able to..well you know..lol
I call that karma for stealing in the first place...

yeah, after seeing that cop pop his testicles I've never been a fan of appendix carry. I'll take a busted thigh or buttock.

02-06-14, 05:41
A late acquaintance stuck a loaded Ruger Mk1 .22 auto in his pants, the pistol fired, and the bullet hit the right testicle. While in the hospital, he was in bed on his back with knees up. A grumpy nurse entered the room with an ice pack and vigorously shoved it between his legs. As she turned to leave, my friend threw the ice pack and beaned the lady on the head. There's a lesson here somewhere.

02-06-14, 19:40
...... There's a lesson here somewhere.

If you don't shoot yourself in the junk, the Ice Queen won't give you frostbite?

Just a wild guess on my part, though - I could be wrong.

02-06-14, 19:49
Some one has to say it. It takes balls to shoot your self in the testicles. There I did it!!!