View Full Version : DNC: Donna Brazile says reform immigration now so illegals can vote!

02-03-14, 13:40
This is the "A-number one highest priority issue" of your lives, in my opinion it could easily result in open civil strife, and quite possibly civil war if the king attempts it! With real unemployment riding along at around 12-15%, waving the magic wand over the heads of 50,000,000 illegal aliens does what, exactly? Keep in mind that BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES are drooling over the prospects of this amnesty, they must come to fear us more than their corporate & illegal alien lobbies, if not this is a done deal....


During the February 2 airing of This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Democratic National Committee vice chairwoman Donna Brazile stressed that Obama cannot stop short of full citizenship on immigration reform because citizenship will allow current illegals to vote.

As other commentators stressed that support from House Speaker John Boenher (R-OH) and Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) allows Obama to sit back and watch immigration reform-minus-citizenship pass, Brazile said reform-minus-citizenship is not enough.

02-03-14, 13:47
Yeah, I'll bet that bitch would love to have them vote, 'cause they ain't gonna vote Republican.

FWIW after the 2012 election a radio host here read off stats of each presidential election for Hispanic voters all the way back to Carter's time. On average they voted 2/3 for Democrats (some years a little more, some less, but it averaged out to 2/3 Dem voters). So, what delusions the Republicans are under that they're going to vote "R" is beyond me.

Oh, one of the lowest years for Hispanics to vote Republican was old man Bush's election in '88, the first election after amnesty....see what that got them?

02-03-14, 14:20
This ought to be good http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-basic/popcorn.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

02-03-14, 14:27
This ought to be good http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-basic/popcorn.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

What's controversial about the fact that the OP is against it? Why the popcorn?

02-03-14, 14:56
What's controversial about the fact that the OP is against it? Why the popcorn?

Thought he was at TOS.

02-03-14, 15:15
Why change anything, they already vote.

02-03-14, 17:10
What's controversial about the fact that the OP is against it? Why the popcorn?

Thought he was at TOS.

There was a thread a while back and some guy on here just basically posted **** all hispanics and such. Im of mexican descent. So that one was below the belt.
Also. I don't use TOS.

02-03-14, 18:55
Deleted this because it serves no purpose.

02-03-14, 18:59
I'm the kind of person that points a finger and tells people to be polite. That's the kind of person I am.

Feel free to discussion politicians. Discussing each other is not going to fly.

02-03-14, 20:53
Whhhatt? I never said anything about racism. I think I am reading this thread wrong. Going to take a break and re read haha.

02-06-14, 20:10
Keeps the wages down as well as the demos in office seems to be a win, win for the corporate lobby.